/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardCancel(IntPtr context) { unsafe { return(UnsafePrimitives.SCardCancel((void *)context)); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardConnect(IntPtr context, string readerName, ShareMode shareMode, Protocol preferedProtocol, ref IntPtr card, ref Protocol activeProtocol) { ErrorCode ret; unsafe { var uactiveProtocol = (uint)activeProtocol; readerName += "\0"; // PC/SC lite does not support unicode, only utf8 // Ensure that encoding of readername if utf8 var def = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(readerName); var utf8ReaderName = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, def); fixed(byte *preaderName = utf8ReaderName) { fixed(void *pcard = &card) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardConnect( (void *)context, (char *)preaderName, (uint)shareMode, (uint)preferedProtocol, (void **)pcard, &uactiveProtocol ); activeProtocol = (Protocol)uactiveProtocol; } } } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardGetAttrib(IntPtr card, UInt32 attributeId, ref byte[] recvAttribute, ref UInt32 recvAttributeSize) { ErrorCode ret; unsafe { if (recvAttributeSize == AutoAllocate) { fixed(uint *precvAttributeSize = &recvAttributeSize) { fixed(byte *precvAttribute = recvAttribute) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardGetAttrib( (void *)card, attributeId, precvAttribute, precvAttributeSize ); } if (ret == ErrorCode.Success) { recvAttribute = new byte[*precvAttributeSize]; fixed(byte *precvAttribute = recvAttribute) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardGetAttrib( (void *)card, attributeId, precvAttribute, precvAttributeSize ); } } else { recvAttributeSize = 0; recvAttribute = new byte[0]; } } } else { fixed(uint *precvAttributeSize = &recvAttributeSize) { fixed(byte *precvAttribute = recvAttribute) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardGetAttrib( (void *)card, attributeId, precvAttribute, precvAttributeSize ); } } } } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardIsValidContext(IntPtr context) { unsafe { return(UnsafePrimitives.SCardIsValidContext( (void *)context )); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardDisconnect(IntPtr card, Disposition disposition) { unsafe { return(UnsafePrimitives.SCardDisconnect( (void *)card, (uint)disposition )); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardListReaders(IntPtr context, string groups, ref IntPtr readers, ref uint size) { ErrorCode err; unsafe { // PC/SC lite does not support unicode, only utf8 // Ensure that encoding of groups if utf8 var def = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(groups); var utf8Groups = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, def); fixed(uint *psize = &size) { fixed(byte *pgroups = utf8Groups) { if (size == AutoAllocate) { err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardListReaders( (void *)context, (char *)pgroups, (char *)readers, psize ); if (err == ErrorCode.Success) { var creaders = new char[*psize]; fixed(char *pcreaders = creaders) { err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardListReaders( (void *)context, (char *)pgroups, pcreaders, psize ); readers = (IntPtr)pcreaders; } } } else { err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardListReaders( (void *)context, (char *)pgroups, (char *)readers, psize ); } size = *psize; } } } return(err); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardReleaseContext(IntPtr context) { ErrorCode ret; unsafe { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardReleaseContext( (void *)context ); if (ret == ErrorCode.Success) { ActiveContext = IntPtr.Zero; } } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardStatus(IntPtr card, ref State status, ref Protocol protocol) { ErrorCode ret; unsafe { var ustatus = (uint)status; var uprotocol = (uint)protocol; uint readerNameSize = 0; uint atrSize = 0; ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardStatus((void *)card, null, &readerNameSize, &ustatus, &uprotocol, null, &atrSize); status = (State)ustatus; protocol = (Protocol)uprotocol; } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardReconnect(IntPtr card, ShareMode shareMode, Protocol preferedProtocol, Disposition initialisation, ref Protocol activeProtocol) { ErrorCode err; unsafe { var protocol = (uint)activeProtocol; err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardReconnect( (void *)card, (uint)shareMode, (uint)preferedProtocol, (uint)initialisation, &protocol ); activeProtocol = (Protocol)protocol; } return(err); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardListReaderGroups(IntPtr context, ref IntPtr groups, ref uint size) { ErrorCode err; unsafe { fixed(uint *psize = &size) { if (size == AutoAllocate) { err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardListReaderGroups( (void *)context, (char *)groups, psize ); if (err == ErrorCode.Success) { var cgroups = new char[*psize]; fixed(char *pcgroups = cgroups) { err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardListReaderGroups( (void *)context, pcgroups, psize ); groups = (IntPtr)pcgroups; } } } else { err = UnsafePrimitives.SCardListReaderGroups( (void *)context, (char *)groups, psize ); } size = *psize; } } return(err); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardStatus(IntPtr card, ref IntPtr readerName, ref uint readerNameSize, ref State status, ref Protocol protocol, ref IntPtr atr, ref uint atrSize) { ErrorCode ret; unsafe { var ustatus = (uint)status; var uprotocol = (uint)protocol; fixed(uint *preaderNameSize = &readerNameSize) { fixed(uint *patrSize = &atrSize) { if (readerNameSize != AutoAllocate && atrSize != AutoAllocate) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardStatus( (void *)card, (char *)readerName, (uint *)readerNameSize, &ustatus, &uprotocol, (byte *)atr, (uint *)atrSize ); } else { //TODO throw new NotImplementedException(); } status = (State)ustatus; protocol = (Protocol)uprotocol; readerNameSize = *preaderNameSize; atrSize = *patrSize; } } } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardEstablishContext(uint scope, object notUsed1, object notUsed2, ref IntPtr context) { ErrorCode ret; unsafe { fixed(void *pcontext = &context) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardEstablishContext( scope, null, null, (void **)pcontext ); } if (ret == ErrorCode.Success) { ActiveContext = context; } } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardGetStatusChange(IntPtr context, uint timeout, AbstractReaderState[] readerStates, uint readers) { ErrorCode ret; var scReaderStates = new ScardReaderState[readerStates.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < readerStates.Length; i++) { scReaderStates[i] = ((ReaderState)readerStates[i]).ScReaderState; scReaderStates[i].atr = null; } unsafe { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardGetStatusChange((void *)context, timeout, scReaderStates, (uint)scReaderStates.Length); } for (var i = 0; i < readerStates.Length; i++) { ((ReaderState)readerStates[i]).ScReaderState = scReaderStates[i]; } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardStatus(IntPtr card, ref string readerName, ref State state, ref Protocol protocol, ref byte[] atr) { var atrPtr = IntPtr.Zero; var zReaderNameSize = AutoAllocate; var zReaderNamePtr = new IntPtr(); var atrSize = AutoAllocate; var ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardStatus( card, ref zReaderNamePtr, ref zReaderNameSize, ref state, ref protocol, ref atrPtr, ref atrSize ); if (zReaderNamePtr == IntPtr.Zero) { readerName = ""; } else { var readerStr = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(zReaderNamePtr, (int)zReaderNameSize - 2); readerName = readerStr.Split('\0')[0]; } if (atrPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { atr = new byte[0]; } else { atr = new byte[atrSize]; Marshal.Copy(atrPtr, atr, 0, (int)atrSize); } return(ret); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardSetAttrib(IntPtr card, uint attributeId, byte[] newAttribute, uint newAttributeSize) { return(UnsafePrimitives.SCardSetAttrib(card, attributeId, newAttribute, newAttributeSize)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardControl(IntPtr card, uint controlCode, byte[] sendBuffer, uint sendSize, ref byte[] recvBuffer, uint recvSize, ref uint returnedSize) { return(UnsafePrimitives.SCardControl(card, controlCode, sendBuffer, sendSize, ref recvBuffer, recvSize, ref returnedSize)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ErrorCode SCardTransmit(IntPtr card, ref AbstractIoRequest sendPci, byte[] sendBuffer, uint sendSize, ref AbstractIoRequest recvPci, ref byte[] recvBuffer, ref uint recvSize) { ErrorCode ret; var ptrsendPci = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(((IoRequest)sendPci).ScIoRequest)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(((IoRequest)sendPci).ScIoRequest, ptrsendPci, true); var ptrrecvPci = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(((IoRequest)recvPci).ScIoRequest)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(((IoRequest)recvPci).ScIoRequest, ptrrecvPci, true); unsafe { if (recvSize == AutoAllocate) { // winscard.dll supports SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE only since Windows vista; winscard.dll is able to propose l recvSize to be used with all versions (XP+) // pcsclite does not support recvBuffer = null, so no automatic discovery of recvSize // For more portability: Wrapper don't use the native winscard.dll's SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE recvSize = DefaultBufferSize; recvBuffer = new byte[recvSize]; fixed(byte *psendBuffer = sendBuffer) { fixed(uint *precvSize = &recvSize) { fixed(byte *precvBuffer = recvBuffer) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardTransmit( (void *)card, (void *)ptrsendPci, psendBuffer, sendSize, (void *)ptrrecvPci, precvBuffer, precvSize ); } } } if (ret == ErrorCode.Success) { Array.Resize(ref recvBuffer, (int)recvSize); } } else { //TODO Seems to be problems with pcsclite in this case... fixed(byte *psendBuffer = sendBuffer) { fixed(uint *precvSize = &recvSize) { fixed(byte *precvBuffer = recvBuffer) { ret = UnsafePrimitives.SCardTransmit( (void *)card, (void *)ptrsendPci, psendBuffer, sendSize, (void *)ptrrecvPci, precvBuffer, precvSize ); } } } } } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrsendPci); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrrecvPci); return(ret); }