コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// ReadDisplayText reads a structure designed to hold display text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This methods aplies when the specifications are mentionning the availability of a OIAN_TEXTPRIVDATA structure.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to read the data in.</param>
        /// <param name="dataSize">The size of the data to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The data read.</returns>
        public static WangDisplayText ReadDisplayText(IWangStream stream, int dataSize)
            // At least 4 values with 4 bytes are required
            if (dataSize >= 16)
                 * Type         Name                Description
                 * int          nCurrentOrientation Angle of text baseline to image in tenths of a degree; valid values are 0, 900, 1800, 2700.
                 * UINT         uReserved1          Always 1000 when writing ignore when reading.
                 * UINT         uCreationScale      Always 72000 divided by the vertical resolution of the  base image when writing.
                 *                                  Used to modify the Attributes.lfFont.lfHeight variable for display.
                 * UINT         uAnoTextLength      64K byte limit (32K for multi-byte data) for Attach-a-Note, typed text, text from file;
                 *                                  255 byte limit for text stamp.
                 * char         szAnoText[*]        Text string for text mark types.

                int orientation = stream.ReadInt32();
                Debug.Assert(orientation == 0 || orientation == 900 || orientation == 1800 || orientation == 2700);
#endif // DEBUG
                UInt32 uReserved1 = stream.ReadUint32();
                // 1000 is the value described within the specs but we have some cases with something else.
                // Debug.Assert(uReserved1 == 1000 );
#endif // DEBUG
                uint creationScale = stream.ReadUint32();
                int  textSize      = (int)stream.ReadUint32();
                // It is necessary to have enough data for the characters.
                if (textSize <= (dataSize - 16))
                    string text = WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadCharString(stream, textSize);
                    stream.SkipBytes(dataSize - 16 - textSize);
                    return(new WangDisplayText(orientation, creationScale, text));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// ReadNamedBlockHeader reads a named block header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to read the data in.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to character to read in the buffer.</param>
        /// <returns>The data read, null if an error occurred.</returns>
        public static WangNamedBlockHeader ReadNamedBlockHeader(IWangStream stream, int count)
            // The expected data size is fixed.
            if (count == 12)
                 * 8 bytes  =  name of named block
                 * 4 bytes  =  size (n) of named block
                 * 4 bytes  =  reserved. Only present and necessary with  Intel 16-bit format. Skip on read and write as zeros.
                WangNamedBlockHeader header =
                    new WangNamedBlockHeader(WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadCharString(stream, 8), stream.ReadInt32());

                // TODO - David Ometto - 2016-11-21 - Add support for non Intel, big endian and 16 bit fun to handle here
                // Only present and necessary with  Intel 16-bit format. Skip on read and write as zeros.

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ReadBlock reads the block and updates the properties accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">The properties to update.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to read the data in.</param>
        /// <param name="dataSize">The size of the block.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the operation succeeded otherwise returns false.</returns>
        public static bool ReadBlock(WangAnnotationProperties properties, IWangStream stream, int dataSize)
            Debug.Assert(stream.AvailableBytes() >= dataSize);
#endif // DEBUG
            WangNamedBlockHeader header = WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadNamedBlockHeader(stream, dataSize);
            if (header == null || header.Size > stream.AvailableBytes())

             * Named Block          Associated Structure            Usage
             * OiAnoDat             For lines: AN_POINTS            List coordinates for lines and freehand marks.
             *                      For images:AN_NEW_ROTATE_STRUCT Hold scaling and resolution information for image marks.
             * OiFilNam             AN_NAME_STRUCT                  Hold file name for image marks.
             * OiDIB                AN_IMAGE_STRUCT                 Store DIB data.
             * OiGroup (required)   STR                             Create sets of marks (required).
             * OiIndex (required)   STR                             Assign unique number, originating at 0, for each mark.
             *                                                      To facilitate easy application control, the next available number is generated by incrementing by 1 the number just assigned and storing it in the default OiIndex mark.
             * OiAnText             OIAN_TEXTPRIVDATA               Display text annotation marks.
             * OiHypLnk             HYPERLINK_NB                    Turn mark into a hyperlink.
            if (header.Name == "OiAnoDat")
                // TODO - David Ometto - 2016-11-24 - Unit test this method
                return(ReadAnoDatBlock(properties, stream, header.Size));
            else if (header.Name == "OiFilNam")
                properties.SetFilename(WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadCharString(stream, header.Size));
            else if (header.Name == "OiDIB")
                properties.SetDibInfo(WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadDib(stream, header.Size));
            else if (header.Name == "OiGroup")
                properties.OiGroup = WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadCharString(stream, header.Size);
            else if (header.Name == "OiIndex")
                properties.OiIndex = WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadCharString(stream, header.Size);
            else if (header.Name == "OiAnText")
                WangDisplayText displayText = WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadDisplayText(stream, header.Size);
                if (displayText == null)
            else if (header.Name == "OiHypLnk")
                WangHyperlink hyperlink = WangAnnotationStructureReader.ReadHyperlink(stream, header.Size);
                if (hyperlink == null)
                // We just skip unknown data