public void CreateRoboPet() { Console.WriteLine("Create Robotic Pet"); RoboticPet temp = new RoboticPet(" ", " ", 1); temp.SpecifyPet(); AddRoboPet(temp); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void PetCreation() { Console.Clear(); // Get pet type from user Console.WriteLine("Should your pet be Organic or Robotic? (type 'o' for Organic or 'r' for Robotic)"); string type = Console.ReadLine(); //Get name from user Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("What should your pet's name be?"); string Name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); // Get species from user Console.WriteLine("What species should your pet be?"); string Species = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); // Create Pet VirtualPets mypet; if (type == "o") { mypet = new OrganicPet(Name, Species); } else { mypet = new RoboticPet(Name, Species); } petsInShelter.Add(mypet); Console.WriteLine("Your awesome new pet " + Name + " is ready to play!"); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); }
public void RemoveRoboPet(RoboticPet temp) { RoboPets.Remove(temp); NumPets--; }
public void AddRoboPet(RoboticPet aPet) { RoboPets.Add(aPet); NumPets++; }
public void AddRoboticPetToShelter(RoboticPet pet) { shelteredRoboticPets.Add(pet); allShelteredPets.Add(pet); Console.WriteLine($"You successfully added {pet.Name} to the shelter!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { OrganicPet newOrganicPet = new OrganicPet(); RoboticPet newRoboticPet = new RoboticPet(); VirtualPetShelter ourPetShelter = new VirtualPetShelter(); bool playing = true; int time = 1; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to VirtualPets! Let's get started by adding your first pet to the shelter."); bool validOption = false; while (validOption == false) { Console.WriteLine("What is your pet?: 1.Organic 2.Robotic"); string userInput = (Console.ReadLine()); if (userInput == "1") { newOrganicPet.CreatePet(); ourPetShelter.AddOrganicPetToShelter(newOrganicPet); validOption = true; } else if (userInput == "2") { newRoboticPet.CreatePet(); ourPetShelter.AddRoboticPetToShelter(newRoboticPet); validOption = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter '1' or '2'."); } } do { Console.WriteLine("\nMain Menu"); Console.WriteLine("1. Add Pet to Shelter"); Console.WriteLine("2. Select Pet"); Console.WriteLine("3. Check Info (Name and Species) of Pet"); Console.WriteLine("4. Check Status of your Pets"); Console.WriteLine("5. Feed Your Pet(s)"); Console.WriteLine("6. Take Pet(s) To Doctor"); Console.WriteLine("7. Play With Pet(s)"); Console.WriteLine("8. Adopt a Pet (Remove from list)"); Console.WriteLine("9. Exit"); Console.Write("\nPlease enter a number 1 through 9: "); if (time % 5 == 0) { foreach (VirtualPet pet in ourPetShelter.allShelteredPets) { pet.TimeLapse(); } } string userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userChoice) { case "1": { Console.WriteLine("What is your pet?: 1.Organic 2.Robotic"); string newUserInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (newUserInput == "1") { newOrganicPet = new OrganicPet(); newOrganicPet.CreatePet(); ourPetShelter.AddOrganicPetToShelter(newOrganicPet); } else if (newUserInput == "2") { newRoboticPet = new RoboticPet(); newRoboticPet.CreatePet(); ourPetShelter.AddRoboticPetToShelter(newRoboticPet); } else { Console.WriteLine("You didn't enter a valid number."); } break; } case "2": { Console.WriteLine("Which pet list do you wish to see?: 1.Organic 2.Robotic"); string newUserInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (newUserInput == "1") { ourPetShelter.ShowOrganicShelteredPetsInfo(); newOrganicPet = ourPetShelter.ChoosePetFromOrganicList(); Console.WriteLine($"You've selected {newOrganicPet.Name}. Returning to Main Menu."); } else if (newUserInput == "2") { ourPetShelter.ShowRoboticShelteredPetsInfo(); newRoboticPet = ourPetShelter.ChoosePetFromRoboticList(); Console.WriteLine($"You've selected {newRoboticPet.Name}. Returning to Main Menu."); } else { Console.WriteLine("You did not enter '1' or '2'. Returning to main menu."); } break; } case "3": { Console.WriteLine("Which pet list do you wish to see?: 1.Organic 2.Robotic"); string newUserInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (newUserInput == "1") { ourPetShelter.ShowOrganicShelteredPetsInfo(); } else if (newUserInput == "2") { ourPetShelter.ShowRoboticShelteredPetsInfo(); } else { Console.WriteLine("You did not enter '1' or '2'. Returning to main menu."); } break; } case "4": { Console.WriteLine("Which pet list do you wish to see?: 1.Organic 2.Robotic"); string newUserInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (newUserInput == "1") { ourPetShelter.ShowShelteredOrganicPetsStatus(); } else if (newUserInput == "2") { ourPetShelter.ShowShelteredRoboticPetsStatus(); } else { Console.WriteLine("You did not enter '1' or '2'. Returning to main menu."); } break; } case "5": { Console.WriteLine($"Press '1' to feed {newOrganicPet.Name} or '2' to feed {newRoboticPet.Name}. \nPress '3' to feed/oil all pets. \nPress any other key to return to main menu."); string mealChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (mealChoice) { case "1": { newOrganicPet.FeedPetDinner(); Console.WriteLine($"You fed {newOrganicPet.Name} dinner. Your pet is now full."); time++; break; } case "2": { newRoboticPet.FeedPetDinner(); Console.WriteLine($"You oiled {newRoboticPet.Name}. No more squeaks!"); time++; break; } case "3": { ourPetShelter.FeedAllPetsDinner(); Console.WriteLine("You have fed and/or oiled all the pets in the shelter!"); time++; break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Returning to main menu."); break; } } break; } case "6": { Console.WriteLine($"Press '1' to take {newOrganicPet.Name} to the doctor or '2' to take {newRoboticPet.Name} to the mechanic. \nPress '3' to take all pets to the doctor/mechanic.\nPress any other key to return to the main menu."); string doctorChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (doctorChoice) { case "1": { newOrganicPet.TakePetToDoctor(); Console.WriteLine($"You took {newOrganicPet.Name} to the doctor. It is now healthy!"); time++; break; } case "2": { newRoboticPet.TakePetToDoctor(); Console.WriteLine($"You took {newRoboticPet.Name} to the mechanic. It is now functioning properly!"); time++; break; } case "3": { ourPetShelter.TakeAllPetsToDoctor(); Console.WriteLine("You took all your pets to the doctor/mechanic. All of them are now healthy!"); time++; break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Returning to main menu."); break; } } break; } case "7": { Console.WriteLine($"Press '1' to play with {newOrganicPet.Name} or press '2' to play with {newRoboticPet.Name}. \nPress '3' to play with all of your pets. \nPress any other key to return to the main menu."); string playChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (playChoice) { case "1": { newOrganicPet.PlayWithPet(); Console.WriteLine($"You have played with {newOrganicPet.Name}! It's less bored and healthier, but is more hungry now!"); time++; break; } case "2": { newRoboticPet.PlayWithPet(); Console.WriteLine($"You have played with {newRoboticPet.Name}! It's less bored, but now needs some oil and maintenance!"); time++; break; } case "3": { ourPetShelter.PlayWithAllPets(); Console.WriteLine("You have played with all pets in the shelter! Their statuses have changed."); time++; break; } } break; } case "8": { ourPetShelter.AdoptPet(); break; } case "9": { playing = false; Console.WriteLine("Goodbye!"); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number."); break; } } } while (playing); }