コード例 #1
        //compares all the bones from the passed body to the BodyAngles(a targetBodyAngles in all 3 default plane)
        //returns a List of PoseError that tells which bones were off and the default plane they were judged
        public static List <PoseError> CompareBodyAngles(BodyAngles currentBodyAngles, BodyAngles targetBodyAngles, float tolerance)
            var totalErrors = new List <PoseError>();
            List <PoseError> partialErrors;

            partialErrors = ComparePlaneBasedBodyAngles(currentBodyAngles.FrontalAngles, targetBodyAngles.FrontalAngles, tolerance);
            foreach (var error in partialErrors)

            partialErrors = ComparePlaneBasedBodyAngles(currentBodyAngles.SagittalAngles, targetBodyAngles.SagittalAngles, tolerance);
            foreach (var error in partialErrors)

            partialErrors = ComparePlaneBasedBodyAngles(currentBodyAngles.HorizontalAngles, targetBodyAngles.HorizontalAngles, tolerance);
            foreach (var error in partialErrors)

コード例 #2
    public void ReceiveData(Voxar.BodyJoints[] bodys)
        foreach (var body in bodys)
            if (body.status == Status.Tracking)
                Voxar.BodyAngles currentAngle = new Voxar.BodyAngles(body);
                var errors = MovementAnalyzer.CompareBodyAngles(currentAngle, Target, 10.0f);
                // MovementAnalyzer.CalculateAngleForBones(body, BoneType.RightClavicule, BoneType.LeftClavicule);

                // Debug.Log(currentAngle.FrontalAngles.GetAngle(BoneType.LeftClavicule, BoneType.RightClavicule));
                // pegar o angulo padrão entre eles!!!!
                bool entrei = false;
                foreach (var error in errors)  // Vejo se a postura tá boa.
                    entrei = true;
                    var angle = currentAngle.FrontalAngles.angles[error.boneTypes[0]][error.boneTypes[1]];
                if (!entrei)

                leftFoot  = body.joints[JointType.LeftFoot].worldPosition / 1000.0f;
                rightFoot = body.joints[JointType.RightFoot].worldPosition / 1000.0f;
                var distanceFoots = Vector3.Distance(leftFoot, rightFoot);

                var     vectors = MovementAnalyzer.GenerateLowerBodyPlanes(body);
                Vector3 myDirectionmyDirection = vectors[BasePlanes.Frontal];
                Vector3 mustBeTheNext;

                if (begin)
                    mustBeTheNext = rightFoot;
                    ball.transform.localPosition = mustBeTheNext;
                    begin = false;
                if (turnFoot == false && distanceFoots >= 0.5 && !andando)  // Pé direito
                    mustBeTheNext = rightFoot /*myDirection.normalized * 0.0045f */;
                    ball.transform.localPosition = mustBeTheNext;
                    var cubeRenderer = ball.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    cubeRenderer.material.SetColor("_Color", Color.red);
                    turnFoot = !turnFoot;
                    andando  = true;
                else if (distanceFoots >= 0.5 && turnFoot == true && !andando)   // Pé esquerdo
                    mustBeTheNext = leftFoot /*myDirection.normalized * 0.0045f */;
                    ball.transform.localPosition = mustBeTheNext;
                    var cubeRenderer = ball.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    cubeRenderer.material.SetColor("_Color", Color.blue);
                    turnFoot = !turnFoot;
                    andando  = true;
                if (distanceFoots < 0.5 && andando)
                    andando = false;

                float cg = CenterOfGravity(body, 71.45f); // value just for test

                float p  = body.joints[JointType.RightAnkle].worldPosition.z / 1000.0f;
                float q  = body.joints[JointType.LeftAnkle].worldPosition.z / 1000.0f;
                float pt = (float)(Math.Truncate((double)p * 100.0) / 100.0);
                float qt = (float)(Math.Truncate((double)q * 100.0) / 100.0);

                float vp  = (pt - qt) / (10 * (Time.deltaTime));
                float vpp = 36 * (Math.Abs(vp / 10)) / 10;
                float vpt = (float)(Math.Truncate((double)vpp * 100.0) / 100.0);

                textRenderer.text = $"R {pt} Metros" + "\r\n" + $"L {qt} Metros" + "\r\n" + $"L {vpt} p/s";
                Debug.Log(p + "Meters");