private void ExportThread() { isBusy = true; if (OnBusyChanged != null) { OnBusyChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } SqlConnection db = null; while (isRun) { try { if (Owner.config.DBStationConnectionString == null || Owner.config.DBStationConnectionString == "") { throw new Exception("Không có chuỗi kết nối database"); } if (Owner.config.VODFolder == null || Owner.config.VODFolder == "") { throw new Exception("Không có cấu hình thư mục VOD"); } if (Owner.config.VODXmlFolder == null || Owner.config.VODXmlFolder == "") { throw new Exception("Không có cấu hình thư mục VODXml"); } if (Owner.config.sessionStr == null || Owner.config.sessionStr == "") { throw new Exception("Không có thông tin kênh xuất Xml"); } if (db == null) { db = new SqlConnection(Owner.config.DBStationConnectionString); } DateTime dateNow = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Owner.config.LastExportDay).AddHours(Owner.config.LastExportHour).Date; var lstPlayList = db.Query <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST Where DateList >= @DateNow And DateList<@DateNext" , new { DateNow = dateNow, DateNext = dateNow.AddDays(2) }).ToList(); bool exportError = false; List <string> childStrList = getChildString(Owner.config.sessionStr); Dictionary <string, string> sessionDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var childStr in childStrList) { sessionDic.Add(getNumber(childStr), childStr.Replace(getNumber(childStr), "").Replace(" - ", "")); } foreach (var playlist in lstPlayList) { if (!isRun) { break; } try { Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " export play list " + playlist.DateList.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " section " + playlist.SectionID); var lstItem = db.Query <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM Where ListID = @ListID", new { ListID = playlist.ID }).OrderBy(i => i.StartTime).Where(f => f.StartTime >= new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, playlist.DateList.Day, 0, 0, 0) && f.StartTime <= new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, playlist.DateList.Day, 0, 0, 0).AddDays(1)).ToList(); Owner.SendLogToAll("Dang lay du lieu voi ID la " + playlist.ID + " tu ETERE"); Owner.SendLogToAll("List " + playlist.ID + " co " + lstItem.Count + " items tu ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM"); if (!isRun) { break; } #region Phần xử lý lịch các kênh có ID 19, 20, 21, 23; đưa lịch từ 6h hôm trước đến 6h hôm sau sang chuẩn từ 0h đến 24h cùng ngày if (playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "19" || playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "20" || playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "21" || playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "23") { try { var lstPrePlayList = db.Query <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST Where DateList >= @DateNow" , new { DateNow = dateNow.AddDays(-1) }).ToList(); foreach (var prePlaylist in lstPrePlayList) { if (!isRun) { break; } if ((playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "19" && prePlaylist.SectionID.ToString() == "19") || (playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "20" && prePlaylist.SectionID.ToString() == "20") || (playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "21" && prePlaylist.SectionID.ToString() == "21") || (playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "23" && prePlaylist.SectionID.ToString() == "23")) { try { var lstFullPreItem = db.Query <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM Where ListID = @ListID", new { ListID = prePlaylist.ID }).OrderBy(i => i.StartTime).ToList(); var tempList = lstFullPreItem.Where(f => isNearest(f, lstFullPreItem, new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, playlist.DateList.Day, 0, 0, 0)) || (f.StartTime >= new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, playlist.DateList.Day, 0, 0, 0) && f.StartTime <= new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, playlist.DateList.Day, 6, 0, 0))).ToList(); var lstPreItem = tempList.OrderBy(i => i.StartTime).ToList(); //var lstPreItem = db.Query<HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM Where ListID = @ListID", // new { ListID = prePlaylist.ID }).OrderBy(i => i.StartTime).Where(f => f.StartTime >= new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, // playlist.DateList.Day, 0, 0, 0) && f.StartTime <= new DateTime(playlist.DateList.Year, playlist.DateList.Month, playlist.DateList.Day, 6, 0, 0)).ToList(); if (!isRun) { break; } lstPreItem.AddRange(lstItem); lstItem = lstPreItem; if (!isRun) { break; } } catch { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Owner.SendLogToAll(ex.ToString()); } } #endregion string ids = ""; foreach (var id in lstItem.Select(i => i.AssetID).Distinct()) { if (ids != "") { ids += ","; } ids += "N'" + id.ToString() + "'"; } List <HDStation.INFORTAPE> lstTape = new List <HDStation.INFORTAPE>(); if (ids != "") { lstTape = db.Query <HDStation.INFORTAPE>(@"Select * From INFORTAPE Where EXTERNAL_CODE in (" + ids + ")").ToList(); } if (!isRun) { break; } Object.VODObject vod = new Object.VODObject(); List <Object.VODChildObject> lstVodChild = new List <Object.VODChildObject>(); List <Object.VODObject> lstVodEx = new List <Object.VODObject>(); TimeSpan totalTemp = lstItem.LastOrDefault().StartTime - lstItem[0].StartTime; long totalDurationTemp = (long)totalTemp.TotalSeconds /*+ (long)(lstItem[0].Duration / 25) */ + (long)(lstItem[lstItem.Count - 1].Duration / 25) + 1; List <DateTime> startList = new List <DateTime>(); List <TimeSpan> startTimeList = new List <TimeSpan>(); foreach (var item in lstItem) { var tape = lstTape.Where(t => t.EXTERNAL_CODE == item.AssetID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Object.VODChildObject vodChild = new Object.VODChildObject(); vodChild.Description = tape == null ? "" : tape.NOI_DUNG; vodChild.scheduleDate = item.StartTime.AddHours(-7); vodChild.Title = tape == null ? item.Title : ChuanHoaTenChuongTrinh(tape.CommingNextNow); vodChild.duration = Math.Abs((long)item.Duration / 25); vodChild.startTime = item.StartTime.AddHours(-7).TimeOfDay; vodChild.totalDuration = totalDurationTemp; vodChild.PromoImages = "" + HDCore.Utils.ConvertToVietnameseNonSign(tape == null ? item.Title : ChuanHoaTenChuongTrinh(tape.CommingNextNow)).Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "").Replace("0", "").Replace("1", "").Replace("2", "").Replace("3", "").Replace("4", "").Replace("5", "").Replace("6", "").Replace("7", "").Replace("8", "").Replace("9", "").Replace("_", "").ToLower() + ".jpg"; vodChild.serviceRef = ""; startList.Add(item.StartTime.Date.AddHours(-7)); startTimeList.Add(item.StartTime.AddHours(-7).TimeOfDay); if (tape != null) { int sub = -1; var index = HDCore.Utils.ConvertToVietnameseNonSign(vodChild.Title).ToLower().LastIndexOf("tap"); if (index < 0) { index = HDCore.Utils.ConvertToVietnameseNonSign(vodChild.Title).ToLower().LastIndexOf("so"); if (index >= 0) { sub = 2; } } else { sub = 3; } if (index >= 0) { var tapStr = vodChild.Title.Substring(index).Substring(sub).Trim(); if (tapStr.IndexOf(' ') > 0) { tapStr = tapStr.Substring(0, tapStr.IndexOf(' ')); } int tap = 0; if (int.TryParse(tapStr, out tap)) { vodChild.Episode = tap; } } if (vodChild.Description == null || vodChild.Description == "") { index = HDCore.Utils.ConvertToVietnameseNonSign(vodChild.Title).ToLower().LastIndexOf("phan"); if (index < 0) { index = HDCore.Utils.ConvertToVietnameseNonSign(vodChild.Title).ToLower().LastIndexOf("tap"); } if (index < 0) { index = HDCore.Utils.ConvertToVietnameseNonSign(vodChild.Title).ToLower().LastIndexOf("so"); } if (index >= 0) { vodChild.Description = vodChild.Title.Substring(index).Trim(); if (tape.NOI_DUNG != null && tape.NOI_DUNG != "") { vodChild.Description = tape.NOI_DUNG; } } } } Object.VODObject vodEx = new Object.VODObject() { scheduleDate = item.StartTime.Date, startTime = item.StartTime.TimeOfDay, Title = vodChild.Title, Description = vodChild.Description, PromoImages = vodChild.PromoImages, Episode = vodChild.Episode }; if (sessionDic.ContainsKey(playlist.SectionID.ToString())) { if (startList.Count > 0 && startTimeList.Count > 0) { if (vodChild.duration == 0) { TimeSpan tempTime = new TimeSpan(17, 0, 0); vodChild.duration = Math.Abs((long)tempTime.Subtract(vodChild.startTime).TotalSeconds); } vodChild.serviceRef = sessionDic[playlist.SectionID.ToString()].Replace("-", ""); vodChild.PromoImages = vodChild.PromoImages.Trim().Replace("", "" + vodChild.serviceRef + "/"); if (playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "19" || playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "20" || playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "21" || playlist.SectionID.ToString() == "23") { vodChild.scheduleDate = startList[0].AddDays(1); //vodChild.dateStart = item.StartTime.AddHours(-7).Date.AddDays(1); } else { vodChild.scheduleDate = startList[0]; } vodChild.dateStart = item.StartTime.AddHours(-7).Date; vodChild.timeStart = startTimeList[0]; if (lstVodChild.Count == 0 || vodChild.Title != lstVodChild[lstVodChild.Count - 1].Title) { lstVodChild.Add(vodChild); } else { lstVodChild[lstVodChild.Count - 1].duration += vodChild.duration; } } } if (lstVodEx.Count == 0 || vodEx.Title != lstVodEx[lstVodEx.Count - 1].Title) { lstVodEx.Add(vodEx); } } repVOD rep = new repVOD(); rep.DataSource = lstVodEx; rep.CreateDocument(); string exportFile = Path.Combine(Owner.config.VODFolder, playlist.SectionID.ToString() + "_" + playlist.DateList.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xlsx"); if (File.Exists(exportFile)) { File.Delete(exportFile); } rep.ExportToXlsx(exportFile); Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " export play list " + playlist.DateList.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " section " + playlist.SectionID + " completed"); if (sessionDic.ContainsKey(playlist.SectionID.ToString())) { try { vod.totalDuration = totalDurationTemp + lstVodChild[lstVodChild.Count - 1].duration; foreach (var vodItem in lstVodChild) { vod.GenerateXml(vodItem); } string xmlExportFile = Path.Combine(Owner.config.VODXmlFolder, playlist.SectionID.ToString() + "_" + playlist.DateList.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xml"); if (File.Exists(xmlExportFile)) { File.Delete(xmlExportFile); } File.Create(xmlExportFile).Dispose(); vod.SaveXmlFile(xmlExportFile); } catch { Owner.SendLogToAll("Error when export XML for Section " + playlist.SectionID.ToString() + "."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " export play list " + playlist.DateList.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " section " + playlist.SectionID + " error:" + ex.ToString()); exportError = true; } } if (!exportError) { for (int time = 0; isRun && time < Owner.config.ExportTime * 1000; time += 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } else { for (int time = 0; isRun && time < 1000; time += 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " error:" + ex.ToString()); for (int time = 0; isRun && time < 1000; time += 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } } isBusy = false; if (OnBusyChanged != null) { OnBusyChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } }
private void ImportThread() { isBusy = true; if (OnBusyChanged != null) { OnBusyChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } SqlConnection db = null; while (isRun) { try { if (Owner.config.DBStationConnectionString == null || Owner.config.DBStationConnectionString == "") { throw new Exception("Không có chuỗi kết nối database"); } if (Owner.config.AsRunLogFolder == null || Owner.config.AsRunLogFolder == "") { throw new Exception("Không có cấu hình thư mục as run log"); } if (db == null) { db = new SqlConnection(Owner.config.DBStationConnectionString); } var lstFile = Directory.GetFiles(Owner.config.AsRunLogFolder, "*.xml"); bool exportError = false; if (lstFile.Length > 0) { foreach (var file in lstFile) { if (!isRun) { break; } try { Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " import file " + file); string processFile = file + ".running"; if (File.Exists(processFile)) { File.Delete(processFile); } File.Move(file, processFile); var asRunLog = Utils.GetObject <Object.EtereAsRunLog.AsRunLogFile>(processFile); if (asRunLog == null) { throw new Exception("File không đúng chuẩn"); } List <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM> lstItem = new List <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM>(); for (int i = 0; i < asRunLog.PlayList.Items.Length; i++) { if (!isRun) { break; } Object.EtereAsRunLog.PlayListItem currentItem = asRunLog.PlayList.Items[i]; Object.EtereAsRunLog.PlayListItem nextItem = null; if (i < asRunLog.PlayList.Items.Length - 1) { nextItem = asRunLog.PlayList.Items[i + 1]; } lstItem.Add(new HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM() { StartTime = asRunLog.PlayList.DateList.AddMilliseconds(currentItem.TimeIn * 40), Duration = nextItem != null ? nextItem.TimeIn - currentItem.TimeIn : 0, AssetID = currentItem.AssetID, Type = currentItem.TypeName, Title = currentItem.ProgramName, }); } if (!isRun) { break; } var adTypes = (Owner.config.AdTypes != null ? Owner.config.AdTypes : "") .Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(s => s.Trim().ToLower()).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < lstItem.Count; i++) { if (!isRun) { break; } HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM currentItem = lstItem[i]; if (currentItem.Duration <= Owner.config.MaxAdDuration || (currentItem.Type != null && adTypes.Contains(currentItem.Type.ToLower()))) { lstItem.RemoveAt(i); i--; continue; } HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM lastItem = null; int lastItemIndex = 0; for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var item = lstItem[j]; if (item.AssetID == currentItem.AssetID || item.Title.Trim().ToLower() == currentItem.Title.Trim().ToLower()) { lastItem = currentItem; lastItemIndex = j; break; } else if (item.Duration > Owner.config.MaxAdDuration && item.Type != null && !adTypes.Contains(item.Type.ToLower())) { break; } } if (lastItem != null) { for (int n = lastItemIndex + 1; n <= i; n++) { lstItem.RemoveAt(lastItemIndex + 1); } i = lastItemIndex; } } if (!isRun) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < lstItem.Count; i++) { if (!isRun) { break; } HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM currentItem = lstItem[i]; HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM nextItem = null; if (i < lstItem.Count - 1) { nextItem = lstItem[i + 1]; } currentItem.Duration = nextItem != null ? (long)(nextItem.StartTime - currentItem.StartTime).TotalMilliseconds / 40 : 0; } if (!isRun) { break; } var playListDB = db.Query <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST Where SectionID = @SectionID and DateList = @DateList" , new { SectionID = asRunLog.PlayList.StationId, DateList = asRunLog.PlayList.DateList }).FirstOrDefault(); if (!isRun) { break; } if (playListDB == null) { playListDB = new HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST() { SectionID = asRunLog.PlayList.StationId, DateList = asRunLog.PlayList.DateList }; playListDB.ID = db.Query <int>(@"Insert Into ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST(SectionID, DateList) Values(@SectionID, @DateList) Select convert(int, SCOPE_IDENTITY())", playListDB).First(); } if (!isRun) { break; } var lstItemDB = db.Query <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM>(@"Select * From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM Where ListID = @ListID" , new { ListID = playListDB.ID }).ToList(); if (!isRun) { break; } List <HDStation.ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM> lstRemove = lstItemDB.Where(itmOld => lstItem.Where(itmNew => itmNew.StartTime == itmOld.StartTime).FirstOrDefault() == null) .ToList(); if (!isRun) { break; } if (lstRemove.Count > 0) { Owner.SendLogToAll("Xóa " + lstRemove.Count + " item"); string ids = ""; foreach (var item in lstRemove) { if (ids != "") { ids += ","; } ids += item.ID.ToString(); } db.Execute(@"Delete From ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM Where ID in(" + ids + ")"); } if (!isRun) { break; } foreach (var item in lstItem) { if (!isRun) { break; } var itemOld = lstItemDB.Where(itm => itm.StartTime == item.StartTime).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemOld == null || itemOld.Duration != item.Duration || itemOld.AssetID != item.AssetID || itemOld.Type != item.Type || itemOld.Title != item.Title) { item.ListID = playListDB.ID; if (itemOld == null) { db.Execute(@"Insert Into ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM(ListID, StartTime, Duration, AssetID, Type, Title) Values(@ListID, @StartTime, @Duration, @AssetID, @Type, @Title)", item); } else { item.ID = itemOld.ID; db.Execute(@"Update ETERE_AS_RUN_LOG_PLAYLIST_ITEM Set ListID = @ListID, StartTime = @StartTime, Duration = @Duration , AssetID = @AssetID, Type = @Type, Title = @Title Where ID = @ID", item); } } } Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " import file " + file + "completed"); string doneFile = file + ".done"; if (File.Exists(doneFile)) { File.Delete(doneFile); } File.Move(processFile, doneFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " import file " + file + " error:" + ex.Message); exportError = true; } } } if (!exportError) { for (int time = 0; isRun && time < Owner.config.ImportTime * 1000; time += 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } else { for (int time = 0; isRun && time < 1000; time += 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Owner.SendLogToAll(ThreadName + " error:" + ex.Message); for (int time = 0; isRun && time < 1000; time += 100) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } } isBusy = false; if (OnBusyChanged != null) { OnBusyChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } }