コード例 #1
ファイル: MakeMove.cs プロジェクト: Woldbye/LINKcs
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the piece from the board on the parameter square.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"> The position of the piece </param>
        /// <param name="board"> The board to remove from </param>
        public static void ClearPiece(int sq, Board.Board board)
            Debug.Assert(Validators.IsSq(sq), String.Format("Invalid Square {0}", Io.SqToString(sq)));

            int pce      = board[sq];
            int colour   = (int)Data.PIECE_COLOURS[pce];
            int t_pceNum = -1;

            Debug.Assert(Validators.PieceValid(pce), String.Format("Invalid Piece {0} at square {1}", (Piece)pce, Io.SqToString(sq)));

            MakeMove.HashPiece(board, pce, sq);

            board[sq] = (int)Piece.EMPTY;
            // Subtract the value of the piece from the material total.
            board.Material[colour] -= Data.PIECE_VAL[pce];

            if (Data.IS_PIECE_BIG[pce])
                if (Data.IS_PIECE_MAJ[pce])
                else     // else piece is minor piece
            else     // else piece is pawn.
                int sq64 = Conversion.getSq120ToSq64(sq);
                BitBoard.ClearBit(ref board.Pawns[colour], sq64);
                BitBoard.ClearBit(ref board.Pawns[(int)Colour.BOTH], sq64);

            for (int i = 0; i < board.PceNum[pce]; ++i)
                // Find the correct piece by comparing squares.
                if (board.PList[pce, i] == sq)
                    t_pceNum = i;

            // Ensure that the piece has been located in the PList.
            Debug.Assert(t_pceNum != -1, String.Format("Piece {0} at square {1} wasn't found in the Board's PList", (Piece)pce, Io.SqToString(sq)));

            // Decrement the value of the PList.
            board.PList[pce, t_pceNum] = board.PList[pce, board.PceNum[pce]];
コード例 #2
ファイル: MakeMove.cs プロジェクト: Woldbye/LINKcs
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the piece at the from square to the to square
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"> The starting square for the piece </param>
        /// <param name="to"> The new square for the piece </param>
        /// <param name="board"> The board to operate on </param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"> Throws an exception if the from or to Square is invalid </exception>
        public static void MovePiece(int from, int to, Board.Board board)
            Debug.Assert(Validators.IsSq(from), String.Format("Invalid From Square {0}", Io.SqToString(from)));
            Debug.Assert(Validators.IsSq(to), String.Format("Invalid To Square {0}", Io.SqToString(from)));

            int pce = board[from];

            Debug.Assert(Validators.PieceValid(pce), String.Format(
                             "Invalid Pce represented by integer {0} On Sq {0}", pce, Io.SqToString(from)));

            int colour   = (int)Data.PIECE_COLOURS[pce];
            int t_pceNum = -1;

            MakeMove.HashPiece(board, pce, from);
            // Removes the piece from the from square.
            board[from] = (int)Piece.EMPTY;

            MakeMove.HashPiece(board, pce, to);
            // Adds the piece to the to square.

            board[to] = pce;

            if (!Data.IS_PIECE_BIG[pce])   // If piece is pawn.
                int sq64From = Conversion.getSq120ToSq64(from);
                int sq64To   = Conversion.getSq120ToSq64(to);
                // Clear from sq
                BitBoard.ClearBit(ref board.Pawns[colour], sq64From);
                BitBoard.ClearBit(ref board.Pawns[(int)Colour.BOTH], sq64From);

                // Sets to sq
                BitBoard.SetBit(ref board.Pawns[colour], sq64To);
                BitBoard.SetBit(ref board.Pawns[(int)Colour.BOTH], sq64To);

            // Now we move the piece in the piece list:
            for (int i = 0; i < board.PceNum[pce]; ++i)
                // Find the correct piece by comparing squares.
                if (board.PList[pce, i] == from)
                    board.PList[pce, i] = to;
                    t_pceNum            = i;

            // If t_pceNum is unchanged.
            Debug.Assert(t_pceNum != -1, String.Format("Piece {0} at square {1} wasn't found in the Board's PList", (Piece)pce, Io.SqToString(from)));
コード例 #3
ファイル: MakeMove.cs プロジェクト: Woldbye/LINKcs
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the piece to the board on the parameter square.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"> The position of the piece </param>
        /// <param name="pce"> The piece to add to the board </param>
        /// <param name="board"> The board to add to </param>
        public static void AddPiece(int sq, Board.Board board, int pce)
            Debug.Assert(Validators.PieceValid(pce), String.Format("Invalid Piece integer value {0}", pce));
            Debug.Assert(Validators.IsSq(sq), String.Format("Invalid Square {0}", Io.SqToString(sq)));

            int colour = (int)Data.PIECE_COLOURS[pce];

            // Hash in the piece
            MakeMove.HashPiece(board, pce, sq);

            // Add the piece to the board
            board[sq] = pce;

            // Add the value of the piece to the material total.
            board.Material[colour] += Data.PIECE_VAL[pce];

            if (Data.IS_PIECE_BIG[pce])
                if (Data.IS_PIECE_MAJ[pce])
                else     // else piece is minor piece
            else     // else piece is pawn.
                int sq64 = Conversion.getSq120ToSq64(sq);
                BitBoard.SetBit(ref board.Pawns[colour], sq64);
                BitBoard.SetBit(ref board.Pawns[(int)Colour.BOTH], sq64);

            // holds the position of every piece on the board.
            // pList[(int) wN][0] = E1;
            // pList[(int) wN][1] = D4; ... ...
            // emptySquares initialized to NO_SQ.
            board.PList[pce, board.PceNum[pce]++] = sq;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MakeMove.cs プロジェクト: Woldbye/LINKcs
        // Possibly not static
        // Returns true if legal move, or false otherwise
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the input move on the board, if the move is legal.
        /// If illegal, nothing happens and the method returns false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board"> The board to make the move on </param>
        /// <param name="move"> The move to perform </param>
        public static bool Make_Move(Board.Board board, int move)
            Debug.Assert(BoardOperations.CheckBoard(board), "The CheckBoard method returned false.");

            int from = MoveOperations.FromSq(move);
            int to   = MoveOperations.ToSq(move);
            int side = board.Side;

            Debug.Assert(Validators.SqOnBoard(from), String.Format("Invalid From Square {0}", Io.SqToString(from)));
            Debug.Assert(Validators.SqOnBoard(to), String.Format("Invalid To Square {0}", Io.SqToString(to)));
            Debug.Assert(Validators.SideValid(side), String.Format("Invalid Side with integer value {0}", side));
            Debug.Assert(Validators.PieceValid(board[from]), String.Format("Invalid From Square {0}", Io.SqToString(from)));

            board.History[board.HistoryPly].PosKey = board.PosKey;

            // Now we check for special moves.
            if ((move & MoveOperations.MoveFlagEnPas) != 0)
                if (side == (int)Colour.WHITE)    // If EnPas move we need to kill the pawn
                    ClearPiece(to - 10, board);
                else     // Else black
                    ClearPiece(to + 10, board);
            else if ((move & MoveOperations.MoveFlagCastle) != 0)
                // If castle we need to move the rook.
                switch (to)
                case (int)Square.C1:
                    MovePiece((int)Square.A1, (int)Square.D1, board); break;

                case (int)Square.C8:
                    MovePiece((int)Square.A8, (int)Square.D8, board); break;

                case (int)Square.G1:
                    MovePiece((int)Square.H1, (int)Square.F1, board); break;

                case (int)Square.G8:
                    MovePiece((int)Square.H8, (int)Square.F8, board); break;

                    throw new Exception(
                              "The move is a castling move, but the to square doesn't match any eligible moves");

            if (board.EnPas != (int)Square.NO_SQ)

            MakeMove.HashCastle(board); // POSSIBLE ERROR, MAYBE IT SHOULD BE IN IF STATEMENT ABOVE.

            // Store information in history array.
            board.History[board.HistoryPly].Move       = move;
            board.History[board.HistoryPly].EnPas      = board.EnPas;
            board.History[board.HistoryPly].CastlePerm = board.CastlePerm;
            board.History[board.HistoryPly].FiftyMoves = board.FiftyMoves;

            // Adjust castle permissions if rook or king has moved.
            board.CastlePerm &= MakeMove.castlePerm[from];
            board.CastlePerm &= MakeMove.castlePerm[to];
            board.EnPas       = (int)Square.NO_SQ;


            int captured = MoveOperations.Captured(move);


            // If there is a piece captured
            if (captured != (int)Piece.EMPTY)
                // Test if the piece is valid.
                Debug.Assert(Validators.PieceValid(captured), String.Format("Invalid piece ID integer {0}", captured));

                ClearPiece(to, board);
                board.FiftyMoves = 0; // reset 50moves, cuz a piece has been captured.


            if (Data.IsPiecePawn(board[from]))
                board.FiftyMoves = 0; // Reset 50moves, cuz a pawn has moved.
                if ((move & MoveOperations.MoveFlagPawnStart) != 0)
                    if (side == (int)Colour.WHITE)
                        board.EnPas = from + 10;
                        Debug.Assert(Conversion.getRanksBrd(board.EnPas) == (int)Rank.RANK_3, String.Format("Invalid board state: the enPas square {0} is wrong", Io.SqToString(board.EnPas)));
                        board.EnPas = from - 10;
                        Debug.Assert(Conversion.getRanksBrd(board.EnPas) == (int)Rank.RANK_6, String.Format("Invalid board state: the enPas square {0} is wrong", Io.SqToString(board.EnPas)));


            MovePiece(from, to, board);

            int promotedPce = MoveOperations.Promoted(move);

            if (promotedPce != (int)Piece.EMPTY)    // If there is a promoted piece
            // A piece cannot be promoted to a pawn.
                Debug.Assert(Validators.PieceValid(promotedPce) && !Data.IsPiecePawn(promotedPce), String.Format("Promoted piece {0} is invalid", (Piece)promotedPce));
                ClearPiece(to, board);
                AddPiece(to, board, promotedPce);

            if (Data.IsPieceKing(board[to]))
                // If piece is king set the KingSQ
                board.KingSq[side] = to;

            // Exclusive or, changes the side from white to black or black to white.
            board.Side ^= 1;

            // Make sure that the new king square isn't attacked.
            if (Attack.IsSqAttacked(board.KingSq[side], board.Side, board))
