コード例 #1
        static vpx_image_t vp8_get_frame(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t ctx, vpx_codec_iter_t iter)
            vpx_image_t img = null;

            /* iter acts as a flip flop, so an image is only returned on the first
             * call to get_frame.
            if (iter == IntPtr.Zero && ctx.yv12_frame_buffers.pbi[0] != null)
                YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG sd = new YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG();
                long          time_stamp = 0, time_end_stamp = 0;
                vp8_ppflags_t flags = new vp8_ppflags_t();
                // Port AC: ppflags struct will be initialised to zero by default.

                //if ([email protected]_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC) {
                //    flags.post_proc_flag = ctx->postproc_cfg.post_proc_flag;
                //    flags.deblocking_level = ctx->postproc_cfg.deblocking_level;
                //    flags.noise_level = ctx->postproc_cfg.noise_level;

                if (0 == onyxd.vp8dx_get_raw_frame(ctx.yv12_frame_buffers.pbi[0], ref sd,
                                                   out time_stamp, out time_end_stamp, ref flags))
                    yuvconfig2image(ctx.img, sd, ctx.user_priv);

                    img = ctx.img;
                    //*iter = img;

コード例 #2
ファイル: vpx_image.cs プロジェクト: sipsorcery-org/VP8.Net
        /*!\brief Open a descriptor, using existing storage for the underlying image
         * Returns a descriptor for storing an image of the given format. The
         * storage for descriptor has been allocated elsewhere, and a descriptor is
         * desired to "wrap" that storage.
         * \param[in]    img           Pointer to storage for descriptor. If this
         *                             parameter is NULL, the storage for the descriptor
         *                             will be allocated on the heap.
         * \param[in]    fmt           Format for the image
         * \param[in]    d_w           Width of the image
         * \param[in]    d_h           Height of the image
         * \param[in]    stride_align  Alignment, in bytes, of each row in the image.
         * \param[in]    img_data      Storage to use for the image
         * \return Returns a pointer to the initialized image descriptor. If the img
         *         parameter is non-null, the value of the img parameter will be
         *         returned.
        //vpx_image_t* vpx_img_wrap(vpx_image_t* img, vpx_img_fmt_t fmt, unsigned int d_w,
        //                          unsigned int d_h, unsigned int stride_align,
        //                          unsigned char* img_data);

        public vpx_image_t vpx_img_wrap(vpx_image_t img, vpx_img_fmt_t fmt, uint d_w,
                                        uint d_h, uint stride_align, byte *img_data)

            /* By setting buf_align = 1, we don't change buffer alignment in this
             * function. */
            return(img_alloc_helper(img, fmt, d_w, d_h, 1, stride_align, img_data));
コード例 #3
ファイル: vpx_image.cs プロジェクト: sipsorcery-org/VP8.Net
        /*!\brief Flip the image vertically (top for bottom)
         * Adjusts the image descriptor's pointers and strides to make the image
         * be referenced upside-down.
         * \param[in]    img       Image descriptor
        //void vpx_img_flip(vpx_image_t* img);

        public static void vpx_img_flip(vpx_image_t img)
            /* Note: In the calculation pointer adjustment calculation, we want the
             * rhs to be promoted to a signed type. Section of the ISO C99
             * standard indicates that if the adjustment parameter is unsigned, the
             * stride parameter will be promoted to unsigned, causing errors when
             * the lhs is a larger type than the rhs.
            img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y] += (int)(img.d_h - 1) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y];
            img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y]  = -img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y];

            img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] += (int)((img.d_h >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) - 1) *
            img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] = -img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U];

            img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V] += (int)((img.d_h >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) - 1) *
            img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V] = -img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V];

            img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] +=
                (int)(img.d_h - 1) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];
            img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = -img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];
コード例 #4
 public static unsafe void yuvconfig2image(vpx_image_t img, in YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG yv12, IntPtr user_priv)
コード例 #5
ファイル: vpx_image.cs プロジェクト: sipsorcery-org/VP8.Net
        private static vpx_image_t img_alloc_helper(vpx_image_t img, vpx_img_fmt_t fmt,
                                                    uint d_w, uint d_h,
                                                    uint buf_align,
                                                    uint stride_align,
                                                    byte *img_data)
            uint h, w, s, xcs, ycs, bps;
            uint stride_in_bytes;
            int  align;

            /* Treat align==0 like align==1 */
            if (buf_align == 0)
                buf_align = 1;

            /* Validate alignment (must be power of 2) */
            if ((buf_align & (buf_align - 1)) != 0)
                goto fail;

            /* Treat align==0 like align==1 */
            if (stride_align == 0)
                stride_align = 1;

            /* Validate alignment (must be power of 2) */
            if ((stride_align & (stride_align - 1)) != 0)
                goto fail;

            /* Get sample size for this format */
            switch (fmt)
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I420:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_YV12:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_NV12: bps = 12; break;

            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I422:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I440: bps = 16; break;

            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I444: bps = 24; break;

            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016: bps = 24; break;

            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I42216:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I44016: bps = 32; break;

            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I44416: bps = 48; break;

            default: bps = 16; break;

            /* Get chroma shift values for this format */
            // For VPX_IMG_FMT_NV12, xcs needs to be 0 such that UV data is all read at
            // one time.
            switch (fmt)
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I420:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_YV12:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I422:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I42216: xcs = 1; break;

            default: xcs = 0; break;

            switch (fmt)
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I420:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_NV12:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I440:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_YV12:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016:
            case vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_I44016: ycs = 1; break;

            default: ycs = 0; break;

            /* Calculate storage sizes. If the buffer was allocated externally, the width
             * and height shouldn't be adjusted. */
            w = d_w;
            h = d_h;
            s = (((int)fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_PLANAR) > 0) ? w : bps * w / 8;
            s = (s + stride_align - 1) & ~(stride_align - 1);
            stride_in_bytes = (((int)fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) > 0) ? s * 2 : s;

            /* Allocate the new image */
            if (img == null)
                //img = (vpx_image_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(vpx_image_t));

                //if (!img) goto fail;

                img             = new vpx_image_t();
                img.self_allocd = 1;
                //memset(img, 0, sizeof(vpx_image_t));

            img.img_data = img_data;

            if (img_data == null)
                ulong alloc_size;
                /* Calculate storage sizes given the chroma subsampling */
                align = (1 << (int)xcs) - 1;
                w     = (uint)((d_w + align) & ~align);
                align = (1 << (int)ycs) - 1;
                h     = (uint)((d_h + align) & ~align);

                s = (((int)fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_PLANAR) > 0) ? w : bps * w / 8;
                s = (s + stride_align - 1) & ~(stride_align - 1);
                stride_in_bytes = (((int)fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) > 0) ? s * 2 : s;
                alloc_size      = (((int)fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_PLANAR) > 0) ? (ulong)h * s * bps / 8
                                                        : (ulong)h * s;

                //if (alloc_size != (size_t)alloc_size) goto fail;

                //img.img_data = (byte*)vpx_memalign(buf_align, (size_t)alloc_size);
                img.img_data       = (byte *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)alloc_size);
                img.img_data_owner = 1;

            if (img.img_data == null)
                goto fail;

            img.fmt            = fmt;
            img.bit_depth      = (((int)fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) > 0) ? 16U : 8U;
            img.w              = w;
            img.h              = h;
            img.x_chroma_shift = xcs;
            img.y_chroma_shift = ycs;
            img.bps            = (int)bps;

            /* Calculate strides */
            img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y] = img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = (int)stride_in_bytes;
            img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] = img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V] = (int)(stride_in_bytes >> (int)xcs);

            /* Default viewport to entire image */
            if (vpx_img_set_rect(img, 0, 0, d_w, d_h) == 0)

コード例 #6
ファイル: vpx_image.cs プロジェクト: sipsorcery-org/VP8.Net
        /*!\brief Close an image descriptor
         * Frees all allocated storage associated with an image descriptor.
         * \param[in]    img       Image descriptor
        //void vpx_img_free(vpx_image_t* img);

        public static void vpx_img_free(vpx_image_t img)
コード例 #7
ファイル: vpx_image.cs プロジェクト: sipsorcery-org/VP8.Net
        /*!\brief Set the rectangle identifying the displayed portion of the image
         * Updates the displayed rectangle (aka viewport) on the image surface to
         * match the specified coordinates and size.
         * \param[in]    img       Image descriptor
         * \param[in]    x         leftmost column
         * \param[in]    y         topmost row
         * \param[in]    w         width
         * \param[in]    h         height
         * \return 0 if the requested rectangle is valid, nonzero otherwise.
        //int vpx_img_set_rect(vpx_image_t* img, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
        //                     unsigned int w, unsigned int h);

        public static int vpx_img_set_rect(vpx_image_t img, uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h)
            byte *data;

            if (x + w <= img.w && y + h <= img.h)
                img.d_w = w;
                img.d_h = h;

                /* Calculate plane pointers */
                if (((int)img.fmt & (int)vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_PLANAR) == 0)
                    img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_PACKED] =
                        img.img_data + x * img.bps / 8 + y * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_PACKED];
                    int bytes_per_sample = (((int)img.fmt & (int)vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) > 0) ? 2 : 1;
                    data = img.img_data;

                    if (((int)img.fmt & (int)vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_HAS_ALPHA) > 0)
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] =
                            data + x * bytes_per_sample + y * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];
                        data += img.h * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];

                    img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y] =
                        data + x * bytes_per_sample + y * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y];
                    data += img.h * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_Y];

                    if (img.fmt == vpx_img_fmt_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_NV12)
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] =
                            data + (x >> (int)img.x_chroma_shift) +
                            (y >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U];
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V] = img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] + 1;
                    else if (((int)img.fmt & vpx_image_t.VPX_IMG_FMT_UV_FLIP) == 0)
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] =
                            data + (x >> (int)img.x_chroma_shift) * bytes_per_sample +
                            (y >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U];
                        data += (img.h >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U];
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V] =
                            data + (x >> (int)img.x_chroma_shift) * bytes_per_sample +
                            (y >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V];
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V] =
                            data + (x >> (int)img.x_chroma_shift) * bytes_per_sample +
                            (y >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V];
                        data += (img.h >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_V];
                        img.planes[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U] =
                            data + (x >> (int)img.x_chroma_shift) * bytes_per_sample +
                            (y >> (int)img.y_chroma_shift) * img.stride[vpx_image_t.VPX_PLANE_U];
コード例 #8
ファイル: vpx_image.cs プロジェクト: sipsorcery-org/VP8.Net
        /*!\brief Open a descriptor, allocating storage for the underlying image
         * Returns a descriptor for storing an image of the given format. The
         * storage for the descriptor is allocated on the heap.
         * \param[in]    img       Pointer to storage for descriptor. If this parameter
         *                         is NULL, the storage for the descriptor will be
         *                         allocated on the heap.
         * \param[in]    fmt       Format for the image
         * \param[in]    d_w       Width of the image
         * \param[in]    d_h       Height of the image
         * \param[in]    align     Alignment, in bytes, of the image buffer and
         *                         each row in the image(stride).
         * \return Returns a pointer to the initialized image descriptor. If the img
         *         parameter is non-null, the value of the img parameter will be
         *         returned.
        //vpx_image_t* vpx_img_alloc(vpx_image_t* img, vpx_img_fmt_t fmt,
        //                           unsigned int d_w, unsigned int d_h,
        //                           unsigned int align);

        public static vpx_image_t vpx_img_alloc(vpx_image_t img, vpx_img_fmt_t fmt,
                                                uint d_w, uint d_h, uint align)
            return(img_alloc_helper(img, fmt, d_w, d_h, align, align, null));