public static string AutoCreateBEOID(string sBEONum, DateTime transferDate, int nTypeCatalogID, ref string sError, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction trans) { DataTable dt; string sBEOID = ""; dt = VWA4Common.DB.Retrieve("SELECT TypeID FROM BEOSubTypes " + " WHERE TypeCatalogID = " + nTypeCatalogID + " AND Enabled = False " + " AND TypeID IN (SELECT TypeID FROM BEOType WHERE BEONumber = '" + sBEONum + "')", conn, trans); if (nTypeCatalogID != 0 && dt.Rows.Count > 0)// BEO ID Exists but disabled { sBEOID = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); VWA4Common.DB.Update("UPDATE BEOSubTypes SET Enabled = True WHERE TypeID = '" + sBEOID + "'", conn, trans); sError = (sError == "" ? "" : sError + "\n") + "EO Sub Type was Enabled for this EO Number\n"; if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { sError = (sError == "" ? "" : sError + "\n") + "More than 1 EO with such EO number exists!\n"; } } else { dt = VWA4Common.DB.Retrieve("SELECT TypeID FROM BEOType " + " WHERE BEONumber = '" + sBEONum + "'", conn, trans); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) // if BEONumber exists only for master, never happens in correct DB { sBEOID = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); VWA4Common.DB.Insert("INSERT INTO BEOSubTypes (TypeCatalogID, TypeID, Enabled)" + " VALUES (" + nTypeCatalogID + "'" + dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() + "', True)", conn, trans); sError = (sError == "" ? "" : sError + "\n") + "This BEONumber existed only in master!"; } else { sBEOID = GetNextKey("BEOType", conn, trans); int catID = VWA4Common.Utilities.GetQuickAddCategory("BEOCategory", "(Tracker Generated Event Orders)"); // create BEOID in master catalog VWA4Common.DB.Insert("INSERT INTO BEOType (TypeID, TypeName, ReportTypeName, EventDate, CatID, BEONumber, ModifiedDate)" + " VALUES ('" + sBEOID + "', 'AutoGenerated" + sBEONum + "', 'AutoGenerated" + sBEONum + "', #" + VWACommon.DateToString(transferDate) + "#, " + catID + ", '" + sBEONum + "', #" + VWACommon.DateToString(DateTime.Now) + "#)", conn, trans); dt = VWA4Common.DB.Retrieve("SELECT ID FROM TypeCatalogs;", conn, trans); string[] arr = new string[dt.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string sEnabled = "False"; int currID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString()); if (currID == nTypeCatalogID) { sEnabled = "True"; } // create BEOID in SubTypes VWA4Common.DB.Insert("INSERT INTO BEOSubTypes (TypeCatalogID, TypeID, Enabled)" + " VALUES (" + currID + ", '" + sBEOID + "', " + sEnabled + ")", conn, trans); } } } return(sBEOID); }
public bool InstallNewLicense() { OpenFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); string fileName = FindLicenseFile(); dlg.InitialDirectory = new FileInfo(fileName).DirectoryName; dlg.FileName = fileName; dlg.Filter = "License (" + _LicenseFileName + ")|" + _LicenseFileName + "|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { string[] tmp = File.ReadAllLines(dlg.FileName); File.WriteAllLines(LicenseName, tmp); //File.Copy(dlg.FileName, LicenseName, true); // save unmodifyed file } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Can't install new license: " + ex.Message); } if (LoadLicense()) { //todo: check activations here currentLicense.SetValue("CPU ID", VWACommon.GetCPUID()); //LicenseCipher.SetValue("CPU ID", VWACommon.GetCPUID()); currentLicense.SaveLicense(LicenseName); return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool CheckLicense() { string cpu = VWACommon.GetCPUID(); if (!LicenseManager.IsInited()) { LoadLicense(); } //if (LicenseCipher.IsActivated()) //{ string license_cpu = currentLicense.GetValue("CPU ID"); if (!license_cpu.Equals(cpu) || license_cpu.Trim().Equals("")) { if (MessageBox.Show("This License was already activated for another CPU.\n Do you want to load another licence?", "Wrong CPU", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { return(InstallNewLicense()); } return(false); } return(true); //} frmEnterActivationCode frm = new frmEnterActivationCode(); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string code = LicenseManager.GenerateActivationCode(cpu, currentLicense.GetValue("License Serial Number"), currentLicense.GetValue("Expiration Date")); if (code.Equals(frm.ActivationCode)) { currentLicense.SetValue("Is Activated", true.ToString()); currentLicense.SetValue("Activation Code", code); currentLicense.SetValue("CPU ID", cpu); currentLicense.SaveLicense(LicenseName); return(true); } } return(false); }
private static void InitWeightDates() { DataTable dtWeights = VWA4Common.DB.Retrieve("SELECT MAX(Weights.Timestamp) as MostRecents, MIN(Weights.Timestamp) as LeastRecents FROM Weights"); DataTable dtDates = VWA4Common.DB.Retrieve("SELECT MAX(WeightDates.Timestamp) as MaxDate, MIN(WeightDates.Timestamp) as MinDate FROM WeightDates"); if (dtWeights == null || dtWeights.Rows.Count <= 0 || dtDates == null || dtDates.Rows.Count <= 0 || dtDates.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString() == "" || DateTime.Parse(dtDates.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString()) < DateTime.Now || dtWeights.Rows[0]["MostRecents"].ToString() != "" && (DateTime.Parse(dtDates.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString()) < DateTime.Parse(dtWeights.Rows[0]["MostRecents"].ToString()).AddDays(_MinDatesDiff) || DateTime.Parse(dtDates.Rows[0]["MinDate"].ToString()) > DateTime.Parse(dtWeights.Rows[0]["LeastRecents"].ToString()).AddDays(-_MinDatesDiff))) { DateTime curr = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0); DateTime date, firstdate = curr, lastdate = curr, mindate = curr, maxdate = curr; int diff = 0; if (dtWeights != null) { if (dtWeights.Rows[0]["LeastRecents"].ToString() != "") { firstdate = DateTime.Parse(dtWeights.Rows[0]["LeastRecents"].ToString()); } if (dtWeights.Rows[0]["MostRecents"].ToString() != "") { lastdate = DateTime.Parse(dtWeights.Rows[0]["MostRecents"].ToString()); } } if (dtDates != null) { if (dtDates.Rows[0]["MinDate"].ToString() != "") { mindate = DateTime.Parse(dtDates.Rows[0]["MinDate"].ToString()); } if (dtDates.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString() != "") { maxdate = DateTime.Parse(dtDates.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString()); } } //_MinDate = date; if (dtDates.Rows[0]["MinDate"].ToString() != "") { diff = Math.Max(mindate.AddDays(_MinDatesDiff).Subtract(firstdate).Days, 0); date = mindate.AddDays(-diff); for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { VWA4Common.DB.Insert("INSERT INTO WeightDates([Timestamp]) VALUES (#" + VWACommon.DateToString(date) + "#)"); date = date.AddDays(1); } } else { date = firstdate.AddDays(-_MinDatesDiff); while (date <= firstdate) { VWA4Common.DB.Insert("INSERT INTO WeightDates([Timestamp]) VALUES (#" + VWACommon.DateToString(date) + "#)"); date = date.AddDays(1); } } if (dtDates.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString() != "") { date = maxdate.AddDays(1); } else { date = firstdate.AddDays(1); } while (date < lastdate.AddDays(_MinDatesDiff)) { VWA4Common.DB.Insert("INSERT INTO WeightDates([Timestamp]) VALUES (#" + VWACommon.DateToString(date) + "#)"); date = date.AddDays(1); } _MostRecents = lastdate; //_LeastRecents = firstdate; //_MaxDate = date; } else { if (dtWeights.Rows[0]["MostRecents"].ToString() != "") { _MostRecents = DateTime.Parse(dtWeights.Rows[0]["MostRecents"].ToString()); } //_LeastRecents = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["LeastRecents"].ToString()); //_MaxDate = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["MaxDate"].ToString()); //_MinDate = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["MinDate"].ToString()); } }
public frmEnterActivationCode() { InitializeComponent(); lblCPUID.Text = VWACommon.GetCPUID(); }