public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport() { rpt_Thanh_ly_tai_khoan rpt = new rpt_Thanh_ly_tai_khoan(); rpt.Site = this.Site; return rpt; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "", err = ""; string title = ""; string type = ""; if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 1) { type = "MB-TNT01"; } if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 2) { type = "MB-TNT02"; } if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 3) { type = "MB-TNT03"; } if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 4) { type = "MB-TLT01"; } this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim(); //Tao thu muc if (!Directory.Exists(folderOut)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderOut); } if (type != "") { sql = ""; err = ""; sql = " select *"; sql += " from nab_credit_xln_sendmail g"; sql += " where trim(g.type_report)='" + type + "'"; sql += " and trunc(g.date_create)=trunc(sysdate)"; DataTable dtCheck = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err); if (err != "") { MessageBox.Show(err); return; } else { //if (dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý Report này cho hôm nay."); // return; //} } for (int k = 0; k < dtBranch.Rows.Count; k++)//Vòng lặp để xuất ra từng Branch { string branch = dtBranch.Rows[k]["branch_code"].ToString().Trim(); tbStatus.Text = "Da xu ly : "+ (k +1).ToString() +" --" +"Dang xu ly :"+branch; if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT01") { sql = "select cl.short_name embossed_name, "; if (Frm_main.admin_flag) { sql += " ctr_a.contract_number cr_account_nbr, "; } else { sql += " substr(ctr_a.contract_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(ctr_a.contract_number,-4) cr_account_nbr, "; } sql += " cl.reg_number, "; sql += " cl.client_number, "; sql += " abs(te.CLOSE_CASH + te.CLOSE_SALE) closing_bal, "; sql += " (select abs(blg.total_balance) "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log blg "; sql += " where blg.acnt_contract__oid = bl.acnt_contract__oid "; sql += " and blg.start_billing_date = "; sql += " (select max(blg1.start_billing_date) "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log blg1 "; sql += " where blg1.acnt_contract__oid = opening_bal, "; sql += " (nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_Get_payment(ctr_a.contract_number, "; sql += " (case "; sql += " when extract(day from sysdate) >= 24 then "; sql += " to_date('24/' || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/yyyy'), 'dd/mm/yyyy') "; sql += " else "; sql += " to_date('24/' || to_char(add_months(sysdate, -1), 'mm/yyyy'), "; sql += " 'dd/mm/yyyy') "; sql += " end), "; sql += " trunc(sysdate)) + "; sql += " (select nvl(sum(r.transaction_amount), 0) "; sql += " from nab_balance_credit r "; sql += " where (select ctr.contract_number "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "Acnt_Contract ctr "; sql += " where ctr.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and = "; sql += " (select ctr1.acnt_contract__oid "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ctr1 "; sql += " where 1 = 1 "; sql += " and ctr1.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and ctr1.contract_number = r.card_number)) = "; sql += " ctr_a.contract_number "; sql += " and nvl(r.extract_flag, 'N') = 'N' "; sql += " and substr(r.message_receive, 1, 7) = 'success' "; sql += " and nvl(r.authorize, 'N') = 'Y')) cur_payment, "; sql += " abs(bl.total_due) + "; sql += " (select abs(nvl(sum(acc1.current_balance), 0)) "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account acc1 "; sql += " where acc1.acnt_contract__oid = "; sql += " and acc1.code in ('L2', 'L4')) min_due, "; sql += " bl.due_date, "; sql += " nvl(ctr_a.add_info_03, 0) unpaid_period, "; sql += " nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_getThucNoDays(ctr_a.contract_number) unpaid_date, "; sql += " (select addr.phone_m "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contract_addresses addr "; sql += " where 1 = 1 "; sql += " and addr.acnt_contract__oid = "; sql += " and addr.address_type__id = "; sql += " (select "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "address_type at "; sql += " where 1 = 1 "; sql += " and at.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and at.code = 'PHS_ADDR')) phone_mobile, "; sql += " cl.e_mail, "; sql += " decode(nvl(ctr_a.add_info_01, '0'), "; sql += " 'M', "; sql += " 'MAD', "; sql += " '100', "; sql += " 'TAD', "; sql += " '0', "; sql += " 'not registed', "; sql += " (to_number(ctr_a.add_info_01) || '%')) auto_payment, "; sql += " ctr_a.rbs_number, "; sql += " (select nvl(acy_avl_bal, 0) "; sql += " from sttm_cust_account@Flexcube "; sql += " where cust_ac_no = ctr_a.rbs_number "; sql += " and record_stat = 'O' "; sql += " and auth_stat = 'A') So_Tien_TKTT "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ctr_a, "; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ctr_c, "; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "appl_product prd, "; sql += " nab_cp_card cc, "; sql += " nab_vw_total_endcycle te, "; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log bl, "; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl "; sql += " where 1 = 1 "; sql += " and = ctr_c.client__id "; sql += " and ctr_c.acnt_contract__oid = "; sql += " and ctr_c.product = prd.internal_code "; sql += " and ctr_a.contract_number = te.contract_number "; sql += " and ctr_c.add_info_01 = cc.source_application_no "; sql += " and bl.acnt_contract__oid = "; sql += " and te.DATE_TO = bl.finish_billing_date "; sql += " and ctr_a.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and ctr_c.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and prd.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and substr(prd.code, 5, 1) = 'M' "; sql += " and te.DATE_TO = (case "; sql += " when extract(day from sysdate) >= 24 then "; sql += " to_date('24/' || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/yyyy'), 'dd/mm/yyyy') "; sql += " else "; sql += " to_date('24/' || to_char(add_months(sysdate, -1), 'mm/yyyy'), "; sql += " 'dd/mm/yyyy') "; sql += " end) "; sql += " "; sql += " and ctr_c.branch = '" + branch + "' "; title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN NHẮC NỢ"; } #region chualam else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT02") { sql = "select cl.short_name embossed_name, "; sql += " cl.client_number client_number, "; if (Frm_main.admin_flag) { sql += " ca.contract_number cr_account_nbr, "; } else { sql += " substr(ca.contract_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(ca.contract_number,-4) cr_account_nbr, "; } sql += " -ca.total_balance closing_bal, "; sql += " -l.total_balance opening_bal, "; sql += " -l.total_due min_due, "; sql += " to_char(trunc(l.due_date-1),'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date, "; sql += " to_char(nab_pck_out.GET_UNPAID_STATUS(ca.contract_number),'999') acc_unpaid_status, "; //sql += " to_char(nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_getThucNoDays(ca.contract_number),'999') number_days, "; sql += " cl.phone_m phone_mobile, "; sql += " cl.e_mail, "; sql += " ca.add_info_01 auto_payment, "; sql += " ca.rbs_number rbs_number, "; sql += " (select ltrim(to_char(nvl(a.acy_avl_bal, 0), '999,999,999,999')) as acy_avl_bal "; sql += " from sttm_cust_account@FLEXCUBE a "; sql += " WHERE a.cust_ac_no = trim(ca.rbs_number)) So_Tien_TKTT, "; sql += " (select"; sql += " from ows.branch br"; sql += " where br.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and br.code = ca.branch) branch_code"; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ca, "; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl, "; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log l "; sql += " where ca.amnd_state = 'A' and ca.con_cat = 'A' "; sql += " and cl.amnd_state = 'A' "; sql += " and ca.client__id = "; sql += " and = l.acnt_contract__oid "; sql += " and l.finish_billing_date = (select max(l1.finish_billing_date) "; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log l1 "; sql += " where l1.acnt_contract__oid = "; sql += " and nab_pck_out.GET_UNPAID_STATUS(ca.contract_number) = '4' "; sql += " and not exists (select 1 from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "V_CS_ALL_ACNT_STATUS vcs "; sql += " where vcs.acnt_contract__oid = "; sql += " and vcs.status_type_code = 'DEBT_LEVEL' "; sql += " and substr(vcs.status_value_code,1,1) = 'O') "; sql += " and ca.branch = '" + branch + "' "; title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN CHUYỂN NỢ QUÁ HẠN"; } else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT03") { sql = ""; sql += " with payment as"; sql += " ("; sql += " select nvl(sum(th.local_amount),0) payment,"; sql += " from v_transaction_hist th, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract acnt "; sql += " where th.issuing_id ="; sql += " and acnt.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and acnt.con_cat = 'A'"; sql += " and th.POSTING_DATE >= acnt.last_billing_date"; sql += " and th.trans_type in ('36628','36630','36643','36646','36461','37250','146','700','15','36522','36682','36994')"; sql += " group by"; sql += " ), "; sql += " payment_total as"; sql += " ( "; sql += " select p.payment, "; sql += ","; sql += " -bl.total_balance total_balance,"; sql += " -bl.total_due total_due,"; sql += " bl.due_date"; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log bl,"; sql += " " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ac,"; sql += " (select *"; sql += " from payment p "; sql += " union "; sql += " select 0 payment , id"; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ac"; sql += " where ac.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and ac.con_cat = 'A'"; sql += " and ac.liab_category is not null"; sql += " and substr(ac.contract_number,1,1) in ('3','6')"; sql += " and not exists (select 1 from payment p1 where = p"; sql += " where bl.finish_billing_date = (select max(l.finish_billing_date) from ows.billing_log l where l.acnt_contract__oid = bl.acnt_contract__oid)"; sql += " and ac.con_cat = 'A'"; sql += " and ac.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and = bl.acnt_contract__oid"; sql += " and bl.total_due < 0"; sql += " and = "; sql += " ),"; sql += " email_phone as"; sql += " (select cp.mobile_number,"; sql += " cp.email_id,"; sql += " c.acnt_contract__oid,"; sql += " cp.machinhsachtd"; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract c, nab_cp_card cp, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "appl_product pr"; sql += " where c.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and c.con_cat = 'C'"; sql += " and c.add_info_01 = cp.source_application_no"; sql += " and c.product = pr.internal_code"; sql += " and pr.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and substr(pr.code, 2, 1) = 'C'"; sql += " and substr(pr.code, 5, 1) = 'M'"; sql += " and c.contr_status in ('14', '423', '267', '174', '109')"; sql += " "; sql += " )"; sql += " select (select"; sql += " from ows.branch br"; sql += " where br.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and br.code = ctr_a.branch) branch_code,"; sql += " cl.short_name embossed_name,"; sql += " cl.client_number client_number,"; sql += " cl.reg_number legal_id,"; sql += " ctr_a.contract_number cr_account_nbr,"; sql += " -ctr_a.total_balance closing_bal,"; sql += " (select sum(acc.current_balance)"; sql += " from ows.account acc"; sql += " where acc.acnt_contract__oid ="; sql += " and acc.account_type in ('929', '933', '1098', '1099')) lai_ngoai_bang,"; sql += " to_char((select min(ua.start_date)"; sql += " from ows.usage_action ua"; sql += " where ua.posting_status = 'C'"; sql += " and (select substr(, 1, 4)"; sql += " from ows.event_type et"; sql += " where = ua.event_type) = 'Dept'"; sql += " and ua.acnt_contract__id =,"; sql += " 'dd/mm/yyyy') ngay_chuyen_lan_dau,"; sql += " bl.total_balance opening_bal,"; sql += " to_char(bl.total_due,'999,999,999,999') min_due,"; sql += " bl.payment,"; sql += " to_char(bl.due_date-1, 'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; sql += " ctr_a.add_info_03 acc_unpaid_status,"; //sql += " to_char(nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_getThucNoDays(ctr_a.contract_number),'999') number_days,"; sql += " (select c.mobile_number"; sql += " from email_phone c"; sql += " where c.acnt_contract__oid = phone_mobile,"; sql += " (select c.email_id"; sql += " from email_phone c"; sql += " where c.acnt_contract__oid = e_mail,"; sql += " decode(nvl(ctr_a.add_info_01, '0'),"; sql += " 'M',"; sql += " 'MAD',"; sql += " '100',"; sql += " 'TAD',"; sql += " '0',"; sql += " 'not registed',"; sql += " (to_number(ctr_a.add_info_01) || '%')) auto_payment,"; sql += " ctr_a.rbs_number,"; sql += " (select nvl(acy_avl_bal, 0)"; sql += " from sttm_cust_account@Flexcube"; sql += " where cust_ac_no = ctr_a.rbs_number"; sql += " and record_stat = 'O'"; sql += " and auth_stat = 'A') So_Tien_TKTT"; sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ctr_a, payment_total bl, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl"; sql += " where 1 = 1"; sql += " and = ctr_a.client__id"; sql += " and ctr_a.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and ctr_a.con_cat = 'A'"; sql += " and cl.amnd_state = 'A'"; sql += " and ctr_a.liab_category is not null"; sql += " and ctr_a.add_info_03 = 2"; sql += " and ="; sql += " and bl.total_due > bl.payment"; sql += " and ctr_a.contr_status = '51'"; sql += " and ctr_a.branch = '"+branch+"' "; title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG QUÁ HẠN/KÉO THEO"; } else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TLT01") { if (Frm_main.admin_flag) { sql = " select branch_code, a.contract_name hoten,cl.reg_number gttt,cl.client_number makh, a.contract_number sotaikhoan, trangthai,to_char(h.amnd_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') ngaythanhly,to_char(-a.total_balance,'999,999,999,999,999') duno"; } else { sql = " select branch_code, a.contract_name hoten,cl.reg_number gttt,cl.client_number makh, substr(a.contract_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.contract_number,-4) sotaikhoan, trangthai,to_char(a.amnd_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') ngaythanhly,to_char(-a.total_balance,'999,999,999,999,999') duno"; } sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contr_status st," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch br, status_history h" + " where a.amnd_state ='A' and cl.amnd_state = 'A'"+ " and a.con_cat = 'A' "+ " and = a.contr_status"+ " and = a.client__id and br.code = a.branch" + " and h.contract_number = a.contract_number" + " and h.val like '%--> 13 (Account Closed)%'" + " and trunc(h.amnd_date)= to_date('" + dt_Date.Text + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')"; sql += " and a.branch = '" + branch + "' "; title = "THÔNG BÁO XÁC NHẬN DƯ NỢ VÀ THANH LÝ TÀI KHOẢN THẺ TÍN DỤNG CỦA KHÁCH HÀNG"; } #endregion chualam if (sql != "") { DataTable dtReport = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err); if (err != "") { MessageBox.Show(err); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; return; } else { string file_path = ""; if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 != 4) { file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".pdf"; } else { string s = Convert.ToDateTime(dt_Date.Value).ToString("ddMMyyyy"); file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + s + ".pdf"; } //Export pdf try { if (dtReport.Rows.Count > 0) { if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 != 4) { rpt_Xu_Ly_No cry = new rpt_Xu_Ly_No(); cry.SetDataSource(dtReport); // string title = ""; cry.SetParameterValue("title", title); cry.SetParameterValue("MauBieu", "Mẫu: "); cry.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); cry.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); ExportOptions CrExportOptions; DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions(); PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions(); CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\"; CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions; { CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile; CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat; //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows; CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions; CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions; } cry.Export(); //--Fix for Load Report failse if (cry != null) { cry.Close(); cry.Dispose(); } //lấy dữ liệu insert table sql = ""; err = ""; sql = "insert into NAB_CREDIT_XLN_SENDMAIL"; sql += " (BRANCH_CODE ,FILE_PATH ,USER_CREATE ,DATE_CREATE,SEND_FLAG ,TYPE_REPORT)"; sql += "values ("; sql += "'" + branch + "',"; sql += "'" + file_path.Replace("\\", @"\") + "',"; sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',"; sql += "sysdate,"; sql += "'0',"; sql += "'" + type + "'"; sql += ")"; Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err); if (err != "") { MessageBox.Show(err); //return; // this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } else { rpt_Thanh_ly_tai_khoan cry1 = new rpt_Thanh_ly_tai_khoan(); cry1.SetDataSource(dtReport); // string title = ""; cry1.SetParameterValue("title", title); cry1.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); cry1.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); ExportOptions CrExportOptions; DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions(); PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions(); CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\"; CrExportOptions = cry1.ExportOptions; { CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile; CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat; //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows; CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions; CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions; } cry1.Export(); //--Fix for Load Report failse if (cry1 != null) { cry1.Close(); cry1.Dispose(); } //lấy dữ liệu insert table sql = ""; err = ""; sql = "insert into NAB_CREDIT_XLN_SENDMAIL"; sql += " (BRANCH_CODE ,FILE_PATH ,USER_CREATE ,DATE_CREATE,SEND_FLAG ,TYPE_REPORT)"; sql += "values ("; sql += "'" + branch + "',"; sql += "'" + file_path.Replace("\\", @"\") + "',"; sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',"; sql += "sysdate,"; sql += "'0',"; sql += "'" + type + "'"; sql += ")"; Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err); if (err != "") { MessageBox.Show(err); //return; // this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } } else { // MessageBox.Show("");//+ card_number.Trim()); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } }//End for branch this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; tbStatus.Text += "-- Success"; if (k+1 == dtBranch.Rows.Count) { MessageBox.Show("Đã process thành công!!!"); } } } }