protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { if (dinfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside) { List <BodyPartRecord> list = new List <BodyPartRecord>(); for (BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord = dinfo.HitPart; bodyPartRecord != null; bodyPartRecord = bodyPartRecord.parent) { list.Add(bodyPartRecord); if (bodyPartRecord.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { break; } } float num = (float)(list.Count - 1) + 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.SetHitPart(list[i]); base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage / num * ((i != 0) ? 1f : 0.5f), dinfo2, ref result); } } else { int num2 = (this.def.cutExtraTargetsCurve == null) ? 0 : GenMath.RoundRandom(this.def.cutExtraTargetsCurve.Evaluate(Rand.Value)); List <BodyPartRecord> list2; if (num2 != 0) { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> enumerable = dinfo.HitPart.GetDirectChildParts(); if (dinfo.HitPart.parent != null) { enumerable = enumerable.Concat(dinfo.HitPart.parent); enumerable = enumerable.Concat(dinfo.HitPart.parent.GetDirectChildParts()); } list2 = enumerable.Except(dinfo.HitPart).InRandomOrder(null).Take(num2).ToList <BodyPartRecord>(); } else { list2 = new List <BodyPartRecord>(); } list2.Add(dinfo.HitPart); float num3 = totalDamage * (1f + this.def.cutCleaveBonus) / ((float)list2.Count + this.def.cutCleaveBonus); if (num2 == 0) { num3 = base.ReduceDamageToPreserveOutsideParts(num3, dinfo, pawn); } for (int j = 0; j < list2.Count; j++) { DamageInfo dinfo3 = dinfo; dinfo3.SetHitPart(list2[j]); base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, num3, dinfo3, ref result); } } }
private void CheckDuplicateSmallPawnDamageToPartParent(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn pawn, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { if (!dinfo.AllowDamagePropagation) { return; } if (result.LastHitPart != null && dinfo.Def.harmsHealth && result.LastHitPart != pawn.RaceProps.body.corePart && result.LastHitPart.parent != null && > 0f && dinfo.Amount >= 10 && pawn.HealthScale <= 0.5001f) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.SetHitPart(result.LastHitPart.parent); this.ApplyDamageToPart(dinfo2, pawn, ref result); } }
protected float FinalizeAndAddInjury(Pawn pawn, Hediff_Injury injury, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { HediffComp_GetsPermanent hediffComp_GetsPermanent = injury.TryGetComp <HediffComp_GetsPermanent>(); if (hediffComp_GetsPermanent != null) { hediffComp_GetsPermanent.PreFinalizeInjury(); }, null, new DamageInfo?(dinfo), result); float num = Mathf.Min(injury.Severity,; result.totalDamageDealt += num; result.wounded = true; result.AddPart(pawn, injury.Part); result.AddHediff(injury); return(num); }
private void CheckDuplicateDamageToOuterParts(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { if (!dinfo.AllowDamagePropagation) { return; } if (dinfo.Def.harmAllLayersUntilOutside && dinfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside) { BodyPartRecord parent = dinfo.HitPart.parent; do { if ( != 0f && parent.coverageAbs > 0f) { HediffDef hediffDefFromDamage = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dinfo.Def, pawn, parent); Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = (Hediff_Injury)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDefFromDamage, pawn, null); hediff_Injury.Part = parent; hediff_Injury.source = dinfo.Weapon; hediff_Injury.sourceBodyPartGroup = dinfo.WeaponBodyPartGroup; hediff_Injury.Severity = totalDamage; if (hediff_Injury.Severity <= 0f) { hediff_Injury.Severity = 1f; } this.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, hediff_Injury, dinfo, result); } if (parent.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { break; } parent = parent.parent; }while (parent != null); } }
public void AddDirect(Hediff hediff, DamageInfo?dinfo = null, DamageWorker.DamageResult damageResult = null) { if (hediff.def == null) { Log.Error("Tried to add health diff with null def. Canceling.", false); return; } if (hediff.Part != null && !this.GetNotMissingParts(BodyPartHeight.Undefined, BodyPartDepth.Undefined, null, null).Contains(hediff.Part)) { Log.Error("Tried to add health diff to missing part " + hediff.Part, false); return; } hediff.ageTicks = 0; hediff.pawn = this.pawn; bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.hediffs.Count; i++) { if (this.hediffs[i].TryMergeWith(hediff)) { flag = true; } } if (!flag) { this.hediffs.Add(hediff); hediff.PostAdd(dinfo); if (this.pawn.needs != null && this.pawn.needs.mood != null) { this.pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.situational.Notify_SituationalThoughtsDirty(); } } bool flag2 = hediff is Hediff_MissingPart; if (!(hediff is Hediff_MissingPart) && hediff.Part != null && hediff.Part != this.pawn.RaceProps.body.corePart && this.GetPartHealth(hediff.Part) == 0f && hediff.Part != this.pawn.RaceProps.body.corePart) { bool flag3 = this.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(hediff.Part); Hediff_MissingPart hediff_MissingPart = (Hediff_MissingPart)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.MissingBodyPart, this.pawn, null); hediff_MissingPart.IsFresh = !flag3; hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = hediff.def;, hediff.Part, dinfo, null); if (damageResult != null) { damageResult.AddHediff(hediff_MissingPart); } if (flag3) { if (dinfo.HasValue) { hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dinfo.Value.Def, this.pawn, hediff.Part); } else { hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = null; } } flag2 = true; } this.DirtyCache(); if (flag2 && this.pawn.apparel != null) { this.pawn.apparel.Notify_LostBodyPart(); } if (hediff.def.causesNeed != null && !this.pawn.Dead) { this.pawn.needs.AddOrRemoveNeedsAsAppropriate(); } }
private DamageWorker.DamageResult ApplyToPawn(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn pawn) { DamageWorker.DamageResult damageResult = new DamageWorker.DamageResult(); if (dinfo.Amount <= 0f) { return(damageResult); } if (!DebugSettings.enablePlayerDamage && pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { return(damageResult); } Map mapHeld = pawn.MapHeld; bool spawnedOrAnyParentSpawned = pawn.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned; if (dinfo.AllowDamagePropagation && dinfo.Amount >= (float)dinfo.Def.minDamageToFragment) { int num = Rand.RangeInclusive(2, 4); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.SetAmount(dinfo.Amount / (float)num); this.ApplyDamageToPart(dinfo2, pawn, damageResult); } } else { this.ApplyDamageToPart(dinfo, pawn, damageResult); this.ApplySmallPawnDamagePropagation(dinfo, pawn, damageResult); } if (damageResult.wounded) { DamageWorker_AddInjury.PlayWoundedVoiceSound(dinfo, pawn); pawn.Drawer.Notify_DamageApplied(dinfo); } if (damageResult.headshot && pawn.Spawned) { MoteMaker.ThrowText(new Vector3((float)pawn.Position.x + 1f, (float)pawn.Position.y, (float)pawn.Position.z + 1f), pawn.Map, "Headshot".Translate(), Color.white, -1f); if (dinfo.Instigator != null) { Pawn pawn2 = dinfo.Instigator as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { pawn2.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.Headshots); } } } if ((damageResult.deflected || damageResult.diminished) && spawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { EffecterDef effecterDef; if (damageResult.deflected) { if (damageResult.deflectedByMetalArmor && dinfo.Def.canUseDeflectMetalEffect) { if (dinfo.Def == DamageDefOf.Bullet) { effecterDef = EffecterDefOf.Deflect_Metal_Bullet; } else { effecterDef = EffecterDefOf.Deflect_Metal; } } else if (dinfo.Def == DamageDefOf.Bullet) { effecterDef = EffecterDefOf.Deflect_General_Bullet; } else { effecterDef = EffecterDefOf.Deflect_General; } } else if (damageResult.diminishedByMetalArmor) { effecterDef = EffecterDefOf.DamageDiminished_Metal; } else { effecterDef = EffecterDefOf.DamageDiminished_General; } if ( == null || != effecterDef) { if ( != null) {; = null; } = effecterDef.Spawn(); }, dinfo.Instigator ?? pawn); if (damageResult.deflected) { pawn.Drawer.Notify_DamageDeflected(dinfo); } } if (!damageResult.deflected && spawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { ImpactSoundUtility.PlayImpactSound(pawn, dinfo.Def.impactSoundType, mapHeld); } return(damageResult); }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { bool flag = Rand.Chance(this.def.bluntInnerHitChance); float num = (!flag) ? 0f : this.def.bluntInnerHitDamageFractionToConvert.RandomInRange; float num2 = totalDamage * (1f - num); DamageInfo lastInfo = dinfo; for (;;) { num2 -= base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, num2, lastInfo, result); if (! { break; } if (num2 <= 1f) { break; } BodyPartRecord parent = lastInfo.HitPart.parent; if (parent == null) { break; } lastInfo.SetHitPart(parent); } if (flag && !lastInfo.HitPart.def.IsSolid(lastInfo.HitPart, && lastInfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> source = from x in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined, null, null) where x.parent == lastInfo.HitPart && x.def.IsSolid(x, && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside select x; BodyPartRecord hitPart; if (source.TryRandomElementByWeight((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbs, out hitPart)) { DamageInfo lastInfo2 = lastInfo; lastInfo2.SetHitPart(hitPart); float totalDamage2 = totalDamage * num + totalDamage * this.def.bluntInnerHitDamageFractionToAdd.RandomInRange; base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage2, lastInfo2, result); } } if (!pawn.Dead) { SimpleCurve simpleCurve = null; if (lastInfo.HitPart.parent == null) { simpleCurve = this.def.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToBodyCurve; } else { foreach (BodyPartRecord lhs in pawn.RaceProps.body.GetPartsWithTag(BodyPartTagDefOf.ConsciousnessSource)) { if (this.InSameBranch(lhs, lastInfo.HitPart)) { simpleCurve = this.def.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToHeadCurve; break; } } } if (simpleCurve != null) { float x2 = totalDamage / pawn.def.race.body.corePart.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn); if (Rand.Chance(simpleCurve.Evaluate(x2))) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.Def = DamageDefOf.Stun; dinfo2.SetAmount((float)this.def.bluntStunDuration.SecondsToTicks() / 30f); pawn.TakeDamage(dinfo2); } } } }
protected float FinalizeAndAddInjury(Pawn pawn, Hediff_Injury injury, DamageInfo dinfo, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { this.CalculateOldInjuryDamageThreshold(pawn, injury);, null, new DamageInfo?(dinfo)); float num = Mathf.Min(injury.Severity,; result.totalDamageDealt += num; result.wounded = true; result.AddPart(pawn, injury.Part); return(num); }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { if (dinfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside) { List <BodyPartRecord> list = new List <BodyPartRecord>(); for (BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord = dinfo.HitPart; bodyPartRecord != null; bodyPartRecord = bodyPartRecord.parent) { list.Add(bodyPartRecord); if (bodyPartRecord.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { break; } } float num = (float)list.Count; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.SetHitPart(list[i]); base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage / num, dinfo2, result); } } else { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> enumerable = dinfo.HitPart.GetDirectChildParts(); if (dinfo.HitPart.parent != null) { enumerable = enumerable.Concat(dinfo.HitPart.parent); if (dinfo.HitPart.parent.parent != null) { enumerable = enumerable.Concat(dinfo.HitPart.parent.GetDirectChildParts()); } } enumerable = from target in enumerable where target != dinfo.HitPart && !target.def.conceptual && target.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside && ! select target; BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord2 = enumerable.RandomElementWithFallback(null); if (bodyPartRecord2 == null) { base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, base.ReduceDamageToPreserveOutsideParts(totalDamage, dinfo, pawn), dinfo, result); } else { base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, base.ReduceDamageToPreserveOutsideParts(totalDamage * this.def.scratchSplitPercentage, dinfo, pawn), dinfo, result); DamageInfo dinfo3 = dinfo; dinfo3.SetHitPart(bodyPartRecord2); base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, base.ReduceDamageToPreserveOutsideParts(totalDamage * this.def.scratchSplitPercentage, dinfo3, pawn), dinfo3, result); } } }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { bool flag = Rand.Chance(this.def.bluntInnerHitFrequency); float num = (!flag) ? 0f : this.def.bluntInnerHitConverted.RandomInRange; float num2 = totalDamage * (1f - num); while (true) { num2 -= base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, num2, dinfo, ref result); if (! { break; } if (num2 <= 1f) { break; } BodyPartRecord parent = dinfo.HitPart.parent; if (parent == null) { break; } dinfo.SetHitPart(parent); } if (flag && !dinfo.HitPart.def.IsSolid(dinfo.HitPart, && dinfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> source = from x in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined) where x.parent == dinfo.HitPart && x.def.IsSolid(x, && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside select x; BodyPartRecord hitPart; if (source.TryRandomElementByWeight((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbs, out hitPart)) { DamageInfo lastInfo = dinfo; lastInfo.SetHitPart(hitPart); base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage * num + totalDamage * this.def.bluntInnerHitAdded.RandomInRange, lastInfo, ref result); } } }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { totalDamage = base.ReduceDamageToPreserveOutsideParts(totalDamage, dinfo, pawn); List <BodyPartRecord> list = new List <BodyPartRecord>(); for (BodyPartRecord bodyPartRecord = dinfo.HitPart; bodyPartRecord != null; bodyPartRecord = bodyPartRecord.parent) { list.Add(bodyPartRecord); if (bodyPartRecord.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { break; } } float totalDamage2 = totalDamage * (1f + this.def.stabPierceBonus) / ((float)list.Count + this.def.stabPierceBonus); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.SetHitPart(list[i]); base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage2, dinfo2, result); } }
public void AddHediff(Hediff hediff, BodyPartRecord part = null, DamageInfo?dinfo = null, DamageWorker.DamageResult result = null) { if (part != null) { hediff.Part = part; } hediffSet.AddDirect(hediff, dinfo, result); CheckForStateChange(dinfo, hediff); if (pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets.Count; i++) { HediffGiverSetDef hediffGiverSetDef = pawn.RaceProps.hediffGiverSets[i]; for (int j = 0; j < hediffGiverSetDef.hediffGivers.Count; j++) { hediffGiverSetDef.hediffGivers[j].OnHediffAdded(pawn, hediff); } } }
public Hediff AddHediff(HediffDef def, BodyPartRecord part = null, DamageInfo?dinfo = null, DamageWorker.DamageResult result = null) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(def, pawn); AddHediff(hediff, part, dinfo, result); return(hediff); }
protected virtual void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { totalDamage = this.ReduceDamageToPreserveOutsideParts(totalDamage, dinfo, pawn); this.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage, dinfo, ref result); this.CheckDuplicateDamageToOuterParts(dinfo, pawn, totalDamage, ref result); }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { totalDamage *= this.def.biteDamageMultiplier; base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage, dinfo, ref result); }
protected float FinalizeAndAddInjury(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, ref DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { if ( { return(0f); } HediffDef hediffDefFromDamage = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dinfo.Def, pawn, dinfo.HitPart); Hediff_Injury hediff_Injury = (Hediff_Injury)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hediffDefFromDamage, pawn, null); hediff_Injury.Part = dinfo.HitPart; hediff_Injury.source = dinfo.Weapon; hediff_Injury.sourceBodyPartGroup = dinfo.WeaponBodyPartGroup; hediff_Injury.sourceHediffDef = dinfo.WeaponLinkedHediff; hediff_Injury.Severity = totalDamage; if (dinfo.InstantOldInjury) { HediffComp_GetsOld hediffComp_GetsOld = hediff_Injury.TryGetComp <HediffComp_GetsOld>(); if (hediffComp_GetsOld != null) { hediffComp_GetsOld.IsOld = true; } else { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Tried to create instant old injury on Hediff without a GetsOld comp: ", hediffDefFromDamage, " on ", pawn })); } } return(this.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, hediff_Injury, dinfo, ref result)); }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage, dinfo, result); }
private DamageWorker.DamageResult ApplyToPawn(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn pawn) { DamageWorker.DamageResult result = DamageWorker.DamageResult.MakeNew(); if (dinfo.Amount <= 0) { return(result); } if (!DebugSettings.enablePlayerDamage && pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { return(result); } Map mapHeld = pawn.MapHeld; bool spawnedOrAnyParentSpawned = pawn.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned; if (dinfo.Def.spreadOut) { if (pawn.apparel != null) { List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int i = wornApparel.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.CheckApplySpreadDamage(dinfo, wornApparel[i]); } } if ( != null && != null) { this.CheckApplySpreadDamage(dinfo,; } if (pawn.inventory != null) { ThingOwner <Thing> innerContainer = pawn.inventory.innerContainer; for (int j = innerContainer.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { this.CheckApplySpreadDamage(dinfo, innerContainer[j]); } } } if (this.ShouldFragmentDamageForDamageType(dinfo)) { int num = Rand.RangeInclusive(3, 4); for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.SetAmount(dinfo.Amount / num); this.ApplyDamageToPart(dinfo2, pawn, ref result); } } else { this.ApplyDamageToPart(dinfo, pawn, ref result); this.CheckDuplicateSmallPawnDamageToPartParent(dinfo, pawn, ref result); } if (result.wounded) { DamageWorker_AddInjury.PlayWoundedVoiceSound(dinfo, pawn); pawn.Drawer.Notify_DamageApplied(dinfo); DamageWorker_AddInjury.InformPsychology(dinfo, pawn); } if (result.headshot && pawn.Spawned) { MoteMaker.ThrowText(new Vector3((float)pawn.Position.x + 1f, (float)pawn.Position.y, (float)pawn.Position.z + 1f), pawn.Map, "Headshot".Translate(), Color.white, -1f); if (dinfo.Instigator != null) { Pawn pawn2 = dinfo.Instigator as Pawn; if (pawn2 != null) { pawn2.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.Headshots); } } } if (result.deflected) { if ( == null) { = EffecterDefOf.ArmorDeflect.Spawn(); }, pawn); } else if (spawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { ImpactSoundUtility.PlayImpactSound(pawn, dinfo.Def.impactSoundType, mapHeld); } return(result); }
protected virtual void ExplosionDamageThing(Explosion explosion, Thing t, List <Thing> damagedThings, IntVec3 cell) { if (t.def.category == ThingCategory.Mote || t.def.category == ThingCategory.Ethereal) { return; } if (damagedThings.Contains(t)) { return; } damagedThings.Add(t); if (this.def == DamageDefOf.Bomb && t.def == ThingDefOf.Fire && !t.Destroyed) { t.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); return; } float num; if (t.Position == explosion.Position) { num = (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 359); } else { num = (t.Position - explosion.Position).AngleFlat; } DamageDef damageDef = this.def; float amount = (float)explosion.GetDamageAmountAt(cell); float armorPenetrationAt = explosion.GetArmorPenetrationAt(cell); float angle = num; Thing instigator = explosion.instigator; ThingDef weapon = explosion.weapon; DamageInfo dinfo = new DamageInfo(damageDef, amount, armorPenetrationAt, angle, instigator, null, weapon, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown, explosion.intendedTarget); if (this.def.explosionAffectOutsidePartsOnly) { dinfo.SetBodyRegion(BodyPartHeight.Undefined, BodyPartDepth.Outside); } if (t.def.category == ThingCategory.Building) { int num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(dinfo.Amount * this.def.explosionBuildingDamageFactor); dinfo.SetAmount((float)num2); } else if (t.def.category == ThingCategory.Plant) { int num3 = Mathf.RoundToInt(dinfo.Amount * this.def.explosionPlantDamageFactor); dinfo.SetAmount((float)num3); } BattleLogEntry_ExplosionImpact battleLogEntry_ExplosionImpact = null; Pawn pawn = t as Pawn; if (pawn != null) { battleLogEntry_ExplosionImpact = new BattleLogEntry_ExplosionImpact(explosion.instigator, t, explosion.weapon, explosion.projectile, this.def); Find.BattleLog.Add(battleLogEntry_ExplosionImpact); } DamageWorker.DamageResult damageResult = t.TakeDamage(dinfo); damageResult.AssociateWithLog(battleLogEntry_ExplosionImpact); if (pawn != null && damageResult.wounded && pawn.stances != null) { pawn.stances.StaggerFor(95); } }