コード例 #1
        private static SupplementaryAnnotationHeader GetSaHeader(string saDir)
            var saFiles = Directory.GetFiles(saDir, "*.nsa");

            if (saFiles == null)
                throw new UserErrorException($"Unable to find any supplementary annotation files in the following directory: {saDir}");

            long intervalsPosition;

            return(saFiles.Length > 0 ? SupplementaryAnnotationReader.GetHeader(saFiles.First(), out intervalsPosition) : null);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// checks the supplementary annotation directory to ensure that the directory only contains files for one
        /// cache schema (8), one VEP version (79), and one genome assembly (GRCh37)
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckDirectoryIntegrity(string saDir, List <DataSourceVersion> mainDataSourceVersions, out SupplementaryAnnotationDirectory saDirectory)
            // sanity check: make sure the directory is set
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saDir))
                saDirectory = null;

            var observedDataVersions     = new HashSet <ushort>();
            var refSeqsToPaths           = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var observedGenomeAssemblies = new HashSet <GenomeAssembly>();

            var earliestCreationTime = long.MaxValue;

            var hasDataSourceVersions            = false;
            var foundDifferentDataSourceVersions = false;
            var dataSourceVersions = new List <DataSourceVersion>();

            // grab the header data from each cache file
            foreach (var saPath in Directory.GetFiles(saDir, "*.nsa"))
                long intervalsPosition;
                var  header = SupplementaryAnnotationReader.GetHeader(saPath, out intervalsPosition);
                if (header == null)

                refSeqsToPaths[header.ReferenceSequenceName] = saPath;

                if (header.CreationTimeTicks < earliestCreationTime)
                    earliestCreationTime = header.CreationTimeTicks;

                if (hasDataSourceVersions)
                    if (!dataSourceVersions.SequenceEqual(header.DataSourceVersions))
                        foundDifferentDataSourceVersions = true;
                    dataSourceVersions    = header.DataSourceVersions;
                    hasDataSourceVersions = true;

            // sanity check: no references were found
            if (refSeqsToPaths.Count == 0 || observedDataVersions.Count == 0)
                throw new UserErrorException($"Unable to find any supplementary annotation files in the following directory: {saDir}");

            // sanity check: more than one cache data version found
            if (observedDataVersions.Count > 1)
                throw new UserErrorException($"Found more than one cache data version represented in the following directory: {saDir}");

            // sanity check: make sure all of the files have the same data source versions
            if (foundDifferentDataSourceVersions)
                throw new UserErrorException($"Found more than one set of data source versions represented in the following directory: {saDir}");

            if (observedGenomeAssemblies.Count > 1)
                throw new UserErrorException($"Found more than one set of Genome Assemblies represented in the following directory: {saDir}");

            saDirectory = new SupplementaryAnnotationDirectory(observedDataVersions.First(), observedGenomeAssemblies.First());