コード例 #1
ファイル: PageTable.cs プロジェクト: cocytus/ravendb
		public bool TryGetValue(Transaction tx, long page, out JournalFile.PagePosition value)
			ImmutableAppendOnlyList<PageValue> list;
			if (_values.TryGetValue(page, out list) == false)
				value = null;
				return false;
			for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				var it = list[i];

				if (it.Transaction > tx.Id)

				if (it.Value.IsFreedPageMarker)

				value = it.Value;
				Debug.Assert(value != null);
				return true;

			// all the current values are _after_ this transaction started, so it sees nothing
			value = null;
			return false;
コード例 #2
		private JournalFile NextFile(int numberOfPages = 1)

			var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
			if ((now - _lastFile).TotalSeconds < 90)
				_currentJournalFileSize = Math.Min(_env.Options.MaxLogFileSize, _currentJournalFileSize * 2);
			var actualLogSize = _currentJournalFileSize;
			var minRequiredSize = numberOfPages * AbstractPager.PageSize;
			if (_currentJournalFileSize < minRequiredSize)
				actualLogSize = minRequiredSize;
			_lastFile = now;

			var journalPager = _env.Options.CreateJournalWriter(_journalIndex, actualLogSize);

			var journal = new JournalFile(journalPager, _journalIndex);
			journal.AddRef(); // one reference added by a creator - write ahead log

			_files = _files.Append(journal);


			return journal;
コード例 #3
        public void WriteBufferToFile(JournalFile journalFile, LowLevelTransaction tx)
            if (_firstPositionInJournalFile != null)
                journalFile.WriteBuffer(_firstPositionInJournalFile.Value, _lazyTransactionPager.AcquirePagePointer(null, 0),
                                        _lastUsedPage * _options.DataPager.PageSize);

            if (tx != null)
                tx.IsLazyTransaction = false;// so it will notify the flush thread it has work to do
            _firstPositionInJournalFile = null;
            _lastUsedPage    = 0;
            _readTransaction = null;
            NumberOfPages    = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DataCopier.cs プロジェクト: WimVergouwe/ravendb
		public void ToStream(JournalFile journal, long startPage, long pagesToCopy, Stream output)
			var maxNumOfPagesToCopyAtOnce = _buffer.Length/AbstractPager.PageSize;
			var page = startPage;

			fixed (byte* ptr = _buffer)
				while (pagesToCopy > 0)
					var pageCount = Math.Min(maxNumOfPagesToCopyAtOnce, pagesToCopy);
					var bytesCount = (int) (pageCount*AbstractPager.PageSize);

					journal.JournalWriter.Read(page, ptr, bytesCount);
					output.Write(_buffer, 0, bytesCount);
					page += pageCount;
					pagesToCopy -= pageCount;

			Debug.Assert(pagesToCopy == 0);
コード例 #5
        public void WriteToJournal(Transaction tx, int pageCount)
            var pages = CompressPages(tx, pageCount, _compressionPager);

            if (CurrentFile == null || CurrentFile.AvailablePages < pages.Length)
                CurrentFile = NextFile(pages.Length);

            var transactionHeader = *(TransactionHeader *)pages[0];

            var writePage = CurrentFile.Write(tx, pages);

            var onTransactionCommit = OnTransactionCommit;

            if (onTransactionCommit != null)
                var bufferSize = pages.Length * AbstractPager.PageSize;
                var buffer     = new byte[bufferSize];

                fixed(byte *bp = buffer)
                CurrentFile.JournalWriter.Read(writePage, bp, bufferSize);

                var stream            = new MemoryStream(buffer, AbstractPager.PageSize, (pages.Length - 1) * AbstractPager.PageSize);
                var transactionToShip = new TransactionToShip(transactionHeader)
                    CompressedData         = stream,
                    PreviousTransactionCrc = _previousTransactionCrc

                _previousTransactionCrc = transactionHeader.Crc;

            if (CurrentFile.AvailablePages == 0)
                CurrentFile = null;
コード例 #6
        public void WriteBufferToFile(JournalFile journalFile, LowLevelTransaction tx)
            if (_firstPositionInJournalFile != null)
                using (var tempTx = new TempPagerTransaction())
                    _lazyTransactionPager.EnsureMapped(tempTx, 0, _lastUsedPage);
                    var src = _lazyTransactionPager.AcquirePagePointer(tempTx, 0);
                    journalFile.JournalWriter.WritePages(_firstPositionInJournalFile.Value, src, _lastUsedPage);

            if (tx != null)
                tx.IsLazyTransaction = false;// so it will notify the flush thread it has work to do
            _firstPositionInJournalFile = null;
            _lastUsedPage    = 0;
            _readTransaction = null;
            NumberOfPages    = 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: LazyTransactionBuffer.cs プロジェクト: ikvm/ravendb
        public TimeSpan WriteBufferToFile(JournalFile journalFile, LowLevelTransaction tx)
            TimeSpan writeToJournalDuration = default;

            if (_firstPositionInJournalFile != null)
                using (var tempTx = new TempPagerTransaction())
                    var numberOfPages = _lastUsed4Kbs / (Constants.Storage.PageSize / (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte));
                    if ((_lastUsed4Kbs % (Constants.Storage.PageSize / (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte))) != 0)

                    _lazyTransactionPager.EnsureMapped(tempTx, 0, numberOfPages);
                    var src = _lazyTransactionPager.AcquirePagePointer(tempTx, 0);
                    var sp  = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    writeToJournalDuration = journalFile.Write(_firstPositionInJournalFile.Value, src, _lastUsed4Kbs);
                    if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _log.Info($"Writing lazy transaction buffer with {_lastUsed4Kbs / 4:#,#0} kb took {sp.Elapsed}");

            if (tx != null)
                tx.IsLazyTransaction = false;// so it will notify the flush thread it has work to do
            _firstPositionInJournalFile = null;
            _lastUsed4Kbs    = 0;
            _readTransaction = null;
            NumberOfPages    = 0;

コード例 #8
        public void WriteToJournal(LowLevelTransaction tx, int pageCount)
            var pages = CompressPages(tx, pageCount, _compressionPager);

            if (tx.IsLazyTransaction && _lazyTransactionBuffer == null)
                _lazyTransactionBuffer = new LazyTransactionBuffer(_env.Options);

            if (CurrentFile == null || CurrentFile.AvailablePages < pages.Length)
                _lazyTransactionBuffer?.WriteBufferToFile(CurrentFile, tx);
                CurrentFile = NextFile(pages.Length);

            CurrentFile.Write(tx, pages, _lazyTransactionBuffer, pageCount);

            if (CurrentFile.AvailablePages == 0)
                _lazyTransactionBuffer?.WriteBufferToFile(CurrentFile, tx);
                CurrentFile = null;
コード例 #9
		public void WriteToJournal(Transaction tx, int pageCount)
			var pages = CompressPages(tx, pageCount, _compressionPager);

			if (CurrentFile == null || CurrentFile.AvailablePages < pages.Length)
				CurrentFile = NextFile(pages.Length);
			CurrentFile.Write(tx, pages);
			if (CurrentFile.AvailablePages == 0)
				CurrentFile = null;

コード例 #10
            public void ApplyLogsToDataFile(long oldestActiveTransaction, CancellationToken token, Transaction transaction = null)
                bool locked = false;

                if (_flushingSemaphore.IsWriteLockHeld == false)
                    if (_flushingSemaphore.TryEnterWriteLock(Debugger.IsAttached ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) == false)
                        throw new TimeoutException("Could not acquire the write lock in 30 seconds");
                    locked = true;

                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                    var alreadyInWriteTx = transaction != null && transaction.Flags == TransactionFlags.ReadWrite;

                    var jrnls = _waj._files.Select(x => x.GetSnapshot()).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
                    if (jrnls.Count == 0)
                        return;                         // nothing to do
                    Debug.Assert(jrnls.First().Number >= _lastSyncedJournal);

                    var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary <long, JournalFile.PagePosition>();

                    long lastProcessedJournal            = -1;
                    long previousJournalMaxTransactionId = -1;

                    long lastFlushedTransactionId = -1;

                    foreach (var journalFile in jrnls.Where(x => x.Number >= _lastSyncedJournal))
                        var currentJournalMaxTransactionId = -1L;

                        foreach (var pagePosition in journalFile.PageTranslationTable.IterateLatestAsOf(journalFile.LastTransaction))
                            if (oldestActiveTransaction != 0 &&
                                pagePosition.Value.TransactionId >= oldestActiveTransaction)
                                // we cannot write this yet, there is a read transaction that might be looking at this
                                // however, we _aren't_ going to be writing this to the data file, since that would be a
                                // waste, we would just overwrite that value in the next flush anyway
                                JournalFile.PagePosition existingPagePosition;
                                if (pagesToWrite.TryGetValue(pagePosition.Key, out existingPagePosition) &&
                                    pagePosition.Value.JournalNumber == existingPagePosition.JournalNumber)
                                    // remove the page only when it comes from the same journal
                                    // otherwise we can damage the journal's page translation table (PTT)
                                    // because the existing overwrite in a next journal can be filtered out
                                    // so we wouldn't write any page to the data file


                            if (journalFile.Number == _lastSyncedJournal && pagePosition.Value.TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId)

                            currentJournalMaxTransactionId = Math.Max(currentJournalMaxTransactionId, pagePosition.Value.TransactionId);

                            if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId < previousJournalMaxTransactionId)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                          "Journal applicator read beyond the oldest active transaction in the next journal file. " +
                                          "This should never happen. Current journal max tx id: " + currentJournalMaxTransactionId +
                                          ", previous journal max ix id: " + previousJournalMaxTransactionId +
                                          ", oldest active transaction: " + oldestActiveTransaction);

                            lastProcessedJournal           = journalFile.Number;
                            pagesToWrite[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value;

                            lastFlushedTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

                        if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId == -1L)

                        previousJournalMaxTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

                    if (pagesToWrite.Count == 0)

                        ApplyPagesToDataFileFromScratch(pagesToWrite, transaction, alreadyInWriteTx);
                    catch (DiskFullException diskFullEx)

                    var unusedJournals = GetUnusedJournalFiles(jrnls, lastProcessedJournal, lastFlushedTransactionId);

                    foreach (var unused in unusedJournals.Where(unused => !_journalsToDelete.ContainsKey(unused.Number)))
                        _journalsToDelete.Add(unused.Number, unused);

                    using (var txw = alreadyInWriteTx ? null : _waj._env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                        _lastSyncedJournal       = lastProcessedJournal;
                        _lastSyncedTransactionId = lastFlushedTransactionId;

                        _lastFlushedJournal = _waj._files.First(x => x.Number == _lastSyncedJournal);

                        if (unusedJournals.Count > 0)
                            var lastUnusedJournalNumber = unusedJournals.Last().Number;
                            _waj._files = _waj._files.RemoveWhile(x => x.Number <= lastUnusedJournalNumber, new List <JournalFile>());

                        if (_waj._files.Count == 0)
                            _waj.CurrentFile = null;

                        FreeScratchPages(unusedJournals, txw);

                        if (_totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes > DelayedDataFileSynchronizationBytesLimit ||
                            DateTime.Now - _lastDataFileSyncTime > _delayedDataFileSynchronizationTimeLimit)

                            UpdateFileHeaderAfterDataFileSync(_lastFlushedJournal, oldestActiveTransaction);

                            foreach (var toDelete in _journalsToDelete.Values)
                                if (_waj._env.Options.IncrementalBackupEnabled == false)
                                    toDelete.DeleteOnClose = true;


                            _totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes = 0;
                            _lastDataFileSyncTime         = DateTime.Now;

                        if (txw != null)
                    if (locked)
コード例 #11
        public bool RecoverDatabase(TransactionHeader *txHeader)
            // note, we don't need to do any concurrency here, happens as a single threaded
            // fashion on db startup
            var requireHeaderUpdate = false;

            var logInfo = _headerAccessor.Get(ptr => ptr->Journal);

            if (logInfo.JournalFilesCount == 0)
                _journalIndex = logInfo.LastSyncedJournal;

            var oldestLogFileStillInUse = logInfo.CurrentJournal - logInfo.JournalFilesCount + 1;

            if (_env.Options.IncrementalBackupEnabled == false)
                // we want to check that we cleanup old log files if they aren't needed
                // this is more just to be safe than anything else, they shouldn't be there.
                var unusedfiles = oldestLogFileStillInUse;
                while (true)
                    if (_env.Options.TryDeleteJournal(unusedfiles) == false)

            var lastSyncedTransactionId = logInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId;

            var  journalFiles      = new List <JournalFile>();
            long lastSyncedTxId    = -1;
            long lastSyncedJournal = logInfo.LastSyncedJournal;

            for (var journalNumber = oldestLogFileStillInUse; journalNumber <= logInfo.CurrentJournal; journalNumber++)
                using (var recoveryPager = _env.Options.CreateScratchPager(StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalRecoveryName(journalNumber)))
                    using (var pager = _env.Options.OpenJournalPager(journalNumber))

                        var transactionHeader = txHeader->TransactionId == 0 ? null : txHeader;
                        var journalReader     = new JournalReader(pager, recoveryPager, lastSyncedTransactionId, transactionHeader);

                        var pagesToWrite = journalReader
                                           .Select(kvp => recoveryPager.Read(kvp.Value.JournalPos))
                                           .OrderBy(x => x.PageNumber)

                        var lastReadHeaderPtr = journalReader.LastTransactionHeader;

                        if (lastReadHeaderPtr != null)
                            if (pagesToWrite.Count > 0)

                            *txHeader         = *lastReadHeaderPtr;
                            lastSyncedTxId    = txHeader->TransactionId;
                            lastSyncedJournal = journalNumber;

                        if (journalReader.RequireHeaderUpdate || journalNumber == logInfo.CurrentJournal)
                            var jrnlWriter = _env.Options.CreateJournalWriter(journalNumber, pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize);
                            var jrnlFile   = new JournalFile(jrnlWriter, journalNumber);
                            jrnlFile.AddRef();                     // creator reference - write ahead log


                        if (journalReader.RequireHeaderUpdate)                 //this should prevent further loading of transactions
                            requireHeaderUpdate = true;

            _files = _files.AppendRange(journalFiles);

            Debug.Assert(lastSyncedTxId >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(lastSyncedJournal >= 0);

            _journalIndex = lastSyncedJournal;

                header =>
                header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal            = lastSyncedJournal;
                header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId      = lastSyncedTxId;
                header->Journal.CurrentJournal               = lastSyncedJournal;
                header->Journal.JournalFilesCount            = _files.Count;
                header->IncrementalBackup.LastCreatedJournal = _journalIndex;

            CleanupUnusedJournalFiles(oldestLogFileStillInUse, lastSyncedJournal);

            if (_files.Count > 0)
                var lastFile = _files.Last();
                if (lastFile.AvailablePages >= 2)
                    // it must have at least one page for the next transaction header and one page for data
                    CurrentFile = lastFile;

コード例 #12
            public void ApplyLogsToDataFile(CancellationToken token, Transaction transaction = null, bool allowToFlushOverwrittenPages = false)
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                if (Monitor.IsEntered(_flushingLock) && ignoreLockAlreadyTaken == false)
                    throw new InvalidJournalFlushRequest("Applying journals to the data file has been already requested on the same thread");

                bool lockTaken = false;

                    Monitor.TryEnter(_flushingLock, Debugger.IsAttached ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), ref lockTaken);

                    if (lockTaken == false)
                        throw new TimeoutException("Could not acquire the write lock in 30 seconds");

                    var alreadyInWriteTx = transaction != null && transaction.Flags == TransactionFlags.ReadWrite;

                    var jrnls = _waj._files.Select(x => x.GetSnapshot()).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
                    if (jrnls.Count == 0)
                        return; // nothing to do
                    Debug.Assert(jrnls.First().Number >= _lastSyncedJournal);

                    var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary <long, PagePosition>();

                    long lastProcessedJournal            = -1;
                    long previousJournalMaxTransactionId = -1;

                    long lastFlushedTransactionId = -1;

                    long oldestActiveTransaction = _waj._env.OldestTransaction;

                    foreach (var journalFile in jrnls.Where(x => x.Number >= _lastSyncedJournal))
                        var currentJournalMaxTransactionId = -1L;

                        var iterateLatestAsOf = journalFile.LastTransaction;

                        if (forcedFlushOfOldPages && forcedIterateJournalsAsOf.HasValue)
                            iterateLatestAsOf = Math.Min(journalFile.LastTransaction, forcedIterateJournalsAsOf.Value);

                        foreach (var pagePosition in journalFile.PageTranslationTable.IterateLatestAsOf(iterateLatestAsOf))
                            if (oldestActiveTransaction != 0 &&
                                pagePosition.Value.TransactionId >= oldestActiveTransaction)
                                if (pagePosition.Value.IsFreedPageMarker)

                                // we cannot write this yet, there is a read transaction that might be looking at this
                                // however, we _aren't_ going to be writing this to the data file, since that would be a
                                // waste, we would just overwrite that value in the next flush anyway
                                PagePosition existingPagePosition;
                                if (pagesToWrite.TryGetValue(pagePosition.Key, out existingPagePosition) &&
                                    pagePosition.Value.JournalNumber == existingPagePosition.JournalNumber)
                                    // remove the page only when it comes from the same journal
                                    // otherwise we can damage the journal's page translation table (PTT)
                                    // because the existing overwrite in a next journal can be filtered out
                                    // so we wouldn't write any page to the data file


                            if (pagePosition.Value.IsFreedPageMarker)
                                // to ensure that we won't overwrite data by a page from the older journal where it wasn't marked as free
                                // while now it not being considered to be applied to the data file

                            if (journalFile.Number == _lastSyncedJournal && pagePosition.Value.TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId)

                            currentJournalMaxTransactionId = Math.Max(currentJournalMaxTransactionId, pagePosition.Value.TransactionId);

                            if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId < previousJournalMaxTransactionId)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                          "Journal applicator read beyond the oldest active transaction in the next journal file. " +
                                          "This should never happen. Current journal max tx id: " + currentJournalMaxTransactionId +
                                          ", previous journal max ix id: " + previousJournalMaxTransactionId +
                                          ", oldest active transaction: " + oldestActiveTransaction);

                            lastProcessedJournal           = journalFile.Number;
                            pagesToWrite[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value;

                            lastFlushedTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

                        if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId == -1L)

                        previousJournalMaxTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

                    if (pagesToWrite.Count == 0)
                        if (allowToFlushOverwrittenPages)
                            // we probably filtered out all pages because they have some overwrites and we applied an optimization
                            // that relays on iterating over pages from end of PTT, however we might want to flush such pages
                            // in order to allow to free them because the scratch buffer might require them
                            // so we can flush all pages that we are sure they aren't being read by any transaction

                            using (ForceFlushingPagesOlderThan(oldestActiveTransaction))
                                ApplyLogsToDataFile(token, transaction, false);


                        ApplyPagesToDataFileFromScratch(pagesToWrite, transaction, alreadyInWriteTx);
                    catch (DiskFullException diskFullEx)

                    var unusedJournals = GetUnusedJournalFiles(jrnls, lastProcessedJournal, lastFlushedTransactionId);

                    foreach (var unused in unusedJournals.Where(unused => !_journalsToDelete.ContainsKey(unused.Number)))
                        _journalsToDelete.Add(unused.Number, unused);

                    using (var txw = alreadyInWriteTx ? null : _waj._env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite).JournalApplicatorTransaction())
                        _lastSyncedJournal       = lastProcessedJournal;
                        _lastSyncedTransactionId = lastFlushedTransactionId;

                        _lastFlushedJournal = _waj._files.First(x => x.Number == _lastSyncedJournal);

                        if (unusedJournals.Count > 0)
                            var lastUnusedJournalNumber = unusedJournals.Last().Number;
                            _waj._files = _waj._files.RemoveWhile(x => x.Number <= lastUnusedJournalNumber);

                        if (_waj._files.Count == 0)
                            _waj.CurrentFile = null;

                        FreeScratchPages(unusedJournals, txw ?? transaction);

                        if (txw != null)

                    if (_totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes > DelayedDataFileSynchronizationBytesLimit ||
                        DateTime.UtcNow - _lastDataFileSyncTime > _delayedDataFileSynchronizationTimeLimit)
                    if (lockTaken)
コード例 #13
		public void WriteToJournal(Transaction tx, int pageCount)
			var pages = CompressPages(tx, pageCount, _compressionPager, Shipper.PreviousTransactionCrc);

			if (CurrentFile == null || CurrentFile.AvailablePages < pages.Length)
				CurrentFile = NextFile(pages.Length);

			CurrentFile.Write(tx, pages);

			var transactionHeader = *(TransactionHeader*)pages[0];

			var onTransactionCommit = OnTransactionCommit;
			if (onTransactionCommit != null)
				var transactionToShip = new TransactionToShip(transactionHeader)
					CompressedPages = pages


			Shipper.SetPreviousTransaction(transactionHeader.TransactionId, transactionHeader.Crc);

			if (CurrentFile.AvailablePages == 0)
				CurrentFile = null;
コード例 #14
			public void UpdateFileHeaderAfterDataFileSync(JournalFile file, long oldestActiveTransaction)
				var txHeaders = stackalloc TransactionHeader[2];
				var readTxHeader = &txHeaders[0];
				var lastReadTxHeader = txHeaders[1];

				var txPos = 0;
				while (true)
					if (file.ReadTransaction(txPos, readTxHeader) == false)
					if (readTxHeader->HeaderMarker != Constants.TransactionHeaderMarker)
					if (readTxHeader->TransactionId + 1 == oldestActiveTransaction)

					lastReadTxHeader = *readTxHeader;

					var compressedPages = (readTxHeader->CompressedSize / AbstractPager.PageSize) + (readTxHeader->CompressedSize % AbstractPager.PageSize == 0 ? 0 : 1);

					txPos += compressedPages + 1;
				Debug.Assert(_lastSyncedJournal != -1);
				Debug.Assert(_lastSyncedTransactionId != -1);

				_waj._headerAccessor.Modify(header =>
					header->TransactionId = lastReadTxHeader.TransactionId;
					header->LastPageNumber = lastReadTxHeader.LastPageNumber;

					header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal = _lastSyncedJournal;
					header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId = _lastSyncedTransactionId;

					header->Root = lastReadTxHeader.Root;
					header->FreeSpace = lastReadTxHeader.FreeSpace;

					header->PreviousTransactionCrc = _waj.Shipper.PreviousTransactionCrc;

コード例 #15
			public void ApplyLogsToDataFile(long oldestActiveTransaction, CancellationToken token, Transaction transaction = null, bool allowToFlushOverwrittenPages = false)
				if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

				if (Monitor.IsEntered(_flushingLock) && ignoreLockAlreadyTaken == false)
					throw new InvalidJournalFlushRequest("Applying journals to the data file has been already requested on the same thread");

				bool lockTaken = false;

					Monitor.TryEnter(_flushingLock, Debugger.IsAttached ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), ref lockTaken);

					if (lockTaken == false)
						throw new TimeoutException("Could not acquire the write lock in 30 seconds");

					var alreadyInWriteTx = transaction != null && transaction.Flags == TransactionFlags.ReadWrite;

					var jrnls = _waj._files.Select(x => x.GetSnapshot()).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
					if (jrnls.Count == 0)
						return; // nothing to do

					Debug.Assert(jrnls.First().Number >= _lastSyncedJournal);

					var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary<long, PagePosition>();

					long lastProcessedJournal = -1;
					long previousJournalMaxTransactionId = -1;

					long lastFlushedTransactionId = -1;

					foreach (var journalFile in jrnls.Where(x => x.Number >= _lastSyncedJournal))
						var currentJournalMaxTransactionId = -1L;

						var iterateLatestAsOf = journalFile.LastTransaction;

						if (forcedFlushOfOldPages && forcedIterateJournalsAsOf.HasValue)
							iterateLatestAsOf = Math.Min(journalFile.LastTransaction, forcedIterateJournalsAsOf.Value);

						foreach (var pagePosition in journalFile.PageTranslationTable.IterateLatestAsOf(iterateLatestAsOf))
							if (oldestActiveTransaction != 0 &&
								pagePosition.Value.TransactionId >= oldestActiveTransaction)

								// we cannot write this yet, there is a read transaction that might be looking at this
								// however, we _aren't_ going to be writing this to the data file, since that would be a 
								// waste, we would just overwrite that value in the next flush anyway
								PagePosition existingPagePosition;
								if (pagesToWrite.TryGetValue(pagePosition.Key, out existingPagePosition) &&
									pagePosition.Value.JournalNumber == existingPagePosition.JournalNumber)
									// remove the page only when it comes from the same journal
									// otherwise we can damage the journal's page translation table (PTT)
									// because the existing overwrite in a next journal can be filtered out
									// so we wouldn't write any page to the data file


							if (pagePosition.Value.IsFreedPageMarker)
								// to ensure that we won't overwrite data by a page from the older journal where it wasn't marked as free 
								// while now it not being considered to be applied to the data file

							if (journalFile.Number == _lastSyncedJournal && pagePosition.Value.TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId)

							currentJournalMaxTransactionId = Math.Max(currentJournalMaxTransactionId, pagePosition.Value.TransactionId);

							if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId < previousJournalMaxTransactionId)
								throw new InvalidOperationException(
									"Journal applicator read beyond the oldest active transaction in the next journal file. " +
									"This should never happen. Current journal max tx id: " + currentJournalMaxTransactionId +
									", previous journal max ix id: " + previousJournalMaxTransactionId +
									", oldest active transaction: " + oldestActiveTransaction);

							lastProcessedJournal = journalFile.Number;
							pagesToWrite[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value;

							lastFlushedTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

						if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId == -1L)

						previousJournalMaxTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

					if (pagesToWrite.Count == 0)
						if (allowToFlushOverwrittenPages)
							// we probably filtered out all pages because they have some overwrites and we applied an optimization
							// that relays on iterating over pages from end of PTT, however we might want to flush such pages
							// in order to allow to free them because the scratch buffer might require them
							// so we can flush all pages that we are sure they aren't being read by any transaction

							using (ForceFlushingPagesOlderThan(oldestActiveTransaction))
								ApplyLogsToDataFile(oldestActiveTransaction, token, transaction, false);


						ApplyPagesToDataFileFromScratch(pagesToWrite, transaction, alreadyInWriteTx);
					catch (DiskFullException diskFullEx)

					var unusedJournals = GetUnusedJournalFiles(jrnls, lastProcessedJournal, lastFlushedTransactionId);

					foreach (var unused in unusedJournals.Where(unused => !_journalsToDelete.ContainsKey(unused.Number)))
						_journalsToDelete.Add(unused.Number, unused);

					using (var txw = alreadyInWriteTx ? null : _waj._env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite).JournalApplicatorTransaction())
						_lastSyncedJournal = lastProcessedJournal;
						_lastSyncedTransactionId = lastFlushedTransactionId;

						_lastFlushedJournal = _waj._files.First(x => x.Number == _lastSyncedJournal);
						if (unusedJournals.Count > 0)
							var lastUnusedJournalNumber = unusedJournals.Last().Number;
							_waj._files = _waj._files.RemoveWhile(x => x.Number <= lastUnusedJournalNumber);

						if (_waj._files.Count == 0)
							_waj.CurrentFile = null;

						FreeScratchPages(unusedJournals, txw ?? transaction);

						if (txw != null)
					if (_totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes > DelayedDataFileSynchronizationBytesLimit ||
						DateTime.UtcNow - _lastDataFileSyncTime > _delayedDataFileSynchronizationTimeLimit)

コード例 #16
		public void Clear(Transaction tx)
			if (tx.Flags != TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Clearing of write ahead journal should be called only from a write transaction");

			foreach (var journalFile in _files)
			_files = ImmutableAppendOnlyList<JournalFile>.Empty;
			CurrentFile = null;
コード例 #17
		public bool RecoverDatabase(TransactionHeader* txHeader)
			// note, we don't need to do any concurrency here, happens as a single threaded
			// fashion on db startup
			var requireHeaderUpdate = false;

			var logInfo = _headerAccessor.Get(ptr => ptr->Journal);

			if (logInfo.JournalFilesCount == 0)
				_journalIndex = logInfo.LastSyncedJournal;
				return false;

			var oldestLogFileStillInUse = logInfo.CurrentJournal - logInfo.JournalFilesCount + 1;
			if (_env.Options.IncrementalBackupEnabled == false)
				// we want to check that we cleanup old log files if they aren't needed
				// this is more just to be safe than anything else, they shouldn't be there.
				var unusedfiles = oldestLogFileStillInUse;
				while (true)
					if (_env.Options.TryDeleteJournal(unusedfiles) == false)


			var lastSyncedTransactionId = logInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId;

			var journalFiles = new List<JournalFile>();
			long lastSyncedTxId = -1;
			long lastSyncedJournal = logInfo.LastSyncedJournal;
			uint lastShippedTxCrc = 0;
			for (var journalNumber = oldestLogFileStillInUse; journalNumber <= logInfo.CurrentJournal; journalNumber++)
				using (var recoveryPager = _env.Options.CreateScratchPager(StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalRecoveryName(journalNumber)))
				using (var pager = _env.Options.OpenJournalPager(journalNumber))

					var transactionHeader = txHeader->TransactionId == 0 ? null : txHeader;
					var journalReader = new JournalReader(pager, recoveryPager, lastSyncedTransactionId, transactionHeader);

					var pagesToWrite = journalReader
						.Select(kvp => recoveryPager.Read(kvp.Value.JournalPos))
						.OrderBy(x => x.PageNumber)

					var lastReadHeaderPtr = journalReader.LastTransactionHeader;

					if (lastReadHeaderPtr != null)
						if (pagesToWrite.Count > 0)

						*txHeader = *lastReadHeaderPtr;
						lastSyncedTxId = txHeader->TransactionId;
						lastShippedTxCrc = txHeader->Crc;
						lastSyncedJournal = journalNumber;

					if (journalReader.RequireHeaderUpdate || journalNumber == logInfo.CurrentJournal)
						var jrnlWriter = _env.Options.CreateJournalWriter(journalNumber, pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize);
						var jrnlFile = new JournalFile(jrnlWriter, journalNumber);
						jrnlFile.AddRef(); // creator reference - write ahead log


					if (journalReader.RequireHeaderUpdate) //this should prevent further loading of transactions
						requireHeaderUpdate = true;

			Shipper.SetPreviousTransaction(lastSyncedTxId, lastShippedTxCrc);

			_files = _files.AppendRange(journalFiles);
			Debug.Assert(lastSyncedTxId >= 0);
			Debug.Assert(lastSyncedJournal >= 0);

			_journalIndex = lastSyncedJournal;

				header =>
					header->Journal.LastSyncedJournal = lastSyncedJournal;
					header->Journal.LastSyncedTransactionId = lastSyncedTxId;
					header->Journal.CurrentJournal = lastSyncedJournal;
					header->Journal.JournalFilesCount = _files.Count;
					header->IncrementalBackup.LastCreatedJournal = _journalIndex;
					header->PreviousTransactionCrc = lastShippedTxCrc;

			CleanupUnusedJournalFiles(oldestLogFileStillInUse, lastSyncedJournal);

			if (_files.Count > 0)
				var lastFile = _files.Last();
				if (lastFile.AvailablePages >= 2)
					// it must have at least one page for the next transaction header and one page for data
					CurrentFile = lastFile;

			return requireHeaderUpdate;
コード例 #18
        public long ToFile(StorageEnvironment env, string backupPath, CompressionLevel compression = CompressionLevel.Optimal,
			Action<string> infoNotify = null)
			infoNotify = infoNotify ?? (s => { });

            if (env.Options.IncrementalBackupEnabled == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Incremental backup is disabled for this storage");

            long numberOfBackedUpPages = 0;

            var copier = new DataCopier(AbstractPager.PageSize * 16);
            var backupSuccess = true;

            long lastWrittenLogPage = -1;
            long lastWrittenLogFile = -1;

            using (var file = new FileStream(backupPath, FileMode.Create))
            using (var package = new ZipArchive(file, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
                IncrementalBackupInfo backupInfo;
                using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                    backupInfo = env.HeaderAccessor.Get(ptr => ptr->IncrementalBackup);

                    if (env.Journal.CurrentFile != null)
                        lastWrittenLogFile = env.Journal.CurrentFile.Number;
                        lastWrittenLogPage = env.Journal.CurrentFile.WritePagePosition;

                    // txw.Commit(); intentionally not committing

                using (env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read))
                    var usedJournals = new List<JournalFile>();

                        long lastBackedUpPage = -1;
                        long lastBackedUpFile = -1;

                        var firstJournalToBackup = backupInfo.LastBackedUpJournal;

                        if (firstJournalToBackup == -1)
                            firstJournalToBackup = 0; // first time that we do incremental backup

                        for (var journalNum = firstJournalToBackup; journalNum <= backupInfo.LastCreatedJournal; journalNum++)
                            var num = journalNum;

                            var journalFile = env.Journal.Files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Number == journalNum); // first check journal files currently being in use
                            if (journalFile == null)
                                long journalSize;
                                using (var pager = env.Options.OpenJournalPager(journalNum))
                                    journalSize = Utils.NearestPowerOfTwo(pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize);

                                journalFile = new JournalFile(env.Options.CreateJournalWriter(journalNum, journalSize), journalNum);



                            var startBackupAt = 0L;
                            var pagesToCopy = journalFile.JournalWriter.NumberOfAllocatedPages;
                            if (journalFile.Number == backupInfo.LastBackedUpJournal)
                                startBackupAt = backupInfo.LastBackedUpJournalPage + 1;
                                pagesToCopy -= startBackupAt;

                            if (startBackupAt >= journalFile.JournalWriter.NumberOfAllocatedPages) // nothing to do here

                            var part = package.CreateEntry(StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalName(journalNum), compression);
                            Debug.Assert(part != null);

                            if (journalFile.Number == lastWrittenLogFile)
                                pagesToCopy -= (journalFile.JournalWriter.NumberOfAllocatedPages - lastWrittenLogPage);

                            using (var stream = part.Open())
                                copier.ToStream(journalFile, startBackupAt, pagesToCopy, stream);
                                infoNotify(string.Format("Voron Incr copy journal number {0}", num));


                            lastBackedUpFile = journalFile.Number;
                            if (journalFile.Number == backupInfo.LastCreatedJournal)
                                lastBackedUpPage = startBackupAt + pagesToCopy - 1;
                                // we used all of this file, so the next backup should start in the next file
                                if (lastBackedUpPage == (journalFile.JournalWriter.NumberOfAllocatedPages - 1))
                                    lastBackedUpPage = -1;

                            numberOfBackedUpPages += pagesToCopy;

                        //Debug.Assert(lastBackedUpPage != -1);

                        env.HeaderAccessor.Modify(header =>
                            header->IncrementalBackup.LastBackedUpJournal = lastBackedUpFile;
                            header->IncrementalBackup.LastBackedUpJournalPage = lastBackedUpPage;
                    catch (Exception)
                        backupSuccess = false;
                        foreach (var jrnl in usedJournals)
                            if (backupSuccess) // if backup succeeded we can remove journals
                                if (jrnl.Number < lastWrittenLogFile) // prevent deletion of the current journal and journals with a greater number
                                    jrnl.DeleteOnClose = true;

                    infoNotify(string.Format("Voron Incr Backup total {0} pages", numberOfBackedUpPages));
                    return numberOfBackedUpPages;
コード例 #19
ファイル: FullBackup.cs プロジェクト: j2jensen/ravendb
        public void ToFile(StorageEnvironment env, string backupPath, CompressionLevel compression = CompressionLevel.Optimal,
            Action<string> infoNotify = null,
            Action backupStarted = null)
            infoNotify = infoNotify ?? (s => { });

            var dataPager = env.Options.DataPager;
            var copier = new DataCopier(AbstractPager.PageSize * 16);
            Transaction txr = null;

                infoNotify("Voron copy headers");

                using (var file = new FileStream(backupPath, FileMode.Create))
                    using (var package = new ZipArchive(file, ZipArchiveMode.Create, leaveOpen:true))
                        long allocatedPages;

                        ImmutableAppendOnlyList<JournalFile> files; // thread safety copy
                        var usedJournals = new List<JournalFile>();
                        long lastWrittenLogPage = -1;
                        long lastWrittenLogFile = -1;
                        using (var txw = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite)) // so we can snapshot the headers safely
                            txr = env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.Read); // now have snapshot view
                            allocatedPages = dataPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages;

                            Debug.Assert(HeaderAccessor.HeaderFileNames.Length == 2);

                            VoronBackupUtil.CopyHeaders(compression, package, copier, env.Options);

                            // journal files snapshot
                            files = env.Journal.Files;

                            JournalInfo journalInfo = env.HeaderAccessor.Get(ptr => ptr->Journal);
                            for (var journalNum = journalInfo.CurrentJournal - journalInfo.JournalFilesCount + 1; journalNum <= journalInfo.CurrentJournal; journalNum++)
                                var journalFile = files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Number == journalNum); // first check journal files currently being in use
                                if (journalFile == null)
                                    long journalSize;
                                    using (var pager = env.Options.OpenJournalPager(journalNum))
                                        journalSize = Utils.NearestPowerOfTwo(pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize);

                                    journalFile = new JournalFile(env.Options.CreateJournalWriter(journalNum, journalSize), journalNum);


                            if (env.Journal.CurrentFile != null)
                                lastWrittenLogFile = env.Journal.CurrentFile.Number;
                                lastWrittenLogPage = env.Journal.CurrentFile.WritePagePosition - 1;

                            // txw.Commit(); intentionally not committing

                        if (backupStarted != null)

                        // data file backup
                        var dataPart = package.CreateEntry(Constants.DatabaseFilename, compression);
                        Debug.Assert(dataPart != null);

                        if (allocatedPages > 0) //only true if dataPager is still empty at backup start
                            using (var dataStream = dataPart.Open())
                                // now can copy everything else
                                var firstDataPage = dataPager.Read(0);

                                copier.ToStream(firstDataPage.Base, AbstractPager.PageSize * allocatedPages, dataStream);

                            foreach (var journalFile in usedJournals)
                                var journalPart = package.CreateEntry(StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalName(journalFile.Number), compression);

                                Debug.Assert(journalPart != null);

                                var pagesToCopy = journalFile.JournalWriter.NumberOfAllocatedPages;
                                if (journalFile.Number == lastWrittenLogFile)
                                    pagesToCopy = lastWrittenLogPage + 1;

                                using (var stream = journalPart.Open())
                                    copier.ToStream(journalFile, 0, pagesToCopy, stream);
                                    infoNotify(string.Format("Voron copy journal file {0} ", journalFile));

                            foreach (var journalFile in usedJournals)
                    file.Flush(true); // make sure that we fully flushed to disk
                if (txr != null)
            infoNotify(string.Format("Voron backup db finished"));
コード例 #20
            public void ApplyLogsToDataFile(long oldestActiveTransaction, Transaction transaction = null)
                bool locked = false;

                if (_flushingSemaphore.IsWriteLockHeld == false)
                    if (_flushingSemaphore.TryEnterWriteLock(Debugger.IsAttached ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) == false)
                        throw new TimeoutException("Could not acquire the write lock in 30 seconds");
                    locked = true;

                    var alreadyInWriteTx = transaction != null && transaction.Flags == TransactionFlags.ReadWrite;

                    var journalSnapshots = _waj.Files.Select(x => x.GetSnapshot())
                                           .OrderBy(x => x.Number)

                    if (journalSnapshots.Count == 0)
                        return;                         // nothing to do
                    Debug.Assert(journalSnapshots.First().Number >= _lastSyncedJournal);

                    var pagesToWrite = GetPagesFromJournals(oldestActiveTransaction, journalSnapshots);

                    if (pagesToWrite.Count == 0)

                        ApplyPagesToDataFileFromScratch(pagesToWrite, transaction, alreadyInWriteTx);
                    catch (DiskFullException diskFullEx)

                    var unusedJournals = GetAlreadyHandledJournalFiles(journalSnapshots);

                    using (var txw = alreadyInWriteTx ? null : _waj._env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
                        _lastFlushedJournal = _waj.Files.First(x => x.Number == _lastSyncedJournal);


                        if (_waj._files.Count == 0)
                            _waj.CurrentFile = null;

                        FreeScratchPages(unusedJournals, txw);

                        var hasSynced = false;
                        if (_totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes > DelayedDataFileSynchronizationBytesLimit ||
                            DateTime.Now - _lastDataFileSyncTime > DelayedDataFileSynchronizationTimeLimit)
                            hasSynced = true;

                        if (txw != null)

                        if (hasSynced)
                    if (locked)
コード例 #21
			public void ApplyLogsToDataFile(long oldestActiveTransaction, CancellationToken token, Transaction transaction = null)
				bool locked = false;
				if (_flushingSemaphore.IsWriteLockHeld == false)
					if (_flushingSemaphore.TryEnterWriteLock(Debugger.IsAttached ? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) == false)
						throw new TimeoutException("Could not acquire the write lock in 30 seconds");
					locked = true;

					if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

					var alreadyInWriteTx = transaction != null && transaction.Flags == TransactionFlags.ReadWrite;

					var jrnls = _waj._files.Select(x => x.GetSnapshot()).OrderBy(x => x.Number).ToList();
					if (jrnls.Count == 0)
						return; // nothing to do

					Debug.Assert(jrnls.First().Number >= _lastSyncedJournal);

					var pagesToWrite = new Dictionary<long, JournalFile.PagePosition>();

					long lastProcessedJournal = -1;
					long previousJournalMaxTransactionId = -1;

					long lastFlushedTransactionId = -1;

					foreach (var journalFile in jrnls.Where(x => x.Number >= _lastSyncedJournal))
						var currentJournalMaxTransactionId = -1L;

						foreach (var pagePosition in journalFile.PageTranslationTable.IterateLatestAsOf(journalFile.LastTransaction))
							if (oldestActiveTransaction != 0 &&
								pagePosition.Value.TransactionId >= oldestActiveTransaction)
								// we cannot write this yet, there is a read transaction that might be looking at this
								// however, we _aren't_ going to be writing this to the data file, since that would be a 
								// waste, we would just overwrite that value in the next flush anyway
								JournalFile.PagePosition existingPagePosition;
								if (pagesToWrite.TryGetValue(pagePosition.Key, out existingPagePosition) &&
									pagePosition.Value.JournalNumber == existingPagePosition.JournalNumber)
									// remove the page only when it comes from the same journal
									// otherwise we can damage the journal's page translation table (PTT)
									// because the existing overwrite in a next journal can be filtered out
									// so we wouldn't write any page to the data file


							if (journalFile.Number == _lastSyncedJournal && pagePosition.Value.TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId)

							currentJournalMaxTransactionId = Math.Max(currentJournalMaxTransactionId, pagePosition.Value.TransactionId);

							if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId < previousJournalMaxTransactionId)
								throw new InvalidOperationException(
									"Journal applicator read beyond the oldest active transaction in the next journal file. " +
									"This should never happen. Current journal max tx id: " + currentJournalMaxTransactionId +
									", previous journal max ix id: " + previousJournalMaxTransactionId +
									", oldest active transaction: " + oldestActiveTransaction);

							lastProcessedJournal = journalFile.Number;
							pagesToWrite[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value;

							lastFlushedTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

						if (currentJournalMaxTransactionId == -1L)

						previousJournalMaxTransactionId = currentJournalMaxTransactionId;

					if (pagesToWrite.Count == 0)

						ApplyPagesToDataFileFromScratch(pagesToWrite, transaction, alreadyInWriteTx);
					catch (DiskFullException diskFullEx)

					var unusedJournals = GetUnusedJournalFiles(jrnls, lastProcessedJournal, lastFlushedTransactionId);

					foreach (var unused in unusedJournals.Where(unused => !_journalsToDelete.ContainsKey(unused.Number)))
						_journalsToDelete.Add(unused.Number, unused);

					using (var txw = alreadyInWriteTx ? null : _waj._env.NewTransaction(TransactionFlags.ReadWrite))
						_lastSyncedJournal = lastProcessedJournal;
						_lastSyncedTransactionId = lastFlushedTransactionId;

						_lastFlushedJournal = _waj._files.First(x => x.Number == _lastSyncedJournal);

						if (unusedJournals.Count > 0)
							var lastUnusedJournalNumber = unusedJournals.Last().Number;
							_waj._files = _waj._files.RemoveWhile(x => x.Number <= lastUnusedJournalNumber, new List<JournalFile>());

						if (_waj._files.Count == 0)
							_waj.CurrentFile = null;

						FreeScratchPages(unusedJournals, txw);

						if (_totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes > DelayedDataFileSynchronizationBytesLimit ||
							DateTime.Now - _lastDataFileSyncTime > _delayedDataFileSynchronizationTimeLimit)

							UpdateFileHeaderAfterDataFileSync(_lastFlushedJournal, oldestActiveTransaction);

							foreach (var toDelete in _journalsToDelete.Values)
								if (_waj._env.Options.IncrementalBackupEnabled == false)
									toDelete.DeleteOnClose = true;


							_totalWrittenButUnsyncedBytes = 0;
							_lastDataFileSyncTime = DateTime.Now;

						if (txw != null)
					if (locked)
コード例 #22
ファイル: IncrementalBackup.cs プロジェクト: GorelH/ravendb
		internal static JournalFile GetJournalFile(StorageEnvironment env, long journalNum, IncrementalBackupInfo backupInfo)
			var journalFile = env.Journal.Files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Number == journalNum); // first check journal files currently being in use
			if (journalFile != null)
				return journalFile;
				using (var pager = env.Options.OpenJournalPager(journalNum))
					long journalSize = Utils.NearestPowerOfTwo(pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize);
					journalFile = new JournalFile(env.Options.CreateJournalWriter(journalNum, journalSize), journalNum);
					return journalFile;
			catch (Exception e)
				if (backupInfo.LastBackedUpJournal == -1 && journalNum == 0 && e.Message.StartsWith("No such journal"))
					throw new InvalidOperationException("The first incremental backup creation failed because the first journal file " +
					                                    StorageEnvironmentOptions.JournalName(journalNum) + " was not found. " +
					                                    "Did you turn on the incremental backup feature after initializing the storage? " +
					                                    "In order to create backups incrementally the storage must be created with IncrementalBackupEnabled option set to 'true'.", e);

