コード例 #1
ファイル: BufferedPaint.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/Vanara
 public static void Paint <TState, TParam>(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, PaintAction <TState, TParam> paintAction,
                                           TState currentState, TParam data)
     using (var g = new SafeDCHandle(graphics))
         using (var bp = new BufferedPaintHandle(g, bounds))
             paintAction(bp.Graphics, bounds, currentState, data);
コード例 #2
        private void Control_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (BufferedPaintSupported)
                var stateChanged = !Equals(currentState, newState);

                using (var hdc = new SafeDCHandle(e.Graphics))
                    if (!hdc.IsInvalid)
                        // see if this paint was generated by a soft-fade animation
                        if (!BufferedPaintRenderAnimation(new HandleRef(Control, Control.Handle), hdc))
                            var animParams = new BP_ANIMATIONPARAMS(BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE.BPAS_LINEAR);

                            // get appropriate animation time depending on state transition (or 0 if unchanged)
                            if (stateChanged)
                                var transition = Transitions.SingleOrDefault(x => Equals(x.FromState, currentState) && Equals(x.ToState, newState));
                                animParams.Duration = transition?.Duration ?? DefaultDuration;

                            using (var h = new BufferedPaintHandle(Control, hdc, Control.ClientRectangle, animParams, BP_PAINTPARAMS.NoClip))
                                if (!h.IsInvalid)
                                    if (h.SourceGraphics != null)
                                        OnPaintVisualState(new BufferedPaintEventArgs <TState>(currentState, h.SourceGraphics));
                                    if (h.Graphics != null)
                                        OnPaintVisualState(new BufferedPaintEventArgs <TState>(newState, h.Graphics));
                                    currentState = newState;
                                    OnPaintVisualState(new BufferedPaintEventArgs <TState>(currentState, e.Graphics));
                // buffered painting not supported, just paint using the current state
                currentState = newState;
                OnPaintVisualState(new BufferedPaintEventArgs <TState>(currentState, e.Graphics));
コード例 #3
ファイル: BufferedPaint.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/Vanara
        public static void PaintAnimation <TState, TParam>(Graphics graphics, IWin32Window ctrl, Rectangle bounds,
                                                           PaintAction <TState, TParam> paintAction, TState currentState, TState newState, GetDuration <TState> getDuration, TParam data)
                if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
                    // If this handle is running with a different state, stop the animations
                    Tuple <object, object> val;
                    if (paintAnimationInstances.TryGetValue(ctrl.Handle, out val))
                        if (!Equals(val.Item1, currentState) || !Equals(val.Item2, newState))
                            BufferedPaintStopAllAnimations(new HandleRef(ctrl, ctrl.Handle));
                            paintAnimationInstances[ctrl.Handle] = new Tuple <object, object>(currentState, newState);
                        paintAnimationInstances.Add(ctrl.Handle, new Tuple <object, object>(currentState, newState));

                    using (var hdc = new SafeDCHandle(graphics))
                        if (hdc.IsInvalid)
                        // see if this paint was generated by a soft-fade animation
                        if (BufferedPaintRenderAnimation(new HandleRef(ctrl, ctrl.Handle), hdc))

                        var animParams = new BP_ANIMATIONPARAMS(BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE.BPAS_LINEAR, getDuration?.Invoke(currentState, newState) ?? 0);
                        using (var h = new BufferedPaintHandle(ctrl, hdc, bounds, animParams, BP_PAINTPARAMS.NoClip))
                            if (!h.IsInvalid)
                                if (h.SourceGraphics != null)
                                    paintAction(h.SourceGraphics, bounds, currentState, data);
                                if (h.Graphics != null)
                                    paintAction(h.Graphics, bounds, newState, data);
                                // hdc.Dispose();
                                paintAction(graphics, bounds, newState, data);
                    paintAction(graphics, bounds, newState, data);
            catch { }
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"BufferedPaint state items = {paintAnimationInstances.Count}.");