コード例 #1
ファイル: Driver.cs プロジェクト: Dylan-Knuth/GamblersTable
        public static Boolean getCardsFromHand(HandOfCards gameHand)
            Random rnd          = new Random();
            int    playerNumber = rnd.Next(0, 4);
            int    cpuNumber    = rnd.Next(0, 4);

                cpuNumber = rnd.Next(0, 4);
            } while (cpuNumber == playerNumber);

            PlayingCard myCard  = gameHand.gameHand1[playerNumber];
            PlayingCard cpuCard = gameHand.gameHand1[cpuNumber];

            Console.WriteLine("You drew a {0} of {1}\n", myCard.strCardValue, myCard.strSuitValue);
            Console.WriteLine("CPU drew a {0} of {1}\n", cpuCard.strCardValue, cpuCard.strSuitValue);

            Boolean didWin = battle(myCard, cpuCard);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Driver.cs プロジェクト: Dylan-Knuth/GamblersTable
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\n-------WELCOME TO WAR GAME-----------");

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Username: "******"\nName: {p1.name} Wins: {p1.wins} Losses: {p1.losses} Balance: {p1.balance}\n");

            DeckOfCards gameDeck = new DeckOfCards();

            Boolean keepPlaying = true;

            int handcount = 0;

                HandOfCards gameHand = new HandOfCards(5, gameDeck);

                Boolean didwin = getCardsFromHand(gameHand);

                if (didwin == true)
                    p1.wins    = p1.wins + 1;
                    p1.balance = p1.balance + 10;
                    p1.losses  = p1.losses + 1;
                    p1.balance = p1.balance - 10;

                // Update the players info after the battle

                updatePlayerFile(p1.name, p1.wins, p1.losses, p1.balance);

                Console.WriteLine("Updated:\nName: {0} Wins: {1} Losses: {2} Balance: {3}\n", p1.name, p1.wins, p1.losses, p1.balance);

                // Once theres 10 hands you need to create a new shuffled deck

                if (handcount == 10)
                    gameDeck = new DeckOfCards();
                    handcount = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("-------Do you want to keep playing? [Y/N] ");
                String answer = Console.ReadLine();

                // if player answers no then stop the game

                if (answer == "N" || answer == "n")
                    keepPlaying = false;
            } while (keepPlaying == true && p1.balance > 0);

            // When the players balance = 0 end the game

            if (p1.balance <= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You are broke. YOU LOSE :((((((");