public static XmlDocument Run(string[] processes, string Language) { StringBuilder retString = new StringBuilder(); retString.Append(Global.XmlHeader + "<wps:ProcessDescriptions " + Global.WPSServiceVersion + " xml:lang='" + Language + "' " + Global.WPSXmlSchemas + " " + Global.WPSDescribeProcessSchema + ">"); // On identifier is ALL, catch all the available processes if (processes.Length == 1 && Utils.StrICmp(processes[0], "ALL")) { ProcessDescription[] processDescriptions = GetCapabilities.getAvailableProcesses(); foreach (ProcessDescription process in processDescriptions) { retString.Append(process.GetProcessDescriptionDocument()); } } else { ExceptionReport exception = null; // Loop through all the processes and get process description foreach (string processId in processes) { try { retString.Append(ProcessDescription.GetProcessDescription(processId).GetProcessDescriptionDocument()); } catch (ExceptionReport e) { exception = new ExceptionReport(e, exception); } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } retString.Append("</wps:ProcessDescriptions>"); try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(retString.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 200; return(doc); } catch (XmlException ex) { throw new ExceptionReport("Unable to generate the description document. Contact the administrator." + ex.ToString()); } }
// Return the available processes (for which a dll is present and an xml description file is associated) public static ProcessDescription[] getAvailableProcesses() { // Search all the DLL files could contain process operations string[] processDLLPath; try { processDLLPath = Directory.GetFiles(Utils.MapPath(Global.ProcessesBinPath), "*.dll"); } catch { throw new ExceptionReport("Unable to retrieve the list of assemblies containing the processes available on the server. Contact the administrator."); } // Retrieve the name of all the available processes List <string> processIdList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < processDLLPath.Length; i++) { string processDllName = processDLLPath[i].Substring(processDLLPath[i].LastIndexOf("\\") + 1, processDLLPath[i].IndexOf(".dll") - processDLLPath[i].LastIndexOf("\\") - 1); processIdList.Add(processDllName); } List <ProcessDescription> processes = new List <ProcessDescription>(); foreach (string processId in processIdList) { try { processes.Add(ProcessDescription.GetProcessDescription(processId)); } catch { } } return(processes.ToArray()); }
public static XmlDocument RunFromHTTPPost(XmlNode requestNode, string language) { XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = Utils.CreateWPSNamespaceManager(requestNode.OwnerDocument); XmlNode processNode = requestNode.SelectSingleNode("ows:Identifier", nsmgr); if (processNode == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(processNode.InnerText)) { throw new ExceptionReport(ExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue, "ows:Identifier"); } string processId = processNode.InnerText; //List<InputData> processInputParams = null; //List<OutputData> processOutputParams = null; ProcessDescription processDescription = null; processDescription = ProcessDescription.GetProcessDescription(processId); //processInputParams = processDescription.GetProcessInputParameters(); //processOutputParams = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameters(); List <InputData> inputParams = new List <InputData>(); ExceptionReport exception = null; XmlNodeList inputs = requestNode.SelectNodes("wps:DataInputs/wps:Input", nsmgr); foreach (XmlNode node in inputs) { XmlNode nodeid = node.SelectSingleNode("ows:Identifier", nsmgr); if (nodeid == null) { exception = new ExceptionReport(exception, "The parameter <ows:Identifier> is missing!", ExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue, "ows:Identifier"); continue; } InputData input = processDescription.GetProcessInputParameter(nodeid.InnerText); if (input == null) { exception = new ExceptionReport(exception, "The parameter " + nodeid.InnerText + " is not a valid parameter for this execute request!", ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, nodeid.InnerText); continue; } InputData myinput = input.Clone(); try { myinput.ParseValue(node); inputParams.Add(myinput); } catch (ExceptionReport e) { exception = new ExceptionReport(e, exception); } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } ResponseFormType responseForm = new ResponseFormType("wps:ResponseForm"); XmlNode responseFormNode = requestNode.SelectSingleNode("wps:ResponseForm", nsmgr); responseForm.Parse(responseFormNode, processDescription); return(Execute.Run(processDescription, inputParams, responseForm)); }
public static XmlDocument RunFromHTTPGet(string language) { ResponseFormType responseForm = new ResponseFormType("wps:ResponseForm"); string processId = Utils.GetParameter("Identifier"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(processId)) { throw new ExceptionReport(ExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue, "Identifier"); } List <InputData> processInputParams = null; List <OutputData> processOutputParams = null; ProcessDescription processDescription = null; processDescription = ProcessDescription.GetProcessDescription(processId); processInputParams = processDescription.GetProcessInputParameters(); processOutputParams = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameters(); List <InputData> inputParams = new List <InputData>(); //string p = Utils.DecodeURI(Utils.GetParameter("DataInputs")); string p = Utils.GetParameter("DataInputs"); ExceptionReport exception = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { string[] tokens = p.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string param in tokens) { string[] kv = param.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (kv.Length == 2) { InputData input = processDescription.GetProcessInputParameter(kv[0]); if (input != null) { InputData myinput = input.Clone(); try { myinput.ParseValue(kv[1]); } catch (ExceptionReport e) { exception = new ExceptionReport(e, exception); } inputParams.Add(myinput); } else { exception = new ExceptionReport(exception, "The parameter " + kv[0] + " is not a valid parameter for this execute request!", ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, kv[0]); } } } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } //List<string> outputIds = new List<string>(); responseForm.Parse(processDescription); return(Run(processDescription, inputParams, responseForm)); }
public static XmlDocument Run(ProcessDescription processDescription, List <InputData> inputParams, ResponseFormType responseForm) { /* error is unreachable because check (via throwing an exception) is done before * if (processDescription == null) * throw new ExceptionReport("The ows:Identifier tag of the process can't be found in the xml file. It must be placed under the root 'Execute' node.", * ExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue);*/ string processId = processDescription.Identifier; List <InputData> processInputParams = processDescription.GetProcessInputParameters(); List <OutputData> processOutputParams = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameters(); ExceptionReport exception = null; ProcessInputParams args = new ProcessInputParams(); // Get and check input parameters foreach (InputData processInputParam in processInputParams) { int occurs = 0; bool loop = processInputParam.MaxOccurs > 0 || processInputParam.MaxOccurs == -1; List <InputData> iargs = new List <InputData>(); while (loop) { loop = false; foreach (InputData input in inputParams) { if (input.Identifier != processInputParam.Identifier) { continue; } if (!input.IsValueAllowed()) { exception = new ExceptionReport(exception, "The parameter " + input.Identifier + " has not a valid value!", ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, input.Identifier); } occurs++; iargs.Add(input.Clone()); inputParams.Remove(input); loop = true; break; } } if (occurs < processInputParam.MinOccurs || (occurs > processInputParam.MaxOccurs && processInputParam.MaxOccurs != -1)) { exception = new ExceptionReport(exception, "The parameter " + processInputParam.Identifier + " has " + occurs + " occurrences but it should have at least " + processInputParam.MinOccurs + " and at most " + processInputParam.MaxOccurs + " occurrences.", ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, processInputParam.Identifier); } // default value for LiteralData if (occurs == 0 && processInputParam.asLiteralInput() != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(processInputParam.asLiteralInput().Default)) { iargs.Add(processInputParam); } args.parameters[processInputParam.Identifier] = iargs.ToArray(); } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } ProcessReturnValue result = null; try { processDescription = ProcessDescription.GetProcessDescription(processId); if (responseForm.responseDocument != null && responseForm.responseDocument.status && responseForm.responseDocument.storeExecuteResponse) { result = processDescription.CallProcess(args, responseForm, true); } else { result = processDescription.CallProcess(args, responseForm, false); } } catch (ExceptionReport e) { if (responseForm.responseDocument != null && responseForm.responseDocument.status) { exception = e; } else { throw;// new ExceptionReport(e, "Error during process...", ExceptionCode.NoApplicableCode); } } int requestedOutputCount = result.GetOutputIdentifiers().Count; int returnedOutputCount = result.returnValues.Count; // Problem during the process (validity check is done before launching the process)! if (requestedOutputCount != returnedOutputCount) { throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("The process has generated {0} output{1} but {2} {3} requested. Contact the administrator to fix the process issue.", returnedOutputCount, returnedOutputCount > 1 ? "s" : "", requestedOutputCount, requestedOutputCount > 1 ? "were" : "was"), ExceptionCode.NoApplicableCode); } if (responseForm.outputDefinition != null) { OutputData data = result.returnValues[0]; if (result.fileName == "") { result.fileName = processId + "RawDataOuput"; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.ClearHeaders(); HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 200; HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = true; // not needed because rawdataoutput can only concern a ComplexOutput //string mimeType = (data is ComplexOutput) ? ((ComplexOutput)data).format.mimeType : "text/plain"; string mimeType = data.asComplexOutput().Format.mimeType; HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = mimeType; string dispo = true ? "inline" : "attachment"; HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", dispo + "; filename=" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(result.fileName)); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); byte[] content = data.ToByteArray(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", "" + content.Length); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "must-revalidate"); HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); HttpContext.Current.Response.Flush(); HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return(new XmlDocument()); } else { s_processStartDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss_ffff"); s_processArgs = args; s_responseHeader = Global.XmlHeader + "<wps:ExecuteResponse " + Global.WPSServiceVersion + " xml:lang='" + processDescription.Language + "' serviceInstance='" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Split('?')[0] + "?service=WPS&Request=GetCapabilities' " + Global.WPSXmlSchemas + " " + Global.WPSExecuteSchema /** In case of storeExecuteResponse==true : append the absolute url to the stored response file */ /**/ + (responseForm.responseDocument.storeExecuteResponse ? " statusLocation='" /**/ + Utils.ResolveUrl(Global.StoredResponsesPath /**/ + processDescription.processClass + "/response_" /**/ + s_processStartDate + ".xml' ") : " ") /************************************************************************************************/ + ">" + Environment.NewLine + "<wps:Process wps:processVersion=\"" + processDescription.Version + "\"><ows:Identifier>" + processDescription.Identifier + "</ows:Identifier><ows:Title>" + processDescription.Title + "</ows:Title></wps:Process>"; //TODO: retiré 'wps:' XmlDocument xmlResponse = FormatResponseMessage(processDescription, s_processArgs, responseForm, result, exception, s_responseHeader); if (responseForm.responseDocument.storeExecuteResponse) { if (!Directory.Exists(Global.StoredResponsesPath + "/" + processDescription.processClass)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Global.StoredResponsesPath + "/" + processDescription.processClass); } xmlResponse.Save(Global.StoredResponsesPath + processDescription.processClass + "/response_" + s_processStartDate + ".xml"); } HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 200; return(xmlResponse); } }