コード例 #1
        //seperation of image into number of letters and 
        public void letterSeperation()
            int hlines;

            Seperation seperate = new Seperation(imgB2W);
            hlines = seperate.getnoHLines();
            int[] vlines = new int[hlines];
            vlines = seperate.getnoVLines();

    //Console.WriteLine("no of hlines"+hlines);

         int v = 0,check;
    //   Console.WriteLine("no of words"+ seperate.calWords());
        //  MessageBox.Show("no of words" + seperate.calWords());
         for (int i = 0; i < (hlines); i = i + 2)
             for (int j = 0; j < vlines[v]; j = j + 2)
                 check = seperate.LetterImage(i,v, j);
                 if (check == 1)

                     characterBitmap = seperate.getCharacter();
                     wordTemp += characterRecognisation();
                     if (seperate.getWordSeperation() == 1)
         //Console.WriteLine("hurray word seperated");
                         s += "*";
                         words[wordCount++] = wordTemp;
                         wordTemp = "";


                     //view each character
                     //if (j == 0)
                     //    return;

                    // Console.WriteLine("check the no of character");
                 }//end of check if 

             }//end of for j
         }//end of for i

       Console.WriteLine("the result is " + s);
       if (s == null) { MessageBox.Show("The character(s) cannot be recognized."); }
コード例 #2
        //seperation of image into number of letters and
        public void letterSeperation()
            int hlines;

            Seperation seperate = new Seperation(imgB2W);

            hlines = seperate.getnoHLines();
            int[] vlines = new int[hlines];
            vlines = seperate.getnoVLines();

            //Console.WriteLine("no of hlines"+hlines);

            int v = 0, check;

            //   Console.WriteLine("no of words"+ seperate.calWords());
            //  MessageBox.Show("no of words" + seperate.calWords());

            for (int i = 0; i < (hlines); i = i + 2)

                for (int j = 0; j < vlines[v]; j = j + 2)
                    check = seperate.LetterImage(i, v, j);
                    if (check == 1)
                        characterBitmap = seperate.getCharacter();

                        s        += characterRecognisation();
                        wordTemp += characterRecognisation();
                        if (seperate.getWordSeperation() == 1)
                            //Console.WriteLine("hurray word seperated");
                            s += "*";
                            words[wordCount++] = wordTemp;
                            wordTemp           = "";

                        //view each character
                        //if (j == 0)
                        //    return;

                        // Console.WriteLine("check the no of character");
                    } //end of check if
                }     //end of for j
            }         //end of for i

            Console.WriteLine("the result is " + s);

            if (s == null)
                MessageBox.Show("The character(s) cannot be recognized.");