コード例 #1
ファイル: ContentService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        public ContentDetails GetContentDetails(Guid azureId)
            ContentDetails contentDetails = null;
            var content = _contentRepository.GetContent(azureId);
            if (content != null)
                var userRole = UserRole.SiteAdmin;
                var userPermission = userRole.GetPermission();
                contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userPermission);

            return contentDetails;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the relationship for video and content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content which has to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        private static void CreateVideo(Content content, ContentDetails contentDetails)
            if (contentDetails.Video != null)
                var videoContent = new Content();
                videoContent.SetValuesFrom(contentDetails, contentDetails.Video);

                // Note that Modifying user is the one who is creating the video.
                videoContent.CreatedByID = content.ModifiedByID.Value;

                var contentRelation = new ContentRelation()
                    Content = content,
                    Content1 = videoContent,
                    ContentRelationshipTypeID = (int)AssociatedContentRelationshipType.Video

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the relationship for associated contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content which has to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        private static void CreateAssociateContents(Content content, ContentDetails contentDetails)
            if (contentDetails.AssociatedFiles != null && contentDetails.AssociatedFiles.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var dataDetails in contentDetails.AssociatedFiles)
                    // Create new associated file only if contentId is not set
                    if (!dataDetails.ContentID.HasValue || dataDetails.ContentID.Value <= 0)
                        var associatedContent = new Content();
                        associatedContent.SetValuesFrom(contentDetails, dataDetails);

                        // Note that Modifying user is the one who is creating the associated contents.
                        associatedContent.CreatedByID = content.ModifiedByID.Value;

                        var associatedRelation = new ContentRelation()
                            Content = content,
                            Content1 = associatedContent,
                            ContentRelationshipTypeID = (int)AssociatedContentRelationshipType.Associated
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the content in Layerscape with the given details passed in contentDetails instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content</param>
        /// <param name="userId">User identification</param>
        /// <returns>True if content is updated; otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool UpdateContent(ContentDetails contentDetails, long userId)
            // Make sure content is not null
            this.CheckNotNull(() => new { contentDetails });

            // Get the current content from DB.
            var content = _contentRepository.GetContent(contentDetails.ID);
            if (content != null)
                var userRole = GetContentUserRole(content, userId);

                if (!CanEditDeleteContent(content, userId, userRole))
                    // In case if user is reader or visitor, he should not be allowed to edit the content.
                    // TODO: Throw item not exists or no permissions exception which will be shown to user in error page.
                    contentDetails = null;
                    this.CheckNotNull(() => new { contentDetails });

                // Upload edited/removed content data, thumbnail, video and associated file to azure.
                if (UploadFilesToAzure(contentDetails, content))
                    if (MoveAssociatedFiles(contentDetails))
                            // Do not let the user to change the Content as public in case if it is offensive.
                            // This scenario might happen when the edit page is left open or cached and meantime content is marked as offensive 
                            // by the Site Admin.
                            if (content.IsOffensive.HasValue && (bool)content.IsOffensive && contentDetails.AccessTypeID == (int)AccessType.Public)
                                contentDetails.AccessTypeID = (int)AccessType.Private;

                            // Set values from content details.

                            // Set the thumbnail ID.
                            if (contentDetails.Thumbnail.AzureID != content.ThumbnailID)
                                // Move Thumbnail.
                                content.ThumbnailID = MoveThumbnail(contentDetails.Thumbnail);

                            // Update Modified by and date time.
                            content.ModifiedByID = userId;
                            content.ModifiedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            // Updated Parent child relationship
                            UpdateParent(contentDetails, content);

                            // Update video file details in database.
                            UpdateVideo(content, contentDetails);

                            // Update associated files details in database.
                            UpdateAssociateContents(contentDetails, content);

                            //// TODO: Update Consumed size of the user. If the size is more than allowed throw error.

                            // Update Tags.
                            SetContentTags(contentDetails.Tags, content);


                            // Save changes to the database

                            return true;
                        catch (Exception)
                            // Delete Uploaded Content/Video/Thumbnail
                            // Note:- Deleting associated files as will be handled by a worker role 
                            //  which will delete temporary file from container.
                        // Delete Uploaded Content/Video/Thumbnail
                        // Note:- Deleting associated files as will be handled by a worker role 
                        //  which will delete temporary file from container.

            return false;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the relationship for parent and content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        /// <param name="content">Content which has to be updated.</param>
        private static void UpdateParent(ContentDetails contentDetails, Content content)
            // Few things to be noted:
            // a) Obviously the count to be 1 always.
            // b) A content can be child of only once parent community or folder
            if (Enumerable.ElementAt(content.CommunityContents, 0).CommunityID != contentDetails.ParentID)
                if (content.CommunityContents.Count > 0)

                var comCont = new CommunityContents()
                    CommunityID = contentDetails.ParentID,
                    Content = content

                // Add the relationship
コード例 #6
        private void DeleteTemporaryThumbnail(ContentDetails contentDetails)
            var thumbnailBlob = new BlobDetails()
                BlobID = contentDetails.Thumbnail.AzureID.ToString()

            // Delete thumbnail from azure.
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the contents from the Layerscape database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentId">Content for which details to be fetched</param>
        /// <param name="userId">Id of the user who is accessing</param>
        /// <returns>Details about the content</returns>
        public ContentDetails GetContentDetailsForEdit(long contentId, long userId)
            ContentDetails contentDetails = null;
            var content = _contentRepository.GetContent(contentId);
            if (content != null)
                Permission userPermission;
                var userRole = GetContentUserRole(content, userId);

                // In case of Edit, user should have role assigned for editing the content.
                if (CanEditDeleteContent(content, userId, userRole))
                    userPermission = userRole.GetPermission();

                    contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userPermission);

            return contentDetails;
コード例 #8
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the contents of the given community.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communityId">ID of the community.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">Id of the user who is accessing</param>
        /// <param name="pageDetails">Details about the pagination</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerable which contains the contents of the community</returns>
        public IEnumerable<ContentDetails> GetContents(long communityId, long userId, PageDetails pageDetails)
            this.CheckNotNull(() => new { pageDetails });

            IList<ContentDetails> contents = new List<ContentDetails>();

            var contentIDs = _communityRepository.GetContentIDs(communityId, userId);

            // Gets the total number of contents of the community
            pageDetails.TotalCount = contentIDs.Count();

            pageDetails.TotalPages = (pageDetails.TotalCount / pageDetails.ItemsPerPage) + ((pageDetails.TotalCount % pageDetails.ItemsPerPage == 0) ? 0 : 1);

            if (contentIDs != null && contentIDs.Count() > 0)
                contentIDs = contentIDs.Skip((pageDetails.CurrentPage - 1) * pageDetails.ItemsPerPage).Take(pageDetails.ItemsPerPage);
                foreach (var content in _contentRepository.GetItems(contentIDs))
                    var userRole = UserRole.Visitor;

                    if (content.CreatedByID == userId)
                        userRole = UserRole.Owner;
                        userRole = _userRepository.GetUserRole(userId, communityId);

                        if (userRole == UserRole.Moderator)
                            // In case of user is Moderator for the parent community, he should be considered as moderator inherited so 
                            // that he will be having permissions to edit/delete this content.
                            userRole = UserRole.ModeratorInheritted;
                        else if (userRole == UserRole.Contributor)
                            // In case of user is Contributor for the parent community, he should be considered as Owner if the content
                            // is created by him. If the content is not created by him, he should be considered as Reader.
                            userRole = UserRole.Reader;

                    var contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userRole.GetPermission());

                    // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.


            return contents;
コード例 #9
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the top categories from the Layerscape database based on the number of contents which belongs to the category.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of top 6 categories</returns>
        public async Task<IEnumerable<EntityDetails>> GetTopCategories()
            IList<EntityDetails> topCategories = new List<EntityDetails>();
            var topCategoryItems =  _topCategoryEntities.GetAll(t => t.CategoryID);
            var contents = topCategoryItems.Where(t => t.EntityType == EntityType.Content.ToString());
            var communities = topCategoryItems.Where(t => t.EntityType == EntityType.Community.ToString());
            for (var i = 0; i < contents.Count(); i++)
                var content = contents.ElementAt(i);
                var contentDetails = new ContentDetails();
                Mapper.Map(content, contentDetails);

                if (content.ThumbnailID.HasValue)
                    // TODO: Auto-mapper cannot set this nested object, need to see if there is any better approach.
                    contentDetails.Thumbnail = new FileDetail();
                    contentDetails.Thumbnail.AzureID = content.ThumbnailID.Value;

                // Insert the content to the top categories collection.
                topCategories.Insert(i * 3, contentDetails);

                // Get the communities of the content which got inserted.
                var contentCommunities = communities.Where((TopCategoryEntities t) => t.CategoryID == content.CategoryID);

                // Get the first community for the current content.
                TopCategoryEntities firstCommunity = contentCommunities.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
                var communityDetails = new EntityDetails();
                Mapper.Map(firstCommunity, communityDetails);

                if (firstCommunity != null)
                    // TODO: Auto-mapper is not setting the nested Thumbnail, need to initialize and set it.
                    // Need to see if there is any better approach.
                    communityDetails.Thumbnail = new FileDetail();
                    communityDetails.Thumbnail.AzureID = firstCommunity.ThumbnailID ?? Guid.Empty;
                    topCategories.Insert(i * 3 + 1, communityDetails);
                    // Incase if there are no communities for the current content, insert null so that the sequence is maintained.
                    topCategories.Insert(i * 3 + 1, null);

                // Get the second community for the current content.
                TopCategoryEntities secondCommunity = contentCommunities.ElementAtOrDefault(1);
                communityDetails = new EntityDetails();
                Mapper.Map(secondCommunity, communityDetails);

                if (secondCommunity != null)
                    // TODO: Auto-mapper is not setting the nested Thumbnail, need to initialize and set it.
                    // Need to see if there is any better approach.
                    communityDetails.Thumbnail = new FileDetail();
                    communityDetails.Thumbnail.AzureID = firstCommunity.ThumbnailID ?? Guid.Empty;
                    topCategories.Insert(i * 3 + 2, communityDetails);
                    // Incase if there are no communities for the current content, insert null so that the sequence is maintained.
                    topCategories.Insert(i * 3 + 2, null);

            return topCategories.AsEnumerable();
コード例 #10
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        private IEnumerable<ContentDetails> GetAllContents(EntityHighlightFilter entityHighlightFilter)
            Func<ContentsView, object> orderBy = c => c.LastUpdatedDatetime;

            var accessType = AccessType.Public.ToString();
            Expression<Func<ContentsView, bool>> condition = c => c.AccessType == accessType;
            if (entityHighlightFilter.CategoryType != CategoryType.All)
                condition = c => c.CategoryID == (int)entityHighlightFilter.CategoryType && c.AccessType == accessType;

            var contents =  _contentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, orderBy, true);

            var contentDetails = new List<ContentDetails>();
            if (contents != null)
                foreach (var content in contents)
                    var contentDetail = new ContentDetails();

                    // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.
                    Mapper.Map(content, contentDetail);


            return contentDetails;
コード例 #11
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the contents from the Layerscape database including the deleted items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">Id of the user who is accessing</param>
        /// <param name="categoryId">Category ID for which contents to be fetched</param>
        /// <returns>List of all Contents</returns>
        public async Task<IEnumerable<ContentDetails>> GetAllContents(long userId, int? categoryId)
            Func<AllContentsView, object> orderBy = c => c.LastUpdatedDatetime;
            Expression<Func<AllContentsView, bool>> condition = null;
            var contentDetails = new List<ContentDetails>();

            if (_userRepository.IsSiteAdmin(userId))
                if (categoryId != null)
                    condition = content => content.CategoryID == categoryId;

                foreach (var content in  _allContentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, orderBy, true))
                    var contentDetail = new ContentDetails();
                    Mapper.Map(content, contentDetail);

            return contentDetails;
コード例 #12
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        private IEnumerable<ContentDetails> GetAllFeaturedContents(EntityHighlightFilter entityHighlightFilter)
            Func<FeaturedContentsView, object> orderBy = c => c.SortOrder;
            Expression<Func<FeaturedContentsView, bool>> condition = c => c.FeaturedCategoryID == (int)entityHighlightFilter.CategoryType;

            var contents =  _featuredContentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, orderBy, false);

            var contentDetails = new List<ContentDetails>();
            if (contents != null)
                foreach (var content in contents)
                    var contentDetail = new ContentDetails();

                    // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.
                    Mapper.Map(content, contentDetail);


            return contentDetails;
コード例 #13
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Related Content details for the given content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityHighlightFilter">Filters needed while retrieving collection of entities</param>
        /// <param name="pageDetails">Details about the pagination</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of related contents</returns>
        private IEnumerable<ContentDetails> GetRelatedContentDetails(EntityHighlightFilter entityHighlightFilter, PageDetails pageDetails)
            var userId = entityHighlightFilter.EntityId.HasValue ? entityHighlightFilter.EntityId.Value : 0;

            var relatedContentIds = _contentTagsRepository.GetRelatedContentIDs(userId, entityHighlightFilter.UserID);

            var condition = GetRelatedContentsCondition(relatedContentIds);

            // Gets the total items satisfying the
            var totalItemsForCondition = _contentsViewRepository.GetItemsCount(condition);

            // If TotalCount is already specified in pageDetails, need to consider that. Ignore even if there are more items in the DB.
            if (pageDetails.TotalCount > 0 && totalItemsForCondition > pageDetails.TotalCount)
                totalItemsForCondition = pageDetails.TotalCount;

            pageDetails.TotalPages = (totalItemsForCondition / pageDetails.ItemsPerPage) + ((totalItemsForCondition % pageDetails.ItemsPerPage == 0) ? 0 : 1);

            IEnumerable<ContentsView> contents = null;

            relatedContentIds = relatedContentIds.Skip((pageDetails.CurrentPage - 1) * pageDetails.ItemsPerPage).Take(pageDetails.ItemsPerPage);
            condition = GetRelatedContentsCondition(relatedContentIds);

            contents =  _contentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, null, false);

            var contentDetails = new List<ContentDetails>();
            if (contents != null)
                foreach (var contentId in relatedContentIds)
                    var contentDetail = new ContentDetails();
                    var content = contents.Where(c => c.ContentID == contentId).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.
                    Mapper.Map(content, contentDetail);


            return contentDetails;
コード例 #14
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        private IEnumerable<ContentDetails> GetFeaturedContentDetails(EntityHighlightFilter entityHighlightFilter, PageDetails pageDetails)
            Func<FeaturedContentsView, object> orderBy = c => c.SortOrder;
            var condition = GetFeaturedContentCondition(entityHighlightFilter);

            // Gets the total items satisfying the
            var totalItemsForCondition = _featuredContentsViewRepository.GetItemsCount(condition);

            // If TotalCount is already specified in pageDetails, need to consider that. Ignore even if there are more items in the DB.
            if (pageDetails.TotalCount > 0 && totalItemsForCondition > pageDetails.TotalCount)
                totalItemsForCondition = pageDetails.TotalCount;

            pageDetails.TotalPages = (totalItemsForCondition / pageDetails.ItemsPerPage) + ((totalItemsForCondition % pageDetails.ItemsPerPage == 0) ? 0 : 1);

            // TODO: Passing the condition in a variable doesn't add the WHERE clause in SQL server. Need to work on this later.
            IEnumerable<FeaturedContentsView> contents = null;

            // Only for Popular/Top Rated, there is multiple order by which needs to added here.
            contents =  _featuredContentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, orderBy, false, (pageDetails.CurrentPage - 1) * pageDetails.ItemsPerPage, pageDetails.ItemsPerPage);

            var contentDetails = new List<ContentDetails>();
            if (contents != null)
                foreach (var content in contents)
                    var contentDetail = new ContentDetails();

                    // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.
                    Mapper.Map(content, contentDetail);


            return contentDetails;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads associated files to azure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        private bool MoveAssociatedFiles(ContentDetails contentDetails)
            var status = true;
            if (contentDetails.AssociatedFiles != null && contentDetails.AssociatedFiles.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var dataDetails in contentDetails.AssociatedFiles)
                    var fileDetails = dataDetails as FileDetail;
                    if (fileDetails != null && (!fileDetails.ContentID.HasValue || fileDetails.ContentID.Value <= 0))
                        // Move files from temporary container to file container.
                        if (!MoveFile(fileDetails))
                            status = false;

            return status;
コード例 #16
ファイル: EntityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        private IEnumerable<ContentDetails> GetContentDetails(EntityHighlightFilter entityHighlightFilter, PageDetails pageDetails)
            var orderBy = GetContentOrderByClause(entityHighlightFilter);
            var condition = GetContentConditionClause(entityHighlightFilter);

            // Gets the total items satisfying the
            var totalItemsForCondition = _contentsViewRepository.GetItemsCount(condition);

            // If TotalCount is already specified in pageDetails, need to consider that. Ignore even if there are more items in the DB.
            if (pageDetails.TotalCount > 0 && totalItemsForCondition > pageDetails.TotalCount)
                totalItemsForCondition = pageDetails.TotalCount;

            pageDetails.TotalPages = (totalItemsForCondition / pageDetails.ItemsPerPage) + ((totalItemsForCondition % pageDetails.ItemsPerPage == 0) ? 0 : 1);

            // TODO: Passing the condition in a variable doesn't add the WHERE clause in SQL server. Need to work on this later.
            IEnumerable<ContentsView> contents = null;

            // Only for Popular/Top Rated, there is multiple order by which needs to added here.
            if (entityHighlightFilter.HighlightType == HighlightType.Popular)
                // TODO: This is a temporary fix, since multiple order by cannot be passed.
                // Need to do this in a better way, instead of getting all the items.
                contents =  _contentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, null, true);
                contents = contents
                    .OrderByDescending((ContentsView c) => c.AverageRating)
                    .ThenByDescending<ContentsView, int?>((ContentsView c) => c.RatedPeople)
                    .Skip((pageDetails.CurrentPage - 1) * pageDetails.ItemsPerPage)
                contents =  _contentsViewRepository.GetItems(condition, orderBy, true, (pageDetails.CurrentPage - 1) * pageDetails.ItemsPerPage, pageDetails.ItemsPerPage);

            var contentDetails = new List<ContentDetails>();
            if (contents != null)
                foreach (var content in contents)
                    var contentDetail = new ContentDetails();

                    // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.
                    Mapper.Map(content, contentDetail);


            return contentDetails;
コード例 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes already uploaded contents from azure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
 private void DeleteUploadedFiles(ContentDetails contentDetails)
     // Delete content data.
     var fileDetail = contentDetails.ContentData as FileDetail;
     if (fileDetail != null)
     // Delete video.
     var videoDetail = contentDetails.Video as FileDetail;
     if (contentDetails.Video != null)
コード例 #18
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Get ContentDetails from Content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contents">contents list</param>
        /// <param name="userId">user identity</param>
        /// <returns>Content Details list</returns>
        private List<ContentDetails> GetContentDetailsFromContent(IEnumerable<Content> contents, long? userId)
            // Set Child Content based on user permissions
            var contentDetailsList = new List<ContentDetails>();
            foreach (var childContent in contents)
                var userRole = _contentService.GetContentUserRole(childContent, userId);

                // For private contents, user's who have not assigned explicit permission will not have access.
                if (userRole != UserRole.None)
                    var contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userRole.GetPermission());
            return contentDetailsList;
コード例 #19
        public ContentDetails GetContentDetails(Guid azureId, bool? deleted)
            var deletedCondition = deleted.HasValue ? deleted : false;
            ContentDetails contentDetails = null;
            var content = _contentRepository.GetContent(azureId, deletedCondition);
            if (content != null)
                var userRole = UserRole.SiteAdmin;
                var userPermission = userRole.GetPermission();
                contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userPermission);

            return contentDetails;
コード例 #20
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        //Creating overload - may replace as we can assume community permission applies to contents as well.
        private List<ContentDetails> GetContentDetailsFromContent(IEnumerable<Content> contents, Permission userPermission)
            // Set Child Content based on user permissions
            var contentDetailsList = new List<ContentDetails>();
            if (userPermission != Permission.Visitor && userPermission != Permission.PendingApproval)
                foreach (var childContent in contents)

                    var contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userPermission);
            return contentDetailsList;
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the new content in Layerscape with the given details passed in ContentsView instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content</param>
        /// <returns>Id of the content created. Returns -1 is creation is failed.</returns>
        public long CreateContent(ContentDetails contentDetails)
            // Make sure content is not null
            this.CheckNotNull(() => new { contentDetails });

            long contentId = -1;

            var userRole = GetCommunityUserRole(contentDetails.ParentID, contentDetails.CreatedByID);
            if (!CanCreateContent(userRole))
                // TODO: Throw custom permissions exception which will be shown to user in error page.
                throw new HttpException(401, Resources.NoPermissionCreateContentMessage);

            // Upload content data, thumbnail, video and associated file to azure.
            // Since the associated files are already stored in the Temporary container.
            // We need to move the files to actual container.
            if (UploadFilesToAzure(contentDetails))
                if (MoveAssociatedFiles(contentDetails))
                        // Create a new instance of content details
                        var content = new Content();

                        // Set values from content details.

                        // Set the thumbnail ID.
                        content.ThumbnailID = MoveThumbnail(contentDetails.Thumbnail);

                        // Set Created and modified time.
                        content.CreatedDatetime = content.ModifiedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Set Created and modified IDs.
                        content.ModifiedByID = contentDetails.CreatedByID;
                        content.CreatedByID = contentDetails.CreatedByID;

                        // Set Default Values.
                        content.IsDeleted = false;
                        content.IsSearchable = true;
                        content.IsOffensive = false;
                        content.DownloadCount = 0;

                        var parentCommunity = _communityRepository.GetItem(c => c.CommunityID == contentDetails.ParentID);
                        if (parentCommunity != null)
                            parentCommunity.ModifiedByID = contentDetails.CreatedByID;
                            parentCommunity.ModifiedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            // Updated Parent child relationship
                            var comCont = new CommunityContents()
                                Community = parentCommunity,
                                Content = content

                            // Add the relationship

                        // Update video file details in database.
                        CreateVideo(content, contentDetails);

                        // Update associated files details in database.
                        CreateAssociateContents(content, contentDetails);

                        // Update Tags.
                        SetContentTags(contentDetails.Tags, content);

                        //// TODO: Update Permissions Details.
                        //// TODO: Update Consumed size of the user. If the size is more than allowed throw error.


                        // Save changes to the database

                        // Get the content ID from database. We need to retrieve it from the database as it is a identity column.
                        contentId = content.ContentID;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Delete Uploaded Content/Video/Thumbnail
                        // Note:- Deleting associated files as will be handled by a worker role 
                        //  which will delete temporary file from container.
                    // Delete Uploaded Content/Video/Thumbnail
                    // Note:- Deleting associated files as will be handled by a worker role 
                    //  which will delete temporary file from container.
            return contentId;
コード例 #22
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
 public async Task<List<ContentDetails>> GetCommunityContents(long communityId, long userId)
     var userRole = GetCommunityUserRole(communityId, userId);
     var userPermission = userRole.GetPermission();
     var contents = await _communityRepository.GetContents(communityId, userId);
     var contentDetailsList = new List<ContentDetails>();
     foreach (var content in contents)
         ContentDetails contentDetails = null;
         contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userPermission);
         Mapper.Map(content, contentDetails);
     //var contentDetailsList = GetContentDetailsFromContent(contents, userPermission);
     return contentDetailsList;
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// This function retrieves the contents uploaded by the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">User identity.</param>
        /// <returns>Payload details.</returns>
        public async Task<PayloadDetails> GetUserContents(long userId)
            PayloadDetails payloadDetails = null;

            Expression<Func<Content, bool>> condition = c => c.CreatedByID == userId
                && c.IsDeleted == false
                && Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(c.CommunityContents) != null
                && !(bool)Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(c.CommunityContents).Community.IsDeleted;

            Func<Content, object> orderBy = c => c.ModifiedDatetime;

            var contents =  _contentRepository.GetItems(condition, orderBy, true);

            // Get Content Details object from Contents so that it has permission details
            var contentDetailsList = new List<ContentDetails>();
            foreach (Content content in contents)
                var userRole = GetContentUserRole(content, userId);

                // For private contents, user's who have not assigned explicit permission will not have access.
                if (userRole != UserRole.None)
                    var contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userRole.GetPermission());

            payloadDetails = PayloadDetailsExtensions.InitializePayload();
            payloadDetails.Name = "My Contents";

            return payloadDetails;
コード例 #24
 public async Task<JsonResult> New(ContentInputViewModel contentInputViewModel, string id)
     if (CurrentUserId == 0)
         await TryAuthenticateFromHttpContext(_communityService, _notificationService);
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var contentDetails = new ContentDetails();
         contentDetails.CreatedByID = CurrentUserId;
         contentInputViewModel.ID = contentDetails.ID = _contentService.CreateContent(contentDetails);
     return new JsonResult { Data = contentInputViewModel };
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the relationship for video and content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content which has to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        private static void UpdateVideo(Content content, ContentDetails contentDetails)
            var videoDetail = contentDetails.Video as FileDetail;
            if (videoDetail != null)
                var deletedById = content.ModifiedByID.Value;

                var existingVideo = Enumerable.Where(content.ContentRelation, cr => cr.ContentRelationshipTypeID == (int)AssociatedContentRelationshipType.Video
                                    && cr.Content1.IsDeleted == false).FirstOrDefault();

                if (existingVideo != null)
                    // Remove the previous videos from azure.
                    existingVideo.Content1.IsDeleted = true;
                    existingVideo.Content1.DeletedByID = deletedById;
                    existingVideo.Content1.DeletedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;


                CreateVideo(content, contentDetails);
コード例 #26
        public async Task<JsonResult> SaveEdits(string contentInputViewModel)
            if (CurrentUserId == 0)
                await TryAuthenticateFromHttpContext(_communityService, _notificationService);

            //TODO: understand why can't cast the viewmodel directly  the way we do with new content??
            var viewModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ContentInputViewModel>(contentInputViewModel);

            var isValid = ModelState.IsValid;
            if (isValid)
                if (CurrentUserId != 0 && viewModel.ID.HasValue)
                    var contentDetails = new ContentDetails();
                    // Update contents.
                    _contentService.UpdateContent(contentDetails, CurrentUserId);
                    return Json(contentDetails);
                return Json("error: User not logged in");
            return Json("error: Could not save changes to content");
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the relationship for associated contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        /// <param name="content">Content which has to be updated.</param>
        private static void UpdateAssociateContents(ContentDetails contentDetails, Content content)
            var deletedById = content.ModifiedByID.Value;

            // Get all Existing files list.
            var newFilesIDs = contentDetails.AssociatedFiles
                .Where(af => (af.ContentID.HasValue) && (af.ContentID.Value > 0))
                .Select(af => af.ContentID.Value);

            // Delete all existing associated files which are not part of the new associated file list.
            var removeAssociatedFiles = from cr in content.ContentRelation
                                        where cr.ContentRelationshipTypeID == (int)AssociatedContentRelationshipType.Associated
                                            && !newFilesIDs.Contains(cr.Content1.ContentID)
                                        select cr;

            foreach (var item in Enumerable.ToList(removeAssociatedFiles))
                item.Content1.IsDeleted = true;
                item.Content1.DeletedByID = deletedById;
                item.Content1.DeletedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;


            // Create new associated files.
            CreateAssociateContents(content, contentDetails);
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the contents from the Layerscape database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentId">Content for which details to be fetched</param>
        /// <param name="userId">Id of the user who is accessing</param>
        /// <returns>Details about the content</returns>
        public ContentDetails GetContentDetails(long contentId, long userId)
            ContentDetails contentDetails = null;
            var content = _contentRepository.GetContent(contentId);
            if (content != null)
                Permission userPermission;
                var userRole = GetContentUserRole(content, userId);

                // For private contents, user's who have not assigned explicit permission will not have access.
                if (CanReadContent(userRole))
                    userPermission = userRole.GetPermission();

                    contentDetails = new ContentDetails(userPermission);

            return contentDetails;
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads all files to azure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentDetails">Details of the content.</param>
        private bool UploadFilesToAzure(ContentDetails contentDetails, Content content)
            var uploadStatus = true;

            // Upload content data.
            var fileDetail = contentDetails.ContentData as FileDetail;
            if (fileDetail != null && content.ContentAzureID != fileDetail.AzureID)
                // Move the content file from temporary container to file container.
                uploadStatus = MoveFile(fileDetail);

            // Upload video.
            if (contentDetails.Video != null && uploadStatus)
                var videoDetail = contentDetails.Video as FileDetail;
                if (videoDetail != null)
                    // Move the video file from temporary container to file container.
                    uploadStatus = MoveFile(videoDetail);

            return uploadStatus;
コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the associated files from content details model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisObject">ContentInput ViewModel.</param>
        /// <param name="content">COntent details model.</param>
        private static void UpdateAssociatedFiles(ContentInputViewModel thisObject, ContentDetails content)
            List<string> postedFileNames = new List<string>();
            List<string> postedFileDetails = new List<string>();

            if (content.AssociatedFiles != null)
                foreach (var item in content.AssociatedFiles)
                    string postedFileDetail = string.Empty;
                    if (item is LinkDetail)
                        postedFileDetail = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "link~0~{1}~link~{0}", item.ContentID, Guid.Empty);
                        var fileDetail = item as FileDetail;
                        if (item != null)
                            postedFileDetail = string.Format(


            thisObject.PostedFileName = postedFileNames;
            thisObject.PostedFileDetail = postedFileDetails;