コード例 #1
        public void EqualItemsMultipleMeasures()
            // override the random number generator used by the decision logic so it can be manipulated
            var mockRandom = new MockRandom();

            // bias in favour of health 2x more than of pheromone
            var biasedItem = new TestBiasedItem(1.0, 2.0);
            var chosenItems = new List<TestMeasurableItem>();

            // the numbers generated are distributed evenly based on the number of organisms
            // therefore there should be each organism should be chosen once by the decision logic
            var nextDouble = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                chosenItems.Add(DecisionLogic.MakeDecision(this.items, biasedItem));
                nextDouble += 1.0 / this.items.Count;

            // all items are equal, so the bias should not affect the frequency with which they are selected
            // expecting each item to be chosen once, so expecting the same as the original list
            var expectedItems = this.items;
            var actualItems = chosenItems;
            Assert.That(actualItems, Is.EqualTo(expectedItems));
コード例 #2
        public void EqualItemsSingleMeasure()
            // override the random number generator used by the decision logic so it can be manipulated
            var mockRandom = new MockRandom();

            var biasedItem = new TestBiasedItem(1.0, 0);
            var chosenItems = new List<TestMeasurableItem>();

            // the numbers generated are distributed evenly based on the number of organisms
            // therefore there should be each organism should be chosen once by the decision logic
            var nextDouble = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                chosenItems.Add(DecisionLogic.MakeDecision(this.items, biasedItem));
                nextDouble += 1.0 / this.items.Count;

            // expecting each item to be chosen once, so expecting the same as the original list
            var expectedItems = this.items;
            var actualItems = chosenItems;
            Assert.That(actualItems, Is.EqualTo(expectedItems));
コード例 #3
        public void InequalItemsMultipleBalancingMeasures()
            // all items will have two measures, the second being the inverse of the first
            // this will balance the overall weighting and give all items a perfectly even chance
            var measurementIncrement = 1.0 / this.items.Count;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                var measurementLevel = (i + 1) * measurementIncrement;
                this.items[i].SetHealthLevel(1.0 - measurementLevel);

            // override the random number generator used by the decision logic so it can be manipulated
            // and set the base weighting to 0 (so that chance of being chosen is based directly on measurment level * bias)
            var mockRandom = new MockRandom();

            // bias of both measurements are the same in order for them to balance
            var biasedItem = new TestBiasedItem(1.0, 1.0);
            var chosenItems = new List<TestMeasurableItem>();

            var nextDouble = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                chosenItems.Add(DecisionLogic.MakeDecision(this.items, biasedItem));
                nextDouble += 1.0 / this.items.Count;

            // items are not equal, but the bias should evenly distribute the selection of items
            var expectedItems = this.items;
            var actualItems = chosenItems;
            Assert.That(actualItems, Is.EqualTo(expectedItems));
コード例 #4
        public void InequalItemsSingleMeasure()
            // all items will only have one measurement but the levels will all be different
            // by an even spread based on how many items there are
            var measurementIncrement = 1.0 / this.items.Count;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                var measurementLevel = (i + 1) * measurementIncrement;

            // override the random number generator used by the decision logic so it can be manipulated
            // and set the base weighting to 0 (so that chance of being chosen is based directly on measurment level * bias)
            var mockRandom = new MockRandom();

            var biasedItem = new TestBiasedItem(1.0, 0.0);
            var chosenItems = new List<TestMeasurableItem>();

            // the numbers generated need to reflect the range of measurement levels in the items
            // if there are 8 items...
            // - 8/8 pheromone -> 8 results
            // - 7/8 pheromone -> 7 results
            // - 6/8 pheromone -> 6 results
            // - ...
            // - 1/8 pheromone -> 1 result
            // total number of results: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = n(n + 1)/2 [sum of integers from 1 - n]
            var numberOfResults = this.items.Count * (this.items.Count + 1) / 2.0;
            var nextDouble = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfResults; i++)
                chosenItems.Add(DecisionLogic.MakeDecision(this.items, biasedItem));
                nextDouble += 1.0 / numberOfResults;

            // expecting each organism to be chosen a number of times proportional to the single measurement level used
            var expectedItemCounts = new Dictionary<TestMeasurableItem, int>();
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                expectedItemCounts.Add(this.items.ElementAt(i), i + 1);

            var actualItemCounts = new Dictionary<TestMeasurableItem, int>();
            foreach (var item in this.items)
                var numberOfTimesChosen = chosenItems.Count(chosenItem => chosenItem.Equals(item));
                actualItemCounts.Add(item, numberOfTimesChosen);

            Assert.That(actualItemCounts, Is.EqualTo(expectedItemCounts));
コード例 #5
        public void InequalItemsMultipleUnbalancingMeasures()
            // all items will have two measures, the second being double the inverse of the first
            // this imbalance will be corrected by the bias, showing that the bias has the desired effect
            var measurementIncrement = 1.0 / this.items.Count;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                var measurementLevel = (i + 1) * measurementIncrement;
                this.items[i].SetPheromoneLevel(measurementLevel / 2.0);
                this.items[i].SetHealthLevel(1 - measurementLevel);

            // override the random number generator used by the decision logic so it can be manipulated
            // and set the base weighting to 0 (so that chance of being chosen is based directly on measurment level * bias)
            var mockRandom = new MockRandom();

            // pheromone bias is double that of health bias to compensate for the halving of the measurement level
            var biasedItem = new TestBiasedItem(2.0, 1.0);
            var chosenItems = new List<TestMeasurableItem>();

            var nextDouble = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
                chosenItems.Add(DecisionLogic.MakeDecision(this.items, biasedItem));
                nextDouble += 1.0 / this.items.Count;

            // items are not equal, but the bias should evenly compensate for the disproportionate measurements
            // and evenly distribute the selection of items
            var expectedItems = this.items;
            var actualItems = chosenItems;
            Assert.That(actualItems, Is.EqualTo(expectedItems));