private async void dgvSubscriptions_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex >= 0) { var subscriptionId = dgvSubscriptions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["SubscriptionId"].Value; var action = dgvSubscriptions.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name; MenuForm menuForm = (MenuForm)this.MdiParent; CustomMessageBox messageBox = new CustomMessageBox(); if (action == "Edit") { AddEditSubsciptionForm form = new AddEditSubsciptionForm(menuForm, int.Parse(subscriptionId.ToString())); _helper.ShowForm(form, 15); } else if (action == "Delete") { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show($"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this subscription?", "Delete subscription?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { await _apiService.Delete <Model.Subscription>(subscriptionId); foreach (Form frm in menuForm.MdiChildren) { frm.Close(); } SubscriptionsForm form = new SubscriptionsForm { MdiParent = menuForm, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; form.Show(); messageBox.Show("Subscription deleted successfully", "success"); } } } }
private async void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var messageBox = new CustomMessageBox(); if (Movies.Value < 1 || Movies.Value > 10) { messageBox.Show("Number of movies is in range 1-10", "error"); return; } if (Shows.Value < 1 || Shows.Value > 10) { messageBox.Show("Number of shows is in range 1-10", "error"); return; } if (Tickets.Value < 1 || Tickets.Value > 10) { messageBox.Show("Number of tickets is in range 1-10", "error"); return; } if (!_helper.ValidateDecimalString(Price.Text, 1, 200)) { messageBox.Show("Enter a valid price (1-200)!", "error"); return; } Model.Requests.InsertSubscriptionRequest request = new Model.Requests.InsertSubscriptionRequest() { Price = decimal.Parse(Price.Text), Available = Avaiable.Checked, NumberOfMovies = (int)Movies.Value, NumberOfShows = (int)Shows.Value, NumberOfTickets = (int)Tickets.Value }; if (_subsciptionId.HasValue) { await _apiService.Update <Model.Subscription>(_subsciptionId, request); messageBox.Show("Subsciption updated succesfully", "Success"); } else { await _apiService.Insert <Model.Subscription>(request); messageBox.Show("Subsciption added succesfully", "Success"); } this.Close(); foreach (Form frm in _menuForm.MdiChildren) { frm.Close(); } SubscriptionsForm form = new SubscriptionsForm { MdiParent = _menuForm, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; form.Show(); }