コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Ask the base docker element to perform a layout.
 /// </summary>
 protected void DockerLayout(ViewLayoutContext context)
     // Get base class to perform actual layout
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a layout of the elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Layout context.</param>
        public override void Layout(ViewLayoutContext context)
            bool relayout;
            bool canScrollV;
            bool canScrollH;

            // Update the enabled state of the scrollbars and contained control
            ViewControl.Enabled = this.Enabled;
            ScrollbarV.Enabled  = this.Enabled;
            ScrollbarH.Enabled  = this.Enabled;
            BorderEdgeV.Enabled = this.Enabled;
            BorderEdgeH.Enabled = this.Enabled;

            // Cache the starting viewport offsets
            Point originalOffset = Viewport.Offset;

            // Hide both scrollbars, in case having them both hidden
            // always enough content to be seen that none or only one
            // of them is required.
            BorderEdgeV.Visible = ScrollbarV.Visible = false;
            BorderEdgeH.Visible = ScrollbarH.Visible = false;

            // Do not actually change the layout of any child controls
            context.ViewManager.DoNotLayoutControls = true;

                // Do we need to layout again?
                relayout = false;

                // Always reinstate the cached offset, so that if one of the cycles
                // around limits the offset to a different value then subsequent cycles
                // will not remember that artificial limitation
                Viewport.Offset = originalOffset;

                // Make sure the viewport has extents calculated

                // Let base class perform a layout calculation

                // Find the latest scrolling requirement
                canScrollV = Viewport.CanScrollV;
                canScrollH = Viewport.CanScrollH;

                // Is there a change in vertical scrolling?
                if (canScrollV != ScrollbarV.Visible)
                    // Update the view elements
                    ScrollbarV.Visible  = canScrollV;
                    BorderEdgeV.Visible = canScrollV;
                    relayout            = true;

                // Is there a change in horizontally scrolling?
                if (canScrollH != ScrollbarH.Visible)
                    // Update the view elements
                    ScrollbarH.Visible  = canScrollH;
                    BorderEdgeH.Visible = canScrollH;
                    relayout            = true;

                // We short size the horizontal scrollbar if both bars are showing
                bool needShortSize = (ScrollbarV.Visible && ScrollbarH.Visible);

                if (ScrollbarH.ShortSize != needShortSize)
                    // Update the scrollbar view and need layout to reflect resizing
                    ScrollbarH.ShortSize = needShortSize;
                    relayout             = true;
            } while (relayout);

            // Now all layouts have occured we can actually move child controls
            context.ViewManager.DoNotLayoutControls = false;

            // Perform actual layout of child controls
            foreach (ViewBase child in this)
                context.DisplayRectangle = child.ClientRectangle;

            // Do we need to update the vertical scrolling values?
            if (canScrollV)
                ScrollbarV.SetScrollValues(0, Viewport.ScrollExtent.Height - 1,
                                           1, Viewport.ClientSize.Height,

            // Do we need to update the horizontal scrolling values?
            if (canScrollH)
                ScrollbarH.SetScrollValues(0, Viewport.ScrollExtent.Width - 1,
                                           1, Viewport.ClientSize.Width,