public bool Play() { error = null; try { if (!File.Exists(path)) { error = string.Format("File '{0}' does not exist.", path); return(false); } var fileIOHandler = FileIOHelper.GetByExtension(path); EventSequence sequence = fileIOHandler.OpenSequence(path); numberOfChannels = sequence.FullChannelCount; object executionIfaceObj; if (!Interfaces.Available.TryGetValue("IExecution", out executionIfaceObj)) { error = "IExecution interface not available."; return(false); } executionInterface = (IExecution)executionIfaceObj; contextHandle = executionInterface.RequestContext(true, false, null); executionInterface.SetSynchronousContext(contextHandle, sequence); executionInterface.ExecutePlay(contextHandle, 0, 0); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { error = e.Message; return(false); } }
private void OpenSequence(string fileName) { var fileIOHandler = FileIOHelper.GetByExtension(fileName); if (fileIOHandler == null) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.VixenPlusForm_NoKnowEditor, Vendor.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } if (!fileIOHandler.CanOpen()) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Sorry, we can only export {0} files.", fileIOHandler.Name()), Vendor.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } AddToFileHistory(fileName); var plugInInterface = (IUIPlugIn)Activator.CreateInstance(_registeredFileTypes[".vix"].GetType()); plugInInterface.Sequence = fileIOHandler.OpenSequence(fileName); ((Form)plugInInterface).Text = plugInInterface.Sequence.Name + " - " + plugInInterface.Sequence.FileIOHandler.Name(); var uiBase = plugInInterface as UIBase; if (uiBase != null) { uiBase.DirtyChanged += plugin_DirtyChanged; } plugInInterface.MdiParent = this; plugInInterface.Show(); }
private void VixenPlusForm_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var isValidData = (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)); if (isValidData) { var files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, false); isValidData = files.Aggregate(true, (current, file) => current & FileIOHelper.GetValidOpeningExtensions().Contains(file.Substring(file.Length - 4, 4))); } e.Effect = isValidData ? DragDropEffects.Copy : DragDropEffects.None; }
private void openALightingProgramToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFileDialog1.Filter = FileIOHelper.GetOpenFilters(); openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Paths.SequencePath; openFileDialog1.FileName = string.Empty; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { OpenSequence(openFileDialog1.FileName); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void AttachToProfile(string profileName) { var path = Path.Combine(Paths.ProfilePath, profileName + Vendor.ProfileExtension); if (File.Exists(path)) { if (null == FileIOHandler) { FileIOHandler = FileIOHelper.GetProfileVersion(path); } // todo this could have the same issue with mismatch as another issue AttachToProfile(FileIOHandler.OpenProfile(path)); Groups = _profile.Groups; } else { FileIOHandler.LoadEmbeddedData(FileName, this); } }
/// <summary> /// Save the file, routed to the appropriate plugin /// </summary> /// <param name="pluginInstance"></param> /// <returns>If a save action was performed</returns> private bool Save(IUIPlugIn pluginInstance) { if (pluginInstance == null) { return(false); } var plugInInterface = pluginInstance; if ((plugInInterface.IsDirty && string.IsNullOrEmpty(plugInInterface.Sequence.Name)) && !GetNewSequenceInfo(pluginInstance)) { return(false); } UpdateHistoryImages(plugInInterface.Sequence.FileName); // If the sequenceType is not set, set it to Vixen Plus if (plugInInterface.Sequence.FileIOHandler == null) { // this should never be true, if it is we don't want to blow up, but notify and continue. MessageBox.Show("Interesting!", "You should never see this, but if you do, I didn't want to blow up on you\n" + "Let Macebobo on know, please.\n" + "I'm going to set your sequence file handler type to Vixen Plus - he'll know what that means\n" + "And I can continue gracefully.\n" + "Sorry about that! Carry on."); plugInInterface.Sequence.FileIOHandler = FileIOHelper.GetNativeHelper(); } plugInInterface.SaveTo(); if (plugInInterface.Sequence.FileIOHandler.CanOpen()) { AddToFileHistory(plugInInterface.Sequence.FileName); } if (_preferences.GetBoolean("ShowSaveConfirmation")) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.VixenPlusForm_SequenceSaved, Vendor.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } return(true); }
public override void handleGETRequest(HttpProcessor p) { string[] args = p.http_url.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); p.writeSuccess(); if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { showHelp(p); return; } if (args[0] == "files") { string path = string.Join("\\", args.Skip(1).ToArray()); p.serveFile(path); return; } else if (args[0] == "sequence") { string fullPath = Path.Combine(VixenPlusCommon.Paths.SequencePath, Uri.UnescapeDataString(args[1])); object obj2; if (sequences.Contains(fullPath)) { //Sequence exists if (Interfaces.Available.TryGetValue("IExecution", out obj2)) { var fileIOHandler = FileIOHelper.GetByExtension(fullPath); sequence = fileIOHandler.OpenSequence(fullPath); _executionInterface = (IExecution)obj2; _executionContextHandle = _executionInterface.RequestContext(false, true, null); _executionInterface.SetAsynchronousContext(_executionContextHandle, sequence); try { if (_channelLevels == null) { _channelLevels = new byte[sequence.FullChannelCount]; } if (args.Length == 2) { p.writeLine("Successfully selected sequence!"); p.writeLine("<br>"); p.writeLine("Commands: <br>"); p.writeLine(" /play/ <br>"); p.writeLine(" /play/ms/ <br>"); p.writeLine(" /pause/ <br>"); p.writeLine(" /stop/ <br>"); p.writeLine(" /channels/ <br>"); return; } if (args[2] == "channels") { int maxChannels = sequence.FullChannelCount; if (args.Length == 3) { p.writeLine("/set/channelnum/0-255"); p.writeLine("<br>"); p.writeLine("/get/channelnum/"); p.writeLine("<br>"); p.writeLine("Max channels: " + maxChannels); return; } if (args[3] == "set") { int channel = int.Parse(args[4]); byte value = byte.Parse(args[5]); _channelLevels[channel] = value; updateChannels(); p.writeLine("Executed command: " + args[2]); } if (args[3] == "get") { int channel = int.Parse(args[4]); p.writeLine("" + _channelLevels[channel]); } } } finally { _executionInterface.ReleaseContext(_executionContextHandle); } } } else { //Error and say that their sequence they selected doesnt exist. p.writeLine(args[1] + " Does not exist."); p.writeLine("<br>"); p.writeLine("Selectable sequences: "); p.writeLine("<br>"); printoutVixenSequences(p, "<br>"); } } else if (args[0] == "listseq") { printoutVixenSequences(p, null); } else { showHelp(p); } }
private bool GetNewSequenceInfo(IUIPlugIn pluginInstance) { var saveFilters = FileIOHelper.GetSaveFilters(); var filters = saveFilters.Split('|'); var currentFilter = pluginInstance.Sequence.FileIOHandler.DialogFilterList(); var currentFilterIndex = int.MinValue; for (var i = 0; i < filters.Count(); i += 2) { if (!currentFilter.StartsWith(filters[i])) { continue; } currentFilterIndex = i / 2; break; } saveFileDialog1.Filter = saveFilters; saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = currentFilterIndex == int.MinValue ? 0 : currentFilterIndex; saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Paths.SequencePath; saveFileDialog1.FileName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginInstance.Sequence.FileName) ? string.Empty : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pluginInstance.Sequence.FileName); saveFileDialog1.AddExtension = true; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } var newFilterIndex = saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex - 1; // Okay format changed... if (currentFilterIndex != newFilterIndex) { var newFileIOHandler = FileIOHelper.GetHelperByName(filters[newFilterIndex * 2]); // Since Vixen+ is native, it has the lowest filter index of any of the list // Other file formats will be higher and thus may lose data or functionality when down versioning // or cross sequence formatting. In some cases it won't matter, in other it will be very important. if (newFilterIndex > currentFilterIndex) { if ( MessageBox.Show( string.Format("{0}\n\nOld Format: {1}\nNewFormat: {2}\n\n{3}\n\n{4}\n\n{5}", "WARNING! A possible loss of data may occur from this change!", pluginInstance.Sequence.FileIOHandler.Name(), newFileIOHandler.Name(), "This will impact your sequence and " + ((pluginInstance.Sequence.Profile == null ? "embedded" : "attached") + " profile"), "Proceed with saving in this format?", "In other words, press OK if you have a backup.") , "Possible loss of data!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(false); } } //Okay they want the change, get the new handler and make it so pluginInstance.Sequence.FileIOHandler = newFileIOHandler; // this automatically handles embedded data // he we handle profiles. if (pluginInstance.Sequence.Profile != null) { pluginInstance.Sequence.Profile.FileIOHandler = newFileIOHandler; if (newFileIOHandler.SupportsProfiles) { newFileIOHandler.SaveProfile(pluginInstance.Sequence.Profile); } } } ChangeSequenceName(pluginInstance, saveFileDialog1.FileName); return(true); }
public void SetSynchronousContext(int contextHandle, IExecutable executableObject) { if (contextHandle == 0) { return; } var context = _registeredContexts[contextHandle]; if (context.SuppressSynchronousContext) { return; } try { var mask = executableObject.Mask; var plugInData = executableObject.PlugInData; var nativeHelper = FileIOHelper.GetNativeHelper(); if (!context.LocalRequestor && !executableObject.TreatAsLocal) { Profile profile; var str = _preferences.GetString("SynchronousData"); if (str == "Default") { var str2 = _preferences.GetString("DefaultProfile"); if (str2 == string.Empty) { LogError("SetSynchronousContext", "Preference set to use default profile for synchronous execution, but no default profile set."); mask = null; plugInData = null; } else { profile = nativeHelper.OpenProfile(Path.Combine(Paths.ProfilePath, str2 + ".pro")); profile.Freeze(); mask = profile.Mask; plugInData = profile.PlugInData; } } else if (str != "Embedded") { profile = nativeHelper.OpenProfile(Path.Combine(Paths.ProfilePath, str + ".pro")); profile.Freeze(); mask = profile.Mask; plugInData = profile.PlugInData; } } context.Object = executableObject; context.Object.Mask = mask; if (plugInData != null) { context.Object.PlugInData.ReplaceRoot(plugInData.RootNode); } if (!(context.SuppressAsynchronousContext || _preferences.GetString("AsynchronousData") != "Sync")) { AsyncInit(context); } if (executableObject.AudioDeviceIndex != -1) { context.SynchronousEngineInstance.SetAudioDevice(executableObject.AudioDeviceIndex); } if (executableObject.AudioDeviceVolume != 0) { context.SynchronousEngineInstance.SetAudioDevice(executableObject.AudioDeviceIndex); } } catch (Exception exception) { LogError("SetSynchronousContext", exception); } }
public int RequestContext(bool suppressAsynchronousContext, bool suppressSynchronousContext, Form keyInterceptor) { try { var num = ((int)DateTime.Now.ToBinary()) + _registeredContexts.Count; var context = new ExecutionContext { SuppressAsynchronousContext = suppressAsynchronousContext, SuppressSynchronousContext = suppressSynchronousContext }; var integer = _preferences.GetInteger("SoundDevice"); context.SynchronousEngineInstance = context.SuppressSynchronousContext ? null : new Engine8(_host, integer); context.AsynchronousEngineInstance = context.SuppressAsynchronousContext ? null : new Engine8(Engine8.EngineMode.Asynchronous, _host, integer); context.LocalRequestor = RequestorIsLocal(new StackTrace().GetFrame(1)); context.Object = null; context.KeyInterceptor = keyInterceptor; if (!context.SuppressAsynchronousContext) { byte[][] mask; SetupData plugInData; var str = _preferences.GetString("AsynchronousData"); var str2 = ((str != "Default") && (str != "Sync")) ? str : _preferences.GetString("DefaultProfile"); Profile profile = null; if (str2.Length > 0) { try { var nativeIO = FileIOHelper.GetNativeHelper(); profile = nativeIO.OpenProfile(Path.Combine(Paths.ProfilePath, str2 + ".pro")); profile.Freeze(); } catch { LogError("RequestContext", "Error loading profile " + str2); } } if (profile == null) { if (str == "Default") { LogError("RequestContext", "Preference set to use default profile for asynchronous execution, but no default profile exists."); } mask = null; plugInData = null; } else { mask = profile.Mask; plugInData = profile.PlugInData; context.Object = profile; } if (context.Object != null) { context.Object.Mask = mask; if (plugInData != null) { context.Object.PlugInData.ReplaceRoot(plugInData.RootNode); } AsyncInit(context); } } _registeredContexts[num] = context; return(num); } catch (Exception exception) { LogError("RequestContext", exception); return(0); } }