public void AddPet(Pet pet) { allPets.Add(pet); }
public void RemovePet(Pet pet) { allPets.Remove(pet); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Pet tyson = new Pet("Tyson", 0, 0, 0, 0); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Virtual Tyson Management Console"); Console.WriteLine("Please type Yes to manage the dog, {0}", tyson.Name); string userResponse = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); while (userResponse.Equals("yes")) { Console.WriteLine("Please select from the following to manage {0}", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Select 1 to get the status of {0}", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Select 2 to feed {0}", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Select 3 to give water to {0}", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Select 4 to walk {0}", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Select 5 to let {0} sleep", tyson.Name); int userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (userChoice) { case 1: tyson.GetTick(); if (tyson.HungerAlert) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is hungry and needs to be fed.", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new food level for {0}", tyson.Name); int newHunger = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); tyson.SetHunger(newHunger); } if (tyson.ThirstAlert) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is thirsty and needs water.", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new water level for {0}", tyson.Name); int newthirstLevel = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); tyson.SetThirst(newthirstLevel); } if (tyson.BoredomAlert) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is bored and needs to be walked.", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new boredom level for {0}.", tyson.Name); int newBoredomLevel = (int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); tyson.SetBoredom(newBoredomLevel); } if (tyson.TiredAlert) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is tired and needs to sleep.", tyson.Name); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a new tiredness level for {0}.", tyson.Name); int newTirednessLevel = (int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); tyson.SetTiredness(newTirednessLevel); } Console.WriteLine("{0} has a hunger level of {1}, has a thirst level of {2}, his boredom level is {3}, and his tiredness level is {4}.", tyson.Name, tyson.Hunger, tyson.Thirst, tyson.Boredom, tyson.Tiredness); break; case 2: tyson.GetTick(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a new hunger level."); int hunger = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); tyson.SetHunger(hunger); Console.WriteLine("The new hunger level of {0} is {1}", tyson.Name, tyson.Hunger); break; case 3: tyson.GetTick(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a new thirst level."); int thirst = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); tyson.SetThirst(thirst); Console.WriteLine("The new thirst level of {0} is {1}", tyson.Name, tyson.Thirst); break; case 4: tyson.GetTick(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a new boredom level."); int boredom = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); tyson.SetBoredom(boredom); Console.WriteLine("The new boredom level of {0} is {1}", tyson.Name, tyson.Boredom); break; case 5: tyson.GetTick(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a new tiredness level."); int tiredness = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); tyson.SetTiredness(tiredness); Console.WriteLine("The new tiredness level of {0} is {1}", tyson.Name, tyson.Tiredness); break; default: break; } tyson.GetTick(); Console.WriteLine("Please type Yes to manage {0} ?", tyson.Name); userResponse = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } //While end } //Static Void Main End
public void AddPetToShelter(Pet pet) { listOfPets.Add(pet); Console.WriteLine("You admitted a pet into the shelter"); }
public Pet FindPetByIndex(int index) { Pet selectedPet = ShelterList[index]; return(selectedPet); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Pet newPet = new Pet(); Shelter petShelter = new Shelter(); petShelter.AddPet(newPet); bool keepThinking = true; while (keepThinking) { Console.WriteLine("Hi and Welcome to the Perrysburg Pet Shelter!"); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("1. I'm Bringing in a New Organic Pet"); Console.WriteLine("2. I'm Brining in a New Mechcanical Pet"); Console.WriteLine("3. Feed all of the Pets"); Console.WriteLine("4. Play with all of the Pets"); Console.WriteLine("5. Play with a Single Pet"); Console.WriteLine("6. Adopt a Pet"); Console.WriteLine("7. Leave the Shelter"); //Console.Clear(); string menuChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (menuChoice) { case "1": newPet = new Pet(); Console.WriteLine("What is your organic pet's name?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); newPet.SetName(name); Console.WriteLine("What species is your organic pet? (Example: tiger, dog, fish"); string species = Console.ReadLine(); newPet.SetSpecies(species); petShelter.AddPet(newPet); petShelter.PrintAllPets(); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; //case "2": Console.WriteLine("What is your mechcanical pet's name?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); newPet.SetName(name); Console.WriteLine("What type is your pet? (Example: Robot or Cyborg"); string species = Console.ReadLine(); newPet.SetSpecies(species); petShelter.AddPet(newPet); petShelter.PrintAllPets(); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case "3": petShelter.PrintAllPets(); petShelter.FeedAll(); Console.WriteLine("You fed the pets!"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case "4": petShelter.PrintAllPets(); petShelter.PlayAll(); Console.WriteLine("You played with the pets!"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case "5": petShelter.PrintAllPets(); Console.WriteLine("Which pet would you like to play with?"); string petToPlay = Console.ReadLine(); newPet = petShelter.PetSelect(petToPlay); petShelter.Play(newPet); Console.WriteLine($"You played with {newPet.GetName()}!"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case "6": petShelter.PrintAllPets(); Console.WriteLine("Which pet would you like to adopt?"); string petToAdopt = Console.ReadLine(); newPet = petShelter.PetSelect(petToAdopt); petShelter.RemovePet(newPet); Console.WriteLine($"You gave {newPet.GetName()} a good home!"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case "7": keepThinking = false; Console.WriteLine("Good Bye! Thanks for Visiting!"); break; default: break; } } }
public void AddRoboticPet(Pet pet) { ShelterList.Add(pet); }
public void AddOrganicPet(Pet pet) { ShelterList.Add(pet); }
public void RemovePetFromList(Pet pet) { ShelterList.Remove(pet); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Pet myPet = new Pet(); Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to Virtual Pets\n"); Console.WriteLine("You have a new Virtual Pet. What kind of pet is it?"); myPet.SetSpecies(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What is your pet's name?"); myPet.SetName(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"{myPet.GetName()} the {myPet.GetSpecies()} is ready to play with you!\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start playing..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); bool playGame = true; do { myPet.Tick(); Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("1. See my pet's status"); Console.WriteLine("2. Play with my pet."); Console.WriteLine("3. Feed my pet."); Console.WriteLine("4. Take my pet to the doctor."); Console.WriteLine("5. Quit"); string gameAction = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); switch (gameAction) { case "1": myPet.ShowStatus(); break; case "2": myPet.Play(); break; case "3": myPet.Feed(); break; case "4": myPet.SeeDoctor(); break; case "5": Console.WriteLine("Your pet will miss you! Good-bye."); playGame = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number."); break; } } while (playGame); }
public void AddPet(Pet pet) { ListOfPets.Add(pet); }