コード例 #1
        void initialization()
            redScore  = 0;
            blueScore = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                teamView [i] = new ScrollView();

                pitInfo[i] = new StackLayout()
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                if (i < 3)
                    pitInfo [i].BackgroundColor = Color.Maroon;
                    pitInfo [i].BackgroundColor = Color.Teal;

                for (int j = 0; j < 99; j++)
                    descriptionLabel [i, j] = new Label {
                        FontSize  = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label)),
                        TextColor = Color.White
                    dataLabel [i, j] = new Label()
                        FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label))
                defGrid [i] = new Grid()
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    BackgroundColor   = Color.Black,
                    ColumnSpacing     = 1,
                    RowSpacing        = 1,

                    ColumnDefinitions =
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                    RowDefinitions =
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                shotGrid[i] = new Grid()
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    BackgroundColor   = Color.Black,
                    ColumnSpacing     = 1,
                    RowSpacing        = 1,

                    ColumnDefinitions =
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                        new ColumnDefinition {
                            Width = GridLength.Auto
                    RowDefinitions =
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)
                        new RowDefinition {
                            Height = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute)

                defHeaderCells [i, 0]              = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                defHeaderCells [i, 0].header.Text  = "Stall";
                defHeaderCells [i, 1]              = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                defHeaderCells [i, 1].header.Text  = "Pass";
                defHeaderCells [i, 2]              = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                defHeaderCells [i, 2].header.Text  = "Tries";
                defHeaderCells [i, 3]              = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                defHeaderCells [i, 3].header.Text  = "Faced";
                shotHeaderCells [i, 0]             = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                shotHeaderCells [i, 0].header.Text = "Made";
                shotHeaderCells [i, 1]             = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                shotHeaderCells [i, 1].header.Text = "Tried";
                shotHeaderCells [i, 2]             = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall();
                shotHeaderCells [i, 2].header.Text = "%";
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                rowHeaderLabels [i] = new Label()
                    FontSize  = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                    TextColor = Color.White

            addRowHeaders("Red Total:");
            addRowHeaders("Blue Total:");
            addRowHeaders(" ");
            addRowHeaders("Low Bar ");
            addRowHeaders(" ");

        void addRowHeaders(string description)
            if (rowHeaders == 2)
                rowHeaderLabels [rowHeaders].Text = "0";
            else if (rowHeaders == 4)
                rowHeaderLabels [rowHeaders].Text = "0";
                rowHeaderLabels [rowHeaders].Text = description;
            rowHeaderGrid.Children.Add(rowHeaderLabels [rowHeaders], 0, rowHeaders);

        void calculateAllianceScore(ParseObject tData, int arrayIndex)
            if (arrayIndex < 3)
                redScore += Convert.ToDouble(tData ["avgScore"]);
                rowHeaderLabels [2].Text = String.Format("{0:N2}", redScore);
                blueScore += Convert.ToInt16(tData ["avgScore"]);
                rowHeaderLabels [4].Text = String.Format("{0:N2}", blueScore);

        void addDefItems(string defense, ParseObject tData, int arrayIndex, int gridHieght)
            DataCell cell1 = new DataCell();
            DataCell cell2 = new DataCell();
            DataCell cell3 = new DataCell();
            DataCell cell4 = new DataCell();

            cell1.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            cell2.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            cell3.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            cell4.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            if (arrayIndex < 3)
                cell1.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell2.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell3.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell4.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell1.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell2.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell3.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell4.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell1.data.Text = tData[defense + "sta"].ToString();
            catch {
                cell1.data.Text = "NULL";
            defGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell1, 0, gridHieght);
                cell2.data.Text = tData[defense].ToString();
            catch {
                cell2.data.Text = "NULL";
            defGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell2, 1, gridHieght);
                cell3.data.Text = tData[defense + "att"].ToString();
            catch {
                cell3.data.Text = "NULL";
            defGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell3, 2, gridHieght);
                cell4.data.Text = tData[defense + "count"].ToString();
            catch {
                cell4.data.Text = "N";
            defGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell4, 3, gridHieght);

        void addShotItems(string shot, ParseObject tData, int arrayIndex, int gridHieght)
            DataCell cell1 = new DataCell();
            DataCell cell2 = new DataCell();
            DataCell cell3 = new DataCell();

            cell1.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            cell2.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            cell3.data.TextColor = Color.White;
            if (arrayIndex < 3)
                cell1.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell2.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell3.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
                cell1.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell2.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell3.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                cell1.data.Text = tData[shot + "Successes"].ToString();
            catch {
                cell1.data.Text = "NULL";
            shotGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell1, 0, gridHieght);
                cell2.data.Text = tData[shot + "Total"].ToString();
            catch {
                cell2.data.Text = "NULL";
            shotGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell2, 1, gridHieght);
                cell3.data.Text = string.Format("{0:P}", tData[shot + "Accuracy"]);
            catch {
                cell3.data.Text = "NULL";
            shotGrid [arrayIndex].Children.Add(cell3, 2, gridHieght);

        void addRobotImage(ParseObject teamData, int arrayIndex)
            try {
                if (teamData ["robotImage"].ToString() != null)
                    ParseFile robotImageURL = (ParseFile)teamData ["robotImage"];
                    //Gets the image from parse and converts it to ParseFile

                    robotImage[arrayIndex] = new CachedImage()
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                        VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.Center,
                        Source            = new UriImageSource {
                            Uri            = robotImageURL.Url,
                            CachingEnabled = true,
                            CacheValidity  = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)                         //Caches Images onto your device for a week
                        HeightRequest        = 120,
                        DownsampleToViewSize = true
                    robotImageFull[arrayIndex] = new CachedImage()
                        Source = new UriImageSource {
                            Uri            = robotImageURL.Url,
                            CachingEnabled = true,
                            CacheValidity  = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)                         //Caches Images onto your device for a week

                    TapGestureRecognizer tap = new TapGestureRecognizer();
                    tap.Tapped += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                        // Create a gesture recognizer to display the popup image
                    robotImage[arrayIndex].Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit;
            catch {
                robotImage[arrayIndex].Source = "Placeholder_image_placeholder.png";

            headerGrid.Children.Add(robotImage[arrayIndex], 2 * arrayIndex, 2 * (arrayIndex + 1), 1, 2);

        async void popUpPage(CachedImage rImage)
            await Task.Yield();

            await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(new ImagePopupPage (rImage), false);

        async void refreshPage()
            busyIcon.IsVisible = true;
            busyIcon.IsRunning = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                new CalculateAverageData(teamNumber[i]);
                ParseQuery <ParseObject> refresh = ParseObject.GetQuery("TeamData");
                ParseQuery <ParseObject> sorted  = refresh.WhereEqualTo("teamNumber", teamNumber[i]);

                var allTeams = await sorted.FindAsync();

                foreach (ParseObject obj in allTeams)
                    teamData [i] = obj;


            busyIcon.IsVisible = false;
            busyIcon.IsRunning = false;
コード例 #2
		void initialization(){
			redScore = 0;
			blueScore = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
				teamView [i] = new ScrollView ();

				pitInfo[i] = new StackLayout () {
					HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
					VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
				if (i < 3)
					pitInfo [i].BackgroundColor = Color.Maroon;
					pitInfo [i].BackgroundColor = Color.Teal;
				for (int j = 0; j < 99; j++) {
					descriptionLabel [i, j] = new Label {
						FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize (NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label)),
						TextColor = Color.White
					dataLabel [i, j] = new Label () {
						FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize (NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label))
				defGrid [i] = new Grid () {
					HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
					BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
					ColumnSpacing = 1,
					RowSpacing = 1,

					ColumnDefinitions = {
						new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star) },
						new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star) },
						new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star) },
						new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star) },
					RowDefinitions = {
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
						new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute) },
				shotGrid[i] = new Grid(){
						HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
						BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
						ColumnSpacing = 1,
						RowSpacing = 1,

						ColumnDefinitions = {
							new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },
							new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },
							new ColumnDefinition{ Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },
							new ColumnDefinition{ Width = GridLength.Auto },
						RowDefinitions = {
							new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute)},
							new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute)},
							new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength (20, GridUnitType.Absolute)},
				defHeaderCells [i, 0] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				defHeaderCells [i, 0].header.Text = "Stall";
				defHeaderCells [i, 1] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				defHeaderCells [i, 1].header.Text = "Pass";
				defHeaderCells [i, 2] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				defHeaderCells [i, 2].header.Text = "Tries";
				defHeaderCells [i, 3] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				defHeaderCells [i, 3].header.Text = "Faced";
				shotHeaderCells [i, 0] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				shotHeaderCells [i, 0].header.Text = "Made";
				shotHeaderCells [i, 1] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				shotHeaderCells [i, 1].header.Text = "Tried";
				shotHeaderCells [i, 2] = new ColumnHeaderCellSmall ();
				shotHeaderCells [i, 2].header.Text = "%";
			for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
				rowHeaderLabels [i] = new Label () {
					FontSize = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
				TextColor = Color.White

			addRowHeaders ("Red Total:");
			addRowHeaders ("test");
			addRowHeaders ("Blue Total:");
			addRowHeaders ("test");
			addRowHeaders (" ");
			addRowHeaders ("Low Bar ");
			addRowHeaders ("Port");
			addRowHeaders ("Cheval");
			addRowHeaders ("Moat");
			addRowHeaders ("Ramp");
			addRowHeaders ("Draw");
			addRowHeaders ("Sally");
			addRowHeaders ("Rock");
			addRowHeaders ("Rough");
			addRowHeaders (" ");
			addRowHeaders ("High");
			addRowHeaders ("Low");