コード例 #1
        private void MessageReceived(string message, string ip, Information info, string recvIndex, string countRes)
        // the clients who wants to download send me my index and how many resources there are
                int    start, end;
                string name = "";
                name = message; // file name
                int resourceIndx   = int.Parse(recvIndex);
                int countResources = int.Parse(countRes);

                /** sending file content to client**/
                TcpClient fileClnt = new TcpClient(); // create tcp listener
                fileClnt.Connect(ip, info.Port);      // connect with port 8006 to endpoint
                strm = fileClnt.GetStream();

                string type  = "file";
                byte[] typeB = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(type);
                strm.Write(typeB, 0, typeB.Length); // send msg type

                DownloadMessage downloadMsg = new DownloadMessage();
                downloadMsg.fileName = name;

                /** reading file content **/
                byte[] fileContentMsg = File.ReadAllBytes(info.Path + "\\" + name);
                start = resourceIndx * (fileContentMsg.Length / countResources);
                if (resourceIndx == countResources - 1) // last index needs to add modolu
                    end = (resourceIndx + 1) * (fileContentMsg.Length / countResources) + (fileContentMsg.Length % countResources);

                    end = (resourceIndx + 1) * (fileContentMsg.Length / countResources);
                byte[] sendFileB = new byte[end - start]; // create bytes array with section size (2 rows)
                Array.Copy(fileContentMsg, start, sendFileB, 0, end - start);

                downloadMsg.fileContent   = sendFileB;
                downloadMsg.index         = "" + resourceIndx;
                downloadMsg.numOfResorces = "" + countResources;
                downloadMsg.fileSize      = "" + fileContentMsg.Length;

                string downloadSendMsg = MessageHendler.SerializeAnObject(downloadMsg); // convert from object to xml string
                byte[] contentBytes    = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(downloadSendMsg);      // convert to bytes
                strm.Write(contentBytes, 0, contentBytes.Length);                       // send

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("In download progress, please try later");
コード例 #2
        /** this is the thread function which recieves messages and listen to clients - server **/
        private void Receiver(Object obj)

            Information info = (Information)obj;

            receivingClient.Start();                                   // strat tcpListener
            IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port); // get messages from any ip

            event1 += new AddMessage(MessageReceived);                 // add action listener to delegete
            string message;

            while (true)
                    Socket s = receivingClient.AcceptSocket();
                    /** recieving request type **/
                    byte[] bReq    = new byte[s.SendBufferSize];
                    int    reqSize = s.Receive(bReq);
                    message = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < reqSize; i++) // convert from byte to string
                        message += Convert.ToChar(bReq[i]);

                    // check request type:
                    if (info.IpAddress.Equals(message)) // log out
                        // closing window request - if recieved ip is equal to my ip - stop listening.

                        if (message.Equals("file"))                            // recieve file that i downloaded
                            byte[] recvFileInfoB = new byte[s.SendBufferSize]; // get file info in bytes
                            int    k             = s.Receive(recvFileInfoB);
                            string recvFileInfo  = "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) // convert from byte to string
                                recvFileInfo += Convert.ToChar(recvFileInfoB[i]);
                            Array.Clear(recvFileInfoB, 0, recvFileInfoB.Length);
                            DownloadMessage DownloadMessage = new DownloadMessage();                                          // class of downloaded message details
                            Object          ob = MessageHendler.DeSerializeAnObject(recvFileInfo, DownloadMessage.GetType()); // convert from string to DownloadMessage object (2 rows)
                            DownloadMessage myDownloadMessage = (DownloadMessage)ob;

                            int resourceIndex  = int.Parse(myDownloadMessage.index);         // get idx from DownloadMessage obj
                            int countResources = int.Parse(myDownloadMessage.numOfResorces); // get num of resources from DownloadMessage obj
                            int fileSize       = int.Parse(myDownloadMessage.fileSize);      // get file size from DownloadMessage obj

                            string fileInfo = "";
                            fileInfo = info.Path + "\\" + myDownloadMessage.fileName;
                            if (resourceIndex == 0) // create new file only if this is the first source index
                                File.WriteAllBytes(fileInfo, myDownloadMessage.fileContent);
                            else // not first source index
                                using (var stream = new FileStream(fileInfo, FileMode.Append))
                                    // concat to last part of file
                                    stream.Write(myDownloadMessage.fileContent, 0, myDownloadMessage.fileContent.Length);

                            ts = DateTime.Now - dt; // calc dowmload time
                            string downloadedMsg = "";
                            int    idx           = resourceIndex + 1;
                            downloadedMsg += "" + idx + "  / " + countResources + " arrived! \n";
                            downloadedMsg += "total time: " + ts.Seconds + " seconds. \n";
                            downloadedMsg += "total length: " + myDownloadMessage.fileContent.Length + " kb. \n";
                            downloadedMsg += "bit rate: " + myDownloadMessage.fileContent.Length / ts.Seconds + " kb/s. \n";
                            if (resourceIndex == countResources - 1) // last resource
                                // create new MyFile and add it to DB
                                long   length = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileInfo).Length;
                                MyFile myFile = new MyFile();
                                myFile.fileName = myDownloadMessage.fileName;
                                myFile.size     = fileSize;
                                myFile.IP       = info.IpAddress;
                                myFile.port     = info.Port;
                                myFile.path     = info.Path;
                        else // another client download file from me
                            byte[] recvFileInfoB = new byte[s.SendBufferSize]; // get wanted file info
                            int    k             = s.Receive(recvFileInfoB);
                            string recvFileInfo  = "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                                recvFileInfo += Convert.ToChar(recvFileInfoB[i]);
                            Array.Clear(recvFileInfoB, 0, recvFileInfoB.Length);
                            FileReqMessage fileReq   = new FileReqMessage();
                            Object         ob        = MessageHendler.DeSerializeAnObject(recvFileInfo, fileReq.GetType());      // convert from string to FileReqMessage obj (2 rows)
                            FileReqMessage myfileReq = (FileReqMessage)ob;
                            event1(myfileReq.fileName, myfileReq.myIP, info, myfileReq.resourceIndex, myfileReq.numOfResources); // call delegete func
                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("In download progress, please try later");

            receivingClient.Stop(); // stop listening
            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("bye bye");