コード例 #1
        public IRunspaceInfo StartCreate()
            _logger.LogInformation("Create Runspace");
            K8sRunspaceInfo result = null;

            try {
                var runspaceId = GenerateRunspaceId();
                _logger.LogDebug($"RunspaceId: {runspaceId}");
                var runspacePod = CreateK8sPod(runspaceId);

                result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                    Id            = runspaceId,
                    CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Creating
                _logger.LogDebug($"RunspaceInfo.Id: {result.Id}");
            } catch (Exception exc) {

                var error = new RunspaceProviderException(

                result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                    Id            = result?.Id,
                    CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Error,
                    CreationError = error

コード例 #2
        public IRunspaceInfo[] List()
            _logger.LogInformation("List Runspaces");
            List <IRunspaceInfo> result = new List <IRunspaceInfo>();

            try {
                var runspacePods = _client.ListNamespacedPod(
                    labelSelector: $"{LABEL_KEY}={RUNSPACE_TYPE}");

                foreach (var runspacePod in runspacePods.Items)
                    if (runspacePod?.Status?.Phase != "Running" &&
                        runspacePod?.Status?.Phase != "Pending")

                    var runspaceInfo = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                        Id = runspacePod.Metadata.Name

                    if (runspacePod?.Status?.Phase == "Pending")
                        runspaceInfo.CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Creating;
                        runspaceInfo.Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(
                        runspaceInfo.CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Ready;

            } catch (Exception exc) {
                throw new RunspaceProviderException(

コード例 #3
        public IRunspaceInfo WaitCreateCompletion(IRunspaceInfo runspaceInfo)
            var result = runspaceInfo;

            if (result != null && result.CreationState == RunspaceCreationState.Creating)
                V1Pod pod = null;
                try {
                    _logger.LogDebug($"Waiting k8s Pod '{runspaceInfo.Id}' to become ready");
                    _logger.LogDebug($"K8s API Call ReadNamespacedPod: {runspaceInfo.Id}");
                    pod = _client.ReadNamespacedPod(runspaceInfo.Id, _namespace);
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                        Id            = result.Id,
                        CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Error,
                        CreationError = new RunspaceProviderException(
                                Resources.K8sRunspaceProvider_WaitCreateComplation_PodNotFound, result.Id),

                if (pod != null)
                    // Set 10 minutes timeout for container creation.
                    // Worst case would be image pulling from server.
                    int maxRetryCount   = 6000;
                    int retryIntervalMs = 100;
                    int retryCount      = 1;

                    // Wait Pod to become running and obtain IP Address
                    _logger.LogDebug($"Start wating K8s Pod to become running: {pod.Metadata.Name}");
                    // There are three possible phases of a POD
                    // Pending - awaiting containers to start
                    // Running - Pod is initialized and all containers in the Pod are running or completed successfully
                    // Terminating - Pod is terminating

                    // The Pending phase could last forever when container image pull error occurred or some other error
                    // in the container initialization happens. In order to stop waiting below we first monitor for Pod status to
                    // phase to switch from pending to running. While Pod is pending phase we monitor the container
                    // creation for errors and if such occur we break the waiting with error.
                    // The Container creation errors that are related to image pulling failura are stored in the
                    // pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[0].State.Waiting propery is not null which is instance of V1ContainerStateWaiting
                    // The errors are returned as strings in Reason property of the V1ContainerStateWaiting
                    // The strings that represent errors are:
                    // ImagePullBackOff - Container image pull failed, kubelet is backing off image pull
                    // ImageInspectError - Unable to inspect image
                    // ErrImagePull - General image pull error
                    // ErrImageNeverPull - Required Image is absent on host and PullPolicy is NeverPullImage
                    // RegistryUnavailable - Get http error when pulling image from registry
                    // InvalidImageName - Unable to parse the image name.

                    while (
                        pod != null &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(pod.Status?.PodIP) &&
                        (pod.Status?.Phase != "Running" ||
                         (pod.Status?.Phase == "Pending" &&
                          !HasErrrorInContainerStatus(pod.Status, out var _))) &&
                        retryCount < maxRetryCount)
                        _logger.LogDebug($"K8s API Call ReadNamespacedPod: {pod.Metadata.Name}");
                        pod = _client.ReadNamespacedPod(pod.Metadata.Name, _namespace);

                    if (retryCount >= maxRetryCount)
                        // Timeout
                        result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                            Id            = result.Id,
                            CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Error,
                            CreationError = new RunspaceProviderException(Resources.K8sRunspaceProvider_WaitCreateComplition_TimeOut)
                    if (HasErrrorInContainerStatus(pod.Status, out var errorMessage))
                        // Container Creation Error
                        result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                            Id            = result.Id,
                            CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Error,
                            CreationError = new RunspaceProviderException(errorMessage)
                        // Success, everything should be in place
                        result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                            Id       = result.Id,
                            Endpoint =
                                new IPEndPoint(
                            CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Ready

                    if (result.CreationState == RunspaceCreationState.Ready && _verifyRunspaceApiIsAccessibleOnCreate)
                        try {
                            _logger.LogDebug($"EnsureRunspaceEndpointIsAccessible: Start");
                            // Ensure Container is accessible over the network after creation
                            _logger.LogDebug($"EnsureRunspaceEndpointIsAccessible: Success");
                        } catch (RunspaceProviderException exc) {
                            // Kill the container that is not accessible, otherwise it will leak
                            try {
                            } catch (RunspaceProviderException rexc) {

                            result = new K8sRunspaceInfo {
                                Id            = result.Id,
                                CreationState = RunspaceCreationState.Error,
                                CreationError = exc