public ThinkResult(Job job, ThinkNode sourceNode, JobTag?tag = default(JobTag?), bool fromQueue = false) { jobInt = job; sourceNodeInt = sourceNode; this.tag = tag; this.fromQueue = fromQueue; }
private void CheckLeaveJoinableLordBecauseJobIssued(ThinkResult result) { if (result.IsValid && result.SourceNode != null) { Lord lord = this.pawn.GetLord(); if (lord != null && lord.LordJob is LordJob_VoluntarilyJoinable) { bool flag = false; ThinkNode thinkNode = result.SourceNode; while (!thinkNode.leaveJoinableLordIfIssuesJob) { thinkNode = thinkNode.parent; if (thinkNode == null) { IL_7C: if (flag) { lord.Notify_PawnLost(this.pawn, PawnLostCondition.LeftVoluntarily); return; } return; } } flag = true; goto IL_7C; } } }
public ThinkResult(Job job, ThinkNode sourceNode, JobTag?tag = null, bool fromQueue = false) { this.jobInt = job; this.sourceNodeInt = sourceNode; this.tag = tag; this.fromQueue = fromQueue; }
public void Clear() { def = null; targetA = LocalTargetInfo.Invalid; targetB = LocalTargetInfo.Invalid; targetC = LocalTargetInfo.Invalid; targetQueueA = null; targetQueueB = null; count = -1; countQueue = null; loadID = -1; startTick = -1; expiryInterval = -1; checkOverrideOnExpire = false; playerForced = false; placedThings = null; maxNumMeleeAttacks = int.MaxValue; maxNumStaticAttacks = int.MaxValue; locomotionUrgency = LocomotionUrgency.Jog; haulMode = HaulMode.Undefined; bill = null; commTarget = null; plantDefToSow = null; verbToUse = null; haulOpportunisticDuplicates = false; exitMapOnArrival = false; failIfCantJoinOrCreateCaravan = false; killIncappedTarget = false; ignoreForbidden = false; ignoreDesignations = false; canBash = false; canUseRangedWeapon = true; haulDroppedApparel = false; restUntilHealed = false; ignoreJoyTimeAssignment = false; doUntilGatheringEnded = false; overeat = false; attackDoorIfTargetLost = false; takeExtraIngestibles = 0; expireRequiresEnemiesNearby = false; lord = null; collideWithPawns = false; forceSleep = false; interaction = null; endIfCantShootTargetFromCurPos = false; endIfCantShootInMelee = false; checkEncumbrance = false; followRadius = 0f; endAfterTendedOnce = false; quest = null; mote = null; jobGiverThinkTree = null; jobGiver = null; workGiverDef = null; if (cachedDriver != null) { cachedDriver.job = null; } cachedDriver = null; }
private void CheckLeaveJoinableLordBecauseJobIssued(ThinkResult result) { if (!result.IsValid || result.SourceNode == null) { return; } Lord lord = pawn.GetLord(); if (lord == null || !(lord.LordJob is LordJob_VoluntarilyJoinable)) { return; } bool flag = false; ThinkNode thinkNode = result.SourceNode; do { if (thinkNode.leaveJoinableLordIfIssuesJob) { flag = true; break; } thinkNode = thinkNode.parent; }while (thinkNode != null); if (flag) { lord.Notify_PawnLost(pawn, PawnLostCondition.LeftVoluntarily); } }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; bool flag = false; switch (num) { case 0u: this.$current = this; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } return(true); case 1u: enumerator = base.ChildrenRecursive.GetEnumerator(); num = 4294967293u; break; case 2u: break; default: return(false); } try { switch (num) { } if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { c = enumerator.Current; this.$current = c; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 2; } flag = true; return(true); } } finally { if (!flag) { if (enumerator != null) { enumerator.Dispose(); } } } this.$PC = -1; return(false); }
public void Reset(bool clearInspiration = false) { mentalStateHandler.Reset(); mentalBreaker.Reset(); if (clearInspiration) { inspirationHandler.Reset(); } activeInt = true; lastJobTag = JobTag.Misc; lastIngestTick = -99999; nextApparelOptimizeTick = -99999; lastJobGiver = null; lastJobGiverThinkTree = null; lastGivenWorkType = null; canFleeIndividual = true; exitMapAfterTick = -99999; lastDisturbanceTick = -99999; forcedGotoPosition = IntVec3.Invalid; knownExploder = null; wantsToTradeWithColony = false; lastMannedThing = null; canLovinTick = -99999; canSleepTick = -99999; meleeThreat = null; lastMeleeThreatHarmTick = -99999; lastEngageTargetTick = -99999; lastAttackTargetTick = -99999; lastAttackedTarget = LocalTargetInfo.Invalid; enemyTarget = null; duty = null; thinkData.Clear(); lastAssignedInteractTime = -99999; interactionsToday = 0; lastInventoryRawFoodUseTick = 0; priorityWork.Clear(); nextMoveOrderIsWait = true; lastTakeCombatEnhancingDrugTick = -99999; lastHarmTick = -99999; anyCloseHostilesRecently = false; WillJoinColonyIfRescued = false; WildManEverReachedOutside = false; timesGuestTendedToByPlayer = 0; lastSelfTendTick = -99999; spawnedByInfestationThingComp = false; lastPredatorHuntingPlayerNotificationTick = -99999; }
public virtual ThinkNode DeepCopy(bool resolve = true) { ThinkNode thinkNode = (ThinkNode)Activator.CreateInstance(base.GetType()); for (int i = 0; i < this.subNodes.Count; i++) { thinkNode.subNodes.Add(this.subNodes[i].DeepCopy(resolve)); } thinkNode.priority = this.priority; thinkNode.leaveJoinableLordIfIssuesJob = this.leaveJoinableLordIfIssuesJob; thinkNode.uniqueSaveKeyInt = this.uniqueSaveKeyInt; if (resolve) { thinkNode.ResolveSubnodesAndRecur(); } ThinkTreeKeyAssigner.AssignSingleKey(thinkNode, 0); return(thinkNode); }
public void Reset() { this.mentalStateHandler.Reset(); this.mentalBreaker.Reset(); this.inspirationHandler.Reset(); this.activeInt = true; this.lastJobTag = JobTag.Misc; this.lastIngestTick = -99999; this.nextApparelOptimizeTick = -99999; this.lastJobGiver = null; this.lastJobGiverThinkTree = null; this.lastGivenWorkType = null; this.canFleeIndividual = true; this.exitMapAfterTick = -99999; this.lastDisturbanceTick = -99999; this.forcedGotoPosition = IntVec3.Invalid; this.knownExploder = null; this.wantsToTradeWithColony = false; this.lastMannedThing = null; this.canLovinTick = -99999; this.canSleepTick = -99999; this.meleeThreat = null; this.lastMeleeThreatHarmTick = -99999; this.lastEngageTargetTick = -99999; this.lastAttackTargetTick = -99999; this.lastAttackedTarget = LocalTargetInfo.Invalid; this.enemyTarget = null; this.duty = null; this.thinkData.Clear(); this.lastAssignedInteractTime = -99999; this.lastInventoryRawFoodUseTick = 0; this.priorityWork.Clear(); this.nextMoveOrderIsWait = true; this.lastTakeCombatEnhancingDrugTick = -99999; this.lastHarmTick = -99999; this.anyCloseHostilesRecently = false; this.willJoinColonyIfRescued = false; this.wildManEverReachedOutside = false; this.timesGuestTendedToByPlayer = 0; this.lastSelfTendTick = -99999; this.spawnedByInfestationThingComp = false; }
private void TryFindAndStartJob() { if (this.pawn.thinker == null) { Log.ErrorOnce(this.pawn + " did TryFindAndStartJob but had no thinker.", 8573261, false); } else { if (this.curJob != null) { Log.Warning(this.pawn + " doing TryFindAndStartJob while still having job " + this.curJob, false); } if (this.debugLog) { this.DebugLogEvent("TryFindAndStartJob"); } if (!this.CanDoAnyJob()) { if (this.debugLog) { this.DebugLogEvent(" CanDoAnyJob is false. Clearing queue and returning"); } this.ClearQueuedJobs(); } else { ThinkTreeDef thinkTreeDef; ThinkResult result = this.DetermineNextJob(out thinkTreeDef); if (result.IsValid) { this.CheckLeaveJoinableLordBecauseJobIssued(result); Job job = result.Job; ThinkNode sourceNode = result.SourceNode; ThinkTreeDef thinkTree = thinkTreeDef; this.StartJob(job, JobCondition.None, sourceNode, false, false, thinkTree, result.Tag, result.FromQueue); } } } }
private void TryFindAndStartJob() { if (pawn.thinker == null) { Log.ErrorOnce(pawn + " did TryFindAndStartJob but had no thinker.", 8573261); } else { if (curJob != null) { Log.Warning(pawn + " doing TryFindAndStartJob while still having job " + curJob); } if (debugLog) { DebugLogEvent("TryFindAndStartJob"); } if (!CanDoAnyJob()) { if (debugLog) { DebugLogEvent(" CanDoAnyJob is false. Clearing queue and returning"); } ClearQueuedJobs(); } else { ThinkTreeDef thinkTree; ThinkResult result = DetermineNextJob(out thinkTree); if (result.IsValid) { CheckLeaveJoinableLordBecauseJobIssued(result); Job job = result.Job; ThinkNode sourceNode = result.SourceNode; ThinkTreeDef thinkTree2 = thinkTree; StartJob(job, JobCondition.None, sourceNode, resumeCurJobAfterwards: false, cancelBusyStances: false, thinkTree2, result.Tag, result.FromQueue); } } } }
public void StartJob(Job newJob, JobCondition lastJobEndCondition = JobCondition.None, ThinkNode jobGiver = null, bool resumeCurJobAfterwards = false, bool cancelBusyStances = true, ThinkTreeDef thinkTree = null, JobTag?tag = null, bool fromQueue = false) { this.startingNewJob = true; try { if (!fromQueue && (!Find.TickManager.Paused || this.lastJobGivenAtFrame == RealTime.frameCount)) { this.jobsGivenThisTick++; this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual = this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual + "(" + newJob.ToString() + ") "; } this.lastJobGivenAtFrame = RealTime.frameCount; if (this.jobsGivenThisTick > 10) { string text = this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual; this.jobsGivenThisTick = 0; this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual = ""; this.startingNewJob = false; this.pawn.ClearReservationsForJob(newJob); JobUtility.TryStartErrorRecoverJob(this.pawn, string.Concat(new string[] { this.pawn.ToStringSafe <Pawn>(), " started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=", newJob.ToStringSafe <Job>(), " jobGiver=", jobGiver.ToStringSafe <ThinkNode>(), " jobList=", text }), null, null); } else { if (this.debugLog) { this.DebugLogEvent(string.Concat(new object[] { "StartJob [", newJob, "] lastJobEndCondition=", lastJobEndCondition, ", jobGiver=", jobGiver, ", cancelBusyStances=", cancelBusyStances })); } if (cancelBusyStances && this.pawn.stances.FullBodyBusy) { this.pawn.stances.CancelBusyStanceHard(); } if (this.curJob != null) { if (lastJobEndCondition == JobCondition.None) { Log.Warning(string.Concat(new object[] { this.pawn, " starting job ", newJob, " from JobGiver ", this.pawn.mindState.lastJobGiver, " while already having job ", this.curJob, " without a specific job end condition." }), false); lastJobEndCondition = JobCondition.InterruptForced; } if (resumeCurJobAfterwards && this.curJob.def.suspendable) { this.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(this.curJob, null); if (this.debugLog) { this.DebugLogEvent(" JobQueue EnqueueFirst curJob: " + this.curJob); } this.CleanupCurrentJob(lastJobEndCondition, false, cancelBusyStances); } else { this.CleanupCurrentJob(lastJobEndCondition, true, cancelBusyStances); } } if (newJob == null) { Log.Warning(this.pawn + " tried to start doing a null job.", false); } else { newJob.startTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; if (this.pawn.Drafted || newJob.playerForced) { newJob.ignoreForbidden = true; newJob.ignoreDesignations = true; } this.curJob = newJob; this.pawn.mindState.lastJobGiver = jobGiver; this.pawn.mindState.lastJobGiverThinkTree = thinkTree; this.curDriver = this.curJob.MakeDriver(this.pawn); if (this.curDriver.TryMakePreToilReservations()) { Job job = this.TryOpportunisticJob(newJob); if (job != null) { this.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(newJob, null); this.curJob = null; this.curDriver = null; this.StartJob(job, JobCondition.None, null, false, true, null, null, false); } else { if (tag != null) { this.pawn.mindState.lastJobTag = tag.Value; } this.curDriver.SetInitialPosture(); this.curDriver.Notify_Starting(); this.curDriver.SetupToils(); this.curDriver.ReadyForNextToil(); } } else if (fromQueue) { this.EndCurrentJob(JobCondition.QueuedNoLongerValid, true); } else { Log.Warning("TryMakePreToilReservations() returned false for a non-queued job right after StartJob(). This should have been checked before. curJob=" + this.curJob.ToStringSafe <Job>(), false); this.EndCurrentJob(JobCondition.Errored, true); } } } } finally { this.startingNewJob = false; } }
public void StartJob(Job newJob, JobCondition lastJobEndCondition = JobCondition.None, ThinkNode jobGiver = null, bool resumeCurJobAfterwards = false, bool cancelBusyStances = true, ThinkTreeDef thinkTree = null, JobTag?tag = null, bool fromQueue = false, bool canReturnCurJobToPool = false) { startingNewJob = true; try { if (!fromQueue && (!Find.TickManager.Paused || lastJobGivenAtFrame == RealTime.frameCount)) { jobsGivenThisTick++; if (Prefs.DevMode) { jobsGivenThisTickTextual = jobsGivenThisTickTextual + "(" + newJob.ToString() + ") "; } } lastJobGivenAtFrame = RealTime.frameCount; if (jobsGivenThisTick > 10) { string text = jobsGivenThisTickTextual; jobsGivenThisTick = 0; jobsGivenThisTickTextual = ""; startingNewJob = false; pawn.ClearReservationsForJob(newJob); JobUtility.TryStartErrorRecoverJob(pawn, pawn.ToStringSafe() + " started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=" + newJob.ToStringSafe() + " jobGiver=" + jobGiver.ToStringSafe() + " jobList=" + text); return; } if (debugLog) { DebugLogEvent(string.Concat("StartJob [", newJob, "] lastJobEndCondition=", lastJobEndCondition, ", jobGiver=", jobGiver, ", cancelBusyStances=", cancelBusyStances.ToString())); } if (cancelBusyStances && pawn.stances.FullBodyBusy) { pawn.stances.CancelBusyStanceHard(); } if (curJob != null) { if (lastJobEndCondition == JobCondition.None) { Log.Warning(string.Concat(pawn, " starting job ", newJob, " from JobGiver ", newJob.jobGiver, " while already having job ", curJob, " without a specific job end condition.")); lastJobEndCondition = JobCondition.InterruptForced; } if (resumeCurJobAfterwards && curJob.def.suspendable) { jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(curJob); if (debugLog) { DebugLogEvent(" JobQueue EnqueueFirst curJob: " + curJob); } CleanupCurrentJob(lastJobEndCondition, releaseReservations: false, cancelBusyStances); } else { CleanupCurrentJob(lastJobEndCondition, releaseReservations: true, cancelBusyStances, canReturnCurJobToPool); } } if (newJob == null) { Log.Warning(string.Concat(pawn, " tried to start doing a null job.")); return; } newJob.startTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; if (pawn.Drafted || newJob.playerForced) { newJob.ignoreForbidden = true; newJob.ignoreDesignations = true; } curJob = newJob; curJob.jobGiverThinkTree = thinkTree; curJob.jobGiver = jobGiver; curDriver = curJob.MakeDriver(pawn); bool flag = fromQueue; if (curDriver.TryMakePreToilReservations(!flag)) { Job job = TryOpportunisticJob(newJob); if (job != null) { jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(newJob); curJob = null; curDriver = null; StartJob(job); return; } if (tag.HasValue) { pawn.mindState.lastJobTag = tag.Value; } curDriver.SetInitialPosture(); curDriver.Notify_Starting(); curDriver.SetupToils(); curDriver.ReadyForNextToil(); } else if (flag) { EndCurrentJob(JobCondition.QueuedNoLongerValid); } else { Log.Warning("TryMakePreToilReservations() returned false for a non-queued job right after StartJob(). This should have been checked before. curJob=" + curJob.ToStringSafe()); EndCurrentJob(JobCondition.Errored); } } finally { startingNewJob = false; } }
protected override void ResolveSubnodes() { this.subtreeNode = this.treeDef.thinkRoot.DeepCopy(true); this.subNodes.Add(this.subtreeNode); }
public void StartJob(Job newJob, JobCondition lastJobEndCondition = JobCondition.None, ThinkNode jobGiver = null, bool resumeCurJobAfterwards = false, bool cancelBusyStances = true, ThinkTreeDef thinkTree = null, JobTag?tag = default(JobTag?), bool fromQueue = false) { this.startingNewJob = true; try { if (!fromQueue && (!Find.TickManager.Paused || this.lastJobGivenAtFrame == RealTime.frameCount)) { this.jobsGivenThisTick++; this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual = this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual + "(" + newJob.ToString() + ") "; } this.lastJobGivenAtFrame = RealTime.frameCount; if (this.jobsGivenThisTick > 10) { string text = this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual; this.jobsGivenThisTick = 0; this.jobsGivenThisTickTextual = string.Empty; this.startingNewJob = false; this.pawn.ClearReservationsForJob(newJob); this.StartErrorRecoverJob(this.pawn + " started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=" + newJob + " jobGiver=" + jobGiver + " jobList=" + text); } else { PawnPosture posture = this.pawn.GetPosture(); LayingDownState layingDown = ( != null && != null) ? : LayingDownState.NotLaying; if (this.debugLog) { this.DebugLogEvent("StartJob [" + newJob + "] lastJobEndCondition=" + lastJobEndCondition + ", jobGiver=" + jobGiver + ", cancelBusyStances=" + cancelBusyStances); } if (cancelBusyStances && this.pawn.stances.FullBodyBusy) { this.pawn.stances.CancelBusyStanceHard(); } if (this.curJob != null) { if (lastJobEndCondition == JobCondition.None) { Log.Warning(this.pawn + " starting job " + newJob + " from JobGiver " + this.pawn.mindState.lastJobGiver + " while already having job " + this.curJob + " without a specific job end condition."); lastJobEndCondition = JobCondition.InterruptForced; } if (resumeCurJobAfterwards && this.curJob.def.suspendable) { this.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(this.curJob, null); if (this.debugLog) { this.DebugLogEvent(" JobQueue EnqueueFirst curJob: " + this.curJob); } this.CleanupCurrentJob(lastJobEndCondition, false, cancelBusyStances); } else { this.CleanupCurrentJob(lastJobEndCondition, true, cancelBusyStances); } } if (newJob == null) { Log.Warning(this.pawn + " tried to start doing a null job."); } else { newJob.startTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; if (this.pawn.Drafted || newJob.playerForced) { newJob.ignoreForbidden = true; newJob.ignoreDesignations = true; } this.curJob = newJob; this.pawn.mindState.lastJobGiver = jobGiver; this.pawn.mindState.lastJobGiverThinkTree = thinkTree; this.curDriver = this.curJob.MakeDriver(this.pawn); if (this.curDriver.TryMakePreToilReservations()) { if (tag.HasValue) { this.pawn.mindState.lastJobTag = tag.Value; } this.curDriver.Notify_Starting(); this.curDriver.Notify_LastPosture(posture, layingDown); this.curDriver.SetupToils(); this.curDriver.ReadyForNextToil(); } else if (fromQueue) { this.EndCurrentJob(JobCondition.QueuedNoLongerValid, true); } else { Log.Warning("TryMakePreToilReservations() returned false for a non-queued job right after StartJob(). This should have been checked before. curJob=" + this.curJob.ToStringSafe()); this.EndCurrentJob(JobCondition.Errored, true); } } } } finally { this.startingNewJob = false; } }