/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } AnimChunk currentChunk = sprite.AnimChunks[sprite.CurrentFrame]; KeyboardState cks = Keyboard.GetState(); MouseState cms = Mouse.GetState(); Vector2 mousePos = new Vector2(cms.X, cms.Y); Vector2 mousedelta = mousePos - new Vector2(lms.X, lms.Y); int wheelDelta = cms.ScrollWheelValue - lms.ScrollWheelValue; Vector3 moveVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { moveVector += new Vector3(0, -1, 0); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { moveVector += new Vector3(0, 1, 0); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { moveVector += new Vector3(1, 0, 0); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { moveVector += new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.PageDown) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.PageDown)) { moveVector += new Vector3(0, 0, -1); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.PageUp) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.PageUp)) { moveVector += new Vector3(0, 0, 1); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { cursor.ChangeSize(moveVector, currentChunk.X_SIZE); } if (!cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { cursor.Position += moveVector; } cursor.Position = Vector3.Clamp(cursor.Position, Vector3.Zero, (Vector3.One * (currentChunk.X_SIZE)) - (cursor.Size)); if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) { for (int x = (int)cursor.Position.X; x < (int)cursor.Position.X + (int)cursor.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)cursor.Position.Y; y < (int)cursor.Position.Y + (int)cursor.Size.Y; y++) { for (int z = (int)cursor.Position.Z; z < (int)cursor.Position.Z + (int)cursor.Size.Z; z++) { currentChunk.SetVoxel(x, y, z, true, selectedColor); } } } currentChunk.UpdateMesh(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Tab) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Tab)) { for (int x = (int)cursor.Position.X; x < (int)cursor.Position.X + (int)cursor.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)cursor.Position.Y; y < (int)cursor.Position.Y + (int)cursor.Size.Y; y++) { for (int z = (int)cursor.Position.Z; z < (int)cursor.Position.Z + (int)cursor.Size.Z; z++) { currentChunk.SetVoxel(x, y, z, false, currentChunk.Voxels[x, y, z].Color); } } } currentChunk.UpdateMesh(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) && (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.C) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.C))) { ClearClipboard(); for (int x = (int)cursor.Position.X; x < (int)cursor.Position.X + (int)cursor.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)cursor.Position.Y; y < (int)cursor.Position.Y + (int)cursor.Size.Y; y++) { for (int z = (int)cursor.Position.Z; z < (int)cursor.Position.Z + (int)cursor.Size.Z; z++) { clipBoard.SetVoxel(x - (int)cursor.Position.X, y - (int)cursor.Position.Y, z - (int)cursor.Position.Z, currentChunk.Voxels[x, y, z].Active, currentChunk.Voxels[x, y, z].Color); } } } } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) && (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.X) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.X))) { ClearClipboard(); for (int x = (int)cursor.Position.X; x < (int)cursor.Position.X + (int)cursor.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)cursor.Position.Y; y < (int)cursor.Position.Y + (int)cursor.Size.Y; y++) { for (int z = (int)cursor.Position.Z; z < (int)cursor.Position.Z + (int)cursor.Size.Z; z++) { clipBoard.SetVoxel(x - (int)cursor.Position.X, y - (int)cursor.Position.Y, z - (int)cursor.Position.Z, currentChunk.Voxels[x, y, z].Active, currentChunk.Voxels[x, y, z].Color); } } } for (int x = (int)cursor.Position.X; x < (int)cursor.Position.X + (int)cursor.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)cursor.Position.Y; y < (int)cursor.Position.Y + (int)cursor.Size.Y; y++) { for (int z = (int)cursor.Position.Z; z < (int)cursor.Position.Z + (int)cursor.Size.Z; z++) { currentChunk.SetVoxel(x, y, z, false, currentChunk.Voxels[x, y, z].Color); } } } currentChunk.UpdateMesh(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) && (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.V) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.V))) { for (int x = (int)cursor.Position.X; x < (int)cursor.Position.X + (int)cursor.Size.X; x++) { for (int y = (int)cursor.Position.Y; y < (int)cursor.Position.Y + (int)cursor.Size.Y; y++) { for (int z = (int)cursor.Position.Z; z < (int)cursor.Position.Z + (int)cursor.Size.Z; z++) { currentChunk.SetVoxel(x, y, z, clipBoard.Voxels[x - (int)cursor.Position.X, y - (int)cursor.Position.Y, z - (int)cursor.Position.Z].Active, clipBoard.Voxels[x - (int)cursor.Position.X, y - (int)cursor.Position.Y, z - (int)cursor.Position.Z].Color); } } } currentChunk.UpdateMesh(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad4) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad4)) { sprite.CurrentFrame--; if (sprite.CurrentFrame < 0) { sprite.CurrentFrame = sprite.AnimChunks.Count - 1; } } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad6) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad6)) { sprite.CurrentFrame++; if (sprite.CurrentFrame >= sprite.AnimChunks.Count) { sprite.CurrentFrame = 0; } } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad5) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad5)) { playingAnim = !playingAnim; animTime = 0; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Insert) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Insert)) { sprite.InsertFrame(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Home) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Home)) { sprite.CopyFrame(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.End) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.End)) { sprite.AddFrame(true); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Delete) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Delete)) { sprite.DeleteFrame(); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F2) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F2)) { LoadSave.Save(sprite, ref swatches); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F5) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F5)) { LoadSave.Load(ref sprite, GraphicsDevice, ref swatches); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F8) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F8)) { TileSheetConverter.Load(ref sprite, GraphicsDevice); } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D1)) { selectedSwatch = 0; selectedColor = swatches[0]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D2)) { selectedSwatch = 1; selectedColor = swatches[1]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D3)) { selectedSwatch = 2; selectedColor = swatches[2]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D4)) { selectedSwatch = 3; selectedColor = swatches[3]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D5)) { selectedSwatch = 4; selectedColor = swatches[4]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D6)) { selectedSwatch = 5; selectedColor = swatches[5]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D7)) { selectedSwatch = 6; selectedColor = swatches[6]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D8)) { selectedSwatch = 7; selectedColor = swatches[7]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D9)) { selectedSwatch = 8; selectedColor = swatches[8]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.D0)) { selectedSwatch = 9; selectedColor = swatches[9]; } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F12) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F12)) { if (sprite.X_SIZE < 32) { sprite = new VoxelSprite(sprite.X_SIZE + 1, sprite.Y_SIZE + 1, sprite.Z_SIZE + 1, GraphicsDevice); } } if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F11) && !lks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F11)) { if (sprite.X_SIZE > 3) { sprite = new VoxelSprite(sprite.X_SIZE - 1, sprite.Y_SIZE - 1, sprite.Z_SIZE - 1, GraphicsDevice); } } if (wheelDelta != 0) { if (wheelDelta > 0) { viewZoom += 1f; } else { viewZoom -= 1f; } } if (cms.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { Point mp = Helper.VtoP(mousePos); if (viewRect.Contains(new Point((int)mousePos.X, (int)mousePos.Y))) { viewPitch -= mousedelta.Y * 0.01f; viewYaw += mousedelta.X * 0.01f; } Color prevColor = selectedColor; if (redRect.Contains(mp)) { selectedColor.R = (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(((256f / 400f) * ((mp.X - (float)redRect.Left))), 0f, 255f); swatches[selectedSwatch] = selectedColor; if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { sprite.ReplaceColor(prevColor, selectedColor); } } if (greenRect.Contains(mp)) { selectedColor.G = (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(((256f / 400f) * ((mp.X - (float)greenRect.Left))), 0f, 255f); swatches[selectedSwatch] = selectedColor; if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { sprite.ReplaceColor(prevColor, selectedColor); } } if (blueRect.Contains(mp)) { selectedColor.B = (byte)MathHelper.Clamp(((256f / 400f) * ((mp.X - (float)blueRect.Left))), 0f, 255f); swatches[selectedSwatch] = selectedColor; if (cks.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { sprite.ReplaceColor(prevColor, selectedColor); } } if (lms.LeftButton != ButtonState.Pressed) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (swatchRects[i].Contains(mp)) { selectedColor = swatches[i]; selectedSwatch = i; } } if (prevFrameRect.Contains(mp)) { sprite.CurrentFrame--; if (sprite.CurrentFrame < 0) { sprite.CurrentFrame = sprite.AnimChunks.Count - 1; } } if (nextFrameRect.Contains(mp)) { sprite.CurrentFrame++; if (sprite.CurrentFrame >= sprite.AnimChunks.Count) { sprite.CurrentFrame = 0; } } } } cursor.Update(gameTime, selectedColor); lks = cks; lms = cms; if (playingAnim) { animTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; if (animTime > 100) { animTime = 0; sprite.CurrentFrame++; if (sprite.CurrentFrame > sprite.AnimChunks.Count - 1) { sprite.CurrentFrame = 0; } } } drawEffect.World = worldMatrix * Matrix.CreateRotationY(viewYaw) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(viewPitch); drawEffect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, viewZoom), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.Up); cursorEffect.World = Matrix.CreateTranslation((-((Vector3.One * Voxel.SIZE) * (currentChunk.X_SIZE / 2f)) + (cursor.Position * Voxel.SIZE))) * drawEffect.World; cursorEffect.View = drawEffect.View; base.Update(gameTime); }