コード例 #1
 public BattleLogEntry_MeleeCombat(RulePackDef ruleDef, bool alwaysShowInCompact, Pawn initiator, Thing recipient, ImplementOwnerTypeDef implementType, string toolLabel, ThingDef ownerEquipmentDef = null, HediffDef ownerHediffDef = null, LogEntryDef def = null) : base(def)
     this.ruleDef             = ruleDef;
     this.alwaysShowInCompact = alwaysShowInCompact;
     this.initiator           = initiator;
     this.implementType       = implementType;
     this.ownerEquipmentDef   = ownerEquipmentDef;
     this.ownerHediffDef      = ownerHediffDef;
     this.toolLabel           = toolLabel;
     if (recipient is Pawn)
         this.recipientPawn = (recipient as Pawn);
     else if (recipient != null)
         this.recipientThing = recipient.def;
     if (ownerEquipmentDef != null && ownerHediffDef != null)
         Log.ErrorOnce(string.Format("Combat log owned by both equipment {0} and hediff {1}, may produce unexpected results", ownerEquipmentDef.label, ownerHediffDef.label), 96474669, false);
コード例 #2
 public BattleLogEntry_MeleeCombat(RulePackDef outcomeRuleDef, RulePackDef maneuverRuleDef, Pawn initiator, Thing recipient, ImplementOwnerTypeDef implementType, string toolLabel, ThingDef ownerEquipmentDef = null, HediffDef ownerHediffDef = null)
     this.outcomeRuleDef    = outcomeRuleDef;
     this.maneuverRuleDef   = maneuverRuleDef;
     this.initiator         = initiator;
     this.implementType     = implementType;
     this.ownerEquipmentDef = ownerEquipmentDef;
     this.ownerHediffDef    = ownerHediffDef;
     this.toolLabel         = toolLabel;
     if (recipient is Pawn)
         this.recipientPawn = (recipient as Pawn);
     else if (recipient != null)
         this.recipientThing = recipient.def;
     if (ownerEquipmentDef != null && ownerHediffDef != null)
         Log.ErrorOnce(string.Format("Combat log owned by both equipment {0} and hediff {1}, may produce unexpected results", ownerEquipmentDef.label, ownerHediffDef.label), 96474669);