public void Import(string filename) { Scene scene = Scene.Open(filename); CommandGroup group = new CommandGroup(); var cameras = scene.ReadAll <CameraControllerSample>(); foreach (var camera in cameras) { CameraControllerSample sample = camera.sample; GameObject cameraPrefab = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.Camera); GameObject instance = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(cameraPrefab); GameObject newObject = SceneManager.AddObject(instance); = camera.path.GetName(); sample.CopyToCamera(newObject.GetComponent <CameraController>()); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(sample.transform, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); newObject.transform.localPosition = position; newObject.transform.localRotation = rotation; newObject.transform.localScale = scale; } foreach (var m in scene.ReadAll <MeshSample>()) { MeshSample sample = m.sample; GameObject gobject = new GameObject(); = m.path.GetName(); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(sample.transform, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); gobject.transform.localPosition = position; gobject.transform.localRotation = rotation; gobject.transform.localScale = scale; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.SetVertices(sample.points); mesh.SetNormals(sample.normals); mesh.SetUVs(0, as Vector2[]); mesh.SetTriangles(sample.faceVertexIndices, 0); MeshFilter meshFilter = gobject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; MeshRenderer mr = gobject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr.sharedMaterial = ResourceManager.GetMaterial(MaterialID.ObjectOpaque); gobject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); SceneManager.AddObject(gobject); } group.Submit(); scene.Close(); }
public static void ExportCamera(ObjectContext objContext, ExportContext exportContext) { UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("USD: Camera Conversion"); CameraControllerSample sample = (CameraControllerSample)objContext.sample; CameraController camera = objContext.gameObject.GetComponent <CameraController>(); var path = objContext.path; var scene = exportContext.scene; bool fastConvert = exportContext.basisTransform == BasisTransformation.FastWithNegativeScale; // If doing a fast conversion, do not let the constructor do the change of basis for us. sample.CopyFromCamera(camera, convertTransformToUsd: !fastConvert); if (fastConvert) { // Partial change of basis. var basisChange = Matrix4x4.identity; // Invert the forward vector. basisChange[2, 2] = -1; // Full change of basis would be b*t*b-1, but here we're placing only a single inversion // at the root of the hierarchy, so all we need to do is get the camera into the same // space. sample.transform = sample.transform * basisChange; // Is this also a root path? // If so the partial basis conversion must be completed on the camera itself. if (path.LastIndexOf("/") == 0) { sample.transform = basisChange * sample.transform; } } UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("USD: Camera Write"); scene.Write(path, sample); UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); }