static void Main(string[] args) { Shelter shelter = new Shelter(); Pet pet = new Pet(); List <Pet> ListOfPets = new List <Pet>(); Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to Virtual Pets\n"); bool petChoice = true; while (petChoice) { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("NOTE: If you do not have a pet, please create one!"); Console.WriteLine("1. Create a new organic pet"); Console.WriteLine("2. Create a new robotic pet"); Console.WriteLine("3. Display each pet status"); Console.WriteLine("4. Feed your Pet"); Console.WriteLine("5. Play with your Pet"); Console.WriteLine("6. Attend To Pet Health"); Console.WriteLine("7. Quit"); string menuChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (menuChoice) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("What is the name for your organic pet?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What species is your organic pet?"); string species = Console.ReadLine(); pet = new Organic(name, species); shelter.AddPet(pet); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("What is the name of your robotic pet?"); name = Console.ReadLine(); species = "Robot"; pet = new Robotic(name, species); shelter.AddPet(pet); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "3": foreach (Pet selectedPet in shelter.ListOfPets) { selectedPet.DisplayStatus(); } Console.ReadKey(); break; case "4": pet = shelter.SelectPet(); pet.Feed(); Console.WriteLine($"You fed/oiled {pet.GetName()}."); pet.Tick(); break; case "5": pet = shelter.SelectPet(); pet.Play(); Console.WriteLine($"You and {pet.GetName()} played in the meadow together!"); pet.Tick(); break; case "6": pet = shelter.SelectPet(); pet.AttendToPetHealth(); Console.WriteLine($"You took {pet.GetName()} to the vet/mechanic for their health."); pet.Tick(); break; case "7": petChoice = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry."); break; } Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to Virtual Pets"); Pet userPet = new Pet(); Shelter myShelter = new Shelter(); Organic organicPet = new Organic(); Robotic roboticPet = new Robotic(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like your pet to be ..."); Console.WriteLine("1. An organic pet."); Console.WriteLine("2. A robotic pet."); string petTypeChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (petTypeChoice) { case "1": organicPet.MakeNewPet(); userPet = new Organic(organicPet.GetName(), organicPet.GetSpecies()); myShelter.AddPet(userPet); break; case "2": roboticPet.MakeNewPet(); userPet = new Robotic(roboticPet.GetName(), roboticPet.GetSpecies()); myShelter.AddPet(userPet); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); break; } bool playingGame = true; while (playingGame) { Console.Clear(); foreach (Pet pet in myShelter.ListOfPets) { pet.GiveStats(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); } userPet = myShelter.SelectPet(); userPet.MenuOptions(); string menuChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (menuChoice) { case "1": userPet.Feed(); break; case "2": userPet.QuenchThirst(); break; case "3": userPet.Play(); break; case "4": userPet.SeeDoctor(); break; case "5": Console.WriteLine($"You did nothing."); break; case "6": playingGame = false; Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing!"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); break; } userPet.Tick(); organicPet.CheckHealth(); organicPet.CheckHunger(); organicPet.CheckThirst(); userPet.CheckBoredom(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadKey(); } Console.ReadLine(); }