コード例 #1
        public void AddUpdateRating(int videoId, Guid userId, int rating)
            if (!ValidateVideoID(videoId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the video. This could be due to wrong video ID or this video has been removed from library");

            if (!ValidateUserID(userId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the user. This could be due to wrong user ID");

            if (rating < 1 || rating > 5)
                throw new Exception("Rating must be between 1 and 5");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                var movieRating = new Rating()
                    VideoId = videoId,
                    UserId  = userId,
                    Rating1 = rating

                context.Entry(movieRating).State = (context.Ratings.Any(r => r.VideoId == videoId && r.UserId == userId)) ? EntityState.Modified : EntityState.Added;

コード例 #2
        public void DeleteVideo(int videoId, Guid userId)
            if (!ValidateVideoID(videoId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the video. This could be due to wrong video ID or this video has been removed from library");

            if (!ValidateUserID(userId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the user. This could be due to wrong user ID");

            if (!IsUserAdmin(userId))
                throw new Exception("You cannot add or update video record because you are not an administraor");

            if (HasPendingCheckouts(videoId))
                throw new Exception("You cannot delete video recored because there are pending check outs");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                var moiveVideo = context.Videos.Find(videoId);
                moiveVideo.IsDeleted = true;
コード例 #3
        public int AddReview(int videoId, Guid userId, string reviewText)
            if (!ValidateVideoID(videoId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the video. This could be due to wrong video ID or this video has been removed from library");

            if (!ValidateUserID(userId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the user. This could be due to wrong user ID");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reviewText))
                throw new Exception("Review text cannot be empty!");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                var review = new Review()
                    VideoId = videoId,
                    UserId  = userId,
                    Review1 = reviewText

コード例 #4
        public void CheckInVideo(int videoId, Guid userId)
            if (!ValidateVideoID(videoId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the video. This could be due to wrong video ID or this video has been removed from library");

            if (!ValidateUserID(userId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the user. This could be due to wrong user ID");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                //check if user has already checked out this video
                if (!context.Checkouts.Any(c => c.UserId == userId && c.VideoId == videoId && c.ReturnDate == null))
                    throw new Exception("You do not have this video!");

                var checkout = context.Checkouts.OrderByDescending(c => c.CheckoutDate).First(c => c.UserId == userId && c.VideoId == videoId && c.ReturnDate == null);
                checkout.ReturnDate = DateTime.Now;
                var video = context.Videos.First(v => v.VideoId == videoId);

コード例 #5
        private bool ValidateUserID(Guid userID)
            bool isValidUserID = false;

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                isValidUserID = context.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == userID);

コード例 #6
        private bool IsVideoIDExist(int videoID)
            bool isValidVideoID = false;

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                isValidVideoID = context.Videos.Any(v => v.VideoId == videoID);

コード例 #7
        private bool ValidateVideoID(int videoID)
            bool isValidVideoID = false;

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                isValidVideoID = context.Videos.Any(v => v.VideoId == videoID && v.IsDeleted == false);

コード例 #8
        public int AddUpdateVideo(VideoInfo video, Guid userId)
            int videoId     = video.VideoId;
            int year        = video.Year;
            int totalCopies = video.TotalCopies;

            if (videoId != 0 && !IsVideoIDExist(videoId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the video. This could be due to wrong video ID ");

            if (!ValidateUserID(userId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the user. This could be due to wrong user ID");

            if (!video.HasTitle || !video.HasDirector || year <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Cannot update or create video record. This could be due to invalid title, director or year");

            if (totalCopies < 0)
                throw new Exception("Total copies cannot be negative");

            if (!IsUserAdmin(userId))
                throw new Exception("You cannot add or update video record because you are not an administraor");

            if (video.Format == VideoFormat.Unknown)
                throw new Exception("Video format cannot be empty");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                var movieVideo = new Video()
                    VideoId     = videoId,
                    Title       = video.Title,
                    Director    = video.Director,
                    Year        = video.Year,
                    TotalCopies = video.TotalCopies,
                    FormatCode  = TranslateVideoFormatToFormatCode(video.Format)

                context.Entry(movieVideo).State = videoId == 0 ? EntityState.Added : EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #9
        private bool HasPendingCheckouts(int videoID)
            bool hasPendingCheckouts = false;

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                if (context.Checkouts.Any(c => c.VideoId == videoID && c.ReturnDate == null))
                    hasPendingCheckouts = true;
コード例 #10
        private bool IsUserAdmin(Guid userID)
            bool isUserAdmin = false;

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                if (context.Users.First(u => u.UserId == userID).UserName == "Admin")
                    isUserAdmin = true;

コード例 #11
        private bool ValidateReviewID(int reviewID)
            bool isValidReviewID = false;

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                if (context.Reviews.Any(r => r.ReviewId == reviewID))
                    isValidReviewID = true;

コード例 #12
        public void UpdateReview(int reviewId, string reviewText)
            if (!ValidateReviewID(reviewId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the review. This could be due to wrong review ID");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reviewText))
                throw new Exception("Review text cannot be empty!");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                var review = context.Reviews.First(r => r.ReviewId == reviewId);
                review.Review1 = reviewText;
コード例 #13
        public void CheckOutVideo(int videoId, Guid userId)
            if (!ValidateVideoID(videoId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the video. This could be due to wrong video ID or this video has been removed from library");

            if (!ValidateUserID(userId))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find the user. This could be due to wrong user ID");

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                //check if all videos have been checked out
                if (context.Videos.First(v => v.VideoId == videoId).TotalCopies < 1)
                    throw new Exception("All copies for this video have been checked out!");

                //check if user has already checked out this video
                if (context.Checkouts.Count(c => c.UserId == userId && c.VideoId == videoId && c.ReturnDate == null) != 0)
                    throw new Exception("You have already checked out this video!");

                var video = context.Videos.Find(videoId);

                var checkout = new Checkout()
                    VideoId      = videoId,
                    UserId       = userId,
                    CheckoutDate = DateTime.Now

コード例 #14
        public Collection <VideoSearchResult> SearchVideoLibrary(VideoSearchCriteria criteria)
            var results = new Collection <VideoSearchResult>();

            using (var context = new VideoLibraryDLEFImplementation.VideoLibrary())
                IQueryable <Video> query;

                if (CheckEmptyCriteria(criteria))
                    query = from v in context.Videos
                            where !v.IsDeleted
                            select v;

                else if (criteria.HasOneSearchCriteria())
                    if (criteria.HasTitle)
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Title.Contains(criteria.Title)
                                select v;
                    else if (criteria.HasDirector)
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Director.Contains(criteria.Director)
                                select v;
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Year == criteria.Year
                                select v;
                    if (criteria.TitleBlank())
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Director.Contains(criteria.Director) && v.Year == criteria.Year
                                select v;
                    else if (criteria.DirectorBlank())
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Title.Contains(criteria.Title) && v.Year == criteria.Year
                                select v;
                    else if (!criteria.YearIsPostive())
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Title.Contains(criteria.Title) && v.Director.Contains(criteria.Director)
                                select v;
                        query = from v in context.Videos
                                where !v.IsDeleted && v.Title.Contains(criteria.Title) && v.Director.Contains(criteria.Director) && v.Year == criteria.Year
                                select v;

                foreach (var video in query)
                    VideoSearchResult result = new VideoSearchResult(video.VideoId, video.Title, video.Year, video.Director);