コード例 #1
        //Unused method which would grab a real image and apply static to it for generator input
        List <double[]> GenerateNoisyImages(Random r, int latentsize, int num)
            var output = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < latentsize; i++)
                var img         = IO.FindNextNumber(num);
                var latentspace = Maths.RandomGaussian(r, latentsize);
                output.Add(new double[latentsize]);
                for (int j = 0; j < latentsize; j++)
                    output[i][j] = img[j] * latentspace[j];
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the GAN
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Critic">The network which criticises real and fake images</param>
        /// <param name="Generator">The network which generates fake images</param>
        /// <param name="LatentSize">How large the random noise input of the generator is</param>
        /// <param name="ctg">The Critic To Generator training ratio</param>
        /// <param name="num">The numerical digit to be learned (0-9)</param>
        /// <param name="activeform">The form running this method</param>
        /// <param name="imgspeed">How often generated images are pushed to the front-end</param>
        public static void Train(NN Critic, NN Generator, int LatentSize, int ctg, Form1 activeform, int imgspeed)
            int formupdateiterator = 0;
            //The generator of the latentspace
            Random r = new Random();

            while (Training)
                //Train critic x times per 1 of generator
                for (int i = 0; i < ctg; i++)
                    //Batch norm stuff
                    double realmean   = 0;
                    double realstddev = 0;

                    double AvgRealScore = 0;
                    double AvgFakeScore = 0;

                    //Generate samples
                    var realsamples  = new List <double[]>();
                    var latentspaces = new List <double[]>();
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < BatchSize; ii++)
                        //Find next image

                        //Generate latent space for fake image
                        latentspaces.Add(Maths.RandomGaussian(r, LatentSize));
                        //Calculate values to help scale the fakes
                        var mean = Maths.CalcMean(realsamples[ii]);
                        realmean   += mean;
                        realstddev += Maths.CalcStdDev(realsamples[ii], mean);
                    realmean   /= BatchSize;
                    realstddev /= BatchSize;

                    //Batchnorm the samples
                    realsamples = Maths.BatchNormalize(realsamples, realmean, realstddev);
                    var fakesamples = Maths.BatchNormalize(Generator.GenerateSamples(latentspaces), realmean, realstddev);

                    //The RMSE of each network
                    double CError = 0;
                    double GError = 0;

                    //Critic's scores of each type of sample
                    List <double> rscores = new List <double>();
                    List <double> fscores = new List <double>();

                    //Real image calculations
                    double RealPercCorrect = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < BatchSize; j++)
                        //The score is the value of the output (last) neuron of the critic
                        rscores.Add(Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0]);
                        AvgRealScore += rscores[j];
                        //Add the squared error
                        CError += Math.Pow(1d - Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0], 2);
                        GError += Math.Pow(-Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0], 2);
                        //Add whether it was correct or not to the total
                        RealPercCorrect += Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0] > 0 ? 1d : 0d;
                    AvgRealScore    /= BatchSize;
                    RealPercCorrect /= BatchSize;
                    //Loss on real images = how accurate the critic is
                    Critic.CalcGradients(realsamples, null, RealPercCorrect, true);

                    //Fake image calculations
                    double FakePercIncorrect = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < BatchSize; j++)
                        //The score is the value of the output (last) neuron of the critic
                        fscores.Add(Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0]);
                        AvgFakeScore += fscores[j];
                        //Add the squared error
                        CError += Math.Pow(-Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0], 2);
                        GError += Math.Pow(1d - Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0], 2);
                        //Add whether it was correct or not to the total
                        FakePercIncorrect += Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0] > 0 ? 1d : 0d;
                    AvgFakeScore      /= BatchSize;
                    FakePercIncorrect /= BatchSize;
                    //Wasserstein loss on fake images = real % correct - fake % correct
                    Critic.CalcGradients(fakesamples, null, RealPercCorrect - (1 - FakePercIncorrect), true);

                    //Update weights and biases

                    //Reset trial number if desired
                    if (Clear)
                        Critic.Trials    = 0;
                        Generator.Trials = 0;
                        Clear            = false;

                    //Critic processes 2 images per 1 the generator does
                    CError = Math.Sqrt(CError / (2 * BatchSize));
                    GError = Math.Sqrt(GError / BatchSize);

                    //Update errors and % correct values
                    Critic.Error          = (Critic.Error * ((Critic.Trials) / (Critic.Trials + 1d))) + (CError * (1d / (Critic.Trials + 1d)));
                    Critic.PercCorrect    = (Critic.PercCorrect * ((Critic.Trials) / (Critic.Trials + 1d))) + (RealPercCorrect * (1d / (Critic.Trials + 1d)));
                    Generator.Error       = (Generator.Error * ((Generator.Trials) / (Generator.Trials + 1d))) + (GError * (1d / (Generator.Trials + 1)));
                    Generator.PercCorrect = (Generator.PercCorrect * ((Generator.Trials) / (Generator.Trials + 1d))) + (FakePercIncorrect * (1d / (Generator.Trials + 1d)));
                    //Iterate trial count

                //Generate samples
                List <double[]> testlatents = new List <double[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < BatchSize; i++)
                    testlatents.Add(Maths.RandomGaussian(r, LatentSize));
                var tests = Generator.GenerateSamples(testlatents);

                //Criticize generated samples

                //Compute generator's error on the critic's scores
                double Score = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < BatchSize; j++)
                    Score += Critic.Layers[Critic.NumLayers - 1].Values[j][0] > 0 ? 1 : 0;

                //Backprop through the critic to the generator
                Critic.CalcGradients(tests, null, Score, false);
                Generator.CalcGradients(testlatents, Critic.Layers[0], Score, true);

                //Update the generator's weights and biases

                //Update image (if applicable)
                if (formupdateiterator >= imgspeed)
                    //Code that converts normalized generator outputs into an image
                    //Changes distribution of output values to 0-255 (brightness)
                    var values = Form1.Rescale(Maths.Convert(tests[0]));
                    var image  = new int[28, 28];
                    //Convert values to a 2d int array
                    for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++)
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < 28; ii++)
                            image[ii, i] = (int)values[i, ii];
                    //Report values and image to the front end
                    activeform.Invoke((Action) delegate
                        activeform.image  = image;
                        activeform.CScore = Critic.Error.ToString();
                        activeform.CPerc  = Critic.PercCorrect.ToString();
                        activeform.GScore = Generator.Error.ToString();
                        activeform.GPerc  = Generator.PercCorrect.ToString();
                        if (Critic.Error > Form1.Cutoff)
                            Training = false;
                        if (IO.Reset)
                            IO.Reset = false;
                    formupdateiterator = 0;
            if (Save)
                //Save nns
                IO.Write(Generator, false);
                IO.Write(Critic, true);
            activeform.Invoke((Action) delegate
                //Notify of being done training
                activeform.DoneTraining = true;
                //Reset errors
                activeform.CScore = null;
                activeform.CPerc  = null;
                activeform.GScore = null;
                activeform.GPerc  = null;