コード例 #1
ファイル: Project.cs プロジェクト: Str1ker17/VCXProjWriter
 public Project(Guid guid, Int64 projectHash, Solution ownerSolution, CompilerInstance compilerInstance)
     ProjectSerial    = nextProjectId++;
     Guid             = guid;
     ProjectHash      = projectHash;
     OwnerSolution    = ownerSolution;
     Name             = $"Project_{ProjectSerial:D4}";
     CompilerInstance = compilerInstance;
     // initialize an empty set
     ProjectFiles   = new HashSet <ProjectFile>();
     ProjectFilters = new HashSet <String>();
コード例 #2
 public ProjectFile(Solution sln, AbsoluteCrosspath filePath, CompilerInstance compilerInstance)
     CompilerOfFile     = compilerInstance;
     IncludeDirectories = new IncludeDirectoryList();
     DoNotUseStandardIncludeDirectories = false;
     Defines       = new Dictionary <String, Define>();
     SetOfDefines  = new HashSet <Define>(DefineExactComparer.Instance);
     ForceIncludes = new HashSet <AbsoluteCrosspath>();
     FilePath      = filePath;
     OwnerSolution = sln;
     if (sln.config.BaseDir != null)
         ProjectFolder = RelativeCrosspath.CreateRelativePath(filePath, sln.config.BaseDir, true).ToContainingDirectory() as RelativeCrosspath;
コード例 #3
 public Project(Guid guid, Int64 projectHash, Solution ownerSolution, CompilerInstance compilerInstance, IncludeDirectoryList includeDirectories
                , HashSet <Define> defines, HashSet <AbsoluteCrosspath> forcedIncludes)
     ProjectSerial    = nextProjectId++;
     Guid             = guid;
     ProjectHash      = projectHash;
     OwnerSolution    = ownerSolution;
     Name             = $"Project_{ProjectSerial:D4}";
     CompilerInstance = compilerInstance;
     // copy references
     IncludeDirectories = includeDirectories;
     Defines            = defines;
     ForcedIncludes     = forcedIncludes;
     // initialize an empty set
     ProjectFiles   = new HashSet <ProjectFile>();
     ProjectFilters = new HashSet <String>();
コード例 #4
        public void ParseCompileDB(String filename)
            // hope compiledb is not so large to eat all the memory
            String compiledbRaw           = File.ReadAllText(filename);
            List <CompileDBEntry> entries = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <CompileDBEntry> >(compiledbRaw);

            foreach (CompileDBEntry entry in entries)
                // get full file path
                AbsoluteCrosspath workingDir = AbsoluteCrosspath.FromString(entry.directory);
                AbsoluteCrosspath xpath      = AbsoluteCrosspath.FromString(entry.file, workingDir);

                // TODO: filter out entries by include and exclude lists

                // get compiler path
                // it can be absolute or relative
                Crosspath compilerPath = Crosspath.FromString(entry.arguments[0]);

                // TODO: filter out compilers by include and exclude lists

                Compiler compiler = null;
                foreach (Compiler solutionCompiler in solutionCompilers)
                    if (solutionCompiler.ExePath.ToString().Equals(compilerPath.ToString()))
                        // already registered
                        compiler = solutionCompiler;
                if (compiler == null)
                    compiler = new Compiler(compilerPath);
                    if (solutionCompilers.Add(compiler))
                        Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, $"New compiler '{compiler.ExePath}'");

                CompilerInstance compilerInstance    = null;
                CompilerInstance compilerInstanceTmp = new CompilerInstance(compiler, entry.arguments);
                foreach (CompilerInstance compilerInstanceInUse in compiler.Instances)
                    if (compilerInstanceInUse.Equals(compilerInstanceTmp))
                        compilerInstance = compilerInstanceInUse;

                if (compilerInstance == null)
                    compilerInstance = compilerInstanceTmp;
                    Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, $"New compiler instance '{compilerInstanceTmp.BaseCompiler.ExePath} {compilerInstanceTmp}'");

                ProjectFile pf = new ProjectFile(this, xpath, compilerInstance);
                Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Trace, $"===== file {xpath} =====");

                pf.AddInfoFromCommandLine(workingDir, entry.arguments);

                // put global override defines silently
                // TODO: write them to solution-wide props
                foreach (Define define in config.OverrideDefines)

                // add to project files now?
                Int64 projectHash = pf.HashProjectID();
                if (!projects.ContainsKey(projectHash))
                    projects.Add(projectHash, new Project(AllocateGuid(), projectHash, this, compilerInstance, pf.IncludeDirectories, pf.SetOfDefines, pf.ForceIncludes));

                // add file to project
                if (!projects[projectHash].TestWhetherProjectFileBelongs(pf))
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                              $"[x] Could not add '{pf.FilePath}' to project '{projectHash}' - hash function error");

                if (!projects[projectHash].AddProjectFile(pf))
                    //throw new ApplicationException(
                    //        $"[x] Could not add '{pf.FilePath}' to project '{projectHash}' - already exists");
                    Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, $"[x] Could not add '{pf}' to project '{projectHash}' - already exists");


            Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, $"[i] Created a solution of {projects.Count} projects from {solutionFiles.Count} files");

            if (Logger.Level == LogLevel.Trace)
                foreach (var projectKvp in projects)
                    Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Trace, $"# Project ID {projectKvp.Key}");
                    foreach (var file in projectKvp.Value.ProjectFiles)
                        Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Trace, $"# > {file.FilePath}");

                    using (var enumerator = projectKvp.Value.ProjectFiles.GetEnumerator()) {
                        if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
                        if (enumerator.Current != null)

                    Logger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Trace, "============================================");