コード例 #1
        public static void HandleMenuInput(MenuModel menu, UserInput input, MenuState menuState)
            switch (input)
                case UserInput.Up:
               /* navigation */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_NAVIGATION_ITEMS, MenuState.Navigation); },
              /* itemsAction */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* itemsShowDetails */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* itemsSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.ItemsSelectingPartyMember, true); },
             /* giftsSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.GiftsSelectingPartyMember, true); },
              /* useGiftSelectPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.UseGiftSelectingPartyMember, true); },
             /* equipSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.EquipmentSelectingPartyMember, true); },
              /* equipmentAction */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* equipSelectingES */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorLocation >= (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentSelectingEquipmentSlot + 2)
                                //move up only if we're not on the top
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation -= 2;
            /* formation */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.Formation); },
            /* statusSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember, true); },
               /* status */ () => { }, //do nothing
            /* quest */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* saveFileOverride */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* settings */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Settings, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 1); },
            /* items */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Items, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 2); },
            /* gifts */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Gifts, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 2); },
            /* equipment */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Equipment, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 1); },
             /* save */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Save, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 1);

                case UserInput.Down:
               /* navigation */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_NAVIGATION_ITEMS, MenuState.Navigation); },
              /* itemsAction */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* itemsShowDetails */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* itemsSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_NAVIGATION_ITEMS, MenuState.ItemsSelectingPartyMember, true); },
             /* giftsSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.GiftsSelectingPartyMember, true); },
              /* useGiftSelectPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_NAVIGATION_ITEMS, MenuState.UseGiftSelectingPartyMember, true); },
             /* equipSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.EquipmentSelectingPartyMember, true); },
              /* equipmentAction */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* equipSelectingES */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorLocation <= (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentSelectingEquipmentSlot + Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_EQUIPMENT_SPOTS - 3)
                                //move down only if we're not on the bottom
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation += 2;
            /* formation */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.Formation); },
            /* statusSelectingPM */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember, true); },
               /* status */ () => { }, //do nothing
            /* quest */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* saveFileOverride */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* settings */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Settings + Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_SETTINGS - 1, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 1); },
            /* items */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Items + GameModel.Instance.Inventory.AllItems.Count - 1, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 2);
             /* gifts */() =>
                            if (menu.SelectedPartyMember.AvailableGifts.Length > 0)
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Gifts + menu.SelectedPartyMember.AvailableGifts.Length - 1, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 2);
            /* equipment */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Equipment + menu.EquipableItems.Length - 1, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 1); },
             /* save */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Save + menu.GameSaveLocations.Length, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 1);

                case UserInput.Left:
               /* navigation */ () => { }, //do nothing
              /* itemsAction */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_ITEM_ACTIONS, MenuState.ItemsAction); },
             /* itemsShowDetails */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* itemsSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* giftsSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
              /* useGiftSelectPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* equipSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
              /* equipmentAction */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_EQUIPMENT_ACTIONS, MenuState.EquipmentAction); },
             /* equipSelectingES */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorLocation % 2 == 1)
                                //move to the left only if we're on the right side
            /* formation */ () => { }, //do nothing
            /* statusSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
               /* status */ () =>
                            var partyMemberIndex = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberIndex(menu.SelectedPartyMember);
                            var newCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember + partyMemberIndex, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember, true);
                            var newPartyMember = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(newCursorLocation);
                            MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedPartyMember = newPartyMember);
            /* quest */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* saveFileOverride */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.DecrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_SAVE_FILE_OVERRIDE_ACTIONS, MenuState.SaveFileOverride); },
             /* settings */ () =>
                            var settings = SettingsModel.Instance;
                            switch (menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                case 800: settings.Difficulty = (Difficulty)MenuUtility.DecrementCycle((Int32)settings.Difficulty, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_DIFFICULTIES); break;
                                case 801: settings.MessageSpeed = (MessageSpeed)MenuUtility.DecrementCycle((Int32)settings.MessageSpeed, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_SPEEDS); break;
                                case 802: settings.BattleSpeed = (BattleSpeed)MenuUtility.DecrementCycle((Int32)settings.BattleSpeed, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_BATTLE_SPEEDS); break;
                                case 803: settings.SoundOn = !settings.SoundOn; break;
                                case 804: settings.CursorType = (CursorType)MenuUtility.DecrementCycle((Int32)settings.CursorType, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_CURSOR_TYPES); break;
                                case 805: settings.GiftSortOrder = (GiftSortOrder)MenuUtility.DecrementCycle((Int32)settings.GiftSortOrder, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_GIFT_SORT_ORDERS); break;
                                case 806: settings.BackgroundRed = Math.Max(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MIN_COLOR, settings.BackgroundRed - 1); break;
                                case 807: settings.BackgroundGreen = Math.Max(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MIN_COLOR, settings.BackgroundGreen - 1); break;
                                case 808: settings.BackgroundBlue = Math.Max(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MIN_COLOR, settings.BackgroundBlue - 1); break;
                                case 809: settings.BorderRed = Math.Max(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MIN_COLOR, settings.BorderRed - 1); break;
                                case 810: settings.BorderGreen = Math.Max(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MIN_COLOR, settings.BorderGreen - 1); break;
                                case 811: settings.BorderBlue = Math.Max(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MIN_COLOR, settings.BorderBlue - 1); break;
            /* items */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Items, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 1); },
            /* gifts */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Max((Int32)MenuState.Gifts, menu.CurrentCursorLocation - 1); },
            /* equipment */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* save */ () => { } //do nothing
                case UserInput.Right:
               /* navigation */ () => { }, //do nothing
              /* itemsAction */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_ITEM_ACTIONS, MenuState.ItemsAction); },
             /* itemsShowDetails */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* itemsSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* giftsSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
              /* useGiftSelectPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* equipSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
              /* equipmentAction */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_EQUIPMENT_ACTIONS, MenuState.EquipmentAction); },
             /* equipSelectingES */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorLocation % 2 == 0)
                                //move to the right only if we're on the left side
            /* formation */ () => { }, //do nothing
            /* statusSelectingPM */ () => { }, //do nothing
               /* status */ () =>
                            var partyMemberIndex = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberIndex(menu.SelectedPartyMember);
                            var newCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember + partyMemberIndex, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember, true);
                            var newPartyMember = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(newCursorLocation);
                            MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedPartyMember = newPartyMember);
            /* quest */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* saveFileOverride */ () => { menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle(menu.CurrentCursorLocation, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_SAVE_FILE_OVERRIDE_ACTIONS, MenuState.SaveFileOverride); },
             /* settings */ () =>
                            var settings = SettingsModel.Instance;
                            switch (menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                case 800: settings.Difficulty = (Difficulty)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.Difficulty, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_DIFFICULTIES); break;
                                case 801: settings.MessageSpeed = (MessageSpeed)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.MessageSpeed, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_SPEEDS); break;
                                case 802: settings.BattleSpeed = (BattleSpeed)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.BattleSpeed, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_BATTLE_SPEEDS); break;
                                case 803: settings.SoundOn = !settings.SoundOn; break;
                                case 804: settings.CursorType = (CursorType)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.CursorType, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_CURSOR_TYPES); break;
                                case 805: settings.GiftSortOrder = (GiftSortOrder)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.GiftSortOrder, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_GIFT_SORT_ORDERS); break;
                                case 806: settings.BackgroundRed = Math.Min(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MAX_COLOR, settings.BackgroundRed + 1); break;
                                case 807: settings.BackgroundGreen = Math.Min(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MAX_COLOR, settings.BackgroundGreen + 1); break;
                                case 808: settings.BackgroundBlue = Math.Min(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MAX_COLOR, settings.BackgroundBlue + 1); break;
                                case 809: settings.BorderRed = Math.Min(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MAX_COLOR, settings.BorderRed + 1); break;
                                case 810: settings.BorderGreen = Math.Min(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MAX_COLOR, settings.BorderGreen + 1); break;
                                case 811: settings.BorderBlue = Math.Min(Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_MAX_COLOR, settings.BorderBlue + 1); break;
            /* items */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Items + GameModel.Instance.Inventory.AllItems.Count - 1, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 1);
             /* gifts */() =>
                            if (menu.SelectedPartyMember.AvailableGifts.Length > 0)
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation = Math.Min((Int32)MenuState.Gifts + menu.SelectedPartyMember.AvailableGifts.Length - 1, menu.CurrentCursorLocation + 1);
            /* equipment */ () => { }, //do nothing
             /* save */ () => { } //do nothing
                case UserInput.Confirm:
               /* navigation */ () =>
                            switch (menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                case 0:
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { (Int32)MenuState.ItemsAction };
                                case 1:
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.GiftsSelectingPartyMember - 1, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.GiftsSelectingPartyMember, true);
                                case 2:
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.EquipmentSelectingPartyMember - 1, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.EquipmentSelectingPartyMember, true);
                                case 3:
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.Formation;
                                case 4:
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember - 1, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.StatusSelectingPartyMember, true);
                                case 5: MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent((Int32)MenuState.Quest); break;
                                case 6:
                                        menu.GameSaveLocations = GameSaveUtility.GetGameSaveFiles();
                                case 7: MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent((Int32)MenuState.Settings); break;
              /* itemsAction */ () =>
                            switch (menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                case 100:
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.LastItemLocation;
                                case 101:
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation--; break;
             /* itemsShowDetails */ () =>
                            MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedItem = null);
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
             /* itemsSelectingPM */ () =>
                            var item = menu.SelectedItem as ConsumableItem;
                            var itemAbility = item.GetAbility();

                            //1. Remove item from inventory
                            //2. Throttle input for as long as the animation will take
                            //3. for each ability step:
                            //   3a. Get secondary targets, based on primary targets
                            //   3b. Handle ability animation from source to targets
                            //   3c. Apply effects to targets
                            //4. If the item quantity remaining is 0, back up. If not, we're done

                            //remove item from inventory
                            var quantityRemaining = GameModel.Instance.Inventory.GetQuantity(item);

                            //TODO: Sanity check: all item abilities applied to consumable items can call GetAbilitySteps with a null source and not fail/return something useful
                            //throttle input for as long as the animation will take
                            //total delay is each step * (duration + display duration + 1 (for targeting step)), then +4 if we're transitioning away from screen
                            var totalDelay = itemAbility.GetAbilitySteps(null).Sum(x => x.GetTotalFrames(GameState.InMenu) + Constants.BATTLE_TIMING_DISPLAY_DAMAGE_TICKS + 1)
                                + (quantityRemaining == 0 ? 4 : 0);
                            Bus.Broadcast(ThrottleInputMessage.New(GameModel.Instance.State, totalDelay));

                            //then, get the ability execution steps
                            var primaryTarget = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(menu.CurrentCursorLocation);
                            var abilityExecutionSteps = MenuUtility.GetAbilityExecutionSteps(itemAbility, null, primaryTarget);

                            //if the quantity is now 0, go back up
                            if (quantityRemaining == 0)
                                //we wait for the effect to finish, and then remove the selected item, which will transition back to the item screen
                                abilityExecutionSteps.Add(DelayedAction.New(() =>
                                    menu.SelectedItem = null;

                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];

                                }, 0));

             /* giftsSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.SelectedPartyMember = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(menu.CurrentCursorLocation);
              /* useGiftSelectPM */ () =>
                            var gift = menu.SelectedGift as Gift;

                            //1. PartyMember use gift
                            //2. Throttle input for as long as the animation will take
                            //3. for each ability step:
                            //   3a. Get secondary targets, based on primary targets
                            //   3b. Handle ability animation from source to targets
                            //   3c. Apply effects to targets
                            //4. If the energy remaining is less than cost, back up. If not, we're done

                            //use gift
                            //TODO: Do we need to broadcast an event that a gift is being used from the menu?
                            var enoughEnergyRemainingToUseAgain = menu.SelectedPartyMember.CurrentEnergy >= gift.Ability.EnergyCost;

                            //throttle input for as long as the animation will take
                            //total delay is each step * (duration + display duration + 1 )for targeting step)), then +4 if we're transitioning away from screen
                            var totalDelay = gift.Ability.GetAbilitySteps(menu.SelectedPartyMember).Sum(x => x.GetTotalFrames(GameState.InMenu) + Constants.BATTLE_TIMING_DISPLAY_DAMAGE_TICKS + 1)
                                + (enoughEnergyRemainingToUseAgain ? 0 : 4);
                            Bus.Broadcast(ThrottleInputMessage.New(GameModel.Instance.State, totalDelay));

                            //then, get execution steps
                            var primaryTarget = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(menu.CurrentCursorLocation);
                            var abilityExecutionSteps = MenuUtility.GetAbilityExecutionSteps(gift.Ability, menu.SelectedPartyMember, primaryTarget);

                            //if there isn't enough energy to use again, go back up
                            if (enoughEnergyRemainingToUseAgain == false)
                                //we wait for the effect to finish, and then remove the selected item, which will transition back to the item screen
                                abilityExecutionSteps.Add(DelayedAction.New(() =>
                                    menu.SelectedGift = null;

                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];

                                }, 0));

             /* equipSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.SelectedPartyMember = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(menu.CurrentCursorLocation);
                            menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentAction };
              /* equipmentAction */ () =>
                            switch (menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                case 310: //equip
                                case 311: //remove
                                    //in both cases, save the action we're doing and move to equipment selecting spot
                                    menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentSelectingEquipmentSlot;
                                case 312: //remove all, then move the cursor back to equip
                                    menu.SelectedPartyMember.UnequipAll(true, true);
                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentAction;
             /* equipSelectingES */ () =>
                            //we should either have equip or remove selected
                            switch (menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0])
                                case 310: //equip - move to the equipable items list only if there's actually something to equip
                                    if (menu.EquipableItems.Count() > 0)
                                        menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0], menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                        menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.Equipment;
                                case 311: //remove
                                    menu.SelectedPartyMember.Unequip((EquipmentSlot)menu.CurrentCursorLocation, true, true);
            /* formation */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorSelection == Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION)
                                //no party member has been selected yet. Select one
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = menu.CurrentCursorLocation;
                                //a party member has been selected. Are they the same?
                                if (menu.CurrentCursorSelection == menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                    //if they're the same, do nothing
                                    //they're different, switch their position
                                    Func<PartyMember> getFirstMember = null;
                                    Func<PartyMember> getSecondMember = null;
                                    Action<PartyMember> setFirstMember = null;
                                    Action<PartyMember> setSecondMember = null;
                                    switch (MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberIndex(menu.CurrentCursorSelection))
                                        case 0: getFirstMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember1; setFirstMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember1 = x; break;
                                        case 1: getFirstMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember2; setFirstMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember2 = x; break;
                                        case 2: getFirstMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember3; setFirstMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember3 = x; break;
                                        case 3: getFirstMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember4; setFirstMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember4 = x; break;
                                    switch (MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberIndex(menu.CurrentCursorLocation))
                                        case 0: getSecondMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember1; setSecondMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember1 = x; break;
                                        case 1: getSecondMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember2; setSecondMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember2 = x; break;
                                        case 2: getSecondMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember3; setSecondMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember3 = x; break;
                                        case 3: getSecondMember = () => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember4; setSecondMember = x => GameModel.Instance.PartyMember4 = x; break;

                                    var temp = getFirstMember();

                                //reset the cursor selection
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
            /* statusSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.SelectedPartyMember = MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(menu.CurrentCursorLocation);
               /* status */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(4); MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedPartyMember = null); },
            /* quest */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(5); },
             /* saveFileOverride */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorLocation == (Int32)MenuState.SaveFileOverride)
                                //cancel, go back
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
             /* settings */ () =>
                            var settings = SettingsModel.Instance;
                            switch (menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                case 800: settings.Difficulty = (Difficulty)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.Difficulty, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_DIFFICULTIES); break;
                                case 801: settings.MessageSpeed = (MessageSpeed)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.MessageSpeed, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_SPEEDS); break;
                                case 802: settings.BattleSpeed = (BattleSpeed)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.BattleSpeed, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_BATTLE_SPEEDS); break;
                                case 803: settings.SoundOn = !settings.SoundOn; break;
                                case 804: settings.CursorType = (CursorType)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.CursorType, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_CURSOR_TYPES); break;
                                case 805: settings.GiftSortOrder = (GiftSortOrder)MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)settings.GiftSortOrder, Constants.MENU_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_GIFT_SORT_ORDERS); break;
                                case 806: //do nothing on confirm
                                case 807: //do nothing on confirm
                                case 808: //do nothing on confirm
                                case 809: //do nothing on confirm
                                case 810: //do nothing on confirm
                                case 811: break; //do nothing on confirm
            /* items */ () =>
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorSelection == Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION)
                                //no item has been selected yet. Select one
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = menu.CurrentCursorLocation;
                                //an item has been selected. Are the location and selection the same?
                                if (menu.CurrentCursorSelection == menu.CurrentCursorLocation)
                                    var itemIndex = menu.CurrentCursorLocation - (Int32)MenuState.Items;
                                    var rowItem = menu.InventoryRows.GetItemByIndex(itemIndex);

                                    if (rowItem.IsEnabled)
                                        var item = rowItem.Item;
                                        if (item != null)
                                            //TODO: Test this
                                            //there was an item under our cursor. Let's do something with it
                                            switch (item.Item.ItemTypeDetails.PrimaryType)
                                                //TODO: Plan for the situation where a party member has the ability that friendly items that target single now target all. That'd be cool.
                                                case ItemType.Consumable:
                                                    var consumableItem = item.Item as ConsumableItem;
                                                    var consumableItemAbility = consumableItem.GetAbility();

                                                    //we will be transitioning to the select party member screen, wait for animation
                                                    menu.SelectedItem = consumableItem;

                                                    //let's see on whom we can use this ability
                                                    var firstPartyMemberIndex = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.ItemsSelectingPartyMember - 1, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.ItemsSelectingPartyMember, true);
                                                    var newTargets = MenuUtility.GetAllTargetsForAbilityStep(null, MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(firstPartyMemberIndex), consumableItemAbility.Target, consumableItemAbility.GetAbilitySteps(null)[0]);

                                                    //we need to set the additional cursor locations to the current cursor location + any new targets that aren't the first target
                                                    var additionalTargetIndicies = newTargets
                                                        .Select(x => MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberIndex(x) + (Int32)MenuState.ItemsSelectingPartyMember)
                                                        .Where(x => x != firstPartyMemberIndex);
                                                    menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation }.Concat(additionalTargetIndicies).ToArray();

                                                    //clear the selection, and set the cursor to the first party member
                                                    menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
                                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = firstPartyMemberIndex;

                                                    return; //we want to return without resetting the current cursor selection, as we want that visually indicating the item in question
                                                case ItemType.Weapon:
                                                case ItemType.Shield:
                                                case ItemType.Armor:
                                                case ItemType.Helm:
                                                case ItemType.Trinket:
                                                    menu.SelectedItem = item.Item;
                                                    menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.ItemsShowingDetails;
                                    //they're different, switch their position
                                    var firstItemIndex = menu.CurrentCursorSelection - (Int32)MenuState.Items;
                                    var secondItemIndex = menu.CurrentCursorLocation - (Int32)MenuState.Items;

                                    GameModel.Instance.Inventory.Swap(firstItemIndex, secondItemIndex);

                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.CurrentCursorLocation; //to signal context update

                                //reset the cursor selection
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
            /* gifts */ () =>
                            if (menu.SelectedPartyMember.AvailableGifts.Length > 0)
                                var giftIndex = menu.CurrentCursorLocation - (Int32)MenuState.Gifts;
                                var gift = menu.SelectedPartyMember.GiftRows.GetItemByIndex(giftIndex);

                                if (gift.IsEnabled)
                                    //TODO: Test this
                                    var giftToUse = gift.Item;

                                    //we will be transitioning to the select party member screen, wait for animation
                                    menu.SelectedGift = giftToUse;

                                    //let's see on whom we can use this ability
                                    var firstPartyMemberIndex = MenuUtility.IncrementCycle((Int32)MenuState.UseGiftSelectingPartyMember - 1, Constants.MENU_NUMBER_OF_PARTY_MEMBERS, MenuState.UseGiftSelectingPartyMember, true);
                                    var newTargets = MenuUtility.GetAllTargetsForAbilityStep(menu.SelectedPartyMember, MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberByCursorLocation(firstPartyMemberIndex), giftToUse.Ability.Target, giftToUse.Ability.GetAbilitySteps(menu.SelectedPartyMember)[0]);

                                    //we need to set the additional cursor locations to the current cursor location + any new targets that aren't the first target
                                    var additionalTargetIndicies = newTargets
                                        .Select(x => MenuUtility.GetPartyMemberIndex(x) + (Int32)MenuState.UseGiftSelectingPartyMember)
                                        .Where(x => x != firstPartyMemberIndex);
                                    menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation }.Concat(additionalTargetIndicies).ToArray();

                                    //clear the selection, and set the cursor to the first party member
                                    menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
                                    menu.CurrentCursorLocation = firstPartyMemberIndex;
            /* equipment */ () =>
                            //find the item under the cursor, find the slot selected, and get ready to equip it
                            var equipableItemsIndex = menu.CurrentCursorLocation - (Int32)MenuState.Equipment;
                            var item = menu.EquipableItems[equipableItemsIndex];
                            var equipmentSlot = (EquipmentSlot)menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[1];

                            //then, take a step back
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[1];
                            menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentAction }; //back to the 'Equip' equipment action

                            //finally, equip it
                            //By moving the cursor first, we prevent data bindings from double-firing and flickering with some weird visuals on the preview
                            menu.SelectedPartyMember.Equip(item, equipmentSlot, true);
             /* save */ () =>
                            //if we don't have a game save model, we're not overwriting, so just save it and move on
                            if (menu.SelectedSavedGame == null)
                                //bring up the save confirmation
                                menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { menu.CurrentCursorLocation };
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.SaveFileOverride;
                case UserInput.Cancel:
               /* navigation */ () =>
                            //closing the actual menu is handled in the input manager
              /* itemsAction */ () =>
             /* itemsShowDetails */ () =>
                            MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedItem = null);
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
             /* itemsSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.SelectedItem = null;
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
             /* giftsSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = 1;
              /* useGiftSelectPM */ () =>
                            menu.SelectedGift = null;
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
             /* equipSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = 2;
              /* equipmentAction */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(2); MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedPartyMember = null); },
             /* equipSelectingES */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
            /* formation */ () =>
                            //if something is selected, deselect it. Otherwise, go back
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorSelection != Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION)
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation = 3;
            /* statusSelectingPM */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = 4;
               /* status */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(4); MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedPartyMember = null); },
            /* quest */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(5); },
             /* saveFileOverride */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[0];
             /* settings */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(7); },
            /* items */ () =>
                            //if something is selected, deselect it. Otherwise, go back
                            if (menu.CurrentCursorSelection != Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION)
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
                                menu.LastItemLocation = menu.CurrentCursorLocation;
                                menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.ItemsAction;
                                menu.CurrentCursorSelection = Constants.MENU_NO_SELECTION;
            /* gifts */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(1); MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedPartyMember = null); },
            /* equipment */ () =>
                            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = menu.AdditionalCursorLocations[1];
                            menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new[] { (Int32)MenuState.EquipmentAction }; //back to the 'Equip' equipment action
             /* save */ () => { MenuUtility.SwitchMenuContent(6); MenuUtility.WaitFadeDelay(() => menu.SelectedSavedGame = null); }
                case UserInput.Option:
                    //do nothing
コード例 #2
ファイル: MenuUtility.cs プロジェクト: VOChris/VOStudios
 public static void UpdateSelectedSavedGame(MenuModel menu)
     var savedGameIndex = menu.CurrentCursorLocation - (Int32)MenuState.Save;
     menu.SelectedSavedGame = menu.GameSaves[savedGameIndex];
コード例 #3
ファイル: MenuUtility.cs プロジェクト: VOChris/VOStudios
        public static void SaveGameAndSetCursor(MenuModel menu)
            var updatedGameSaveModel = GameSaveUtility.SaveToFile(menu.SelectedSavedGame?.FileInfo.Name);

            //after we save, we want to refresh the saved game model
            menu.GameSaveLocations = GameSaveUtility.GetGameSaveFiles();
            menu.CurrentCursorLocation = (Int32)MenuState.Save + 1; //move the cursor to the top of the list, which is now pointing to the latest save file

コード例 #4
ファイル: MenuUtility.cs プロジェクト: VOChris/VOStudios
 public static void ClearAdditionalCursorLocations(MenuModel menu)
     menu.AdditionalCursorLocations = new Int32[0];