public DeviceType(DeviceTypeID a_typeID) { this._licenseList = new List<LicenseItem>(); this._compatibleComponentDescriptor = new CompatibleDeviceDescriptor(); this._deviceVersionList = new List<DeviceVersion>(); this._typeID = a_typeID; }
public ADCRRecord(WDS_Extension.ApplicationDescriptor app, CompatibleDeviceDescriptor devices, CompatibleChipDescriptor chips, CompatibleLicenseDescriptor licenses) { this._applicationDescriptor = app; this._compatibleDevices = devices; this._compatibleChips = chips; this._compatibleLicenses = licenses; }
public DeviceType(string a_typeName) { this._licenseList = new List<LicenseItem>(); this._compatibleComponentDescriptor = new CompatibleDeviceDescriptor(); this._deviceVersionList = new List<DeviceVersion>(); try { Enum.GetNames(typeof(DeviceTypeID)); this._typeID = (DeviceTypeID) Enum.Parse(typeof(DeviceTypeID), a_typeName); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Incompatible Device Type Name"); } }
private void BrowseFirmwareButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "WDS hex files (*.whf)|*.whf|Intel hex files (*.hex)|*.hex", RestoreDirectory = true }; int index = -1; if (this.lstSelectFirmware.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { index = this.lstSelectFirmware.SelectedItems[0].Index; } try { if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FirmwareItem firmwareItem = IO_FD_Main.GetFirmwareItem(dialog.FileName); if (firmwareItem.type == null) { CompatibleDeviceDescriptor item = new CompatibleDeviceDescriptor(); item.addDeviceType(this._adtRec.DeviceInfo.DeviceType.TypeID); firmwareItem.supportedDeviceList.Add(item); if ((this.lstSelectMcu.SelectedItems.Count > 0) && (this._adtRec.DeviceInfo.DeviceType.TypeID.ToString() != this.lstSelectMcu.SelectedItems[0].Text)) { firmwareItem.supportedDeviceList[firmwareItem.supportedDeviceList.Count - 1].DeviceList[0].CompatibleComponentDescriptor.addDeviceType(this.lstSelectMcu.SelectedItems[0].Text); } = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dialog.FileName); = DateTime.Now; firmwareItem.version = new FirmwareVersion("0.1r"); firmwareItem.type = new FirmwareType("Unknown"); } DeviceDescriptor deviceInfo = this._adtRec.DeviceInfo; if (!firmwareItem.supportedDeviceList[firmwareItem.supportedDeviceList.Count - 1].IsCompatible(deviceInfo, HwVersion.Upper, FwVersion.Lower, true)) { throw new Exception("The selected firmware does not compatible with the board attached."); } ArrayList list = new ArrayList(this._firmwareItems); list.Add(firmwareItem); this._firmwareItems = (FirmwareItem[]) list.ToArray(typeof(FirmwareItem)); this.lstSelectFirmware.Items.Add(firmwareItem.getFWDownloadListViewItem()); this.lstSelectFirmware.Items[this.lstSelectFirmware.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true; this.DownloadButton.Enabled = true; } } catch (Exception exception) { if ((index < this.lstSelectFirmware.Items.Count) && (index >= 0)) { this.lstSelectFirmware.Items[index].Selected = true; } this.firmwareUpdateCallback(0, true, "The file " + dialog.FileName + " is not a valid firmware. \n\r" + exception.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
private void Polling() { ADTManager manager = ADTManager.instance(); List<IOPortAddress> list = new List<IOPortAddress>(); IOPortAddress item = new IOPortAddress(); int nrOfDevices = 0; int count = 0; int locationID = 0; StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder serialNumber = new StringBuilder(); while (!this._isPollerRunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(0x3e8); } WDSFrameWindow window = WDS_MainProg.frameWin(); while (true) { while (!this._isPollerRunEnabled) { Thread.Sleep(0x3e8); } count = manager.getADTRecords(PortType.USB_FTDI, true).Count; uint num3 = FTDIWrapper.GetNrOfDevices(ref nrOfDevices); if (count != nrOfDevices) { list.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfDevices; i++) { item = new IOPortAddress { portType = PortType.USB_FTDI }; item.usbFtdiAddr.DeviceIdx = i; num3 = FTDIWrapper.GetLocationID(i, ref locationID); while ((num3 != 0) && (num3 != 1)) { GlobalServices.LogMsg(i.ToString() + " " + num3.ToString(), "asdf"); num3 = FTDIWrapper.GetLocationID(i, ref locationID); Thread.Sleep(500); } item.usbFtdiAddr.LocationId = locationID; num3 = FTDIWrapper.GetSerialNumber(i, serialNumber); item.usbFtdiAddr.SerialNo = serialNumber.ToString(); num3 = FTDIWrapper.GetDescription(i, description); item.usbFtdiAddr.Description = description.ToString(); list.Add(item); } if (count < nrOfDevices) { foreach (IOPortAddress address2 in list) { if (manager.findADTRecord(address2) == null) { try { object[] args = new object[5]; args[0] = "Add Device (found by USB_FTDI Plug & Play handler)"; args[1] = address2; args[3] = "Exclude Device"; args[4] = new CompatibleDeviceDescriptor(); if (((AddDeviceResult) window.Invoke(new AddDevice(window.addDevice), args)) == AddDeviceResult.ExcludeOrCancel) { } } catch { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("DDI_USB_FTDI", "Invoking AddDevice failed"); } } } } else { bool flag = false; foreach (ADTRecord record in manager.getADTRecords(PortType.USB_FTDI, true)) { foreach (IOPortAddress address3 in list) { if (record.PortAddress.isEqual(address3)) { flag = true; } } if (!flag && (manager.removeADTRecord(record) != -1)) { try { WDSApplicationManager.instance().closeApplications(record); } catch { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("DDI_USB_FTDI", "Invoking RemoveDevice failed"); } } flag = false; } } } else { Thread.Sleep(0x3e8); } } }
private void loadADCRRecordsFromXml() { Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); Stream manifestResourceStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NewWDS.WDS_Resources.ADCR.xml"); List<ADCRRecord> list = new List<ADCRRecord>(); try { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(manifestResourceStream); foreach (XmlNode node in document.GetElementsByTagName("ADCR_Record")) { ApplicationDescriptor app = new ApplicationDescriptor(); CompatibleDeviceDescriptor comaptibleDevices = new CompatibleDeviceDescriptor(); CompatibleChipDescriptor chips = new CompatibleChipDescriptor(); CompatibleLicenseDescriptor licenses = new CompatibleLicenseDescriptor(); foreach (XmlNode node2 in node.ChildNodes) { string name = node2.Name; if (name != null) { if (!(name == "Application")) { if (name == "Chips") { goto Label_0377; } if (name == "Devices") { goto Label_053F; } } else { foreach (XmlNode node3 in node2.ChildNodes) { switch (node3.Name) { case "Type": app.AppType = this.getAppTypeItemByName(node3.InnerText); break; case "Class": app.AppClass = this.getAppClassItemByName(node3.InnerText); break; case "Name": app.AppName = node3.InnerText; break; case "Description": app.ApplicationDescription = node3.InnerText; break; case "Simulation": app.SimulationCapable = bool.Parse(node3.InnerText); break; case "Advanced": app.Advanced = bool.Parse(node3.InnerText); break; case "StartupApplication": app.StartupApplication = node3.InnerText; break; case "EBIDRequired": app.EBIDRequired = bool.Parse(node3.InnerText); break; case "AllowedToRunOnDifferentFwType": app.AllowedToRunOnDifferentFwType = bool.Parse(node3.InnerText); break; case "TopOnAppList": app.TopOnAppList = bool.Parse(node3.InnerText); break; case "Licenses": foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3.ChildNodes) { if ((node4.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) && (node4.Name == "Name")) { LicenseItem item = new LicenseItem { Name = node4.InnerText }; licenses.LicenseList.Add(item); } } break; } } } } continue; Label_0377: foreach (XmlNode node5 in node2.ChildNodes) { CDTRecord record = new CDTRecord(); foreach (XmlNode node6 in node5.ChildNodes) { string str3 = node6.Name; if (str3 != null) { if (!(str3 == "Type")) { if (str3 == "Revision") { goto Label_042D; } if (str3 == "DefaultRev") { goto Label_0440; } if (str3 == "Advanced") { goto Label_0458; } if (str3 == "Licenses") { goto Label_046D; } } else { record.ChipType = node6.InnerText; } } continue; Label_042D: record.ChipRevision = node6.InnerText; continue; Label_0440: record.DefaultRev = bool.Parse(node6.InnerText); continue; Label_0458: record.Advanced = bool.Parse(node6.InnerText); continue; Label_046D: foreach (XmlNode node7 in node6.ChildNodes) { if ((node7.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) && (node7.Name == "Name")) { LicenseItem item2 = new LicenseItem { Name = node7.InnerText }; record.LicenseList.Add(item2); } } } chips.ChipList.Add(record); } continue; Label_053F: this.parseCompatibleDevices(comaptibleDevices, node2); } list.Add(new ADCRRecord(app, comaptibleDevices, chips, licenses)); } this._adcrRecordSet = list.ToArray(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("ADCR XML Reading error! \n" + exception.Message, "ADCRManager.loadADCRRecordsFromXml()"); } }
public void parseCompatibleDevices(List<CompatibleDeviceDescriptor> comaptibleDeviceList, XmlNode subNode) { foreach (XmlNode node in subNode.ChildNodes) { if ((node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) && (node.Attributes != null)) { CompatibleDeviceDescriptor descriptor = new CompatibleDeviceDescriptor(); descriptor.addDeviceType(node.Attributes[0].InnerText); foreach (XmlNode node2 in node.ChildNodes) { string name = node2.Name; if (name != null) { if (!(name == "DeviceVersion")) { if (name == "DeviceComponents") { goto Label_0221; } if (name == "Licenses") { goto Label_029E; } } else if (node2.Attributes != null) { descriptor.addDeviceVersion(node.Attributes[0].InnerText, node2.Attributes[0].InnerText); foreach (XmlNode node3 in node2.ChildNodes) { string str2; if ((((str2 = node3.Name) != null) && (str2 == "FirmwareType")) && (node3.Attributes != null)) { descriptor.addFirmwareType(node.Attributes[0].InnerText, node2.Attributes[0].InnerText, node3.Attributes[0].InnerText); foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3.ChildNodes) { if (node4.Attributes != null) { descriptor.addFirmwareVersion(node.Attributes[0].InnerText, node2.Attributes[0].InnerText, node3.Attributes[0].InnerText, node4.Attributes[0].InnerText); } } } } } } continue; Label_0221: foreach (XmlNode node5 in node2.ChildNodes) { if ((node5.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) && (node5.Name == "DeviceType")) { this.parseCompatibleDevices(descriptor.getCompatibleComponentDescriptor(node.Attributes[0].InnerText), node2); break; } } continue; Label_029E: foreach (XmlNode node6 in node2.ChildNodes) { if ((node6.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) && (node6.Name == "Name")) { LicenseItem license = new LicenseItem { Name = node6.InnerText }; descriptor.addLicense(node.Attributes[0].InnerText, license); } } } comaptibleDeviceList.Add(descriptor); } } }