private static void AddWorkItemMigrationDefault(EngineConfiguration ec) { ec.Processors.Add(new NodeStructuresMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = false, BasePaths = new[] { "Product\\Area\\Path1", "Product\\Area\\Path2" } }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, WorkItemCreateRetryLimit = 5, FilterWorkItemsThatAlreadyExistInTarget = true, ReplayRevisions = true, LinkMigration = true, AttachmentMigration = true, FixHtmlAttachmentLinks = false, AttachmentWorkingPath = "c:\\temp\\WorkItemAttachmentWorkingFolder\\", UpdateCreatedBy = true, PrefixProjectToNodes = false, UpdateCreatedDate = true, UpdateSourceReflectedId = true, QueryBit = @"AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate] = '' AND [System.WorkItemType] IN ('Shared Steps', 'Shared Parameter', 'Test Case', 'Requirement', 'Task', 'User Story', 'Bug')", OrderBit = "[System.ChangedDate] desc" }); }
private static void AddTestPlansMigrationDefault(EngineConfiguration ec) { ec.Processors.Add(new TestVariablesMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new TestConfigurationsMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = true }); //ec.Processors.Add(new TestRunsMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); }
public static EngineConfiguration GetDefault() { EngineConfiguration ec = CreateEmptyConfig(); AddFieldMapps(ec); AddWorkItemMigrationDefault(ec); AddTestPlansMigrationDefault(ec); ec.Processors.Add(new ImportProfilePictureConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new ExportProfilePictureFromADConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new FixGitCommitLinksConfig() { Enabled = false, TargetRepository = ec.Target.Project }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemUpdateConfig() { Enabled = false, QueryBit = @"AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate] = '' AND [System.WorkItemType] IN ('Shared Steps', 'Shared Parameter', 'Test Case', 'Requirement', 'Task', 'User Story', 'Bug')" }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemPostProcessingConfig() { Enabled = false, QueryBit = "AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' ", WorkItemIDs = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 } }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemDeleteConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemQueryMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new TeamMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = false, EnableTeamSettingsMigration = true }); return(ec); }
private static EngineConfiguration CreateEmptyConfig() { EngineConfiguration ec = new EngineConfiguration(); ec.TelemetryEnableTrace = false; ec.Version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(2); ec.Source = new TeamProjectConfig() { Project = "migrationSource1", AllowCrossProjectLinking = false, Collection = new Uri(""), ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName = "Custom.ReflectedWorkItemId" }; ec.Target = new TeamProjectConfig() { Project = "migrationTarget1", AllowCrossProjectLinking = false, Collection = new Uri(""), ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName = "Custom.ReflectedWorkItemId" }; ec.FieldMaps = new List <IFieldMapConfig>(); ec.WorkItemTypeDefinition = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "sourceWorkItemTypeName", "targetWorkItemTypeName" } }; ec.Processors = new List <ITfsProcessingConfig>(); return(ec); }
private static EngineConfiguration CreateEmptyConfig() { EngineConfiguration ec = new EngineConfiguration(); ec.TelemetryEnableTrace = false; ec.Version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(3); ec.Source = new TeamProjectConfig() { Name = "DemoProjs", Collection = new Uri(""), ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName = "TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId" }; ec.Target = new TeamProjectConfig() { Name = "DemoProjt", Collection = new Uri(""), ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName = "ProcessName.ReflectedWorkItemId" }; ec.FieldMaps = new List <IFieldMapConfig>(); ec.WorkItemTypeDefinition = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Bug", "Bug" }, { "Product Backlog Item", "Product Backlog Item" } }; ec.Processors = new List <ITfsProcessingConfig>(); return(ec); }
private static void AddFieldMapps(EngineConfiguration ec) { ec.FieldMaps.Add(new MultiValueConditionalMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceFieldsAndValues = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Field1", "Value1" }, { "Field2", "Value2" } }, targetFieldsAndValues = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Field1", "Value1" }, { "Field2", "Value2" } } }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldBlankMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", targetField = "TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldValueMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "System.State", targetField = "System.State", defaultValue = "New", valueMapping = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Approved", "New" }, { "New", "New" }, { "Committed", "Active" }, { "In Progress", "Active" }, { "To Do", "New" }, { "Done", "Closed" } } }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldtoFieldMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BacklogPriority", targetField = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldtoFieldMultiMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", SourceToTargetMappings = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "SourceField1", "TargetField1" }, { "SourceField2", "TargetField2" } } }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldtoTagMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "System.State", formatExpression = "ScrumState:{0}" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldMergeMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField1 = "System.Description", sourceField2 = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.AcceptanceCriteria", targetField = "System.Description", formatExpression = @"{0} <br/><br/><h3>Acceptance Criteria</h3>{1}" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new RegexFieldMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "COMPANY.PRODUCT.Release", targetField = "COMPANY.DEVISION.MinorReleaseVersion", pattern = @"PRODUCT \d{4}.(\d{1})", replacement = "$1" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldValuetoTagMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked", pattern = @"Yes", formatExpression = "{0}" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new TreeToTagMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", timeTravel = 1, toSkip = 3 }); }
public static EngineConfiguration GetDefault() { EngineConfiguration ec = new EngineConfiguration(); ec.TelemetryEnableTrace = true; ec.Source = new TeamProjectConfig() { Name = "DemoProjs", Collection = new Uri("") }; ec.Target = new TeamProjectConfig() { Name = "DemoProjt", Collection = new Uri("") }; ec.ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName = "TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId"; ec.FieldMaps = new List <IFieldMapConfig>(); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new MultiValueConditionalMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceFieldsAndValues = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Field1", "Value1" }, { "Field2", "Value2" } }, targetFieldsAndValues = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Field1", "Value1" }, { "Field2", "Value2" } } }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldBlankMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", targetField = "TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldValueMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "System.State", targetField = "System.State", valueMapping = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Approved", "New" }, { "New", "New" }, { "Committed", "Active" }, { "In Progress", "Active" }, { "To Do", "New" }, { "Done", "Closed" } } }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldtoFieldMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BacklogPriority", targetField = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldtoTagMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "System.State", formatExpression = "ScrumState:{0}" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldMergeMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField1 = "System.Description", sourceField2 = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.AcceptanceCriteria", targetField = "System.Description", formatExpression = @"{0} <br/><br/><h3>Acceptance Criteria</h3>{1}" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new RegexFieldMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "COMPANY.PRODUCT.Release", targetField = "COMPANY.DEVISION.MinorReleaseVersion", pattern = @"PRODUCT \d{4}.(\d{1})", replacement = "$1" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new FieldValuetoTagMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", sourceField = "Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked", pattern = @"Yes", formatExpression = "{0}" }); ec.FieldMaps.Add(new TreeToTagMapConfig() { WorkItemTypeName = "*", timeTravel = 1, toSkip = 3 }); ec.WorkItemTypeDefinition = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Bug", "Bug" }, { "Product Backlog Item", "Product Backlog Item" } }; ec.Processors = new List <ITfsProcessingConfig>(); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, UpdateCreatedBy = true, PrefixProjectToNodes = true, UpdateCreatedDate = true, UpdateSoureReflectedId = true, QueryBit = @"AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate] = '' AND [System.WorkItemType] IN ('Shared Steps', 'Shared Parameter', 'Test Case', 'Requirement', 'Task', 'User Story', 'Bug')" }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemRevisionReplayMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = true, UpdateSoureReflectedId = true, QueryBit = @"AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate] = '' AND [System.WorkItemType] IN ('Shared Steps', 'Shared Parameter', 'Test Case', 'Requirement', 'Task', 'User Story', 'Bug')" }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemUpdateConfig() { Enabled = false, QueryBit = @"AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate] = '' AND [System.WorkItemType] IN ('Shared Steps', 'Shared Parameter', 'Test Case', 'Requirement', 'Task', 'User Story', 'Bug')" }); ec.Processors.Add(new NodeStructuresMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new LinkMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, QueryBit = @"AND ([System.ExternalLinkCount] > 0 OR [System.RelatedLinkCount] > 0)" }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemPostProcessingConfig() { Enabled = false, QueryBit = "AND [TfsMigrationTool.ReflectedWorkItemId] = '' ", WorkItemIDs = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 } }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemDeleteConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new AttachementExportMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, QueryBit = @"AND [System.AttachedFileCount] > 0" }); ec.Processors.Add(new AttachementImportMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new WorkItemQueryMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new TestVeriablesMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new TestConfigurationsMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new TestPlansAndSuitsMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false, PrefixProjectToNodes = true }); ec.Processors.Add(new TestRunsMigrationConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new ImportProfilePictureConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new ExportProfilePictureFromADConfig() { Enabled = false }); ec.Processors.Add(new FixGitCommitLinksConfig() { Enabled = false }); return(ec); }