コード例 #1
 private Command.CalcTargetObjects MakeCommandCalcTargetObjectsInstance(LuaDataContainer ldc)
     return(new Command.CalcTargetObjects(() => ldc.GetWherigoObjectListFromProvider <Thing>(
コード例 #2
        private Input.RunOnGetInput MakeInputRunOnGetInputInstance(LuaDataContainer ldc)
            // Defines an action that can queue giving a result to the relevant input entity.
            Action <string, ExecutionQueue.FallbackAction> onGetInput = new Action <string, ExecutionQueue.FallbackAction>(
                (s, fa) => _helper.LuaExecutionQueue.BeginCallSelf(ldc, "OnGetInput", fa, s)

            // Defines a function that can create a fallback action in case giving a null
            // result to the relevant input entity raises an exception.
            // In that case, another try is done using an empty string instead.
            // No fallback action is given if the input answer is not null.
            Func <string, ExecutionQueue.FallbackAction> getFallback = new Func <string, ExecutionQueue.FallbackAction>(
                s => {
                if (s == null)
                    return(new ExecutionQueue.FallbackAction(
                               ex => onGetInput("", null)

            // Returns an action that queues giving a result to this input, allowing
            // to do it again if the first attempt has been made with a null string
            // and failed.
            return(new Input.RunOnGetInput(s => onGetInput(s, getFallback(s))));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a global path with the native table associated with a
        /// container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path in the global table to set.</param>
        /// <param name="container">Container associated to the Lua table to set.</param>
        internal void SetContainerAt(string path, LuaDataContainer container)
            // Gets the LuaTable for the container.
            LuaTable lt = GetNativeContainerCore(container);

            // Sets the global path to this table.
            _luaState.SafeSetGlobal(path, lt);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new container and sets a global path with it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If an object already exists at <paramref name="path"/>, it is
        /// replaced with the new container.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="path">The global path to create the container at.</param>
        /// <returns>The created container.</returns>
        internal LuaDataContainer CreateContainerAt(string path)
            // Creates the container.
            LuaTable         native = _luaState.SafeCreateTable();
            LuaDataContainer ldc    = CreateContainerCore(native, true);

            // Sets the global path.
            _luaState.SafeSetGlobal(path, native);

            // Returns the container.
コード例 #5
        public WherigoCollection <W> GetWherigoObjectListFromProvider <W>(string key, params object[] parameters) where W : WherigoObject
            // Gets the provider at the key.
            LuaFunction lf = _luaState.SafeGetField <LuaFunction>(_luaTable, key);

            if (lf == null)
                return(new WherigoCollection <W>());

            // Gets the self, unprotected, provider.
            LuaDataProvider ldp = _dataFactory.GetProvider(lf, this, false);

            // Executes and gets the first container.
            LuaDataContainer ldc = ldp.FirstContainerOrDefault(parameters);

            // Gets the list for this
            return(_dataFactory.GetWherigoObjectList <W>(ldc));
コード例 #6
        private WherigoObject GetWherigoObjectCore(
            LuaTable obj,
            bool dontFailIfNotWigEntity = false,
            bool forceProtectFromGC     = false,
            bool allowsNullTable        = false,
            Type typeToCompare          = null)
            // Sanity check.
            if (obj == null)
                if (!allowsNullTable)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Null table argument is not allowed.");


            // Gets the class of the entity.
            string cn = _luaState.SafeGetField <string>(obj, "ClassName");

            if (cn == null)
                if (dontFailIfNotWigEntity)

                throw new InvalidOperationException("obj has no ClassName string property.");

            // Does the entity have an ObjIndex?
            // YES -> it should be in the AllZObjects table, so retrieve or make it.
            // NO -> make it anyway.
            WherigoObject ret   = null;
            double?       oiRaw = _luaState.SafeGetField <double?>(obj, "ObjIndex");

            if (oiRaw == null)
                // Creates a container for the table.
                // It is not protected from GC by default.
                LuaDataContainer ldc = CreateContainerCore(obj, forceProtectFromGC);

                // Immediately wraps the table into its corresponding class.
                if ("ZonePoint" == cn)
                    ret = new ZonePoint(ldc);

                else if ("ZCommand" == cn || "ZReciprocalCommand" == cn)
                    ret = new Command(

                else if ("Distance" == cn)
                    ret = new Distance(ldc);
                // Tries to get the object from the cache if it is not
                // the player or cartridge object.
                int  oi          = (int)oiRaw.Value;
                bool isPlayer    = oi < 0;
                bool isCartridge = oi == 0;
                Node node;
                if (!isPlayer && !isCartridge)
                    bool hasValue;
                    lock (_syncRoot)
                        hasValue = _wEntities.TryGetValue(oi, out node);
                    // The object is known, returns it.
                    if (hasValue)
                        ret = node.Object;

                        // Double check the classname.
                        string cachedCn = ret.DataContainer.GetString("ClassName");
                        if (cn != cachedCn)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The object with id {0} is known to have class {1}, but class {2} was requested.", oi, cachedCn ?? "<null>", cn ?? "<null>"));

                // The object is not known, make it and create a node for it.
                if (ret == null)
                    // Creates a GC-protected container for the table.
                    FriendLuaDataContainer ldc = CreateContainerCore(obj, true);

                    // Creates the object.
                    if ("ZInput" == cn)
                        ret = new Input(

                    else if ("ZTimer" == cn)
                        ret = new Timer(ldc);

                    else if ("ZCharacter" == cn)
                        if (isPlayer && _helper.Player != null)
                            ret = _helper.Player;
                            ret = new Character(
                    else if ("ZItem" == cn)
                        ret = new Item(

                    else if ("ZTask" == cn)
                        ret = new Task(

                    else if ("Zone" == cn)
                        ret = new Zone(
                    else if ("ZMedia" == cn)
                        // Gets the ZMedia from the Cartridge which has the same Id.
                        Media media = _helper.Cartridge.Resources.Single(m => m.MediaId == oi);

                        // Injects the data container with metadata about the media.
                        media.DataContainer = ldc;

                        // The returned object is the media.
                        ret = media;
                    else if ("ZCartridge" == cn)
                        // Sanity checks if the Cartridge GUIDs match.
                        string baseId = _helper.Cartridge.Guid;
                        string reqId  = ldc.GetString("Id");
                        if (baseId != reqId)
                            //throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Requested Cartridge with id {0}, but only knows Cartridge with id {1}.", reqId, baseId));
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("LuaDataFactory: WARNING: " + String.Format("Requested Cartridge with id {0}, but only knows Cartridge with id {1}.", reqId, baseId));

                        // Returns the cartridge object.
                        ret = _helper.Cartridge;

                        // Binds the cartridge container if the cartridge is unbound.
                        if (ret.DataContainer == null)
                            ret.DataContainer = ldc;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("obj has an unknown classname: " + cn);

                    // Creates a node and registers it. Cartridge and player are not registered.
                    if (!isPlayer && !isCartridge)
                        node = new Node()
                            Container = ldc,
                            Object    = ret
                        lock (_syncRoot)
                            _wEntities.Add(oi, node);

            // Final sanity checks.
            if (ret == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Returned value was not computed.");
            if (typeToCompare != null && !typeToCompare.IsAssignableFrom(ret.GetType()))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The wherigo object is known to have type {0}, not {1} as requested.", ret.GetType().FullName, typeToCompare.FullName));

コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a provider for a lua function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="func">Function to wrap.</param>
 /// <param name="self">If non-null, the provider will pass the underlying
 /// lua table as a first parameter during execution.</param>
 /// <param name="protectFromGC">If true, the provider is protected from garbage
 /// collection.</param>
 /// <returns>The LuaDataProvider for the function.</returns>
 internal LuaDataProvider GetProvider(LuaFunction func, LuaDataContainer self = null, bool protectFromGC = false)
     return(CreateProviderCore(func, self == null ? null : GetNativeContainerCore(self), protectFromGC));
コード例 #8
 private Command.ExecuteCommand MakeCommandExecuteCommandInstance(LuaDataContainer ldc)
     return(new Command.ExecuteCommand(t => _helper.LuaExecutionQueue.BeginCallSelf(ldc, "exec", t)));
コード例 #9
 private UIObject.RunOnClick MakeUIObjectRunOnClickInstance(LuaDataContainer ldc)
     return(new UIObject.RunOnClick(() => _helper.LuaExecutionQueue.BeginCallSelf(ldc, "OnClick")));
コード例 #10
 internal Enumerator(LuaDataContainer luaDataContainer)
     this._parent    = luaDataContainer;
     _baseEnumerator = _parent._luaState.SafeGetEnumerator(_parent._selfLuaTable);