public ExportScorebookPublishFmt() { // Retrieve data from database mySanctionNum = Properties.Settings.Default.AppSanctionNum; if ( mySanctionNum == null ) { MessageBox.Show( "An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option" ); } else { if ( mySanctionNum.Length < 6 ) { MessageBox.Show( "An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option" ); } else { CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); DataTable curTourDataTable = getTourData( mySanctionNum ); if ( curTourDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 ) { myTourRow = curTourDataTable.Rows[0]; myTourRules = (String)myTourRow["Rules"]; myTourClass = myTourRow["Class"].ToString().Trim(); int curSlalomRounds = 0, curTrickRounds = 0, curJumpRounds = 0; try { curSlalomRounds = Convert.ToInt16( myTourRow["SlalomRounds"].ToString() ); } catch { curSlalomRounds = 0; } try { curTrickRounds = Convert.ToInt16( myTourRow["TrickRounds"].ToString() ); } catch { curTrickRounds = 0; } try { curJumpRounds = Convert.ToInt16( myTourRow["JumpRounds"].ToString() ); } catch { curJumpRounds = 0; } if ( curSlalomRounds > myTourRounds ) { myTourRounds = curSlalomRounds; } if ( curTrickRounds > myTourRounds ) { myTourRounds = curTrickRounds; } if ( curJumpRounds > myTourRounds ) { myTourRounds = curJumpRounds; } AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); myAgeDivDataTable = curAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable; } } } }
//Constructor public TourEventReg() { getTourInfo(); mySkierClassList = new ListSkierClass(); mySkierClassList.ListSkierClassLoad(); myMatchCommand = ""; myMatchCommandPrev = ""; myMatchDialog = new ImportMatchDialogForm(); if ( myTourRow == null ) { myAgeDivList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(); } else { String curRules = (String)myTourRow["Rules"]; myAgeDivList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); } }
public void SelectList_Load(Int16 inSkiYearAge, String inGender, DataRow inTourRow, EventHandler parentEvent) { String curListCode = "", curListValue = ""; RadioButtonWithValue curRadioButton; int curItemLoc = 1; int curItemSize = 0; int curIdx = 1; this.Controls.Clear(); myAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(inTourRow); ArrayList myDropdownList = myAgeGroupDropdownList.getDivListForAge(inSkiYearAge, inGender); IEnumerator myList = myDropdownList.GetEnumerator(); while (myList.MoveNext()) { curListCode = (String)myList.Current; curItemSize = curListValue.Length * 8; curRadioButton = new RadioButtonWithValue(); curRadioButton.AutoSize = true; curRadioButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(1, curItemLoc); curRadioButton.Name = curListValue; curRadioButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(curItemSize, 15); curRadioButton.TabIndex = curIdx; curRadioButton.TabStop = true; curRadioButton.Text = curListCode; curRadioButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; curRadioButton.Value = curListCode; curRadioButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(radioButton_Click); if (parentEvent != null) { curRadioButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(parentEvent); } curItemLoc += 17; this.Controls.Add(curRadioButton); } }
private void loadEventGroupListFromData() { AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); ArrayList curDropdownList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList curAgeGroupList = curAgeGroupDropdownList.DropdownList; curDropdownList.Add( "All" ); for ( int idx = 0; idx < curAgeGroupList.Count; idx++ ) { curDropdownList.Add( curAgeGroupList[idx] ); } EventGroupList.DataSource = curDropdownList; }
private void LoadDataButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { bool curLoadActive = true; String curMethodName = "Tournament:TourDivOrder:LoadDataButton"; AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); String curMsg = ""; bool curReturn = true; int rowsProc = 0; String curEvent = "Slalom"; if ( slalomButton.Checked ) { curEvent = "Slalom"; } else if ( trickButton.Checked ) { curEvent = "Trick"; } else if ( jumpButton.Checked ) { curEvent = "Jump"; } try { if ( myTourDivDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 ) { String dialogMsg = "You have existing division order data!" + "\n Do you want to reset the data?"; DialogResult msgResp = MessageBox.Show( dialogMsg, "Change Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 ); if ( msgResp == DialogResult.OK ) { curLoadActive = true; } else { curLoadActive = false; } } if ( curLoadActive ) { try { StringBuilder curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("Delete DivOrder WHERE SanctionId = '" + mySanctionNum + "' AND Event = '" + curEvent + "'"); rowsProc = DataAccess.ExecuteCommand( curSqlStmt.ToString() ); Log.WriteFile( curMethodName + ":Rows=" + rowsProc.ToString() + " " + curSqlStmt.ToString() ); int curInsertCount = 0; String curSqlStmtInsert = "Insert Into DivOrder ( " + "SanctionId, Event, AgeGroup, RunOrder, LastUpdateDate " + ") Values ( '" + mySanctionNum + "', '" + curEvent + "'"; foreach ( DataRow curRow in curAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable.Rows ) { if ( !(( (String)curRow["Division"] ).Equals( "OF" ) ) ) { curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder(curSqlStmtInsert + ", '" + (String)curRow["Division"] + "'" + ", " + ( ((int)curRow["SortSeq"]) * 10 ).ToString() + ", getDate() )"); rowsProc = DataAccess.ExecuteCommand( curSqlStmt.ToString() ); curInsertCount += rowsProc; } } Log.WriteFile( curMethodName + ":Rows=" + curInsertCount.ToString() + " " + curSqlStmtInsert ); MessageBox.Show( "Added rows=" + curInsertCount.ToString() + " to division order" ); } catch ( Exception excp ) { curReturn = false; curMsg = "Error attempting to load division data \n" + excp.Message; MessageBox.Show( curMsg ); Log.WriteFile( curMethodName + curMsg ); } finally { navRefresh_Click( null, null ); } } } catch ( Exception excp ) { curMsg = "Error attempting to load division data \n" + excp.Message; MessageBox.Show( curMsg ); Log.WriteFile( curMethodName + curMsg ); } }
public CheckEventRecord(DataRow inTourRow) { myAgeGroupList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(inTourRow); myTourRules = (String)inTourRow["Rules"]; }
private void NopsCalcForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set window size based on saved values if (Properties.Settings.Default.NopsCalcForm_Location.X > 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.NopsCalcForm_Location.Y > 0) { this.Location = Properties.Settings.Default.NopsCalcForm_Location; } // Loads data into the 'waterskiDataSet.ListAgeDivisions' table. AgeGroupDropdownList myAgeGroupList = null; String curSanctionNum = Properties.Settings.Default.AppSanctionNum; DataTable curTourDataTable = getTourData( curSanctionNum ); if (curTourDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow curTourRow = curTourDataTable.Rows[0]; myAgeGroupList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( curTourRow ); } else { myAgeGroupList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( null ); } listAgeDivisionsComboBox.DataSource = myAgeGroupList.DropdownList; // Loads data into the 'waterskiDataSet.NopsData' table. myFilterCommand = "AgeGroup = '" + listAgeDivisionsComboBox.SelectedValue + "'"; }
private void writeIndexHeader( StreamWriter outBuffer, String inPlcmtOrg, DataTable inSlalomScores, DataTable inTrickScores, DataTable inJumpScores, DataTable inOverallScores ) { String curDiv = "", curDivName = "", curGroup = "", prevGroup = ""; DataRow curRowScore; DataRow[] curScoreSlalomRows, curScoreTrickRows, curScoreJumpRows, curScoreOverallRows; AgeGroupDropdownList myAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); StringBuilder outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); outLine.Append( "\n<br/><br/><a name=PageTop></a><div Class=\"SectionTitle\">" ); outLine.Append( "<br/>Index of Scoring Results" ); outLine.Append( "</div>" ); outLine.Append( "\n<div class=\"MainContent\">" ); outLine.Append( "<br/><a href=#MasterSummary>MasterSummary</a>" ); if (isTeamAvailable()) { outLine.Append( "<br/><a href=#TeamCombined>Team Results</a>" ); } outLine.Append( "<br/><br/>\n<Table Class=\"DataGridView\">" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); outLine.Append( "\n<tr><th>Division</th><td>Slalom</td><td>Tricks</td><td>Jump</td><td>Overall</td></tr>" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); foreach ( DataRow curRowDiv in myAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable.Rows ) { outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); curDiv = (String)curRowDiv["Division"]; curDivName = (String)curRowDiv["DivisionName"]; curScoreSlalomRows = inSlalomScores.Select( "AgeGroup = '" + curDiv + "'" ); curScoreTrickRows = inTrickScores.Select( "AgeGroup = '" + curDiv + "'" ); curScoreJumpRows = inJumpScores.Select( "AgeGroup = '" + curDiv + "'" ); curScoreOverallRows = inOverallScores.Select( "AgeGroup = '" + curDiv + "' AND QualifyOverall = 'Yes'" ); if ( curScoreSlalomRows.Length > 0 || curScoreTrickRows.Length > 0 || curScoreJumpRows.Length > 0 || curScoreOverallRows.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "\n<tr><th>" + curDivName + "</th>" ); if ( inPlcmtOrg.ToLower().Equals( "divgr" ) ) { prevGroup = ""; outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if ( curScoreSlalomRows.Length == 0 ) { outLine.Append( " " ); } else { for ( int curIdx = 0; curIdx < curScoreSlalomRows.Length; curIdx++ ) { curRowScore = curScoreSlalomRows[curIdx]; curGroup = (String)curRowScore["EventGroup"]; if ( !( curGroup.Equals( prevGroup ) ) ) { if ( prevGroup.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<br/>" ); } outLine.Append( "<a href=#SlalomResults" + curDiv + "-" + curGroup + ">" + curDivName + " - " + curGroup + " Slalom</a>" ); } prevGroup = curGroup; } } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); prevGroup = ""; outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if ( curScoreTrickRows.Length == 0 ) { outLine.Append( " " ); } else { for ( int curIdx = 0; curIdx < curScoreTrickRows.Length; curIdx++ ) { curRowScore = curScoreTrickRows[curIdx]; curGroup = (String)curRowScore["EventGroup"]; if ( !( curGroup.Equals( prevGroup ) ) ) { if ( prevGroup.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<br/>" ); } outLine.Append( "<a href=#TrickResults" + curDiv + "-" + curGroup + ">" + curDivName + " - " + curGroup + " Trick</a>" ); } prevGroup = curGroup; } } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); prevGroup = ""; outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if ( curScoreJumpRows.Length == 0 ) { outLine.Append( " " ); } else { for ( int curIdx = 0; curIdx < curScoreJumpRows.Length; curIdx++ ) { curRowScore = curScoreJumpRows[curIdx]; curGroup = (String)curRowScore["EventGroup"]; if ( !( curGroup.Equals( prevGroup ) ) ) { if ( prevGroup.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<br/>" ); } outLine.Append( "<a href=#JumpResults" + curDiv + "-" + curGroup + ">" + curDivName + " - " + curGroup + " Jump</a>" ); } prevGroup = curGroup; } } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); prevGroup = ""; outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if ( curScoreOverallRows.Length == 0 ) { outLine.Append( " " ); } else { for ( int curIdx = 0; curIdx < curScoreOverallRows.Length; curIdx++ ) { curRowScore = curScoreOverallRows[curIdx]; curGroup = (String)curRowScore["EventGroup"]; if ( !( curGroup.Equals( prevGroup ) ) ) { if ( prevGroup.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<br/>" ); } outLine.Append( "<a href=#OverallResults" + curDiv + "-" + curGroup + ">" + curDivName + " - " + curGroup + " Overall</a>" ); } prevGroup = curGroup; } } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); } else { if ( curScoreSlalomRows.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<td><a href=#SlalomResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Slalom</a></td>" ); } else { outLine.Append( "<td> </td>" ); } if ( curScoreTrickRows.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<td><a href=#TrickResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Trick</a></td>" ); } else { outLine.Append( "<td> </td>" ); } if ( curScoreJumpRows.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<td><a href=#JumpResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Jump</a></td>" ); } else { outLine.Append( "<td> </td>" ); } if ( curScoreOverallRows.Length > 0 ) { outLine.Append( "<td><a href=#OverallResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Overall</a></td>" ); } else { outLine.Append( "<td> </td>" ); } } outLine.Append( "</tr>" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); } } outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); outLine.Append( "\n</Table></div>" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); return; }
public void SelectList_Load(Int16 inSkiYearAge, String inGender, DataRow inTourRow, EventHandler parentEvent) { String curListCode = "", curListValue = ""; RadioButtonWithValue curRadioButton; int curItemLoc = 1; int curItemSize = 0; int curIdx = 1; this.Controls.Clear(); myAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( inTourRow ); ArrayList myDropdownList = myAgeGroupDropdownList.getDivListForAge( inSkiYearAge, inGender ); IEnumerator myList = myDropdownList.GetEnumerator(); while ( myList.MoveNext() ) { curListCode = (String)myList.Current; curItemSize = curListValue.Length * 8; curRadioButton = new RadioButtonWithValue(); curRadioButton.AutoSize = true; curRadioButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 1, curItemLoc ); curRadioButton.Name = curListValue; curRadioButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( curItemSize, 15 ); curRadioButton.TabIndex = curIdx; curRadioButton.TabStop = true; curRadioButton.Text = curListCode; curRadioButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; curRadioButton.Value = curListCode; curRadioButton.Click += new System.EventHandler( radioButton_Click ); if ( parentEvent != null ) { curRadioButton.Click += new System.EventHandler( parentEvent ); } curItemLoc += 17; this.Controls.Add( curRadioButton ); } }
private void ScoreEntry_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Width > 0) { this.Width = Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Width; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Height > 0) { this.Height = Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Height; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Location.X > 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Location.Y > 0) { this.Location = Properties.Settings.Default.JumpEntry_Location; } myTourProperties = TourProperties.Instance; mySortCommand = myTourProperties.RunningOrderSortJump; int curDelim = mySortCommand.IndexOf( "AgeGroup" ); if (curDelim < 0) { } else if (curDelim > 0) { mySortCommand = mySortCommand.Substring( 0, curDelim ) + "DivOrder" + mySortCommand.Substring( curDelim + "AgeGroup".Length ); myTourProperties.RunningOrderSortJump = mySortCommand; } else { mySortCommand = "DivOrder" + mySortCommand.Substring( "AgeGroup".Length ); myTourProperties.RunningOrderSortJump = mySortCommand; } ResizeNarrow.Visible = false; ResizeNarrow.Enabled = false; ResizeWide.Visible = true; ResizeWide.Enabled = true; ResizeNarrow.Location = ResizeWide.Location; EventRunInfoLabel.Text = " Event Start:\n" + " Event Delay:\n" + "Skiers, Passes:"; EventRunInfoData.Text = ""; EventRunPerfLabel.Text = "Event Duration:\n" + "Mins Per Skier:\n" + " Mins Per Pass:"******""; EventDelayReasonTextBox.Visible = false; EventDelayReasonLabel.Visible = false; StartTimerButton.Visible = false; PauseTimerButton.Visible = true; StartTimerButton.Location = PauseTimerButton.Location; String[] curList = { "SkierName", "Div", "DivOrder", "EventGroup", "RunOrder", "TeamCode", "EventClass", "RankingScore", "RankingRating", "HCapBase", "HCapScore", "Status" }; sortDialogForm = new SortDialogForm(); sortDialogForm.ColumnListArray = curList; filterDialogForm = new Common.FilterDialogForm(); filterDialogForm.ColumnListArray = curList; eventGroupSelect = new EventGroupSelect(); rerideReasonDialogForm = new RerideReason(); skierDoneReasonDialogForm = new SkierDoneReason(); // Retrieve data from database mySanctionNum = Properties.Settings.Default.AppSanctionNum; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (mySanctionNum == null) { MessageBox.Show("An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option"); } else { if (mySanctionNum.Length < 6) { MessageBox.Show("An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option"); } else { //Retrieve selected tournament attributes DataTable curTourDataTable = getTourData(mySanctionNum); if (curTourDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { myTourRow = curTourDataTable.Rows[0]; myTourRules = (String)myTourRow["Rules"]; if ( myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "ncwsa" ) ) { TeamCode.Visible = true; } else { TeamCode.Visible = false; } if ( (byte)myTourRow["JumpRounds"] > 0 ) { mySanctionYear = Convert.ToInt16( mySanctionNum.Substring( 0, 2 ) ); //Load round selection list based on number of rounds specified for the tournament roundSelect.SelectList_Load( myTourRow["JumpRounds"].ToString(), roundSelect_Click ); roundActiveSelect.SelectList_LoadHorztl( myTourRow["JumpRounds"].ToString(), roundActiveSelect_Click ); roundActiveSelect.RoundValue = "1"; roundSelect.RoundValue = "1"; //Load jump speed selection list JumpSpeedSelect.SelectList_Load( JumpSpeedSelect_Change ); //Load ramp height selection list RampHeightSelect.SelectList_Load( RampHeightSelect_Change ); mySkierClassList = new ListSkierClass(); mySkierClassList.ListSkierClassLoad(); scoreEventClass.DataSource = mySkierClassList.DropdownList; scoreEventClass.DisplayMember = "ItemName"; scoreEventClass.ValueMember = "ItemValue"; myRuleType = ((String)myTourRow["Rules"]).ToUpper(); myTourClass = myTourRow["Class"].ToString().ToUpper(); myClassCRow = mySkierClassList.SkierClassDataTable.Select("ListCode = 'C'")[0]; myClassERow = mySkierClassList.SkierClassDataTable.Select("ListCode = 'E'")[0]; myAgeDivList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); //Setup for meter input if using meters to calculate distances NumJudges = Convert.ToInt16( myTourProperties.JumpEntryNumJudges); if ( NumJudges > 0 ) { JumpCalcMetersCB.Checked = true; JumpCalcVideoCB.Checked = false; } else { JumpCalcMetersCB.Checked = false; JumpCalcVideoCB.Checked = true; } //Retrieve boat times StringBuilder curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder( "" ); curSqlStmt.Append( "SELECT ListCode, CodeValue, MinValue, MaxValue, CodeDesc FROM CodeValueList WHERE ListName = 'JumpBoatTime3Seg' ORDER BY SortSeq" ); myTimesDataTable = getData( curSqlStmt.ToString() ); //Retrieve maximum speeds by age group getMaxSpeedData(); //Retrieve minimum speeds by class getMinSpeedData(); //Retrieve maximum ramp heights by age group getMaxRampData(); //Retrieve list of divisions and scores that require 3 segment validation for L and R tournaments try { DataTable curTourClassDataTable = mySkierClassList.getTourClassList(); myClassRow = curTourClassDataTable.Select( "ListCode = '" + myTourClass + "'" )[0]; if ((Decimal)myClassRow["ListCodeNum"] > (Decimal)myClassERow["ListCodeNum"]) { getJump3TimesDivData(); } else { myJump3TimesDivDataTable = null; } } catch { myJump3TimesDivDataTable = null; } //Get list of approved tow boats getApprovedTowboats(); BoatSelectInfoLabel.Visible = false; listApprovedBoatsDataGridView.Visible = false; //Retrieve and load tournament event entries loadEventGroupList( Convert.ToByte( roundActiveSelect.RoundValue ) ); if (ExportLiveWeb.LiveWebLocation.Length > 1) { LiveWebLabel.Visible = true; } else { LiveWebLabel.Visible = false; } } else { MessageBox.Show( "The jump event is not defined for the active tournament" ); } } else { MessageBox.Show( "The active tournament is not properly defined. You must select from the Administration menu Tournament List option" ); } } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
private void writeIndexHeader(StreamWriter outBuffer, String inPlcmtOrg, DataTable inOverallScores) { String curDiv = "", curDivName = ""; int curDivCountSlalom = 0, curDivCountTrick = 0, curDivCountJump = 0; AgeGroupDropdownList myAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList( myTourRow ); StringBuilder outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); outLine.Append( "\n<br/><br/><a name=PageTop></a><div Class=\"SectionTitle\">" ); outLine.Append( "<br/>Index of Scoring Results" ); outLine.Append( "</div>" ); outLine.Append( "\n<div class=\"MainContent\">" ); outLine.Append( "<br/><a href=#MasterSummary>Go to MasterSummary</a>" ); if (isTeamAvailable()) { outLine.Append( "<br/><a href=#TeamCombined>Team Results</a>" ); } outLine.Append( "<br/><br/>\n<Table Class=\"DataGridView\">" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); outLine.Append( "\n<tr><th>Division</th><td>Slalom</td><td>Tricks</td><td>Jump</td><td>Overall</td></tr>" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); foreach (DataRow curRowDiv in myAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable.Rows) { outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); curDiv = (String)curRowDiv["Division"]; curDivName = (String)curRowDiv["DivisionName"]; curDivCountSlalom = getSkierCountDiv( mySanctionNum, "Slalom", curDiv ); curDivCountTrick = getSkierCountDiv( mySanctionNum, "Trick", curDiv ); curDivCountJump = getSkierCountDiv( mySanctionNum, "Jump", curDiv ); if (curDivCountSlalom > 0 || curDivCountTrick > 0 || curDivCountJump > 0) { outLine.Append( "\n<tr><th>" + curDivName + "</th>" ); outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if (curDivCountSlalom > 0) { outLine.Append( "<a href=#SlalomResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Slalom</a>" ); } else { outLine.Append( " " ); } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if (curDivCountTrick > 0) { outLine.Append( "<a href=#TrickResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Trick</a>" ); } else { outLine.Append( " " ); } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if (curDivCountJump > 0) { outLine.Append( "<a href=#JumpResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Jump</a>" ); } else { outLine.Append( " " ); } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); outLine.Append( "<td>" ); if (curDivCountSlalom > 0 || curDivCountTrick > 0 | curDivCountJump > 0) { outLine.Append( "<a href=#OverallResults" + curDiv + ">" + curDivName + " Overall</a>" ); } else { outLine.Append( " " ); } outLine.Append( "</td>" ); outLine.Append( "</tr>" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); } } outLine = new StringBuilder( "" ); outLine.Append( "\n</Table></div>" ); outBuffer.WriteLine( outLine.ToString() ); return; }