public Board() { InitializeComponent(); BOARD_WIDTH = Wallscape.Models.Settings.getInstance().getWidth(); BOARD_HEIGHT = Wallscape.Models.Settings.getInstance().getHeight(); TOKEN_SIZE = 94 - BOARD_HEIGHT * 4; xClick1 = 0; yClick1 = 0; initializeGrid(); controller = new GameControl(); player1 = new List<Button>(); player2 = new List<Button>(); walls = new List<Rectangle>(); turn = -1; wallClick2 = false; refreshTokens(); takeTurn(); //controller.actionCounter = 1; Canvas.SetZIndex(rectangle1, -1); Canvas.SetZIndex(rectangle2, -1); Canvas.SetZIndex(rectangle3, -10); player1Name.Text = controller.getPlayers()[0].getName(); player2Name.Text = controller.getPlayers()[1].getName(); //Create the wall connector buttons createWallButtons(); //Insert the walls on the sides createSideWalls(); }
private void takeTurn() { TURNLABEL.Text = "OPERATION"; if (controller.actionCounter < controller.actionsPerTurn) { if (turn < 0) { turn++; controller.actionCounter = (controller.actionsPerTurn + 1) / 2; } else { controller.actionCounter++; } } else { controller.actionCounter = 1; turn++; } actionLeft.Text = controller.actionCounter + " / " + controller.actionsPerTurn; if (turn % 2 == 0) { foreach (Button other in player1) { other.IsEnabled = true; } foreach (Button other in player2) { other.IsEnabled = false; } SolidColorBrush _highlightBrush = MainPage.GetColorFromHexa("#6129C7F5"); player2tokens.Foreground = _highlightBrush; player2Name.Foreground = _highlightBrush; _highlightBrush = MainPage.GetColorFromHexa("#FFC5D118"); player1tokens.Foreground = _highlightBrush; player1Name.Foreground = _highlightBrush; //Turn Labels TURNLABEL.Foreground = _highlightBrush; TURNLABEL.Text = "OPERATION"; p1TurnArrow.Foreground = _highlightBrush; p1TurnArrow.Text = "<"; p2TurnArrow.Text = ""; actionLeft.Foreground = _highlightBrush; } else { foreach (Button other in player1) { other.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button other in player2) { other.IsEnabled = true; } SolidColorBrush _highlightBrush = MainPage.GetColorFromHexa("#61C5D118"); player1tokens.Foreground = _highlightBrush; player1Name.Foreground = _highlightBrush; _highlightBrush = MainPage.GetColorFromHexa("#FF29C7F5"); player2tokens.Foreground = _highlightBrush; player2Name.Foreground = _highlightBrush; //Turn Labels TURNLABEL.Foreground = _highlightBrush; TURNLABEL.Text = "OPERATION"; p2TurnArrow.Foreground = _highlightBrush; p2TurnArrow.Text = ">"; p1TurnArrow.Text = ""; actionLeft.Foreground = _highlightBrush; } foreach (Player p in controller.getPlayers()) { if (p.hasWon()) { MessageBox.Show(p.getName() + " has escaped to safety!", "VICTORY", MessageBoxButton.OK); foreach (Button b1 in player1) { b1.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } foreach (Button b2 in player2) { b2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } foreach (Rectangle r in walls) { r.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } controller = new GameControl(); player1 = new List<Button>(); player2 = new List<Button>(); walls = new List<Rectangle>(); //turn = -1; turn++; controller.actionCounter++; wallClick2 = false; refreshTokens(); takeTurn(); createSideWalls(); } } wallClick2 = false; }