private void LoadData() { DataView dv = DeriLib.Util.ExecSqlQry(sql, GlobalVar.loginSet.edisSqlConnString); if (dv.Count > 0) { dt.Rows.Clear(); foreach (DataRowView drv in dv) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); string warrantType = drv["WarrantType"].ToString(); string type = ""; string cp = ""; CallPutType cpType = CallPutType.Call; double financialR = 0.0; if (warrantType == "浮動重設認購權證") { type = "重設型"; cp = "C"; cpType = CallPutType.Call; } else if (warrantType == "浮動重設認售權證") { type = "重設型"; cp = "P"; cpType = CallPutType.Put; } else if (warrantType == "重設型牛證認購") { type = "牛熊證"; cp = "C"; cpType = CallPutType.Call; financialR = 5.0; } else if (warrantType == "重設型熊證認售") { type = "牛熊證"; cp = "P"; cpType = CallPutType.Put; financialR = 5.0; } else if (warrantType == "一般型認售權證") { type = "一般型"; cp = "P"; cpType = CallPutType.Put; } else { type = "一般型"; cp = "C"; cpType = CallPutType.Call; } double s = Convert.ToDouble(drv["MPrice"]); double k = Convert.ToDouble(drv["K"]); int t = Convert.ToInt32(drv["T"]); double cr = Convert.ToDouble(drv["exeRatio"]); double hv = Convert.ToDouble(drv["HV"]); double iv = Convert.ToDouble(drv["IV"]); double resetR = Convert.ToDouble(drv["ResetR"]); double barrierR = Convert.ToDouble(drv["BarrierR"]); DateTime issueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(drv["IssueDate"]); string issueDateStr = issueDate.ToShortDateString(); DateTime expiry = Convert.ToDateTime(drv["ExpiryDate"]); string expiryStr = expiry.ToShortDateString(); double price = 0.0; double delta = 0.0; if (s != 0.0) { if (type == "牛熊證") { price = Pricing.BullBearWarrantPrice(cpType, s, (resetR / 100), GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, (iv / 100), t, (financialR / 100), cr); } else if (type == "重設型") { price = Pricing.ResetWarrantPrice(cpType, s, (resetR / 100), GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, (iv / 100), t, cr); } else { price = Pricing.NormalWarrantPrice(cpType, s, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, (iv / 100), t, cr); } if (warrantType == "牛熊證") { delta = 1.0; } else { delta = Pricing.Delta(cpType, s, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, (iv / 100), (t * 30.0) / GlobalVar.globalParameter.dayPerYear, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate) * cr; } } dr["標的代號"] = drv["UnderlyingID"].ToString(); dr["標的名稱"] = drv["UnderlyingName"].ToString(); dr["權證代號"] = drv["WarrantID"].ToString(); dr["型態"] = type; dr["CP"] = cp; dr["S"] = s; dr["K"] = k; dr["T"] = t; dr["行使比例"] = cr; dr["HV"] = hv; dr["IV"] = iv; dr["重設比"] = resetR; dr["界限比"] = barrierR; dr["財務費用"] = financialR; dr["發行日"] = issueDate; dr["到期日"] = expiry; dr["今日理論價"] = Math.Round(price, 2); dr["Delta"] = Math.Round(delta, 4); dr["交易員"] = drv["TraderID"].ToString().PadLeft(7, '0'); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } }
private void LoadData() { try { dt.Rows.Clear(); string sql = @"SELECT a.SerialNumber ,a.TraderID ,b.WarrantName ,a.UnderlyingID ,a.Apply1500W ,b.Market ,a.Type ,a.CP ,IsNull(c.MPrice,0) MPrice ,a.K ,a.T ,a.R ,a.HV ,CASE WHEN a.Apply1500W='Y' THEN a.IVNew ELSE a.IV END IVNew ,a.ResetR ,a.BarrierR ,a.FinancialR ,a.IssueNum ,b.EquivalentNum ,b.Result ,a.IV ,CASE WHEN a.CP='C' THEN d.Reason ELSE d.ReasonP END Reason FROM [EDIS].[dbo].[ApplyOfficial] a LEFT JOIN [EDIS].[dbo].[ApplyTotalList] b ON a.SerialNumber=b.SerialNum LEFT JOIN [EDIS].[dbo].[WarrantPrices] c on a.UnderlyingID=c.CommodityID left join Underlying_TraderIssue d on a.UnderlyingID=d.UID ORDER BY b.Market desc, a.Type, a.CP, a.UnderlyingID, a.SerialNumber"; //or (a.UnderlyingID = 'IX0001' and d.UID ='TWA00') DataView dv = DeriLib.Util.ExecSqlQry(sql, GlobalVar.loginSet.edisSqlConnString); foreach (DataRowView drv in dv) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["序號"] = drv["SerialNumber"].ToString(); dr["交易員"] = drv["TraderID"].ToString().TrimStart('0'); dr["權證名稱"] = drv["WarrantName"].ToString(); dr["標的代號"] = drv["UnderlyingID"].ToString(); dr["1500W"] = drv["Apply1500W"].ToString(); dr["市場"] = drv["Market"].ToString(); dr["張數"] = drv["IssueNum"]; dr["約當張數"] = drv["EquivalentNum"]; dr["額度結果"] = drv["Result"]; dr["IVOri"] = drv["IV"]; double underlyingPrice = 0.0; underlyingPrice = Convert.ToDouble(drv["MPrice"]); dr["股價"] = underlyingPrice; double k = Convert.ToDouble(drv["K"]); dr["履約價"] = k; int t = Convert.ToInt32(drv["T"]); dr["期間"] = t; double cr = Convert.ToDouble(drv["R"]); dr["行使比例"] = cr; dr["HV"] = Convert.ToDouble(drv["HV"]); double vol = Convert.ToDouble(drv["IVNew"]) / 100; dr["IV"] = Convert.ToDouble(drv["IVNew"]); double resetR = Convert.ToDouble(drv["ResetR"]) / 100; dr["重設比"] = Convert.ToDouble(drv["ResetR"]); //double barrierR = Convert.ToDouble(drv["BarrierR"]); dr["界限比"] = Convert.ToDouble(drv["BarrierR"]); double financialR = Convert.ToDouble(drv["FinancialR"]) / 100; dr["財務費用"] = Convert.ToDouble(drv["FinancialR"]); string warrantType = drv["Type"].ToString(); dr["類型"] = warrantType; CallPutType cp = drv["CP"].ToString() == "C" ? CallPutType.Call : CallPutType.Put; dr["CP"] = drv["CP"].ToString(); dr["發行原因"] = drv["Reason"] == DBNull.Value ? " " : reasonString[Convert.ToInt32(drv["Reason"])]; double price = 0.0; if (underlyingPrice != 0) { if (warrantType == "牛熊證") { price = Pricing.BullBearWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, financialR, cr); } else if (warrantType == "重設型") { price = Pricing.ResetWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } else { price = Pricing.NormalWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } } dr["發行價格"] = Math.Round(price, 2); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void ultraGrid1_AfterCellUpdate(object sender, CellEventArgs e) { if (e.Cell.Column.Key != "交易員" && e.Cell.Column.Key != "權證名稱" && e.Cell.Column.Key != "發行價格" && e.Cell.Column.Key != "標的代號" && e.Cell.Column.Key != "市場" && e.Cell.Column.Key != "1500W") { double price = 0.0; double underlyingPrice = 0.0; underlyingPrice = e.Cell.Row.Cells["股價"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["股價"].Value); double k = 0.0; k = e.Cell.Row.Cells["履約價"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["履約價"].Value); int t = 0; t = e.Cell.Row.Cells["期間"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(e.Cell.Row.Cells["期間"].Value); double cr = 0.0; cr = e.Cell.Row.Cells["行使比例"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["行使比例"].Value); double vol = 0.0; vol = e.Cell.Row.Cells["IV"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["IV"].Value) / 100; double resetR = 0.0; resetR = e.Cell.Row.Cells["重設比"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["重設比"].Value) / 100; double financialR = 0.0; financialR = e.Cell.Row.Cells["財務費用"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["財務費用"].Value) / 100; string warrantType = "一般型"; warrantType = e.Cell.Row.Cells["類型"].Value == DBNull.Value ? "一般型" : e.Cell.Row.Cells["類型"].Value.ToString(); string cpType = "C"; cpType = e.Cell.Row.Cells["CP"].Value == DBNull.Value ? "C" : e.Cell.Row.Cells["CP"].Value.ToString(); if (warrantType != "一般型" && warrantType != "牛熊證" && warrantType != "重設型") { if (warrantType == "2") { warrantType = "牛熊證"; } else if (warrantType == "3") { warrantType = "重設型"; } else { warrantType = "一般型"; } } if (cpType != "C" && cpType != "P") { if (cpType == "2") { cpType = "P"; } else { cpType = "C"; } } CallPutType cp = CallPutType.Call; if (cpType == "P") { cp = CallPutType.Put; } else { cp = CallPutType.Call; } if (warrantType == "牛熊證") { price = Pricing.BullBearWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, financialR, cr); } else if (warrantType == "重設型") { price = Pricing.ResetWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } else { price = Pricing.NormalWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } /*e.Cell.Row.Cells["履約價"].Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Black; * if (warrantType != "牛熊證") { * if (cpType == "C" && k / underlyingPrice >= 1.5) { * e.Cell.Row.Cells["履約價"].Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red; * } else if (cpType == "P" && k / underlyingPrice <= 0.5) { * e.Cell.Row.Cells["履約價"].Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red; * } * }*/ double shares = 0.0; shares = e.Cell.Row.Cells["張數"].Value == DBNull.Value ? 10000 : Convert.ToDouble(e.Cell.Row.Cells["張數"].Value); /* * string is1500W = "N"; * is1500W = e.Cell.Row.Cells["1500W"].Value == DBNull.Value ? "N" : (string)e.Cell.Row.Cells["1500W"].Value; * if (e.Cell.Column.Key == "1500W" && is1500W=="Y") * { * double totalValue = 0.0; * totalValue = price * shares * 1000; * while (totalValue < 15000000) * { * vol += 0.01; * if (warrantType == "牛熊證") * price = Pricing.BullBearWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, financialR, cr); * else if (warrantType == "重設型") * price = Pricing.ResetWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); * else * price = Pricing.NormalWarrantPrice(cp, underlyingPrice, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); * totalValue = price * shares * 1000; * } * e.Cell.Row.Cells["IV"].Value = Math.Round(vol * 100, 0); * } * */ e.Cell.Row.Cells["發行價格"].Value = Math.Round(price, 2); } string is1500W = "N"; is1500W = e.Cell.Row.Cells["1500W"].Value.ToString(); if (e.Cell.Column.Key == "1500W") { if (is1500W == "N") { e.Cell.Row.Cells["IV"].Value = e.Cell.Row.Cells["IVOri"].Value; } } }
private void 證系統上傳檔ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fileName = "D:\\權證發行_相關Excel\\上傳檔\\權證發行匯入檔.xls"; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Workbook workBook = null; try { string sql = @"SELECT a.UnderlyingID ,c.TraderID ,a.WarrantName ,c.Type ,c.CP ,IsNull(b.MPrice,0) MPrice ,c.K ,c.ResetR ,c.BarrierR ,c.T ,a.CR ,c.HV ,c.IV ,a.IssueNum ,c.FinancialR ,a.UseReward ,c.Apply1500W ,c.SerialNumber FROM [EDIS].[dbo].[ApplyTotalList] a LEFT JOIN [EDIS].[dbo].[WarrantPrices] b ON a.UnderlyingID=b.CommodityID LEFT JOIN [EDIS].[dbo].[ApplyOfficial] c ON a.SerialNum=c.SerialNumber WHERE a.ApplyKind='1' AND a.Result+0.00001 >= a.EquivalentNum ORDER BY a.Market desc, a.Type, a.CP, a.UnderlyingID, a.SerialNum"; //a.SerialNum //DataView dv = DeriLib.Util.ExecSqlQry(sql, GlobalVar.loginSet.edisSqlConnString); System.Data.DataTable dv = MSSQL.ExecSqlQry(sql, GlobalVar.loginSet.edisSqlConnString); if (dv.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 3; app.Visible = true; workBook = app.Workbooks.Open(fileName); //workBook.EnvelopeVisible = false; Worksheet workSheet = (Worksheet)workBook.Sheets[1]; workSheet.get_Range("A3:BZ1000").ClearContents(); //workSheet.UsedRange. foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Rows) { string date = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string underlyingID = dr["UnderlyingID"].ToString(); string traderID = dr["TraderID"].ToString().TrimStart('0'); if (traderID == "10120" || traderID == "10329") { traderID = "7643"; } string warrantName = dr["WarrantName"].ToString(); string type = dr["Type"].ToString(); string cp = dr["CP"].ToString(); string isReset = "N"; if (type == "重設型" || type == "牛熊證") { isReset = "Y"; } double stockPrice = Convert.ToDouble(dr["MPrice"]); double k = Convert.ToDouble(dr["K"]); double resetR = Convert.ToDouble(dr["ResetR"]); double barrierR = Convert.ToDouble(dr["BarrierR"]); if (isReset == "Y") { k = Math.Round(resetR / 100 * stockPrice, 2); } double barrierP = Math.Round(barrierR / 100 * stockPrice, 2); if (type == "牛熊證") { if (cp == "C") { barrierP = Math.Round(Math.Floor(barrierR * stockPrice) / 100, 2); } else if (cp == "P") { barrierP = Math.Round(Math.Ceiling(barrierR * stockPrice) / 100, 2); } } //Check for moneyness constraint if (type != "牛熊證") { if ((cp == "C" && k / stockPrice >= 1.5) || (cp == "P" && k / stockPrice <= 0.5)) { MessageBox.Show(warrantName + " 超過價外50%限制"); // continue; } } int t = Convert.ToInt32(dr["T"]); double cr = Convert.ToDouble(dr["CR"]); double r = GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate * 100; double hv = Convert.ToDouble(dr["HV"]); double iv = Convert.ToDouble(dr["IV"]); double issueNum = Convert.ToDouble(dr["IssueNum"]); double price = 0.0; double financialR = Convert.ToDouble(dr["FinancialR"]); string isReward = dr["UseReward"].ToString(); string is1500W = dr["Apply1500W"].ToString(); string serialNum = dr["SerialNumber"].ToString(); double p = 0.0; double vol = iv / 100; if (is1500W == "Y") { CallPutType cpType = CallPutType.Call; if (cp == "P") { cpType = CallPutType.Put; } if (type == "牛熊證") { p = Pricing.BullBearWarrantPrice(cpType, stockPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, financialR, cr); } else if (type == "重設型") { p = Pricing.ResetWarrantPrice(cpType, stockPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } else { p = Pricing.NormalWarrantPrice(cpType, stockPrice, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } double totalValue = p * issueNum * 1000; double volUpperLimmit = vol * 2; while (totalValue < 15000000 && vol < volUpperLimmit) { vol += 0.01; if (type == "牛熊證") { p = Pricing.BullBearWarrantPrice(cpType, stockPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, financialR, cr); } else if (type == "重設型") { p = Pricing.ResetWarrantPrice(cpType, stockPrice, resetR, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } else { p = Pricing.NormalWarrantPrice(cpType, stockPrice, k, GlobalVar.globalParameter.interestRate, vol, t, cr); } totalValue = p * issueNum * 1000; } if (vol < volUpperLimmit) { iv = vol * 100; string cmdText = "UPDATE [ApplyOfficial] SET IVNew=@IVNew WHERE SerialNumber=@SerialNumber"; List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter> pars = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>(); pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@IVNew", SqlDbType.Float)); pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@SerialNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar)); SQLCommandHelper h = new SQLCommandHelper(GlobalVar.loginSet.edisSqlConnString, cmdText, pars); h.SetParameterValue("@IVNew", iv); h.SetParameterValue("@SerialNumber", serialNum); h.ExecuteCommand(); h.Dispose(); } } if (type == "重設型") { type = "一般型"; } if (cp == "P") { cp = "認售"; } else { cp = "認購"; } try { // workSheet.Cells[1][i] = date; workSheet.get_Range("A" + i.ToString(), "A" + i.ToString()).Value = date; workSheet.get_Range("B" + i.ToString(), "B" + i.ToString()).Value = underlyingID; workSheet.get_Range("C" + i.ToString(), "C" + i.ToString()).Value = traderID; workSheet.get_Range("D" + i.ToString(), "D" + i.ToString()).Value = warrantName; workSheet.get_Range("E" + i.ToString(), "E" + i.ToString()).Value = type; workSheet.get_Range("F" + i.ToString(), "F" + i.ToString()).Value = cp; workSheet.get_Range("G" + i.ToString(), "G" + i.ToString()).Value = isReset; workSheet.get_Range("H" + i.ToString(), "H" + i.ToString()).Value = stockPrice; workSheet.get_Range("I" + i.ToString(), "I" + i.ToString()).Value = k; workSheet.get_Range("J" + i.ToString(), "J" + i.ToString()).Value = resetR; workSheet.get_Range("K" + i.ToString(), "K" + i.ToString()).Value = barrierP; workSheet.get_Range("L" + i.ToString(), "L" + i.ToString()).Value = barrierR; workSheet.get_Range("M" + i.ToString(), "M" + i.ToString()).Value = t; workSheet.get_Range("N" + i.ToString(), "N" + i.ToString()).Value = cr; workSheet.get_Range("O" + i.ToString(), "O" + i.ToString()).Value = r; workSheet.get_Range("P" + i.ToString(), "P" + i.ToString()).Value = hv; workSheet.get_Range("Q" + i.ToString(), "Q" + i.ToString()).Value = iv; workSheet.get_Range("R" + i.ToString(), "R" + i.ToString()).Value = issueNum; workSheet.get_Range("S" + i.ToString(), "S" + i.ToString()).Value = price; workSheet.get_Range("T" + i.ToString(), "T" + i.ToString()).Value = financialR; workSheet.get_Range("Y" + i.ToString(), "Y" + i.ToString()).Value = isReward; i++; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("write" + ex.Message); } } string sql2 = "SELECT [UnderlyingID] FROM [EDIS].[dbo].[ApplyOfficial] as A " + " left join (Select CS8010, count(1) as count from [].[VOLDB].[dbo].[ED_RelationUnderlying] " + $" where RecordDate = (select top 1 RecordDate from [].[VOLDB].[dbo].[ED_RelationUnderlying])" + " group by CS8010) as B on A.UnderlyingID = B.CS8010 " + " left join (SELECT stkid, MAX([IssueVol]) as MAX, min(IssueVol) as min FROM[].[EDIS].[dbo].[WARRANTS]" + " where kgiwrt = '他家' and marketdate <= GETDATE() and lasttradedate >= GETDATE() and IssueVol<> 0 " + " group by stkid ) as C on A.UnderlyingID = C.stkid " + " WHERE B.count > 0 and (((IVNew > C.MAX or IVNew < C.min) and Apply1500W = 'Y') or ((IV > C.MAX or IV < C.min) and Apply1500W = 'N'))"; System.Data.DataTable badParam = MSSQL.ExecSqlQry(sql2, GlobalVar.loginSet.edisSqlConnString); foreach (DataRow Row in badParam.Rows) { //WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; //Show(); //WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; Activate(); MessageBox.Show(Row["UnderlyingID"] + " 為關係人標的,波動度超過可發範圍,會被稽核該該叫,請修改條件。"); } GlobalUtility.LogInfo("Log", GlobalVar.globalParameter.userID + "產發行上傳檔"); app.Visible = false; MessageBox.Show("發行上傳檔完成!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("無可發行權證"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { if (workBook != null) { workBook.Save(); workBook.Close(); } if (app != null) { app.Quit(); } } }