public MainForm() { this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; InitializeComponent(); ControllerData = new ControllerData(); state = new SteamController.SteamControllerState(); // 5s lookback for smoothing sensorData = new SensorCollector(5, true); LoadThemes(); LoadSettings(); if (File.Exists("ctrl.last")) { settings.Theme = File.ReadAllText("ctrl.last"); File.Delete("ctrl.last"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Theme) && File.Exists(settings.Theme)) { LoadTheme(settings.Theme, false); // we'll just let this task spool off on its own and pray } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Background)) { try { this.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(settings.Background); } catch { } } LoadControllers(true); }
protected override void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { base.Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); = data; output = true; InputName = themeData["inputName"]?.Value <string>(); output = !(themeData["invert"]?.Value <bool>() ?? false); // super simplistic parsing for now, only supports single prefix ! and && string Calc = themeData["calc"]?.Value <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Calc)) { calcFunc = Calc .Split(new string[] { "&&" }, StringSplitOptions.None) .Select(raw => { string trimed = raw.Trim(); bool invert = trimed.StartsWith("!"); trimed = trimed.TrimStart('!'); return(new Tuple <bool, string>(invert, trimed)); }) .ToList(); } }
protected override void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { base.Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); = data; Background = Color.White; Foreground = Color.Black; AxisName = themeData["axisName"]?.Value <string>(); Direction = themeData["direction"]?.Value <string>(); Min = themeData["min"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; Max = themeData["max"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; Width = themeData["width"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; Height = themeData["height"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; string ForegroundCode = themeData["foreground"]?.Value <string>(); string BackgroundCode = themeData["background"]?.Value <string>(); try { Foreground = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(ForegroundCode, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)); } catch { } try { Background = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(BackgroundCode, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)); } catch { } }
protected override void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { base.Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); = data; AxisNameX = themeData["axisNameX"]?.Value <string>(); AxisNameY = themeData["axisNameY"]?.Value <string>(); ScaleFactorX = themeData["scaleFactorX"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; ScaleFactorY = themeData["scaleFactorY"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; }
protected override void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { base.Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); Height = themeData["height"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; Width = themeData["width"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; DrawFromCenter = themeData["center"]?.Value <bool>() ?? false; string imageName = themeData["image"]?.Value <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageName)) { DisplayImage = cache.LoadImage(imageName); } }
private void Initalize(ControllerData data, string themePath, JObject themeData) { = data; cache = new UI_ImageCache(themePath); Items = new List <UI_Item>(); Height = themeData["height"]?.Value <int>() ?? 100; Width = themeData["width"]?.Value <int>() ?? 100; themeData["children"]?.ToList().ForEach(child => { string uiType = child["type"]?.Value <string>() ?? ""; switch (uiType) { case "": Items.Add(new UI_Item(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "image": Items.Add(new UI_GraphicalItem(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "showhide": Items.Add(new UL_ShowHide(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "slider": Items.Add(new UL_Slider(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "trailpad": Items.Add(new UL_TrailPad(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "pbar": Items.Add(new UL_PBar(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "basic3d1": Items.Add(new UL_Basic3D1(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown UI Widget Type"); } }); }
protected virtual void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { this.cache = cache; Items = new List <UI_Item>(); X = themeData["x"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; Y = themeData["y"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; Rot = themeData["rot"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; themeData["children"]?.ToList().ForEach(child => { string uiType = child["type"]?.Value <string>() ?? ""; switch (uiType) { case "": Items.Add(new UI_Item(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "image": Items.Add(new UI_GraphicalItem(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "showhide": Items.Add(new UL_ShowHide(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "slider": Items.Add(new UL_Slider(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "trailpad": Items.Add(new UL_TrailPad(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "pbar": Items.Add(new UL_PBar(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; case "basic3d1": Items.Add(new UL_Basic3D1(data, cache, themePath, (JObject)child)); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown UI Widget Type"); } }); }
protected override void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { base.Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); = data; this.cache = cache; DisplayType = themeData["mode"]?.Value <string>(); string ImageName = themeData["image"]?.Value <string>(); ShadowLName = themeData["shadowl"]?.Value <string>(); ShadowRName = themeData["shadowr"]?.Value <string>(); ShadowUName = themeData["shadowu"]?.Value <string>(); ShadowDName = themeData["shadowd"]?.Value <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ImageName)) { DisplayImage = cache.LoadImage(ImageName); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShadowLName)) { ShadowL = cache.LoadImage(ShadowLName); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShadowRName)) { ShadowR = cache.LoadImage(ShadowRName); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShadowUName)) { ShadowU = cache.LoadImage(ShadowUName); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShadowDName)) { ShadowD = cache.LoadImage(ShadowDName); } Width = themeData["width"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; Height = themeData["height"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; TiltTranslateX = themeData["tilttranslatex"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; TiltTranslateY = themeData["tilttranslatey"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; }
protected override void Initalize(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { base.Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); = data; PadPosHistory = new List <PointF?>(); InputName = themeData["inputName"]?.Value <string>(); string imageName = themeData["image"]?.Value <string>(); int TrailLength = themeData["length"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; float Width = themeData["width"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; float Height = themeData["height"]?.Value <float>() ?? 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageName) && TrailLength > 0) { Image ImagePadDecayBase = cache.LoadImage(imageName); string SizeSuffix = string.Empty; if (Width > 0 && Height > 0) { ImagePadDecayBase = new Bitmap(ImagePadDecayBase, (int)Width, (int)Height); } //int scaledTrailLength = (int)(TrailLength * (MainForm.fpsLimit / 60.0f)); ImagePadDecay = new Image[TrailLength]; for (int x = 0; x < ImagePadDecay.Length; x++) { float percent = ((x + 1) * 1.0f / ImagePadDecay.Length); ImagePadDecay[x] = cache.GetImage($"{imageName}:{Width}:{Height}:{percent}", () => { return(UI_ImageCache.SetImageOpacity(ImagePadDecayBase, percent * 0.15f)); }); } } else { ImagePadDecay = new Image[0]; } }
public MainForm(int instanceNumber = 0) { InitializeComponent(); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; // no borders this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); // this is to avoid visual artifacts RegistryKey winLogonKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidGuardian", false); if (winLogonKey != null) { hIDGuardianWhitelistToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; RegistryKey whitelistKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidGuardian\Parameters\Whitelist\" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, false); hIDGuardianWhitelistToolStripMenuItem.Checked = whitelistKey != null; } IconManager = new IconImageManager(); DeviceManager = new DeviceManager(); ControllerData = new ControllerData(); state = new ControllerState(); // 5s lookback for smoothing sensorData = new SensorCollector(5, true); this.instanceNumber = instanceNumber; if (this.instanceNumber > 0) { this.Text = $"{this.Text} #{(instanceNumber + 1)}"; } LoadThemes(); LoadSettings(); if (File.Exists("ctrl.last")) { settings.Theme = File.ReadAllText("ctrl.last"); File.Delete("ctrl.last"); } if (settings.CustomSize) { this.Width = settings.Width ?? this.Width; this.Height = settings.Height ?? this.Height; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Theme) && File.Exists(settings.Theme)) { LoadTheme(settings.Theme, true); // we'll just let this task spool off on its own and pray } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Background)) { try { this.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(settings.Background); } catch { } } tsmiAutoSelectOnlyController.Checked = settings.AutoSelectOnlyController; DeviceManager.ControllerAdded += DeviceManager_ControllerAdded; DeviceManager.ControllerRemoved += DeviceManager_ControllerRemoved; // foreach(IDeviceProvider provider in DeviceManager.GetManualDeviceProviders()) // { // ToolStripItem itm = tsmiManualControllers.DropDownItems.Add(provider.ToString(), null, LoadManualDevice); // itm.Tag = provider; // } }
public UL_Basic3D1(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) : base(data, cache, themePath, themeData) { }
public UI_GraphicalItem(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) : base(data, cache, themePath, themeData) { }
public UI_Item(ControllerData data, UI_ImageCache cache, string themePath, JObject themeData) { Initalize(data, cache, themePath, themeData); }
public UI(ControllerData data, string themePath, JObject themeData) { Initalize(data, themePath, themeData); }
public UI(ControllerData data, string themePath, string json) { JObject themeData = JObject.Parse(json); Initalize(data, themePath, themeData); }