// // GET: /AttProcessors/Create public ActionResult Create() { TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities(); User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); String query = qb.QueryForCompanyViewLinq(LoggedInUser); ViewBag.PeriodTag = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = "Daily", Value = "D"}, new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Monthly", Value = "M"}, new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Summary", Value = "S"}, }, "Value" , "Text",1); ViewBag.CriteriaID = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = "Company", Value = "C"}, new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Location", Value = "L"}, }, "Value", "Text", 1); ViewBag.ProcessCats = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = "Yes", Value = "1"}, new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "No", Value = "0"}, }, "Value", "Text", 1); ViewBag.CompanyID = new SelectList(db.Companies.Where(query).OrderBy(s=>s.CompName), "CompID", "CompName"); query = qb.QueryForLocationTableSegerationForLinq(LoggedInUser); ViewBag.LocationID = new SelectList(db.Locations.Where(query).OrderBy(s=>s.LocName), "LocID", "LocName"); ViewBag.CatID = new SelectList(db.Categories.OrderBy(s=>s.CatName), "CatID", "CatName"); return View(); }
public ActionResult Create() { ViewBag.DayOff1 = new SelectList(db.DaysNames.OrderBy(s=>s.Name), "ID", "Name"); ViewBag.DayOff2 = new SelectList(db.DaysNames.OrderBy(s=>s.Name), "ID", "Name"); QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; string query = qb.QueryForLocationTableSegerationForLinq(LoggedInUser); ViewBag.LocationID = new SelectList(db.Locations.Where(query).OrderBy(s=>s.LocName), "LocID", "LocName"); ViewBag.RosterType = new SelectList(db.RosterTypes.OrderBy(s=>s.Name), "ID", "Name"); return View(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { String reportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"]; List<string> list = Session["ReportSession"] as List<string>; FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); _dateFrom = list[0]; string _dateTo = list[1]; DateTime DateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(list[0]); DateTime DateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]); string PathString = ""; string consolidatedMonth = ""; switch (reportName) { case "Strength": List<DailySummary> _BadliList = contex.DailySummaries.Where(aa => aa.Date >= DateFrom && aa.Date <= DateTo).ToList(); List<DailySummary> _TempBadliList = new List<DailySummary>(); title = "Badli Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempBadliList, _BadliList),_dateFrom+" TO "+_dateTo); break; case "WorkTime": _BadliList = contex.DailySummaries.Where(aa => aa.Date >= DateFrom && aa.Date <= DateTo).ToList(); _TempBadliList = new List<DailySummary>(); title = "Badli Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempBadliList, _BadliList), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "Consolidated": _BadliList = contex.DailySummaries.Where(aa => aa.Date >= DateFrom && aa.Date <= DateTo).ToList(); _TempBadliList = new List<DailySummary>(); title = "Badli Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempBadliList, _BadliList), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String reportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"]; String type = Request.QueryString["type"]; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List<string> list = Session["ReportSession"] as List<string>; FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; CreateDataTable(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); _dateFrom = list[0]; string _dateTo = list[1]; companyimage = GetCompanyImages(fm); string PathString = ""; string consolidatedMonth = ""; switch (reportName) { case "badli_report": DataTable badlidt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewBadli where (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); List<ViewBadli> _BadliList = badlidt.ToList<ViewBadli>(); List<ViewBadli> _TempBadliList = new List<ViewBadli>(); title = "Badli Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/BadliReport.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/BadliReport.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempBadliList, _BadliList), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; //please modify the first case case "summarized_monthly_report": List<TASReportDataSet.SummarizedMonthlyReportDataTable> AttDeptdummy = new List<TASReportDataSet.SummarizedMonthlyReportDataTable>().ToList(); title = "Department Attendace Summary"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/SummarizedMonthlyReport.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/SummarizedMonthlyReport.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, AttDeptdummy, _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "Employee_Att_Summary_New_report": DataTable dt4 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1" + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); List<ViewAttData> ListOfAttDate = new List<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> TempList = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Employee Attendace Summary New"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/EmpAttSummaryNew.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/EmpAttSummaryNew.rdlc"; ListOfAttDate = dt4.ToList<ViewAttData>(); TempList = new List<ViewAttData>(); LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, TempList, ListOfAttDate), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; //case "department_attendance_summary": HRReportsMaker hrm = new HRReportsMaker(); // List<AttDeptSummary> AttDept = hrm.GetListForAttDepartmentsSummary(Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel, _dateFrom, _dateTo); // title = "Department Attendace Summary"; // if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) // PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/AttDepartmentSummary.rdlc"; // else // PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/AttDepartmentSummary.rdlc"; // LoadReport(PathString, AttDept, _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); // break; case "emp_record": DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query + " and Status=1 "); List<EmpView> _ViewList = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); List<EmpView> _TempViewList = new List<EmpView>(); title = "Employee Record Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList, _ViewList), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "emp_record_active": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query+ " and Status=1 "); _ViewList = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); _TempViewList = new List<EmpView>(); title = "Active Employees Record Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList, _ViewList), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "emp_record_inactive": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query + " and Status=0 "); _ViewList = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); _TempViewList = new List<EmpView>(); title = "Inactive Employees Record Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList, _ViewList), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "emp_detail_excel": DataTable dt1 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query + " and Status=1 "); List<EmpView> _ViewList1 = dt1.ToList<EmpView>(); List<EmpView> _TempViewList1 = new List<EmpView>(); title = "Employee Detail Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/EmployeeDetail.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/EmployeeDetail.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "leave_application": dt1 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewLvApplication " + query + " and (FromDate >= '" + _dateFrom + "' and ToDate <= '" + _dateTo + "' )"); List<ViewLvApplication> _ViewListLvApp = dt1.ToList<ViewLvApplication>(); List<ViewLvApplication> _TempViewListLvApp = new List<ViewLvApplication>(); title = "Leave Application Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRLeave.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRLeave.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListLvApp, _ViewListLvApp), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "detailed_att": DataTable dt2 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewDetailAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); List<ViewDetailAttData> _ViewList2 = dt2.ToList<ViewDetailAttData>(); List<ViewDetailAttData> _TempViewList2 = new List<ViewDetailAttData>(); title = "Detailed Attendence"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRdetailed.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRdetailed.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList2, _ViewList2), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "consolidated_att": DataTable dt3 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList3 = dt3.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList3 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Consolidated Attendence Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRAttendance.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRAttendance.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList3, _ViewList3), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "present": DataTable datatable = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusP = 1 "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList4 = datatable.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList4 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Present Employee Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRPresent.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRPresent.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList4, _ViewList4), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "absent": DataTable dt5 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusAB = 1 "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList5 = dt5.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList5 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Absent Employee Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList5, _ViewList5), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "lv_application": DataTable dt6 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and (StatusLeave=1 OR StatusHL=1)"); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList6 = dt6.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList6 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Leave Attendence Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; //LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList6, _ViewList6), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); //To-do Develop Leave Attendance Report break; case "short_lv": DataTable dt7 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusSL=1"); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList7 = dt7.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList7 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Short Leave Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRShortLeave.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRShortLeave.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList7, _ViewList7), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "late_in": DataTable dt8 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusLI=1 "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList8 = dt8.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Late In Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRLateIn.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRLateIn.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "late_out": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusLO=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Late Out Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRLateOut.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRLateOut.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "early_in": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusEI=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Early In Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyIn.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyIn.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "early_out": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusEO=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Early Out Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyOut.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyOut.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "overtime": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusOT=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "OverTime Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "missing_attendance": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and ((TimeIn is null and TimeOut is not null) or (TimeIn is not null and TimeOut is null)) "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Missing Attendence Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRMissingAtt.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRMissingAtt.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "multiple_in_out": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMultipleInOut " + query + " and Status=1" + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and (Tin1 is not null or TOut1 is not null)"); //change query for multiple_in_out List<ViewMultipleInOut> _ViewList9 = dt.ToList<ViewMultipleInOut>(); List<ViewMultipleInOut> _TempViewList9 = new List<ViewMultipleInOut>(); title = "Multiple In/Out Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRMultipleInOut.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRMultipleInOut.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList9, _ViewList9), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "monthly_leave_sheet": string _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query + " and Status=1 "); title = "Monthly Leave Sheet for Permanent Employees"; _ViewList1 = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); _TempViewList1 = new List<EmpView>(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MLvConsumed.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MLvConsumed.rdlc"; int monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; int monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; //int totalMonths = monthfrom < monthTo ? monthTo : monthfrom; for (int ul = monthfrom > monthTo ? monthTo : monthfrom; ul <= (monthfrom < monthTo ? monthTo : monthfrom); ul++) { LoadReport(PathString, GetLV(ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1), 2), ul); } // LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_21-20": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Status=1 " + " and" + consolidatedMonth); //dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Sheet (21st to 20th)"; List<ViewMonthlyDataPer> _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); List<ViewMonthlyDataPer> _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetP.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetP.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_1-31": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyData " + query + " and Status=1" + " and" + consolidatedMonth); //dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyData " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Sheet (1st to 31st)"; List<ViewMonthlyData> _ViewListMonthlyData = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyData>(); List<ViewMonthlyData> _TempViewListMonthlyData = new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetC.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetC.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyData, _ViewListMonthlyData), _dateFrom); break; case "monthlysummary_21-20": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Status=1" + " and" + consolidatedMonth); //dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Summary Report (21st to 20th)"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "monthlysummary_1-31": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyData " + query + " and Status=1" + " and" + consolidatedMonth); //dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Summary (1st to 31st)"; _ViewListMonthlyData = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyData>(); _TempViewListMonthlyData = new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSummaryC.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSummaryC.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyData, _ViewListMonthlyData), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_21-20_excel": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Status=1" + " and" + consolidatedMonth); //dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Sheet (21st to 20th)"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_1-31_consolidated": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyData " + query + " and Status=1" + " and" + consolidatedMonth); title = "Monthly Consolidated Attendance Sheet (1st to 31th)"; _ViewListMonthlyData = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyData>(); _TempViewListMonthlyData = new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelC.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelC.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyData, _ViewListMonthlyData), _dateFrom + " to " + _dateTo); break; case "monthly_21-20_consolidated": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); consolidatedMonth = ""; monthfrom = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; monthTo = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo).Month; for (int i = monthfrom; i <= monthTo; i++) { consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth + " Period =" + i + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString() + " OR"; } if (consolidatedMonth.Length > 4) consolidatedMonth = consolidatedMonth.Substring(0, consolidatedMonth.Length - 3); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Status=1" + " and" + consolidatedMonth); title = "Monthly Consolidated (21th to 20th)(Excel)"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom + " to " + _dateTo); break; case "emp_att": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1" + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); title = "Employee Attendance"; _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/EmpAttSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/EmpAttSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "emp_absent": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and Status=1" + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusAB = 1 "); title = "Employee Absent"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "lv_quota": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query + " and Status=1"); _ViewList1 = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); _TempViewList1 = new List<EmpView>(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MYLeaveSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MYLeaveSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, GYL(ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1))); // LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////Summary Reports//////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case "company_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm,_dateFrom,_dateTo,"C"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo,"Company Consolidated Summary"); break; case "company_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "C"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Company Strength Summary"); break; case "company_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "C"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Company Work Times Summary"); break; case "location_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "L"); LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "L"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Location Consolidated Summary"); break; case "location_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "L"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Location Strength Summary"); break; case "location_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "L"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Location Work Times Summary"); break; case "shift_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "S"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Shift Consolidated Summary"); break; case "shift_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "S"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Shift Strength Summary"); break; case "shift_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "S"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Shift Work Times Summary"); break; case "category_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "A"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Category Consolidated Summary"); break; case "category_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "A"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Category Strength Summary"); break; case "category_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "A"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Category Work Times Summary"); break; case "type_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "T"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Employee Type Consolidated Summary"); break; case "type_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "T"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Employee Type Strength Summary"); break; case "type_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "T"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Employee Type Work Times Summary"); break; case "dept_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "D"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Department Consolidated Summary"); break; case "dept_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "D"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Department Strength Summary"); break; case "dept_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "D"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Department Work Times Summary"); break; case "section_consolidated": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSConsolidated.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "E"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Section Consolidated Summary"); break; case "section_strength": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSEmpStrength.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "E"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Section Strength Summary"); break; case "section_worktimes": if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DSWorkSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _dateFrom, _dateTo, "E"), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo, "Section Work Times Summary"); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// This function takes FiltersModel and an empty list of AttDeptSummary as input and /// gives a populated AttDeptSummary as output. If there is any dept selected in the filter /// it will iterate through all the departments if there is no dept selected it will try to /// find all the depts of the company. /// </summary> /// <param name="fm"> FiltersModel </param> /// <param name="attDeptList">Empty List of AttDeptSummary</param> /// <returns>Populated List of AttDeptSummary</returns> public List<AttDeptSummary> GetListForAttDepartmentsSummary(FiltersModel fm, string _dateFrom,string _dateTo) { List<AttDeptSummary> attDeptList = new List<AttDeptSummary>(); TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities(); //To get the query from the db QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); //Get the Department filters List<FiltersAttributes> departments = new List<FiltersAttributes>(); departments = fm.DepartmentFilter; //if more then 0 it means some departments are selected now we iterate over them and see //how many employee does one dept has. The table empView is the most suitable db for this case. if (departments.Count > 0) { //do nothing still cater for it in future there might be a need } //if there is no department list in the filter then first get the company's department and then do the same as above. else { foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter) { int compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); List<Department> depts = db.Departments.Where(aa => aa.CompanyID == compID).ToList(); foreach (var dept in depts) departments.Add(new FiltersAttributes() { ID=dept.DeptID + "", FilterName=dept.DeptName }); } } //NOw run the departments if they are from the department filter or from the company itself foreach (var dept in departments) { DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView where DeptID=" + dept.ID); List<EmpView> EmView = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); //2015-01-24 foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom), Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo))) { AttDeptSummary singleInstance = new AttDeptSummary(); singleInstance.Department = dept.FilterName; singleInstance.TotalStrength = EmView.Count(); singleInstance.Total = singleInstance.TotalStrength; singleInstance.Location = EmView.FirstOrDefault().LocName; singleInstance.Section = EmView.FirstOrDefault().SectionName; singleInstance.Company = EmView.FirstOrDefault().CompName; singleInstance.CardSwapped = 0; singleInstance.Absent = 0; singleInstance.OnLeave = 0; string dynamicQueryForEmps = GetDynamicQueryForEmps(EmView); string queryForCardSwapped = "select * from AttData where (TimeIn is not null AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND "; string queryForAbsent = "select * from AttData where (StatusAB = 1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND "; string queryOnLeave = "select * from AttData where (StatusHL = 1 OR StatusLeave =1 AND StatusSL=1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND "; queryForCardSwapped = queryForCardSwapped + dynamicQueryForEmps; singleInstance.CardSwapped = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForCardSwapped).ToList<AttData>().Count(); queryForAbsent = queryForAbsent + dynamicQueryForEmps; singleInstance.Absent = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForAbsent).ToList<AttData>().Count(); queryOnLeave = queryOnLeave + dynamicQueryForEmps; singleInstance.OnLeave = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryOnLeave).ToList<AttData>().Count(); //foreach (var emp in EmView) //{ //s= singleInstance.CardSwapped + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.TimeIn != null && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count(); //singleInstance.Absent = singleInstance.Absent+ db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.StatusAB == true && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count(); //singleInstance.OnLeave = singleInstance.OnLeave + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => (aa.StatusHL == true || aa.StatusLeave == true || aa.StatusSL == true) && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count(); //} singleInstance.date = day; attDeptList.Add(singleInstance); } } return attDeptList; }
public ActionResult JobCardList(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; ViewBag.DesigSortParm = sortOrder == "designation" ? "designation_desc" : "designation"; ViewBag.SectionSortParm = sortOrder == "section" ? "section_desc" : "section"; //List<EmpView> emps = new List<EmpView>(); if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewJobCardApp " + query); List<ViewJobCardApp> jobCardsApps = dt.ToList<ViewJobCardApp>(); // List<EmpView> emps = db.EmpViews.ToList(); ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { try { jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.Where(s => s.EmpName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.EmpNo.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.DesignationName.ToString().Contains(searchString) ).OrderByDescending(aa=>aa.DateCreated).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.OrderByDescending(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; case "designation_desc": jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.OrderByDescending(s => s.DesignationName).ToList(); break; case "designation": jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.OrderBy(s => s.DesignationName).ToList(); break; case "section_desc": jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.OrderByDescending(s => s.SectionName).ToList(); break; case "section": jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.OrderBy(s => s.SectionName).ToList(); break; default: jobCardsApps = jobCardsApps.OrderBy(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; } int pageSize = 10; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(jobCardsApps.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
// GET: /Designation/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { if (Session["LogedUserFullname"].ToString() != "") { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); var designation = db.Designations.AsQueryable(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { designation = designation.Where(s => s.DesignationName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())); } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": designation = designation.OrderByDescending(s => s.DesignationName); break; default: designation = designation.OrderBy(s => s.DesignationName); break; } int pageSize = 8; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(designation.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); } else return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); }
private void BindGridViewLocation(string search) { User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForLocationTableSegerationForLinq(LoggedInUser); List<Location> _View = da.Locations.Where(query).ToList(); GridViewLocation.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.LocName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList(); GridViewLocation.DataBind(); }
public ActionResult EditAttJobCard() { User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; string Message = ""; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); List<EmpView> emps = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); try { string _EmpNo = ""; // int CompID = Convert.ToInt16(Request.Form["CompanyID"].ToString()); List<EmpView> _Emp = new List<EmpView>(); short _WorkCardID = Convert.ToInt16(Request.Form["JobCardType"].ToString()); //First Save Job Card Application JobCardApp jobCardApp = new JobCardApp(); jobCardApp.CardType = _WorkCardID; jobCardApp.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; jobCardApp.DateStarted = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Form["JobDateFrom"]); jobCardApp.DateEnded = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Form["JobDateTo"]); jobCardApp.Status = false; jobCardApp.UserID = LoggedInUser.UserID; _EmpNo = Request.Form["JobEmpNo"]; _Emp = emps.Where(aa => aa.EmpNo == _EmpNo).ToList(); if (_Emp.Count > 0) { jobCardApp.CriteriaData = _Emp.FirstOrDefault().EmpID; jobCardApp.JobCardCriteria = "E"; if (ValidateJobCard(jobCardApp)) { db.JobCardApps.Add(jobCardApp); if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { AddJobCardAppToJobCardData(); Message = "Job Card Created Sucessfully."; } } else Message = "Job Card already created for FPID: " + _EmpNo; } else Message = "No Employee found, Please enter a valid FPID"; //Add Job Card to JobCardData and Mark Legends in Attendance Data if attendance Created Session["EditAttendanceDate"] = DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewData["datef"] = Session["EditAttendanceDate"].ToString(); ViewData["JobDateFrom"] = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewData["JobDateTo"] = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.JobCardType = new SelectList(db.JobCards, "WorkCardID", "WorkCardName"); } catch (Exception ex) { Message = "An Error occured while creating Job Card of " + Request.Form["JobCardType"].ToString(); } //List<EmpView> emps = new List<EmpView>(); ViewData["JobDateFrom"] = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewData["JobDateTo"] = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.JobCardType = new SelectList(db.JobCards, "WorkCardID", "WorkCardName"); ViewBag.CMessage = Message; ViewBag.CurrentFilter = ""; int pageSize = 10; int? page = 1; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View("Index",emps.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
// GET: /Emp/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; ViewBag.DesigSortParm = sortOrder == "designation" ? "designation_desc" : "designation"; ViewBag.LocSortParm = sortOrder == "location" ? "location_desc" : "location"; ViewBag.SectionSortParm = sortOrder == "section" ? "section_desc" : "section"; ViewBag.DepartmentSortParm = sortOrder == "wing" ? "wing_desc" : "wing"; ViewBag.ShiftSortParm = sortOrder == "shift" ? "shift_desc" : "shift"; ViewBag.TypeSortParm = sortOrder == "type" ? "type_desc" : "type"; //List<EmpView> emps = new List<EmpView>(); if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView"+query); List<EmpView> emps = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { if (searchString == "Active" || searchString == "active") { emps = emps.Where(aa => aa.Status == true).ToList(); } else if (searchString == "Inactive" || searchString == "inactive") { emps = emps.Where(aa => aa.Status == false).ToList(); } else { try { emps = emps.Where(s => s.EmpName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.EmpNo.Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.SectionName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.ShiftName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.DesignationName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())).ToList(); } catch(Exception ex) { } } } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; case "designation_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.DesignationName).ToList(); break; case "designation": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.DesignationName).ToList(); break; case "location_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.LocName).ToList(); break; case "location": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.LocName).ToList(); break; case "section_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.SectionName).ToList(); break; case "section": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.SectionName).ToList(); break; //case "wing_desc": // emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.sec.DeptName).ToList(); // break; //case "wing": // emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.DeptName).ToList(); // break; case "shift_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.ShiftName).ToList(); break; case "shift": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.ShiftName).ToList(); break; case "type_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.TypeName).ToList(); break; case "type": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.TypeName).ToList(); break; default: emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; } int pageSize = 10; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(emps.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); //var emps = db.Emps.Include(e => e.Company).Include(e => e.Crew).Include(e => e.Designation).Include(e => e.Grade).Include(e => e.JobTitle).Include(e => e.Location).Include(e => e.Section).Include(e => e.Shift).Include(e => e.EmpType).Include(e => e.EmpFace).Include(e => e.EmpFp).Include(e => e.LvQuota); //return View(emps.ToList()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String reportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"]; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List<string> list = Session["ReportSession"] as List<string>; FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; CreateDataTable(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); _dateFrom = list[0]; string _dateTo = list[1]; string PathString = ""; switch (reportName) { case "emp_record": DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); List<EmpView> _ViewList = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); List<EmpView> _TempViewList = new List<EmpView>(); title = "Employee Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/Employee.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm,_TempViewList, _ViewList) , _dateFrom+" TO "+_dateTo); break; case "emp_detail_excel": DataTable dt1 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); List<EmpView> _ViewList1 = dt1.ToList<EmpView>(); List<EmpView> _TempViewList1 = new List<EmpView>(); title = "Employee Detail Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/EmployeeDetail.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/EmployeeDetail.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "leave_application": dt1 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewLvApplication " + query + " and (FromDate >= '" + _dateFrom + "' and ToDate <= '" + _dateTo + "' )"); List<ViewLvApplication> _ViewListLvApp = dt1.ToList<ViewLvApplication>(); List<ViewLvApplication> _TempViewListLvApp = new List<ViewLvApplication>(); title = "Leave Application Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRLeave.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/EmployeeDetail.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListLvApp, _ViewListLvApp), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "detailed_att": DataTable dt2 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewDetailAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); List<ViewDetailAttData> _ViewList2 = dt2.ToList<ViewDetailAttData>(); List<ViewDetailAttData> _TempViewList2 = new List<ViewDetailAttData>(); title = "Detailed Attendence"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRdetailed.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRdetailed.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList2, _ViewList2), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "consolidated_att": DataTable dt3 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" ); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList3 = dt3.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList3 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Consolidated Attendence"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRAttendance.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRAttendance.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList3, _ViewList3), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "present": DataTable dt4 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusP = 1 "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList4 = dt4.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList4 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Present Employee Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRPresent.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRPresent.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList4, _ViewList4), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "absent": DataTable dt5 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" +" and StatusAB = 1 "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList5 = dt5.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList5 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Absent Employee Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList5, _ViewList5), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "lv_application": DataTable dt6 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and (StatusLeave=1 OR StatusHL=1)"); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList6 = dt6.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList6 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Leave Attendence Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRAbsent.rdlc"; //LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList6, _ViewList6), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); //To-do Develop Leave Attendance Report break; case "short_lv": DataTable dt7 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusSL=1"); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList7 = dt7.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList7 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Short Leave Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRShortLeave.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRShortLeave.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList7, _ViewList7), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "late_in": DataTable dt8 = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusLI=1 "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList8 = dt8.ToList<ViewAttData>(); List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Late In Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRLateIn.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRLateIn.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "late_out": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusLO=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Late Out Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRLateOut.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRLateOut.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "early_in": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusEI=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Early In Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyIn.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyIn.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "early_out": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusEO=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Early Out Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyOut.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DREarlyOut.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "overtime": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusOT=1 "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "OverTime Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "missing_attendance": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and ((TimeIn is null and TimeOut is not null) or (TimeIn is not null and TimeOut is null)) "); _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); title = "Missing Attendence"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRMissingAtt.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRMissingAtt.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "multiple_in_out": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMultipleInOut " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and (Tin1 is not null or TOut1 is not null)"); //change query for multiple_in_out List<ViewMultipleInOut> _ViewList9 = dt.ToList<ViewMultipleInOut>(); List<ViewMultipleInOut> _TempViewList9 = new List<ViewMultipleInOut>(); title = "Multiple In/Out Report"; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRMultipleInOut.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRMultipleInOut.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList9, _ViewList9), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "monthly_leave_sheet": string _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); title = "Monthly Leave Sheet for Permanent Employees"; _ViewList1 = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); _TempViewList1 = new List<EmpView>(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MLvConsumed.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MLvConsumed.rdlc"; int month = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month; LoadReport(PathString,GetLV(ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1) ,2),month); // LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_21-20": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Sheet for Permanent Employees(21st to 20th)"; List<ViewMonthlyDataPer> _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); List<ViewMonthlyDataPer> _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetP.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetP.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_1-31": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyData " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Sheet for Permanent Employees(1st to 31st)"; List<ViewMonthlyData> _ViewListMonthlyData = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyData>(); List<ViewMonthlyData> _TempViewListMonthlyData = new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetC.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSheetC.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyData, _ViewListMonthlyData), _dateFrom); break; case "monthlysummary_21-20": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Summary for Permanent Employees(21st to 20th)"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "monthlysummary_1-31": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Summary for Permanent Employees(1st to 31st)"; _ViewListMonthlyData = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyData>(); _TempViewListMonthlyData = new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSummaryC.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSummaryC.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyData, _ViewListMonthlyData), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_21-20_excel": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Sheet for Permanent Employees(21st to 20th)"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_1-31_consolidated": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyData " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Consolidated (1st to 31th)"; List<ViewMonthlyData> VMLD =new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); VMLD = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyData>(); _TempViewListMonthlyData = new List<ViewMonthlyData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelC.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelC.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyData, VMLD), _dateFrom); break; case "monthly_21-20_consolidated": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMonthlyDataPer " + query + " and Period = " + _period); title = "Monthly Consolidated (21th to 20th)(Excel)"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRDetailExcelP.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "emp_att": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )"); title = "Employee Attendance"; _ViewList8 = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); _TempViewList8 = new List<ViewAttData>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/EmpAttSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/EmpAttSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList8, _ViewList8), _dateFrom + " TO " + _dateTo); break; case "emp_absent": _period = Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Month.ToString() + Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom).Year.ToString(); dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + "'" + _dateFrom + "'" + " and AttDate <= " + "'" + _dateTo + "'" + " )" + " and StatusAB = 1 "); title = "Employee Absent"; _ViewListMonthlyDataPer = dt.ToList<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer = new List<ViewMonthlyDataPer>(); //Change the Paths if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MRSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; case "lv_quota": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); _ViewList1 = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); _TempViewList1 = new List<EmpView>(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/MYLeaveSummary.rdlc"; else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/MYLeaveSummary.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, GYL(ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewList1, _ViewList1))); // LoadReport(PathString, ReportsFilterImplementation(fm, _TempViewListMonthlyDataPer, _ViewListMonthlyDataPer), _dateFrom); break; } } }
// // GET: /Zones/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForUserAccess(LoggedInUser, "Zone"); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("Select * FROM Zone where " + query); var zone = dt.ToList<Zone>().AsQueryable(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { zone = zone.Where(s => s.ZoneName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())); } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": zone = zone.OrderByDescending(s => s.ZoneName); break; default: zone = zone.OrderBy(s => s.ZoneName); break; } int pageSize = 8; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(zone.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DivGridSection.Visible = false; DivGridCrew.Visible = false; DivGridDept.Visible = false; DivGridEmp.Visible = false; DivShiftGrid.Visible = false; DivLocGrid.Visible = false; DivTypeGrid.Visible = false; ReportViewer1.Visible = true; ReportViewer1.Width = 1050; ReportViewer1.Height = 700; SelectedTypes.Clear(); SelectedCrews.Clear(); SelectedDepts.Clear(); SelectedEmps.Clear(); SelectedLocs.Clear(); SelectedSections.Clear(); SelectedShifts.Clear(); RefreshLabels(); LoadGridViews(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) { PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/YLvConsumed.rdlc"; } else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/YLvConsumed.rdlc"; User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewLvConsumed " + query); List<ViewLvConsumed> _ViewList = dt.ToList<ViewLvConsumed>(); LoadReport(PathString, _ViewList); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DateTime date = DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(-1); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) { PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRDetailed.rdlc"; } else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRDetailed.rdlc"; //List<ViewMultipleInOut> _View = new List<ViewMultipleInOut>(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMultipleInOut " + query +" and AttDate = '"+ date.Date.Year.ToString()+"-"+date.Date.Month.ToString()+"-"+date.Date.Day.ToString()+"'"); List<ViewMultipleInOut> _View = dt.ToList<ViewMultipleInOut>(); LoadReport(PathString, _View); } }
protected void btnGenerateReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReportViewer1.Visible = true; //List<ViewMultipleInOut> _ViewList = new List<ViewMultipleInOut>(); List<ViewMultipleInOut> _TempViewList = new List<ViewMultipleInOut>(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); string _dateTo = "'"+DateTo.Date.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTo.Date.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTo.Date.Day.ToString()+"'"; string _dateFrom = "'" + DateFrom.Date.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateFrom.Date.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateFrom.Date.Day.ToString() + "'"; DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewMultipleInOut " + query + " and (AttDate >= "+_dateFrom+" and AttDate <= "+_dateTo+" )" ); List<ViewMultipleInOut> _ViewList = dt.ToList<ViewMultipleInOut>(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) { PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DRDetailed.rdlc"; } else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DRDetailed.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, _ViewList); }
private void BindGridViewType(string search) { FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; List<ViewEmpType> _View = new List<ViewEmpType>(); List<ViewEmpType> _TempView = new List<ViewEmpType>(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForCompanyViewForLinq(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewEmpType where " + query); _View = dt.ToList<ViewEmpType>(); if (fm.CompanyFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CompanyID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } GridViewType.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.TypeName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList(); GridViewType.DataBind(); }
protected void btnGenerateReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshLabels(); DivGridSection.Visible = false; DivGridCrew.Visible = false; DivGridDept.Visible = false; DivGridEmp.Visible = false; DivShiftGrid.Visible = false; DivLocGrid.Visible = false; DivTypeGrid.Visible = false; ReportViewer1.Visible = true; DivGridComapny.Visible = false; DivGridComapny.Visible = false; List<ViewAttData> _TempViewList = new List<ViewAttData>(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); string _dateTo = "'" + DateTo.Date.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTo.Date.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTo.Date.Day.ToString() + "'"; string _dateFrom = "'" + DateFrom.Date.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateFrom.Date.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateFrom.Date.Day.ToString() + "'"; DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and (AttDate >= " + _dateFrom + " and AttDate <= " + _dateTo + " )" + " and ( StatusOT=1 " + "or StatusGZOT = 1) "); List<ViewAttData> _ViewList = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); //_ViewList = context.ViewAttDatas.Where(aa => aa.AttDate >= DateFrom.Date && aa.AttDate <= DateTo.Date && (aa.StatusOT == true || aa.StatusGZOT == true)).ToList(); if (SelectedEmps.Count > 0) { foreach (var emp in SelectedEmps) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for department if (SelectedDepts.Count > 0) { foreach (var dept in SelectedDepts) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.DeptName == dept.DeptName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for company if (SelectedComps.Count > 0) { foreach (var comp in SelectedComps) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.CompName == comp.CompName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for sections if (SelectedSections.Count > 0) { foreach (var sec in SelectedSections) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.SectionName == sec.SectionName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for crews if (SelectedCrews.Count > 0) { foreach (var cre in SelectedCrews) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.CrewName == cre.CrewName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for location if (SelectedLocs.Count > 0) { foreach (var loc in SelectedLocs) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.LocName == loc.LocName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for shifts if (SelectedShifts.Count > 0) { foreach (var shift in SelectedShifts) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.ShiftName == shift.ShiftName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); //for category if (SelectedTypes.Count > 0) { foreach (var cat in SelectedTypes) { _TempViewList.AddRange(_ViewList.Where(aa => aa.TypeName == cat.TypeName).ToList()); } _ViewList = _TempViewList.ToList(); } else _TempViewList = _ViewList.ToList(); _TempViewList.Clear(); if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) { PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; } else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; LoadReport(PathString, _ViewList); }
// GET: /Shift/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForLocationSegeration(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from Shift " + query); List<Shift> shift1 = dt.ToList<Shift>(); var shift = shift1.AsQueryable(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { shift = shift.Where(s => s.ShiftName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())); } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": shift = shift.OrderByDescending(s => s.ShiftName); break; default: shift = shift.OrderBy(s => s.ShiftName); break; } int pageSize = 8; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(shift.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DivGridSection.Visible = false; DivGridCrew.Visible = false; DivGridDept.Visible = false; DivGridEmp.Visible = false; DivShiftGrid.Visible = false; DivLocGrid.Visible = false; DivTypeGrid.Visible = false; ReportViewer1.Visible = true; ReportViewer1.Width = 1050; ReportViewer1.Height = 700; DivGridComapny.Visible = false; SelectedComps.Clear(); SelectedTypes.Clear(); SelectedCrews.Clear(); SelectedDepts.Clear(); SelectedEmps.Clear(); SelectedLocs.Clear(); SelectedSections.Clear(); SelectedShifts.Clear(); LoadGridViews(); RefreshLabels(); DateTime date = DateTime.Today.Date; if (GlobalVariables.DeploymentType == false) { PathString = "/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; } else PathString = "/WMS/Reports/RDLC/DROverTime.rdlc"; User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewAttData " + query + " and AttDate = '" + date.Date.Year.ToString() + "-" + date.Date.Month.ToString() + "-" + date.Date.Day.ToString() + "'" + " and ( StatusOT=1 or StatusGZOT = 1 ) "); List<ViewAttData> _View = dt.ToList<ViewAttData>(); LoadReport(PathString, _View); } }
public ActionResult ShiftList() { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; qb.QueryForShiftForLinq(LoggedInUser); //var type; //if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) // return Json(new SelectList( // types.ToArray(), // "ShiftID", // "ShiftName") // , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
private void BindGridView(string search) { User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForCompanyViewLinq(LoggedInUser); List<Company> _View = da.Companies.Where(query).ToList(); GridViewCompany.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.CompName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList(); GridViewCompany.DataBind(); }
private void LoadSectionGrid(User _loggedUser) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForCompanySegeration(_loggedUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewSection " + query); List<ViewSection> _View = dt.ToList<ViewSection>(); grid_Section.DataSource = _View; grid_Section.DataBind(); }
private void BindGridViewEmployee(string search) { FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; List<EmpView> _View = new List<EmpView>(); List<EmpView> _TempView = new List<EmpView>(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForCompanyFilters(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); _View = dt.ToList<EmpView>().AsQueryable().SortBy("EmpNo").ToList(); if (fm.CompanyFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CompanyID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.DivisionFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.DivisionFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.DivID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.DepartmentFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.DepartmentFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.DeptID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.SectionFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.SectionFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.SecID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.TypeFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.TypeFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.TypeID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.LocationFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.LocationFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.LocID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.ShiftFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.ShiftFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.ShiftID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.CrewFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var comp in fm.CrewFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CrewID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } GridViewEmployee.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.EmpName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper()) ||aa.EmpNo.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList(); GridViewEmployee.DataBind(); }
private void BindGridViewDepartment(string search) { FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; List<ViewDepartment> _View = new List<ViewDepartment>(); List<ViewDepartment> _TempView = new List<ViewDepartment>(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); //string query = qb.QueryForCompanyFilters(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewDepartment order by DeptName asc"); _View = dt.ToList<ViewDepartment>(); //if (fm.CompanyFilter.Count > 0) //{ // foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter) // { // short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); // _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CompID == _compID).ToList()); // } // _View = _TempView.ToList(); //} if (fm.DivisionFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var div in fm.DivisionFilter) { short _divID = Convert.ToInt16(div.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.DivID == _divID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } GridViewWing.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.DeptName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList(); GridViewWing.DataBind(); }
private void LoadEmpGrid(User _loggedUser) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(_loggedUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query + " and (Status=1)"); List<EmpView> _View = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); grid_Employee.DataSource = _View; grid_Employee.DataBind(); }
// GET: /JobCard/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; ViewBag.DesigSortParm = sortOrder == "designation" ? "designation_desc" : "designation"; ViewBag.LocSortParm = sortOrder == "location" ? "location_desc" : "location"; ViewBag.SectionSortParm = sortOrder == "section" ? "section_desc" : "section"; ViewBag.DepartmentSortParm = sortOrder == "wing" ? "wing_desc" : "wing"; ViewBag.ShiftSortParm = sortOrder == "shift" ? "shift_desc" : "shift"; ViewBag.TypeSortParm = sortOrder == "type" ? "type_desc" : "type"; //List<EmpView> emps = new List<EmpView>(); if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.MakeCustomizeQuery(LoggedInUser); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView " + query); List<EmpView> emps = dt.ToList<EmpView>(); // List<EmpView> emps = db.EmpViews.ToList(); ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { if (searchString == "Active" || searchString == "active") { emps = emps.Where(aa => aa.Status == true).ToList(); } else if (searchString == "Inactive" || searchString == "inactive") { emps = emps.Where(aa => aa.Status == false).ToList(); } else { try { emps = emps.Where(s => s.EmpName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.EmpNo.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.DesignationName.ToString().Contains(searchString) ).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; case "designation_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.DesignationName).ToList(); break; case "designation": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.DesignationName).ToList(); break; case "location_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.LocName).ToList(); break; case "location": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.LocName).ToList(); break; case "section_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.SectionName).ToList(); break; case "section": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.SectionName).ToList(); break; case "wing_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.DeptName).ToList(); break; case "wing": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.DeptName).ToList(); break; case "shift_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.ShiftName).ToList(); break; case "shift": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.ShiftName).ToList(); break; case "type_desc": emps = emps.OrderByDescending(s => s.TypeName).ToList(); break; case "type": emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.TypeName).ToList(); break; default: emps = emps.OrderBy(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; } int pageSize = 10; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); ViewData["JobDateFrom"] = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewData["JobDateTo"] = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.JobCardType = new SelectList(db.JobCards, "WorkCardID", "WorkCardName"); return View(emps.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
// GET: /Crew/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForCompanyViewForLinq(LoggedInUser); var crew = db.Crews.AsQueryable(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { crew = crew.Where(s => s.CrewName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())); } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": crew = crew.OrderByDescending(s => s.CrewName); break; default: crew = crew.OrderBy(s => s.CrewName); break; } int pageSize = 8; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(crew.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
// GET: /LvShort/ public ActionResult Index(string sortOrder, string searchString, string currentFilter, int? page) { User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User; ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; ViewBag.TypeSortParm = sortOrder == "LvType" ? "LvType_desc" : "LvType"; ViewBag.DateSortParm = sortOrder == "Date" ? "Date_desc" : "Date"; if (searchString != null) { page = 1; } else { searchString = currentFilter; } QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForUserAccess(LoggedInUser, qb.CheckForUserRole(LoggedInUser)); DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Today; DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(dt1.Year, 1, 1); string date = dt2.Year.ToString() + "-" + dt2.Month.ToString() + "-" + dt2.Day.ToString() + " "; DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from ViewSLData where " + query); List<ViewSLData> lvapplications = dt.ToList<ViewSLData>(); ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; //var lvapplications = db.LvApplications.Where(aa=>aa.ToDate>=dt2).Include(l => l.Emp).Include(l => l.LvType1); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { lvapplications = lvapplications.Where(s => s.EmpName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || s.EmpNo.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())).ToList(); } switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": lvapplications = lvapplications.OrderByDescending(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; case "Date_desc": lvapplications = lvapplications.OrderByDescending(s => s.DutyDate).ToList(); break; case "Date": lvapplications = lvapplications.OrderBy(s => s.DutyDate).ToList(); break; default: lvapplications = lvapplications.OrderBy(s => s.EmpName).ToList(); break; } int pageSize = 10; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); return View(lvapplications.OrderByDescending(aa => aa.DutyDate).ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
private void BindGridViewLocation(string search) { FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel; List<Location> _View = new List<Location>(); List<Location> _TempView = new List<Location>(); TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities(); User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User; QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); string query = qb.QueryForLocReport(LoggedInUser); List<City> city = db.Cities.ToList(); DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from Location " + query+" order by LocName asc"); _View = dt.ToList<Location>(); if (fm.RegionFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var region in fm.RegionFilter) { short regionID = Convert.ToInt16(region.ID); foreach (var c in city.Where(aa => aa.RegionID == regionID)) { _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CityID == c.CityID).ToList()); } } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } if (fm.CityFilter.Count > 0) { _TempView.Clear(); foreach (var citi in fm.CityFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(citi.ID); _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CityID == _compID).ToList()); } _View = _TempView.ToList(); } GridViewLocation.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.LocName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList(); GridViewLocation.DataBind(); }
private List<DailySummary> ReportsFilterImplementation(FiltersModel fm,string dateFrom,string dateTo, string Criteria) { List<DailySummary> ViewDS = new List<DailySummary>(); List<DailySummary> TempDS = new List<DailySummary>(); QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); switch (Criteria) { case "C": //for company dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from DailySummary " + " where Criteria = '"+Criteria + "' and (Date >= " + "'" + dateFrom + "'" + " and Date <= " + "'" + dateTo + "'" + " )"); ViewDS = dt.ToList<DailySummary>(); if (fm.CompanyFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter) { short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _compID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); } ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); } else TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); TempDS.Clear(); break; case "L": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from DailySummary " + " where Criteria = '"+Criteria + "' and (Date >= " + "'" + dateFrom + "'" + " and Date <= " + "'" + dateTo + "'" + " )"); ViewDS = dt.ToList<DailySummary>(); if (fm.LocationFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var loc in fm.LocationFilter) { short _locID = Convert.ToInt16(loc.ID); TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _locID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); } ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); } else TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); TempDS.Clear(); break; case "D": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from DailySummary " + " where Criteria = '"+Criteria + "' and (Date >= " + "'" + dateFrom + "'" + " and Date <= " + "'" + dateTo + "'" + " )"); ViewDS = dt.ToList<DailySummary>(); if (fm.DepartmentFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var dept in fm.DepartmentFilter) { short _deptID = Convert.ToInt16(dept.ID); TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _deptID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); } ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); } else TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); TempDS.Clear(); break; case "E": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from DailySummary " + " where Criteria = '"+Criteria + "' and (Date >= " + "'" + dateFrom + "'" + " and Date <= " + "'" + dateTo + "'" + " )"); ViewDS = dt.ToList<DailySummary>(); if (fm.SectionFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var sec in fm.SectionFilter) { short _secID = Convert.ToInt16(sec.ID); TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _secID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); } ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); } else TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); TempDS.Clear(); break; case "S": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from DailySummary " + " where Criteria = '"+Criteria + "' and (Date >= " + "'" + dateFrom + "'" + " and Date <= " + "'" + dateTo + "'" + " )"); ViewDS = dt.ToList<DailySummary>(); if (fm.ShiftFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var shift in fm.ShiftFilter) { short _shiftID = Convert.ToInt16(shift.ID); TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _shiftID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); } ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); } else TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); TempDS.Clear(); break; case "T": dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from DailySummary " + " where Criteria = '"+Criteria + "' and (Date >= " + "'" + dateFrom + "'" + " and Date <= " + "'" + dateTo + "'" + " )"); ViewDS = dt.ToList<DailySummary>(); if (fm.TypeFilter.Count > 0) { foreach (var type in fm.TypeFilter) { short _typeID = Convert.ToInt16(type.ID); TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _typeID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); } ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); } else TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); TempDS.Clear(); break; //case "A": // if (fm.CompanyFilter.Count > 0) // { // foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter) // { // short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID); // TempDS.AddRange(ViewDS.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == _compID && aa.Criteria == Criteria).ToList()); // } // ViewDS = TempDS.ToList(); // } // else // TempDS = ViewDS.ToList(); // TempDS.Clear(); // break; } return ViewDS; }