コード例 #1
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes all the contents of the community, including its sub communities/folders and contents recursively.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community">Community whose contents to be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="profileId">User Identity</param>
        private void DeleteCommunityContents(Community community, long profileId, bool isOffensive, OffensiveEntry offensiveDetails)
            if (community != null)
                community.DeletedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                community.IsDeleted = true;
                if (offensiveDetails.EntityID == community.CommunityID)
                    community.IsOffensive = isOffensive;

                // Update all the offensive entity entries if the community is being deleted.
                UpdateAllOffensiveCommunityEntry(community.CommunityID, offensiveDetails);

                // Mark all the contents of the community as deleted and also delete the relation entry from CommunityContents table.
                for (var i = community.CommunityContents.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var communityContent = Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityContents, i);

                    if (communityContent.Content.IsDeleted == false)
                        if (offensiveDetails.EntityID == community.CommunityID)
                            communityContent.Content.IsOffensive = isOffensive;

                        communityContent.Content.IsDeleted = true;
                        communityContent.Content.DeletedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Update all the offensive entity entries if the community is being deleted.
                        UpdateAllOffensiveContentEntry(communityContent.Content.ContentID, offensiveDetails);

                // Mark all the child communities and folders as deleted. Note that current community is parent and
                // all its relations with children will be there in CommunityRelation. Also deleting the relation entry from CommunityRelation table.
                for (var i = community.CommunityRelation.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var communityRelation = Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityRelation, i);

                    // Incase if the same community is marked as its parent/child in DB directly, without this check delete call will go indefinitely.
                    if (communityRelation.Community1.IsDeleted == false && communityRelation.Community1.CommunityID != community.CommunityID)
                        DeleteCommunityContents(communityRelation.Community1, profileId, isOffensive, offensiveDetails);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Community-Tags relations for given Tags. If the tags are not there in the DB, they will be added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tagsString">Comma separated tags string</param>
        /// <param name="community">Community to which tags to be related</param>
        internal void SetCommunityTags(string tagsString, Community community)
            // Delete all existing tags which are not part of the new tags list.

            // Create Tags and relationships.
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagsString))
                var tagsArray = tagsString.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(p => p.Trim());
                if (tagsArray != null && tagsArray.Count() > 0)
                    var notExistingTags = from tag in tagsArray
                                          where Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(community.CommunityTags, t => t.Tag.Name == tag) == null
                                          select tag;

                    foreach (var tag in notExistingTags)
                        var objTag = _tagRepository.GetItem((Tag t) => t.Name == tag);

                        if (objTag == null)
                            objTag = new Tag();
                            objTag.Name = tag;

                        var communityTag = new CommunityTags();
                        communityTag.Community = community;
                        communityTag.Tag = objTag;

コード例 #3
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks all the sub-communities/folder and contents of the community as un-deleted, only if they are not offensive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community">Community whose content and sub-communities/folder to be marked as un-deleted</param>
        /// <param name="updatePermissions">Update permissions for the community? Only for root community which is getting undeleted to be 
        /// updated for permissions</param>
        private void UnDeleteCommunityContents(Community community, bool updatePermissions)
            if (community != null)
                // NOTE: We Should NOT undelete the Community/Content if it is explicitly deleted by the user.
                // 1. Mark the community as not deleted.
                community.IsDeleted = false;

                // We need to mark the community as not offensive as the Admin is marking the community as undeleted.
                community.IsOffensive = false;

                // We need to mark the DeletedBy as null as we are Undoing the delete operation. 
                //  Also DeleteBy filed will be used to check if the user has explicitly deleted the Community.
                community.User2 = null;

                // 2. Check if parent community exists. If it exists and not deleted, continue to next step. If parent community
                //    exist and deleted, delete the parent relationship.
                if (community.CommunityRelation1.Count > 0)
                    var parentCommunityId = Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityRelation1, 0).Community.CommunityID;

                    if (Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityRelation1, 0).Community.IsDeleted == true)
                        parentCommunityId = 0;
                        community.CommunityRelation1.Remove(Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityRelation1, 0));

                    if (updatePermissions)
                        // 3. Update the permissions.
                        //      3.1 If there is not parent community is there or if parent community is deleted, mark all the 
                        //          permissions as direct, not inherited.
                        //      3.2 If the parent community is available, then check for the roles which are inherited from parent.
                        _userCommunitiesRepository.InheritParentRoles(community, parentCommunityId);

                // 4. Mark all the contents of the community as undeleted, only if they are not offensive.
                //      Also make sure we don't undelete contents which are explicitly deleted by the User. (DeletedBYID will be set explicitly if the content is deleted by user)
                for (var i = community.CommunityContents.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var communityContent = Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityContents, i);

                    // DeletedBy filed will be used to check if the user has explicitly deleted the Community. 
                    if (communityContent.Content.IsDeleted == true 
                        && communityContent.Content.DeletedByID == null 
                        && (!communityContent.Content.IsOffensive.HasValue || !(bool)communityContent.Content.IsOffensive))
                        communityContent.Content.IsDeleted = false;

                        // We need to mark the DeletedBy as null as we are Undoing the delete operation. 
                        //  Also DeleteBy filed will be used to check if the user has explicitly deleted the Community.
                        communityContent.Content.User2 = null;

                // 5. Mark all the child communities and folders as undeleted. Note that current community is parent and
                //    all its relations with children will be there in CommunityRelation.
                for (var i = community.CommunityRelation.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var communityRelation = Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityRelation, i);

                    // Incase if the same community is marked as its parent/child in DB directly, without this check delete call will go indefinitely.
                    if (communityRelation.Community1.IsDeleted == true 
                        && communityRelation.Community1.CommunityID != community.CommunityID 
                        && communityRelation.Community1.DeletedByID == null 
                        && (!communityRelation.Community1.IsOffensive.HasValue || !(bool)communityRelation.Community1.IsOffensive))
                        UnDeleteCommunityContents(communityRelation.Community1, false);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        public long CreateCommunity(CommunityDetails communityDetail)
            // Make sure communityDetails is not null
            this.CheckNotNull(() => new { communityDetails = communityDetail });

            var userRole = GetCommunityUserRole(communityDetail.ParentID, communityDetail.CreatedByID);
            if (!CanCreateCommunity(communityDetail.ParentID, userRole))
                throw new HttpException(401, Resources.NoPermissionCreateCommunityMessage);

            // In case if the community getting created is "User" type, check that the same user already has a "User" community associated with him.
            // There should be only one "User" community to be created per user.
            if (communityDetail.CommunityType == CommunityTypes.User)
                var existingUserCommunity = _communityRepository.GetItem(
                    c => c.CommunityTypeID == (int) CommunityTypes.User && c.CreatedByID == communityDetail.CreatedByID);

                if (existingUserCommunity != null)
                    return existingUserCommunity.CommunityID;

            // 1. Add Community details to the community object.
            var community = new Community();
            Mapper.Map(communityDetail, community);

            // While creating the community, IsDeleted to be false always.
            community.IsDeleted = false;

            community.CreatedDatetime = community.ModifiedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // 2. Add Thumbnail to blob
            if (communityDetail.Thumbnail != null && communityDetail.Thumbnail.AzureID != Guid.Empty)
                if (MoveThumbnail(communityDetail.Thumbnail))
                    community.ThumbnailID = communityDetail.Thumbnail.AzureID;

            // 3. Add Tag details. This will also take care of creating tags if they are not there in the Layerscape database.
            SetCommunityTags(communityDetail.Tags, community);

            var parentAddedToUserRole = false;
            if (communityDetail.ParentID > 0)
                // 4. Add Parent Community details
                var communityRelation = new CommunityRelation
                    ParentCommunityID = communityDetail.ParentID,
                    ChildCommunityID = communityDetail.ID

                // TODO: Need to rename the Data Model property CommunityRelation1 with a more meaningful name.
                // Note that the relation to be added is to CommunityRelation1 since the current Community is Child.
                // When the current community is parent, it's relation to be added in CommunityRelation.

                var parentCommunity = _communityRepository.GetItem(c => c.CommunityID == communityDetail.ParentID);
                if (parentCommunity != null && parentCommunity.UserCommunities.Count > 0)
                    parentCommunity.ModifiedByID = communityDetail.CreatedByID;
                    parentCommunity.ModifiedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // 5. Inherit Parent Permission Details
                    foreach (var communityUserRole in parentCommunity.UserCommunities)
                        var userCommunityRole = new UserCommunities
                            CommunityId = communityDetail.ID,
                            UserID = communityUserRole.UserID,
                            RoleID = communityUserRole.RoleID,
                            IsInherited = true,
                            CreatedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow

                        // Add the current community to the use role

                        // Add the existing users along with their roles


                        if (communityUserRole.UserID == communityDetail.CreatedByID)
                            parentAddedToUserRole = true;

            if (!parentAddedToUserRole)
                // 6. Add Owner Permission Details only if its not already inherited.
                var userCommunity = new UserCommunities
                    CommunityId = communityDetail.ID,
                    UserID = communityDetail.CreatedByID,
                    CreatedDatetime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    RoleID = (int) UserRole.Owner,
                    IsInherited = false

                // User who is creating the community is the owner.

            // Add the community to the repository

            // Save all the changes made.

            return community.CommunityID;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Increments the view count of the community identified by the Condition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community">Community for which view count has to be incremented</param>
        private void IncrementViewCount(Community community)
            if (community != null)
                // Increment view Count.
                community.ViewCount = community.ViewCount.HasValue ? community.ViewCount.Value + 1 : 1;

                // Save changes to the database
コード例 #6
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the private community details for the given community. User id is used to check if the user is having any
        /// pending requests on the private community.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community">Community for which private community details has to be created</param>
        /// <param name="userId">Current user id</param>
        /// <returns>Community details instance</returns>
        private CommunityDetails CreatePrivateCommunityDetails(Community community, long? userId)
            CommunityDetails communityDetails = null;

            var permission = Permission.Visitor;

            // Check if already any pending approvals are there.
            if (userId.HasValue && _userRepository.PendingPermissionRequests(userId.Value, community.CommunityID))
                permission = Permission.PendingApproval;

            communityDetails = new CommunityDetails(permission);
            communityDetails.ID = community.CommunityID;
            communityDetails.Name = community.Name;
            communityDetails.Description = community.Description;
            communityDetails.AccessTypeID = (int)AccessType.Private;
            communityDetails.CommunityType = (CommunityTypes)community.CommunityTypeID;

            // Set Thumbnail properties.
            var thumbnailDetail = new FileDetail();
            thumbnailDetail.AzureID = community.ThumbnailID.HasValue ? community.ThumbnailID.Value : Guid.Empty;
            communityDetails.Thumbnail = thumbnailDetail;

            return communityDetails;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CommunityService.cs プロジェクト: faorg/wwt-website
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the community details for the given community. User id is used to check the user role
        /// on the community,based on that, CommunityDetails might be null in case is user is not having permission.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community">Community for which community details has to be created</param>
        /// <param name="userId">Current user id</param>
        /// <param name="checkPendingRequest">Check for pending requests of the user</param>
        /// <returns>Community details instance</returns>
        private CommunityDetails CreateCommunityDetails(Community community, long? userId, bool checkPendingRequest)
            CommunityDetails communityDetails = null;

            if (community != null)
                Permission permission;
                var userRole = GetCommunityUserRole(community.CommunityID, userId);

                if (!CanReadCommunity(userRole))
                    throw new HttpException(401, Resources.NoPermissionReadCommunityMessage);

                permission = userRole.GetPermission();

                // 1. For visitors (not assigned any roles for the community) who are logged in, need to find if any role request is pending approval.
                // 2. Pending approval is needed only for community details, not to be added in other places.
                if (checkPendingRequest &&
                        userRole == UserRole.Visitor &&
                        userId.HasValue &&
                        _userRepository.PendingPermissionRequests(userId.Value, community.CommunityID))
                    permission = Permission.PendingApproval;

                communityDetails = new CommunityDetails(permission);

                // Some of the values which comes from complex objects need to be set through this method.

                communityDetails.ViewCount = community.ViewCount.HasValue ? community.ViewCount.Value : 0;

                // Update parent details based on the permission.
                var parent = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(community.CommunityRelation1);
                if (parent != null && parent.Community != null)
                    var parentUserRole = GetCommunityUserRole(parent.Community.CommunityID, userId);

                    if (!CanReadCommunity(parentUserRole))
                        communityDetails.ParentName = string.Empty;
                        communityDetails.ParentID = -1;
                        communityDetails.ParentType = CommunityTypes.None;

            return communityDetails;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether the user can edit/delete the community.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="community">Community instance</param>
        /// <param name="userId">User Identification</param>
        /// <param name="userRole">Role of the User.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user has permission to edit/delete the community; Otherwise False.</returns>
        protected bool CanEditDeleteCommunity(Community community, long userId, UserRole userRole)
            var canEditDelete = false;

            if (community != null)
                if (community.CommunityRelation1.Count == 0)
                    // a.   At the root level only an owner or Site Administrator can modify the community
                    canEditDelete = userRole >= UserRole.Owner;
                    var parentCommunityId = Enumerable.ElementAt(community.CommunityRelation1, 0).ParentCommunityID;

                    if (userRole >= UserRole.ModeratorInheritted)
                        // Inherited Moderator can edit/delete the current community.
                        canEditDelete = true;
                    else if (userRole == UserRole.Contributor && community.CreatedByID == userId)
                        // Contributors can edit/delete only community that they have added, they cannot modify/delete community added by others
                        canEditDelete = true;
                    else if (GetCommunityUserRole(parentCommunityId, userId) >= UserRole.Moderator)
                        // b.   A moderator can edit/delete any communities/content including those created by others (even the owner) 
                        //      as long as he is the moderator of the parent of the community/content
                        canEditDelete = true;

            return canEditDelete;