internal static void smethod_0( IInteractorWinFormsDrawable drawable, DxfEntity entity, PaintEventArgs e, GraphicsHelper graphicsHelper, InteractionContext context) { DxfLine dxfLine = (DxfLine)entity; Matrix4D projectionTransform = context.ProjectionTransform; PointF pointF1 = projectionTransform.TransformToPointF(dxfLine.point3D_0); PointF pointF2 = projectionTransform.TransformToPointF(dxfLine.End); if ((double)pointF1.Y == (double)pointF2.Y) { return; } PointF pointF3 = projectionTransform.TransformToPointF(WW.Math.Point3D.GetMidPoint(dxfLine.point3D_0, dxfLine.point3D_1)); double num = System.Math.Atan2((double)pointF2.Y - (double)pointF1.Y, (double)pointF2.X - (double)pointF1.X); if (context.ProjectionFlipsOrientation) { num = -num; } e.Graphics.DrawString((num * (180.0 / System.Math.PI)).ToString(context.AngleFormatString) + "°", graphicsHelper.DefaultFont, graphicsHelper.DefaultBrush, pointF3); }
public override bool TryCommit() { if (this.ClickCount <= 0) { return(false); } // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type DxfLine.EditInteractor.Class590 class590 = new DxfLine.EditInteractor.Class590(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field class590.editInteractor_0 = this; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field class590.int_0 = this.ControlPointIndexAtFirstMouseDown; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field class590.point3D_0 = this.ControlPointValueAtFirstMouseDown; DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)this.Entity; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field class590.point3D_1 = this.ControlPointIndexAtFirstMouseDown != 0 ? entity.point3D_1 : entity.point3D_0; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method this.OnCommandCreated(new CommandEventArgs((ICommand) new WW.Actions.Command((object)this.Entity, new System.Action(class590.method_0), new System.Action(class590.method_1)))); this.Deactivate(); return(true); }
public override void CopyFrom(DxfHandledObject from, CloneContext cloneContext) { base.CopyFrom(from, cloneContext); DxfLine dxfLine = (DxfLine)from; this.point3D_0 = dxfLine.point3D_0; this.point3D_1 = dxfLine.point3D_1; this.vector3D_0 = dxfLine.vector3D_0; this.double_1 = dxfLine.double_1; }
public override IGraphCloneable Clone(CloneContext cloneContext) { DxfLine dxfLine = (DxfLine)cloneContext.GetExistingClone((IGraphCloneable)this); if (dxfLine == null) { dxfLine = new DxfLine(); cloneContext.RegisterClone((IGraphCloneable)this, (IGraphCloneable)dxfLine); dxfLine.CopyFrom((DxfHandledObject)this, cloneContext); } return((IGraphCloneable)dxfLine); }
protected override WW.Math.Point3D ProcessWcsPosition( InteractionContext context, WW.Math.Point3D p) { p = base.ProcessWcsPosition(context, p); if (this.ControlPointIndex == 1 && this.nullable_1.HasValue && this.nullable_1.Value > 0.0) { DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)this.Entity; if (p != entity.point3D_0) { Vector3D unit = (p - entity.point3D_0).GetUnit(); p = entity.point3D_0 + unit * this.nullable_1.Value; } } return(p); }
public void ApplyLength() { if (!this.nullable_1.HasValue) { return; } DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)this.Entity; if (!(entity.point3D_0 != entity.point3D_1)) { return; } Vector3D unit = (entity.point3D_1 - entity.point3D_0).GetUnit(); entity.point3D_1 = entity.point3D_0 + this.nullable_1.Value * unit; this.OnEntityChanged(new EntityEventArgs(this.Entity)); }
private void method_1(object sender, InteractorMouseEventArgs e) { if (!((DxfLine.ILineInteractor) this.Interactor).EnteredLength.HasValue) { this.bool_0 = true; try { DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)this.Interactor.Entity; this.fieldEditControl_0.TextBox.Text = (entity.point3D_1 - entity.point3D_0).GetLength().ToString(e.InteractionContext.LengthFormatString); this.fieldEditControl_0.TextBox.SelectAll(); } finally { this.bool_0 = false; } } this.fieldEditControl_0.TextBox.Focus(); }
public void ApplyLength() { if (!this.nullable_1.HasValue || this.ClickCount <= 0) { return; } DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)this.Entity; if (!(entity.point3D_0 != entity.point3D_1)) { return; } Vector3D unit = (entity.point3D_1 - entity.point3D_0).GetUnit(); if (this.ControlPointIndexAtFirstMouseDown == 0) { entity.point3D_0 = entity.point3D_1 - this.nullable_1.Value * unit; } else { entity.point3D_1 = entity.point3D_0 + this.nullable_1.Value * unit; } this.OnEntityChanged(new EntityEventArgs(this.Entity)); }
protected override WW.Math.Point3D ProcessWcsPosition( InteractionContext context, WW.Math.Point3D p) { p = base.ProcessWcsPosition(context, p); p = DxfLine.CreateInteractor.SnapHorizontalOrVertical((DxfEntity.Interactor) this, p, context, this.ControlPointIndexAtFirstMouseDown); if (this.ClickCount > 0 && this.nullable_1.HasValue) { DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)this.Entity; if (this.ControlPointIndexAtFirstMouseDown == 0) { Vector3D u = entity.point3D_1 - p; if (Vector3D.AreApproxEqual(u, Vector3D.Zero)) { u = entity.point3D_1 - entity.point3D_0; } if (!Vector3D.AreApproxEqual(u, Vector3D.Zero)) { p = entity.point3D_1 - this.nullable_1.Value * u.GetUnit(); } } else { Vector3D u = p - entity.point3D_0; if (Vector3D.AreApproxEqual(u, Vector3D.Zero)) { u = entity.point3D_1 - entity.point3D_0; } if (!Vector3D.AreApproxEqual(u, Vector3D.Zero)) { p = entity.point3D_0 + this.nullable_1.Value * u.GetUnit(); } } } return(p); }
public static WW.Math.Point3D SnapHorizontalOrVertical( DxfEntity.Interactor interactor, WW.Math.Point3D p, InteractionContext context, int controlPointIndex) { bool flag = InputUtil.IsShiftPressed(); CadInteractionContext interactionContext = context as CadInteractionContext; if (interactionContext != null) { flag ^= interactionContext.DefaultNonDiagonalLines; } if (interactor.IsActive && flag) { DxfLine entity = (DxfLine)interactor.Entity; WW.Math.Point2D point2D1 = context.ProjectionTransform.TransformTo2D(controlPointIndex == 0 ? entity.point3D_1 : entity.point3D_0); WW.Math.Point3D point3D = p; WW.Math.Point2D point2D2 = context.ProjectionTransform.TransformTo2D((WW.Math.Point2D)point3D); Vector2D vector2D = point2D2 - point2D1; p = System.Math.Abs(vector2D.X) >= System.Math.Abs(vector2D.Y) ? context.InverseProjectionTransform.TransformTo3D(new WW.Math.Point2D(point2D2.X, point2D1.Y)) : context.InverseProjectionTransform.TransformTo3D(new WW.Math.Point2D(point2D1.X, point2D2.Y)); } return(p); }
public virtual void Visit(DxfLine line) { }
public virtual void Visit(DxfLine line) { this.VisitEntity((DxfEntity)line); }