コード例 #1
         * verifyQuantity - checks that the warehouse specified in the work order transaction
         * has sufficient quantity of the product
         * @param product
         * @param wot
         * @param qty
         * @param asiID
         * @return error message if any, else Quantity Available
        private String VerifyQuantity(VAdvantage.Model.MProduct product, ViennaAdvantage.Model.MVAMFGMWrkOdrTransaction wot, Decimal qty, int asiID)
            if (product.IsStocked())
                ViennaAdvantage.Model.MVAMFGMWorkOrder wo = new ViennaAdvantage.Model.MVAMFGMWorkOrder(wot.GetCtx(), wot.GetVAMFG_M_WorkOrder_ID(), wot.Get_TrxName());
                int M_Warehouse_ID = wo.GetM_Warehouse_ID();

                //logic change by Raghu
                //Decimal available = ViennaAdvantage.Model.Storage.GetQtyAvailable
                //(M_Warehouse_ID, product.GetM_Product_ID(), asiID, null);

                // during creation of production execution line, reserverd qty to be checked or not
                Decimal?available = 0.0M;
                if (VAdvantage.Utility.Util.GetValueOfString(wot.GetConsiderReservedQty()) == "N")
                        available = MStorage.GetQtyAvailableWithoutReserved
                                        (M_Warehouse_ID, product.GetM_Product_ID(), asiID, null);
                        return(Msg.GetMsg(wot.GetCtx(), "PleaseUpdateVAFramework"));
                    available = MStorage.GetQtyAvailable
                                    (M_Warehouse_ID, product.GetM_Product_ID(), asiID, null);

                if (available == null)
                    available = Env.ZERO;
                if (Env.Signum(available.Value) == 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(wot.GetCtx(), "NoQtyAvailable", "0"));
                else if (available.Value.CompareTo(qty) < 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(wot.GetCtx(), "InsufficientQtyAvailable", available.ToString()));
            return(Msg.GetMsg(wot.GetCtx(), "QtyAvailable"));
        } // verifyQuantity