private void _SetAnimatorBool(string name, bool value, VRC.Player instigator) { if (instigator == base.Owner && this.vrcPlayer.avatarAnimator != null) { this.vrcPlayer.avatarAnimator.SetBool(name, value); } }
// Token: 0x06005AB9 RID: 23225 RVA: 0x001F9F8C File Offset: 0x001F838C public void ApplySeatedAnimation(VRC.Player player) { RuntimeAnimatorController runtimeAnimatorController = this.animatorController; VRCAvatarManager componentInChildren = player.GetComponentInChildren <VRCAvatarManager>(); if (runtimeAnimatorController != null) { if ( == "SitStation") { runtimeAnimatorController = componentInChildren.GetSitAnimController(); } if (runtimeAnimatorController == null) { Debug.LogError("SitAnimController on " + + " is not available.", this); } else { this.AttachAnimatorControllerTo(player, runtimeAnimatorController); } } else { runtimeAnimatorController = componentInChildren.GetSitAnimController(); if (runtimeAnimatorController == null) { Debug.LogError("SitAnimController on " + + " is not available.", this); } else { this.AttachAnimatorControllerTo(player, runtimeAnimatorController); } } }
private void SetNewPlayer(int playerId, VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.Owner != instigator) { return; } this.currentPlayer = VRC_PlayerApi.GetPlayerById(playerId).GetComponent <VRC.Player>(); if (this.currentPlayer == VRC.Network.LocalPlayer) { if ( != null) { = this.localMask; } if (this.desktopCam != null) { this.desktopCam.cullingMask = this.localMask; } VRC.Network.SetOwner(VRC.Network.LocalPlayer,, VRC.Network.OwnershipModificationType.Request, true); } else { if ( != null) { = this.remoteMask; } if (this.desktopCam != null) { this.desktopCam.cullingMask = this.remoteMask; } } }
public void NoClip() { VRC.Player cplayer = VRC.PlayerManager.GetCurrentPlayer(); VRCPlayer vrcPlayer = cplayer.vrcPlayer; ApiAvatar apiAvatar = cplayer.GetApiAvatar(); APIUser apiuser = cplayer.GetAPIUser(); VRCAvatarManager vrcavatarManager = vrcPlayer.GetVRCAvatarManager(); Collider col; if (collisiont) { Console.WriteLine("collision off "); col = PlayerManager.GetCurrentPlayer().gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>(); col.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { Console.WriteLine("collision on "); col = PlayerManager.GetCurrentPlayer().gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>(); col.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
public static IPAddress GetIP(this VRC.Player player) { try { P2PSessionState_t _p2pSessionState; if (SteamNetworking.GetP2PSessionState(new Steamworks2.CSteamID(player.GetSteamID()), out _p2pSessionState) && _p2pSessionState.m_nRemoteIP != 0u && GeneralUtils.IsNotPrivate(_p2pSessionState.m_nRemoteIP.ToIPAddress().ToString()) && _p2pSessionState.m_nRemoteIP.ToIPAddress() != null) { return(_p2pSessionState.m_nRemoteIP.ToIPAddress()); } else { if (player.GetSteamID() > 10000000000000000) { if (PEBFMFGNNNE.KBHJDGDAEGK(new Steamworks.CSteamID(player.GetSteamID()), out FGEAPNMLDBB epic)) { return(epic.MACLMIEOBKD.ToIPAddress()); } } else { ConsoleUtils.Info($"{player.GetAPIUser().displayName} is using a SteamID Spoofer. Their SteamID was {player.GetSteamID()}"); } return(null); } } catch (Exception e) { if (PEBFMFGNNNE.KBHJDGDAEGK(new Steamworks.CSteamID(player.GetSteamID()), out FGEAPNMLDBB epic)) { return(epic.MACLMIEOBKD.ToIPAddress()); } ConsoleUtils.Error($"Couldn't get {player.GetAPIUser().displayName}'s IP. Details: " + e.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static void FakeLogout(Player p = null) { string worldId =; string worldInstance = RoomManagerBase.currentRoom.currentInstanceIdWithTags; string userId = PlayerReflections.GetApiUser(p).id; ApiModeration.SendVoteKick(userId, worldId, worldInstance); }
private void SetTimerRPC(float t, VRC.Player instigator) { if (this.isShutdown) { return; } this.dynamicTimer = t; }
private void SetTimer(float t, bool isTimerRunning, VRC.Player instigator) { if (instigator.isMaster) { this.timer = t; this.shouldRunTimer = isTimerRunning; } }
// Token: 0x06005ABD RID: 23229 RVA: 0x001FA5B0 File Offset: 0x001F89B0 private void AddUseExit(VRC.Player player) { if (player.isLocal && !this.disableStationExit) { StationUseExit stationUseExit = base.gameObject.AddComponent <StationUseExit>(); stationUseExit.localUser = player.gameObject; } }
public void DisableGravity(VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.isMine && this.hasRigidbody && (!this.isPlayer || instigator == base.Owner) && this.rigidbody.useGravity) { this.rigidbody.useGravity = false; this.StorePhysicsState(); } }
public void DisableKinematic(VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.isMine && this.hasRigidbody && (!this.isPlayer || instigator == base.Owner) && this.rigidbody.isKinematic) { this.rigidbody.isKinematic = false; this.StorePhysicsState(); } }
public void TakePhoto(VRC.Player instigator) { if (this.timer <= 0f) { VRC.Network.RPC(VRC_EventHandler.VrcTargetType.All, base.gameObject, "TakePhotoRPC", new object[0]); this.timer = this.timeBetweenPictures; } }
private void InternalExitStation(VRC.Player player) { if (this.Occupant == null || player == null || player != this._occupant) { return; } VRC_StationInternal.FlagDiscontinuity(player); StationUseExit component = base.GetComponent <StationUseExit>(); if (component != null) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(component); } this.Occupant = null; if (this.animatorController != null || this.isSeated) { this.DetachAnimatorControllerFrom(player); if (player.isLocal) { VRCTrackingManager.UseAvatarStationViewPoint(false); LocomotionInputController component2 = player.GetComponent <LocomotionInputController>(); if (component2 != null) { component2.immobilize = false; } VRCMotionState component3 = player.GetComponent <VRCMotionState>(); if (component3 != null) { component3.IsSeated = false; component3.InVehicle = false; } } } if (this.stationControls != null) { this.stationControls.controllingPlayer = null; } Collider component4 = player.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (component4 != null) { component4.enabled = true; } this.DetachInputControllerFrom(player.gameObject); this.ReleasePlayerTransform(player.gameObject); player.currentStation = null; if (TutorialManager.Instance != null && player.isLocal && this.isImmobilized) { TutorialManager.Instance.DeactivateObjectLabel(null); TutorialManager.Instance.DeactivateControllerLabel(ControllerHand.Left, ControllerInputUI.TrackpadTop); } if (player.isLocal) { VRCTrackingManager.RestoreLevel(); } VRC_StationInternal.RemoveActiveStation(this); base.SendMessage("OnStationExited", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); }
// Token: 0x06005AC2 RID: 23234 RVA: 0x001FA728 File Offset: 0x001F8B28 private void DetachAnimatorControllerFrom(VRC.Player player) { AnimatorControllerManager componentInChildren = player.GetComponentInChildren <AnimatorControllerManager>(); if (componentInChildren != null) { componentInChildren.Pop(); } }
private void RemoteClear(VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.Owner != instigator) { return; } this.syncVid.Videos = new VRC_SyncVideoPlayer.VideoEntry[0]; this.ShuffleOrReset(); }
private void SetPresetRPC(int preset, VRC.Player sender) { if (!VRC.Network.IsOwner(sender, base.gameObject)) { return; } this.currentPreset = preset; this.SetPreset(preset); }
public void ShowDeath(VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.Owner != instigator) { return; } Debug.Log("RagDoll Spawned"); this.ragdoll.Ragdoll(); }
public void ResetHealthRPC(VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.Owner != instigator) { return; } this._dead = false; this.mHealth = this.mTotalHealth; }
public void TeleportTo() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", (from p in PlayerManager.GetAllPlayers() select p.GetAPIUser().displayName).ToArray <string>())); VRC.Player player = PlayerUtils.FindPlayer(ConsoleUtils.AskInput("Teleport to: ")); PlayerUtils.TeleportTo(player); Console.WriteLine("Teleporting to: {0}", player.GetAPIUser().displayName); }
private void ShowReload(VRC.Player instigator) { if (base.Owner != instigator) { return; } this._animator.SetBool("Reload", true); this.gunStats.reloadAudio.Play(); }
private void IncrementPortalPlayerCountRPC(VRC.Player instigator) { if (this.isShutdown) { return; } this.playerCount++; this.dynamicTimer = 0f; }
public static void DeleteAllPortalsFromPlayer(VRC.Player who) { Enumerable.Where <GameObject>(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GameObject>(), (GameObject obj) =>"Dynamic Clone")).ToList <GameObject>().ForEach(delegate(GameObject g) { if (g.GetComponentInParent <VRCPlayer>().ToVRC_Player().GetAPIUser().id == who.GetAPIUser().id) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(g); } }); }
public static ulong GetSteamID(this VRC.Player player) { //Second on the right is player's photon class hash table, you'll see it when vrchat updates. ulong steamID = player.ToVRCPlayer().DBHGDAHAJIP; var photonplr = player.BILIBAMEKKJ; var hashtable = (Hashtable)photonplr.BDDEGEDBBLE; ulong steamID2 = ulong.Parse(hashtable["steamUserID"].ToString()); return(steamID > 10000000000000000 ? steamID : steamID2); }
private void ResetHealthRPC(VRC.Player sender) { if (base.Owner != sender) { Debug.LogError("ResetHealthRPC called by " + + " who is not the owner", this); return; } this.currentHealth = this.maxHealth; this.localVisualDamage.SetDamagePercent(0f); }
public void Rotateback() { rotation -= 5f; Console.Clear(); //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", (from p in PlayerManager.GetAllPlayers() //select p.GetAPIUser().displayName).ToArray<string>())); VRC.Player player = PlayerManager.GetCurrentPlayer(); // PlayerUtils.Rotate(player, rx,ry,rz); Console.WriteLine("rotate to: {0}", player.GetAPIUser().displayName); }
public void EndDeath(VRC.Player sender) { if (base.Owner != sender) { Debug.LogError("EndDeath called by " + + " who is not the owner", this); return; } Debug.Log("RagDoll Ended"); this.ragdoll.EndRagdoll(); }
public void LogoutPlayer(VRC.Player p) { var crashArray = new object[30000]; PhotonView me = PhotonView.Find(1); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { me.RpcSecure("SpawnEmojiRPC", CGLDGOBLMMC.Others, true, crashArray); } }
// Token: 0x06004D4A RID: 19786 RVA: 0x0019E5FB File Offset: 0x0019C9FB public void SetCameraAndUser(PolaroidCamera cam, VRC.Player player) { if (base.isMine) { VRC.Network.RPC(VRC_EventHandler.VrcTargetType.All, base.gameObject, "SetCameraRPC", new object[] { cam.gameObject, VRC.Network.GetInstigatorID(player) }); } }
// Token: 0x06004D04 RID: 19716 RVA: 0x0019CD57 File Offset: 0x0019B157 public void USpeakInitializeSettingsForPlayer(int data, VRC.Player p) { if (!Networking.IsObjectReady(base.gameObject)) { return; } VRC.Network.RPC(p, base.gameObject, "init", new object[] { data }); }
public void Drop(VRC.Player instigator) { if (instigator == Networking.LocalPlayer) { foreach (VRC_PlayerApi p in VRC_PlayerApi.sPlayers) { this.SetEyeLookTarget(p, false); } } this.dropped = true; }