コード例 #1
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        public static bool Toggle(
            bool src,
            string label,
            float size  = -1,
            Cell cell   = null,           //should be horizontal
            bool isLeft = false,
            Action <object> onChange = null,
            string tooltip           = null)
            if (size < 0)
                size = active.autoLayout == Layout.Vertical? lineHeight : 1;
            if (cell == null)
                cell = active.Add(Layout.Horizontal, size);

            Cell toggleCell;
            Cell labelCell;

            if (isLeft)
                toggleCell = cell.Add(Layout.Full, 20);
                labelCell  = cell.Add(Layout.Full);
                labelCell  = cell.Add(Layout.Full);
                toggleCell = cell.Add(Layout.Full, 20);

            Label(label, cell: labelCell);

            Rect rect = toggleCell.ToDisplay(defaultPadding);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            bool dst = UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, src);
            bool dst = src;

            if (src != dst)
                if (onChange != null)

コード例 #2
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        public static Cell FoldoutCell(
            ref bool expanded,
            string label,
            float size = 1,
            Cell cell  = null,          //vertical
            object backgroundPaddingBox = null,
            Action <object> onChange    = null,
            string tooltip = null)
            if (size < 0)
                size = active.autoLayout == Layout.Vertical? lineHeight : 1;
            if (cell == null)
                cell = active.Add(Layout.Vertical, size);

            if (expanded)
                Padding backgroundPadding = backgroundPaddingBox != null ? (Padding)backgroundPaddingBox : new Padding(-3, -3, -3, -3);
                Element(Icons.GetElementStyle("DPLayout_FoldoutBackground"), cell: cell, padding: backgroundPadding);

            Cell foldCell = cell.Add(Layout.Full, lineHeight);

            expanded = Foldout(expanded, label, cell: foldCell, onChange: onChange, tooltip: tooltip);

            Cell hCell = cell.Add(Layout.Horizontal);

            hCell.Add(Layout.Full, 10);             //margin
            Cell fieldCell = hCell.Add(Layout.Vertical);

            fieldCell.prevActive = active;
            active = fieldCell;
コード例 #3
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        public static Cell Padded(Layout layout, Padding padding, float size = 1, string name = null, bool background = false)
            Cell h = active.Add(Layout.Horizontal, size);

            if (background)
                Element(Icons.GetElementStyle("DPLayout_FoldoutBackground"), cell: h);

            h.Add(Layout.Full, padding.left);
            Cell v = h.Add(Layout.Vertical, size);

            v.Add(Layout.Full, padding.top);
            Cell cell = v.Add(Layout.Vertical, size, name);

            v.Add(Layout.Full, padding.bottom);
            h.Add(Layout.Full, padding.right);

            cell.prevActive = active;
            active          = cell;
コード例 #4
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        public static void Class(
            object obj,
            string category          = null,
            float size               = -1,
            Cell cell                = null, //should be vertical
            Action <object> onChange = null)
            Type objType = obj.GetType();

            if (size < 0)
                size = active.autoLayout == Layout.Vertical? lineHeight : 1;

            //loading attributes
            if (!Val.attributesCaches.ContainsKey(objType))
            Val[] attributes = Val.attributesCaches[objType];

            if (cell == null)
                cell = active.Add(Layout.Vertical, size, "Class " + objType.Name);

            for (int a = 0; a < attributes.Length; a++)
                if (category != null && attributes[a].cat != category)

                Cell fieldCell = cell.Add(Layout.Horizontal, lineHeight);

                FieldInfo field = attributes[a].field;
                object    val   = field.GetValue(obj);
                    cell: fieldCell,
                    isLeft: attributes[a].isLeft,
                    onChange: newVal => { field.SetValue(obj, newVal); if (onChange != null)
コード例 #5
        public static T ScriptableAsset <T> (
            T asset,
            string label, System.Func <T> construct = null,
            Action <object> onChange = null,          //if asset re-assigned, created or reset
            string tooltip           = null)
            where T : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
            Cell back = UI.active.Add(Layout.Horizontal);


            Cell labelBack = back.Add(Layout.Vertical, size: 0.5f);
            Cell labelCell = labelBack.Add(Layout.Full, size: UI.lineHeight);

            UI.Label(label, cell: labelCell);

            Cell fieldBack = back.Add(Layout.Vertical);
            Cell fieldCell = fieldBack.Add(Layout.Full, size: UI.lineHeight);
            T    newAsset  = (T)UI.Field(asset, cell: fieldCell);

            Cell createCell = fieldBack.Add(Layout.Full, size: UI.lineHeight);

            if (asset == null)
                if (UI.Button(false, "Create", cell: createCell))
                    if (construct == null)
                        newAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <T>();
                        newAsset = construct();
                if (UI.Button(false, "Reset", cell: createCell))
                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                    if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Reset to Default", "This will remove all of the data and create a default one. Are you sure you wsih to continue?", "Reset to Default", "Cancel"))
                        if (construct == null)
                            newAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <T>();
                            newAsset = construct();

            Cell storeCell = fieldBack.Add(Layout.Full, size: UI.lineHeight);
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (asset == null || !UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Contains(asset))
                if (UI.Button(false, "Store to Assets", cell: storeCell, disabled: asset == null))
                    newAsset = SaveAsset(asset);
                if (UI.Button(false, "Release", cell: storeCell, disabled: asset == null))
                    newAsset = ReleaseAsset(asset);

            Cell saveCopyCell = fieldBack.Add(Layout.Full, size: UI.lineHeight);
            if (UI.Button(false, "Save as Copy", cell: saveCopyCell, disabled: asset == null))
                T copyAsset = ScriptableObject.Instantiate <T>(asset);

            if (newAsset != asset)
                if (onChange != null)

コード例 #6
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        /*public static T Field<T> (
         *      T val,
         *      string label = null,
         *      float size=-1,
         *      Cell cell = null, //should be horizontal
         *      float fieldWidth = -1,
         *      bool isLeft = false, //nof for toggles, later mabe for other fields
         *      bool disabled = false,
         *      Action<object> onChange=null,
         *      string tooltip = null)
         *              where T : struct
         * {
         *      return (T)Field(
         *              (object) val,
         *              label,
         *              size:size,
         *              cell:cell,
         *              fieldWidth:fieldWidth,
         *              isLeft:isLeft,
         *              disabled:disabled,
         *              onChange:onChange,
         *              tooltip:tooltip);
         * }*/

        public static object Field(
            object val,
            string label          = null,
            float size            = -1,
            Cell cell             = null,  //should be horizontal
            float fieldWidth      = -1,
            bool isLeft           = false, //nof for toggles, later mabe for other fields
            bool disabled         = false,
            bool allowSceneObject = false,
            Func <object, Rect, object> drawField  = null,
            Func <object, object, bool> changeFunc = null,
            Action <object> onChange = null,
            string tooltip           = null)
            //if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout  ||  Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) return val;

            if (val is bool)             //special case for toggle
                val = Toggle((bool)val, label, size: size, cell: cell, isLeft: isLeft, onChange: tmp => { if (onChange != null)
                             }, tooltip: tooltip);

            if (size < 0)
                size = active.autoLayout == Layout.Vertical? lineHeight : 1;
            if (fieldWidth < 0)
                fieldWidth = UI.fieldWidth;
            if (cell == null)
                cell = active.Add(Layout.Horizontal, size, "FieldCell");

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (disabled)

            Cell labelCell = cell;
            Cell fieldCell = cell;

            if (label != null)
                labelCell = cell.Add(Layout.Full, 1 - fieldWidth, "Label");
                fieldCell = cell.Add(Layout.Full, 1 - fieldWidth, "Field");

            Rect labelRect = labelCell.ToDisplay(defaultPadding);              //for drag change
            if (label != null)
                //Label(label, cell:labelCell, padding:padding);
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, label, style: Styles.label);                 //faster

            bool change    = false;
            Rect fieldRect = fieldCell.ToDisplay(defaultPadding);

            if (drawField != null)
                object newVal = drawField(val, fieldRect);

                if (changeFunc != null)
                    change = changeFunc(val, newVal);
                    change = val != newVal;

                val = newVal;

            else if (val is float)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                float oldVal = (float)val;
                float newVal = UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(fieldRect, oldVal, style: Styles.field);
                if (label != null)
                    newVal = DragChange.DragChangeField(oldVal, labelRect);
                change = Math.Abs(newVal - oldVal) > Mathf.Epsilon;
                val    = newVal;

            else if (val is int)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                int oldVal = (int)val;
                int newVal = UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(fieldRect, oldVal, style: Styles.field);
                if (label != null)
                    newVal = Mathf.RoundToInt(DragChange.DragChangeField(oldVal, labelRect, minStep: 1));
                change = oldVal != newVal;
                val    = newVal;

            else if (val is UnityEngine.Object)
            //else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)))
                Type type = val.GetType();
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                UnityEngine.Object oldVal = (UnityEngine.Object)val;
                UnityEngine.Object newVal = UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(fieldRect, oldVal, type, allowSceneObject);
                change = oldVal != newVal;
                val    = newVal;

            if (change)
                if (onChange != null)

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (disabled)

コード例 #7
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        //starting group
        public static Cell Vertical(float size = 1, string name = null)
            Cell cell = active.Add(Layout.Vertical, size, name);

            //if (background) Element(Icons.GetElementStyle("DPLayout_FoldoutBackground"), cell:cell);

            cell.prevActive = active;
            active          = cell;
コード例 #8
ファイル: StaticUI.cs プロジェクト: BlackZIjian/DestroyFps
        public static bool Button(
            bool src,
            string label           = null,
            Texture2D icon         = null,
            float size             = -1,
            Cell cell              = null, //should be horizontal
            bool disabled          = false,
            Action <bool> onChange = null,
            string tooltip         = null)
            //if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout  ||  Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) return src;

            if (size < 0)
                size = active.autoLayout == Layout.Vertical? lineHeight : 1;
            if (cell == null)
                cell = active.Add(Layout.Horizontal, size, "Button");                            //using horizontal for icon+label
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (disabled)

            //draw button
            Rect       buttonRect = cell.ToDisplay(defaultPadding);
            GUIContent content    = new GUIContent(icon == null? label : "", tooltip);         //drawing button text separately if icon is used
            bool       dst        = GUI.Toggle(buttonRect, src, content, Styles.button);

            //draw icon
            if (icon != null && label == null)
                Icon(icon, cell: cell);

            //draw icon + label
            if (icon != null && label != null)
                cell.Add(Layout.Full, 5);                 // empty offset
                Cell iconCell  = cell.Add(Layout.Full, size: icon.width, name: "Icon");
                Cell labelCell = cell.Add(Layout.Full);

                Icon(icon, cell: iconCell);

                Rect labelRect = labelCell.ToDisplay();
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, label, style: Styles.label);

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (disabled)

            if (src != dst)
                if (onChange != null)
