/// <param name="bbox"> </param> /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException"> /// if the number of geohashes contained in the bounding box /// exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE </exception> public BoundingBoxSampler(TwoGeoHashBoundingBox bbox) { m_boundingBox = bbox; Int64 maxSamplesLong = GeoHash.StepsBetween(bbox.BottomLeft, bbox.TopRight); if (maxSamplesLong > int.MaxValue) { throw new System.ArgumentException("This bounding box is too big too sample using this algorithm"); } m_maxSamples = (int) maxSamplesLong; }
public BoundingBoxGeoHashIterator(TwoGeoHashBoundingBox bbox) { m_boundingBoxRenamed = bbox; m_current = bbox.BottomLeft; }
public BoundingBoxSampler(TwoGeoHashBoundingBox bbox, int seed) : this(bbox) { m_rand = new Random(seed); }