public void build_structure(Structure S, Team new_team) { if(new_team != null) team = new_team; Building = S; }
public static Structure create(Structure_Type_e type, Team team_, iTile tile) { Structure st; switch(type) { case Structure_Type_e.SNOWMAN: st = new Snowman(team_, tile); break; case Structure_Type_e.FORT: st = new Fort(team_, tile); break; case Structure_Type_e.SNOW_FACTORY: st = new Snow_Factory(team_, tile); break; case Structure_Type_e.HEALING_POOL: st = new Healing_Pool(team_, tile); break; /* case Structure_Type_e.TREE: st = new Tree(team_, tile ); break; case Structure_Type_e.BASE: st = new Base(team_, tile); break; */ default: throw new Exception("Invalid Structure Type"); } tile.build_structure(st, team_); GM_Proxy.Instance.add_structure(st); return st; }
public Snow_Factory(Team team, iTile tile_) : base(team, tile_) { produce_snow(); // animation_state = new Present_wrapped(); }
public void destroy_structure() { if(has_building()) Building.mark_for_deletion(); team = null; Building = null; }
public Snowman(Team team, iTile tile_) : base(team, tile_) { // animation_state = new Present_wrapped(); left = true; left_launch = center - new Vector3(50, 0,0); right_launch = center + new Vector3(50, 0,0); // targeting_delay.start(); // reload_time.start(); }
public Snowball(Team _team, Vector3 center_, Vector3 size_) : base(center_, size_, Globals.Game_Obj_Quat) { // max - min / max_siz -4 * (size.z - 4) + min Damage = ((Globals.max_snowball_damage - Globals.min_snowball_damage) / (Globals.Max_projectile_size - 4)) * (size.Z - 4) + Globals.min_snowball_damage; Owner = null; My_Team = _team; melt_clock = new Stopwatch(); Stuck = false; }
public Projectile(Player _player,Vector3 center_, Vector3 size_, Quaternion theta_ ) : base(center_, size_, theta_) { damamge_dealt = false; damage = size.Length(); Life_clock = new Stopwatch(); Life_clock.Start(); if (_player != null) { owner = _player; my_team = _player.Team; } }
protected Structure(Team team, iTile tile_, float radius = 100.0f) : base(tile_.get_structure_base() + new Vector3(0, 250, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * radius) { owner = team; health = get_integrity(); Status = Structure_State_e.PRESENT_MODE; Connected_to_Team = true; tile_on = tile_; opened = false; default_position = center; default_size = new Vector3(1,1,1)*radius; default_radius = radius; create_body(); save_height = tile_on.get_height(); Present_Clock.Start(); }
public Fort(Team team_, iTile tile_) : base(team_, tile_) { // animation_state = new Present_wrapped(); }
public Base(Team team, iTile tile_) : base(team, tile_) { Status = Structure_State_e.BUILT; }
public Healing_Pool(Team team, iTile tile_) : base(team, tile_) { // animation_state = new Present_wrapped(); }
// JK. this does nothing public Catapult(Team team, iTile tile_) : base(team, tile_) { }
public Player(Vector3 center_, Vector3 size_, Quaternion theta_) : base(center_, size_, theta_) { player_KO = false; my_team = null; snow_in_pack = Globals.Max_Snow_in_pack; Health = Globals.Max_Player_health; //we need to set the team somewhere }