コード例 #1
        // constructor
        public InvoiceItem_ViewModel()
            // worker
            IIWkr = new lw_InvoiceItems_Worker();

            _strMsg = "";
コード例 #2
        // constructor
        public Win_LWInvoices()

            // clear the Invoice Item, and Inv Expense Item lists
            clrIIMod_list = new List<lw_InvoiceItems_Model>();
            clrIEIMod_list = new List<lw_InvoiceExpenseItems_Model>();

            // worker
            IIWkr = new lw_InvoiceItems_Worker();
            IEIWkr = new lw_InvoiceExpenseItems_Worker();

            // LISTENER: Selected data changed
            // Handle on WorkOrder selection changed events
            uc_InvListing.OnInvoice_SELECTED += (o, e) =>
                var datagrid = (DataGrid)o;
                var itm = datagrid.SelectedItem;
                if ((itm is lw_Invoice_Model) == false) return;

                lw_Invoice_Model selectedContent = (lw_Invoice_Model)itm;

                // display Invoice detail
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvDetail.DataContext = selectedContent;

                // display Invoice Items based on selected Invoice
                List<lw_InvoiceItems_Model> iiMod_InvoiceID_List = IIWkr.Get_InvoiceItem_byInvoiceID_List(selectedContent.InvoiceID);
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvItemList.DataContext = iiMod_InvoiceID_List;

                // display Invoice Expense Items based on selected Invoice
                List<lw_InvoiceExpenseItems_Model> ieiMod_InvoiceID_List = IEIWkr.Get_InvExpensItems_byInvoiceID_List(selectedContent.InvoiceID);
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvExpItemList.DataContext = ieiMod_InvoiceID_List;

                // set the Invoice UPDATE button configuration
                labelStatus.Content = "Invoice ID: " + selectedContent.ID;

            // LISTENER: Selected Date Change
            // Handle on Invoice OnSelectedDate_SELECTED event
            uc_InvListing.OnInvoiceDate_SELECTED += (o, e) =>
                // turn on busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                string strDate = o.ToString();

                // on Date Selection, clear the Invoice
                // Item data grid list
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvItemList.DataContext = clrIIMod_list;
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvExpItemList.DataContext = clrIEIMod_list;

                labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";

            // LISTENER: ADD Enabled
            uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvDetail.OnInvoice_ADDEnabled += (o, e) =>
                string strInvID = "";
                if (txtInvIDSearch.Text != null) strInvID = txtInvIDSearch.Text.Trim();

                // turn on busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                // get list of invoices

                // on Date Selection, clear the Invoice
                // Item data grid list
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvItemList.DataContext = clrIIMod_list;
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvExpItemList.DataContext = clrIEIMod_list;

                labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";

            // LISTENER: UPDATE
            uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvDetail.OnInvoice_UPDATE += (o, e) =>
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();

                // get strInvId
                string strInvId = "";
                if (txtInvIDSearch.Text != null) strInvId = txtInvIDSearch.Text.Trim();

                if (strInvId.Trim() != "")

                // on Date Selection, clear the Invoice
                // Item data grid list
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvItemList.DataContext = clrIIMod_list;
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvExpItemList.DataContext = clrIEIMod_list;

                labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";

            // LISTENER: CANCELED
            uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvDetail.OnInvoice_CANCELED += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = "";

                // turn ON busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                // on Date Selection, clear the Invoice
                // Item data grid list
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvItemList.DataContext = clrIIMod_list;
                uc_AssociatedInvoiceData.uc_InvTabControls.uc_InvExpItemList.DataContext = clrIEIMod_list;

                // redisplay data in grid
                // Get Async Invoice List
                txtInvIDSearch.Text = "";

            // Listening for ViewModel Property Change
            // --------------------------------
            // Loading the data grid MVVM style
            // --------------------------------
            invVM.PropertyChanged += (o, e) =>
                // the View Model is notifying us that a property was updated
                // checking for a specific property returned by the View Model
                if (e.PropertyName == "INVList")
                    uc_InvListing.DataContext = invVM.invvmMod_List;
                    labelStatus.Content = "Retrieved " + invVM.invvmMod_List.Count + " Invoices.";

                    // turn off busy Indicator
                    busy_Indicator.IsBusy = false;

                    // change key board focus

            // Telling the ViewModel to retieve data
            labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";